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L5E" A. F. Mills has oponed hia Fall Gooda and is exhibiting an attraetivo assortinent. Ile makcs choioe selections. t" Wti invito ittention to tho Gard of Miss Jaarna E. Lines in an othcr column, MisaL. bas taught music for several years with bucocês, and we are confident that she will give the fullcst satisfactiou to tho30 wlio may ontrust thcir diraghtera to her charge. Gf Hack & Sciiiiid, late C. Mack, have removed to their iicw and elegant store, eorner of Main and Libsrty streets.and offers for the inspection of their nnmerous cmtornera one of the most beautiful and roomy store in the City and a new and well-soleoted stock of Fall Gooda, Go and see thera. SáL From the Amorican Publishers, L. Scott & Co., ws liave received the Au gust nuraber of the North British Review, with the following table of contenta : Recent Uhcoyeries in Astronomy. Dr. Brown's Life and works. Seott8h Natiouality - Socia! anJ Intellectual. Colonial Constitntious [and Dofenoes. Recent Poetry . M. Thiers' flistory "of tha Conaulate and the Empire. Imaginativo Literature. La Verite sur la Russie. Reeent Rationalism in tho Churo'.i of Englaiul. Recent Theoric3 in Holeorology. Kccent rublieationa. S3 a ytar ; with thelhree other Review3 an.l Blacktccod $10. ni m ni EP Winbs & Knioht aro on hand wilU an extensive stock of Dry GooJs porchased exprcssly for the Fall traje. Alltlius; lesiriiif good Largains and fair dealing will do wcll to give givc thcm a cali. Seo an nouncement in anotlier column. jg2g" War. Waoner haejust returnet from New York witli a largo stock of cloths cassimmers and restinga, and olher goods in his lino. Among other tlungs that is new ho has the "Patent Shirt Bosom Expander,' ■vhich jis deeidedly the improvement of age, and is ealculatcd toimpiovo the form of the chest. You can Boe them by calling at hia store. TlIREE WlVBS VlSIT TUEIR HuSDAND in Prison, - Charles Ilayncs, once a r spcctable aud fino appearing dry-goods clerk of Nilcs, Michigan, married a youn and bcautiful lady of that place. Thero was nothing strango in that, but Charles was fond of variety, and left his wifo and went to Jeffurson City, whero he contrae ted marriage with a second lady. Ho passod the honeymoon with lier, and jour ucyed to a small town iu Schuylor coun ty wheïe ho booame enamored of a thirt lady, courtcd hor sweetly and marricc iaiu. This time he was found out tried and sentenced to the State Prison fov a term of years. On Thursday tlircc adíes entcred, goparate aud unattendod, he prison, and eaoh iiiuircd of the gen tlcinanly clerk for ono Charles Haynoe They were shown into the clerk's office aud Charles sent for. He soon made his appoarance, and to liis great surprise was ooufronted by his three wives- eaeh of thcm in tears and eagerly pressing forward to grasp htm by the neck and exehangc salutations of endcarmont. One brought him clioicc apples; anothcr took írom a basket some line pcaelies; whilo ho third forced apon him sonio Sponge and iï-uit cake, the product of' Niles wheat, mixed by her own fair hands. After a prolüiiged interview, Charl agaiu sent to his hard wurk, anti tha (rio f widows took ui their mournful maroh w ,eir soveral homes. The ra uadbeen an-anged by the Sc-hujlcr cotui"ty victim who Il;ld made up her mind to hoi.pooals,)fflrooulhc hcadof thfl (,c. cciyer by Viiiting him in the raanner defnbed oven thougUhe haddestroyed the luturo happmess aud „dfare of threc 8Btimable and worthy nmm.-Aubnrn (N. i) Adv&tiser.