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Illinois Banks

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We have perused, witn somo atteution, the report of the late Auditor touebiug tho coudition of the Illinois bauks. ïhe gross figures have been published m ouv ooIuuids before, but we tiiiuk that it will not be without interest to our readers to sce the individual condition of thosc banks whose notos thoy hourly take. - There are twenty three banks whioh have not one dollar of speeio to redocm upwards of two iniliions doUars of eurrenoy: Their naines aud circulation are as follows : Agricultura! Bank, Marión $1)5,815. Bank of Gouiincree, Vienna, 52,000. Bank of Indemuity, Gallatiu, $57,848. Bank of Pike Oounty, Griggsvillc, $131,170. Bank of llepublie, MeLanesboro, &LC5.5-15. Bank of Spart, $57,001. Canal Bank, Thefoea, $50,744. Commereial Bank, Palestina, $51,330. Columbian Bauk, Elizabethtovvn, $91,713. Continental Bauk, Grandvill, $84,905. Citizens' Bank, Mt. Carmel, $03,962. Illinois River Bauk, Hardiu, $80,091. Kano County Bauk, Genova, 812,33-1. Kankakee Bauk, Kankakee, 50,510. Lako Michigan Bank, llarrisburg, $29,170. New Market Bauk, New Market, 50,■100. l'amct Bauk, GriggavjUe, 056,070, Ohio River Bank, Golcouda, $142,348. Patriotio Bank, Ilutsouvillc, 91,079. Reapers' Bank, Pairfield, f100,244'. Shawnoe Bank, Elizabuthtown, $100,099. State Stook Bauk, St. Joliu;-, $110,093. Total circulatiou $2,189,008; specie uonc. Wero it not for the undoubtéd securlty of tho issues of theso banks by the State stocks, and the confidente whieli we placo in Jesso K. Dabois, the State Auditor, we would as soou ako an Iudiana wild cat bank nota aa the bill:i of the above banks. The abovo are all banks without ono cent of specie, but there ave 5-11115 muro whicl) cauie neafly to tlioir standard. There are thirtecn banks, issuing about threo and a half millions of eurroncy, that have just $23,085,42 in specie. Among thein is tho State Bauk of Illiuois, witu au issue of 653, 305, aud specieto tho amouot k $4,779,12; the Frontier Banks, owuêd (wc beiioyc) ly by a New Voile party, with a eircslatiDB of $448,996, aud specie $1,000.- Tlio agent of this bauk thre.itcned to tar and féathor a certain broker ii' ho ever attemjitüd to cali for redmptiou agaiu. - ■ Üuc'd are some of the bcautics ut' our