GRÈATBARGAINS -rAT Maynard, Stcbbins & Wilson's. n i,,, WE HAVE iOAIS REPIÜNISHED OÜR8TOHÏW1TB tho must plendia StoiA of O O B@, :Uai WAS erflt oITcro 1 tn iiny one eatebtkhmvnt In :lie Stfttfi, all oi .■ ■ ■ '■. t lor a c [n rr") r) rs) i1 írTi n m fr r? ? ZrA 5 Lru Ity ui LP LKi Ly üi1 IL'J vL? 1= ïslow as eau bo fouud iu the Unioa We want Money l iTi'l will m;iliö Grett Sacrificcs on Anyihin wo_h;;ve io obtals it, not Oxcoptiog OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS We conlially in llfl ALL CASH CU STOMERS incallaml oxamme our Gootla and Prlcos. Wo al mvite our Prompt Paying Customers to cnrap aid bjiy tlielr lapplia fcr tbo Wiuier. To Vuoh BaBbful oaoüthat are afmiU to cali, we say to thiiu, tak. couraiio ?333XjiIj Your X7HJSA1 williout longer Wfttth-'g for frlgher pi.icefl, come iu, ÏÏA75T TJ3F old Bcorea, &eJ tlu'u ut Biich prïops as will ni ike up all loases. It ifl hardl; nssary to eiitiinwiüteout (fooda,foi We have Everything! A large asaortmont of CARPEING, CROCKERÏ DRY GOOUS, MEDICINES, QROOERIES, PAINT8, OILS, IATJ, CAPS, BOOTS, 8HOES YANKEE NOTIONS fee, &c., &c. O[ld=, S3 OguauO? (715tf) MAYNAT'.D, WKBBPM k WII.SO GrENVILLE & FüLLER, HAVIN'G ASSOCIATED Ihenisolvefi ïut the purpose of deaiing in the varlonB artíelea in tfco Irng tradej oflfer for sale a full asurtmeut of Pure and Genuine Kedicines, Wines Kote mul T.itor Paper, Liquora &c, Fancy Artlclw, Perfumery, Flavuting Extracts, Cotobs Faber'R l'encils, Brashes, Araold'a Inks. Hftir 0 Popular Patent Medicines, Jaynes, Adanes' Liter Bibam, Ayers', ïi.'s'ftt.'r'fl Bitters, i Eollowa) ■ . linui'üui'l's (trinan fitters Brown'a Trocbea, TowuaenAi and Bryaut's Fuloionary pulaam, Guysott'a Sarsapriila. PAINÏS, OILS, GLASS, &o., &o. Zinc, Vainilles, Patent Dryer, lliiuTnia tireen, Burning Fluid, Cam,.li i nc. Huid Kvtracls, Sufrir Cfated ri'.ls, aud Uranuks. N.B. PreacrïptiüQfl compounded with neatnMS tnnl disnatch by experiüQCCd uluouub. G GRENTII.I.E, JOHN T FÜLLEB J42.Í VEO F. L. MILLER'S II AIR INVIG01UT0B. AN EFFFX.TIVK, SAFEND BCONÖMICAL COMPOUNO, FOB BE8TOUING GHAY H 1R to its original color without dyeing] uv! prevente the Flair from turning gruy. FOR VVLY. 'KNTINC BAÏ DKEBSand cnring it,when there ia th '■ of vitality or rocuperatiw eoergy remaiuiDjf. FOK REMOYING SCÜKI1 AND PAXDIÏUFF, and all cuta neous affections of the Scaip. KOR REAUTIFYING TUK HAIR, impat ting to it an unequalled gless and bvillinucy , mnking it tyftandsilky 'm lts texture .ml caufling ii to cttrt radüy. Tbc great cetebrïty .iinl ll.o rocreaPing deraand for thiu ■ l preparatioit, conrtnce the proprietor (bat one trial isonly neceswxj tb aatitfy a (Uscernin(rpubHoof it , or qu lïlii ïmr any other preparatio'a at preaeni in use. It cleanses th.e head and sealp ironi daudryj) and other cutaneous dtseases. Causen the baiï togrowluxívesil tk rich, aoft, glossy and tlcxible ap!,aud al6O w here iif hair ís tooMnlng KÜñ Ibinand vi .ir to tlio roots, and Rwth to thotip parts whicb bav beconv W nfiéêh cor, ,', nf hair. ,.., ré j ■ ' es and goni lemen in New Vork vyho have bad bair wSSlorwd iy the ■ ■ I thia ïpvigorator, when all qter preparationa bad railed. ,.'!: ■ qaum TobU) teal fyins; to tUe ab ive Facts, Qrom p noivs "' :';'' bighest fespi ct% büity, U will cf!' -ij! uiilty pre ■ rfrom furnhig i . and in cases whew haa clianged i is color, ti te use oftbe tnvigorati r will witUicertamty restor it to ttt origina} hu?, giviug it appi .■ mee. for the toilet [air Restoratire It t p.irtienlarly recoinm -ndedj euable fraranee; nivl the great facilitiea it .- iuc, m h ■■(:, wh ii niiisi irith the . i be dreaiJeO in any rtquïr,ed form bo an , i place, whelher plaii p"ï in curia- henee Lliu gica1 ilemaud For il , the ■■■ i i ■ Itrd toilc article whlcii none ought to be lyithout, a; the prlde : wüliin tha rwiob of al(, Iwing; ÖNLY TWENTY-FIVMi CENTS Ut, t,. bo bl m iril msjm taWo clrnggist' and 1 M1LLER wooU oall the attejation f Parejjta nd öf hls iuvtgoraior, In cases uherc the ohiWren' Uair inclines to b weak. Tiicuwont lys the ftndtiun for g 1 hsad "I iwi,aa it removes puvitieu that may have becuiue sonneeted rith lp, theremoval of whiobis aeosasary both fi.r tlio kealtbofthe chUdaud tUo Cuture appearauce of its Hafr. i ii nox, - None genuipe without tbe fac siinlle LOUIS e oater wrapper; also, L. UILLEB'S [NV1G0UATÖR, N. f. blown n the ffholcsal Dtpot,66 Dej St. and sold byall the principie Sferchaiit and hin.ii-l.s throb lioul ïhe world. j.ii., ii to purch wei - by Uw Liianlity. , i, :.j ; i io preeeut l" the &ji)erloan l'ublic pi ƒ New & Improved Instaiitaneou Liquid Hair Dye whicli after jre rs of seiontiBc experinwnting 1 l II .! .. blacx or bi w n [ai tnntly without iri.iury to fhe Unir ör Skin warrantfid the best .. , . ■ ii iisUuce. PRICE ONLY FIFTY C33NTS. UËPOT, 50 DE Y ST., Jüfsw Tory. MANIÏÖÖD How Lost and How Rcstored. Just Published in a Scaled Ennlope, ■. ■ RE ON' TUK N.VTi'RH, TliKAT.MKNT ANI1 . CUKE OK SPERlATOKHHpEA, or Si-minal :;:i! lirbilit.y , NervOUSqèsH uu-I Iliv.;lMlll:i i ■ . . outtumptiou, and Mental and Phj sical Dé dliij'. fiV ROB. J. CULVKRWELL, M.D. I .'.-f i ; e :'.v l'nl con equenoes pi : , . . removed withooi application of eaustios, niml other empyi cnl dje fated, and 61 :trel) ae i ;; ment , :is adupted jy I ipluio i. i'. ..i' aiin "t vibjeh evety . ■ ■ . ; to cure i -ii pi . :'. (ly, ■ '"'■ al tbe ■ . ' [ tho iidvcrtliied rJ'hi i [j ctury will provo a booa te Pent uocLftr sea] toaay adtlvesa, post paM, nu ccint i-i ■ ige stamps, bj d ■'■ ilng Dr. CIIA3 .1. 0 M.I.NK, iao VUat i'.i .■.-, Ne i Ayer's Ague Curf. ' SptC 1 FULLY OFFER THCIH CÏ'WViESSENCES OFLlUORS in their acKnowledfjed purUy to the trad'e. CAUL ERLEIft hmucef, Box A.HJ vT) - fN' . CJMCACOU.L. (, i Sjfii bh ( Travol i i3 AS'" t ' " Win I d JjpK" NEW GOODS. : i ;o: i i W aréncrw receiviag out Reeond stock of I i GrOODS. Owing to the Groat Falling Off in Places East, We s)m;i olí NEW & SEASON-ABIJË GOODS ! , Tho E..ling Piices of March and April'. Our Stock! LARGS and VAR1KD, and ufftvs Supeririur inluccmouta to thoss wishing FASniOXABT.E 8TJMMKE OOODS, Ofv asfioriment of II VT?, BOOTS ANDSHOES Crockery & Family Cirocorirs, WAS NEVER BETTER, Havtig iliitiilwl to roduce our CIlEni ÏLIST, .■ offer our (íoola to At nnces Uitat cannot fall to bc satNfacl'ry. WINES & KSIGHT. .Anx Abboe, May 17, 1SCO. 747 tf Rifle F actor y! A. J. SUTHfiRLAlVD HASromoedh!s Gun Shoptotlio New Blockn IIu rn Rtreet, ontii of the Cour f Hruee,ontno eecond Hoor, whore hn is propored to funilsh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FlasÁs, PoucJies Game Bags, and Everj other article in his Line. On the most renaonatile l.;rms, and tn do all Mad . f n tho Éhürtt;t ncüce, and In the beat manu el , A fuU ns.Bortnient alway6 kept os hnn, asi made to oder. Mo ny Wanted, W ho wi 1 1 JL e ii cl W o h e y ■ T AM BEQXJESTED BY SEVERA!. PEBSONS l obtain l mont'3' for tlh'm at ïon Por Cent I itero st, (Or More.) For any one wflling tí' ioml, T cnu at nco invest on - I unencumbfred aboniatrt REA f. EfiTATE Moority mi lHlií ut' monéy and hl-c tliat the titlo aml Hecurity . re All iiiliT, 'iliü boirovm PJ'g 11 eïpDse, includinf; recordmg. L W. MORGAN, Aun Arbor, Gct. 7.1SM. 715tf MRS .WINSLÓW, n axpffitaDABil NnrM anti Kema Ie Pby vician, predCDta to ttie uttenUuu of mothem, bat Soothing Syrup, Fov C'Uiltlreu Teething. irhlch Rioally fari'jltestlio sroceu óf teetlilng,lj Mtitcnjng tjio gimw, leduring all inliiumuutioii - will alliiy uil pain and cpasinoflic actitin, un.l is 8UBS TO RWïüI.ATE TpSEQWET.a, Oercnd uiwinit, mpt.heilt -.■illgive na to jiouraelvM AI) RK.I.IKF AND HEAI.TH TO. YlK IMANI-' Wo have ]ut up an.l Bold ttiítí artiole for ovor ten rsaid and can sy. In niulti uül t i;';;';a; Mrs. wiIísIoW'S V? abiei, SYRUP, Jff cSftN'CVBJR HAS ÍT KAÍLEÜ, 1ÑAS13 ÍSL.E WSTAÍit'E, TÜEFPK(T A CtRE, wbeB timcly usd. Never did wp knmv an instance od dteBfttiftfactioB by-auy ope v.ho used it. Ou tb1 contra ry, ah are deligbttd with its optratlons, mud speali In term ofahighetit eommendatioB of tn tp&gical effectg and medical virtuea. Wo KpwiU in tïiis uliUw "-ïvluat we lo kiiüw," after VeJft XW"B.' tJtPfrftnc?, nucí piedle our rcpntntlon Ui' the li.lfliliiiut i" whal W heve Jecïarc. la lmot tr---y Instaucc wliere tlio infant U suffèring from pain and exbtattíon, reliei will be found In ftftean or twenty minuten nfter the syruj iü rtdmirisfoied This vnin.iblo prepnration if the prcscripHoa of one oi thmotEXPKRIENOED and SKII.FfL NlvKSIi in Ken Eng land, mul hu bteu med with kkvkb-vau lg tsi ccks: TIIOUSANOS OF CASES. It not oiily relieves tho chi'd trom pala, but üivioratef Uicstomnch and bowéla, correcta ncidity, nnd gi?R t'M and energj totho whok Byettut. It will abotttioa tuut y relieve CitlPlNOlu thoUOWRL anti W'IXD Collo whirli if nol ï OK C-HIijJjKJllJN ped I W n.n,.u.,i,v,i TEETHING. VS Ik-Ih-vímí tbr _i}lFSr ? V gUREfcTREMEJ IN TUK WMLt, n nil eawp of OÍS' ENTERY nul OTAHKIKKA IN CtaDREN Mu1hor it nri- .-t fnmi tcethmg, of frow aay Othr cmisp. We voaM say ta ever1 motber who han a ebiNt snflVring ttova aoy of fche foregoi eom,il;imt - no so let ioi'h raSJVIHCBEI, -NOU HIK Ffi$iP$I Üf OT1ITÍMP, Slflü bet nVi'U your taifferiog öbild that win be SURE- yes AHSdi.LXELY güREw-to follow 1 ue of this meU(■!(!'■. I f tiinplv ucil. Futí '.lirrctii-ns fnr Dñrbn i 11 aeooiii pany Bftcti bottle. None gpnalne anlsfl thö Ricstntilo of CURTÍS St PKKKIAiS, Ne Voib, ü cu the_ouLgide wrappffl". Bold bv Drumrïsta tlironc:bni( he worM. Pi-JnelpalJOiüce, ITo. ISCedar Street, N. Y. P-iceonly 25 Ceuta peí Eottle. ïMMENSE_jUimON SALE ! An'Kxtrabrdfnary ópportunlty ta pnrci ELEGANT First-Ciass FURBÏITIÏHE, Wi'll [RON-ÊTONE C'IIIXA. SILVER WARE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, .te, &c. THE ENTIRS FURIÍITUEE Oi TUK THE BIDDLE HOUSE, IOMM1NCINC Sntimlay, Sopt. 15SIi, lSoif, At '.) o'clock A. M , :nKt c ntinne itntil Önished, comprïsing tlio whotó Fu mi ture pf the huase, made fco ordtr l'v the best ('abinef mabcrri (n thE pitr. Partlea In quest of lirst olsj Furuiturc are partiet Uirly r&questèd to vn.uííUü' fifia tefofe purcUaing eiser wh ere SPECIAL '.rrE.VTIOJ ÍS GlLI.K'i TO THE PJRLORSÜITS, ALSO, THE ?ÏANO FORTE. Furniture (lcalfM-5, Hotel -Lepeni apd private inilivitl uala wil! flnd iliis decidediy the great opportuuily of the : ea bob. $35,000 WORTII OF rvKPvYTUixi; in 'ïfiK noi'tK Ki-trix(; JN Jtajcnificènt Rosewopd Cirahd PiatlOj Ten cosí ly wiita of Pb rloj Fui Dture, Frínch, Píate, i ei mul '-Unid U&'ors, Enjltsh, BruííeÍB, VeuetiaA, Ibgraftt an'l TKtee Ví Carpeta, Medallion aqd Mcwaic Ruga - imporU'il by Stcvart Co.; NVm mi, , l n oh Bodfeteada wlth Palliastora and Haü Mattrcsae, CugUsb Blauketand Counterpanes. Rose won ! :i.i i Muhogauj UarUu Pup 'ïmi.', Cárd, Pk%r iiiiil ,-![. ■ 'I :i bleu, Mabganr, Cl. u-k Walnnt nñ Tu nuoléJ Bureau. Warilp#ï ■ Éelies, !. i es, ; KucktTH , Arm nnjl irs, Wa ih fnhris, I h.-iniher Suil i ol rbio Unen ofïld' 11 ïiret, I'iiln Cae, 1'nweln, Datnaiik Tuble J.iuru, Broutfai-t and Uinner Nai-kins, poytiea, 'la n-;. ds, -c.( -,.-. i-'cr;; BUjwjfév $eet os Cherry Extensión pipieg Table h-. listono China, Silrei Cator, [vory balnneH h.-iïdlod tniven, I'I.uiívIhmI Vrc, li..,1. , . I iWI :■ i '1 Vï :nii l'ilri.t-i , . i ■, ■ :Mrp , I Finge r GlaaMS, Winett, Chamj i ■ GASEUENFRS. CHÁIÍÍDLIERS. &e. TERMS OF SA! E. All slim mi. ;i , , nvfr ?10:un' uu1lixty ilaj : oi t i) n ml yiulyr SOOO, i i da ; ovèi Ï6QU aod nnk-r I,000, - munt], -m-l .ill ra .mir moothfi - ""1 approveü iapr 763 U .1. W. I.EKII'.I. TUK F'KOK'iA,v FIliE ixsui;ancecom;'AN'. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Öupltai, - - - $5OO,0pÖ. ,..ia of i''. H ' I .i ni. .■ Cl-9 l'l thi U Si .11 t ".ii.. 11,1 ! !'■!■ ; "■ . I ly j i ,. nijn ' i ' I ii' . iic n!cVs Silgar Coated Pili 03" CETLDRLN CRYFOB Tlïï M ! ,_j) !JX. Thw ï'tiinarkabJe h J-, v. í.-rw. Ov.-r uu) ; :,'..■!., " i ' 1-?"V " 'l Kixi'n, líalaHiua í'K■ , ilif-ir effect 1.11 v i l c;i-Hut ruUmGi i twy T-lítj? ni il tiiu'.'tsliil. Actii: aS5IPí!IJL ] glanita, solitlti rnd Ihum Máífca?3 of 'J.-j bu4y, tbeir lu f atU-ndH wiili hapftieflt ■ Iu "M stundiiif cases of R&jknMSi naftU ()onf - rvpeati V i . ■■[ u m - -■. cíense the astem tfaat( - I hvahh i int reault. N'. chnogo in empl6 mi it w 4tt1 l neeejaw ) "Uu ■;■ newr cause uure tnoutlit, swelJw] ,j linta, ncbjiiij 1 '"■-■i, ■ ytc-j ,n il nuiuy olltcr kin's. Thpy (tre i runtëu 'y gie mtisfaotioa, ttb priee rtfoodcd. Tluy are ctAiM H-Í ia f er, j i Ltier. and in all renppctj m fwrivK ta iiny putgativo jill in tbs KT ' Thdiouvfrf -ï zoátiíig a íill wirti si'ar vu:xn:-ri wtli I'r. IIiM All othera are ooiiDterfeit-.and II uswl, Aori , (imppolni the tfck. Herrick'i á are el- .rit.v p:, . ï.- , 3o ui ii o,v'"h ;i tKvbfietpf dh-ectioDfl and dl -r Aconta (ier box j 5 boxea fot $1. TTKRniciv's Kid Stiukütdkmnq Pi.astER8, The gr ent SirrngthtT (tiïd Patn Vvsfroycr The Bei t and ehenest Household Rem cd p im the worhl. These rMinwucl IMast'-is qureuajln, u ;J..i,- ili tre-'H iuthf Ifctek, -■'■jk'H ml iri -r. in Lours. IhdbCNT, 0 certHiaare u-y to.lo Ihts, tlmt prk'toc Anri:mvn thein. Sij.r.-yd f lïcjn rúnu, balumm and gim, en ,,.i.j ut Fvmair aud Thev illtatlen U '..;■■■■ I -.-ii;iü h ttip utrong maft.tlit dM nii: firmas, ainl tb fcebra ir.t.mi, Tn cucli and nu tl e ivi$jtn-vf bulm añil a bieding. Tli ;ir ut - agiecab mjl :.'' ■ ■- tmbyance ot trvübla. Kach Hiwtw wil I frrot ftsn i :c ín i-jiif Ap;iü, and in rlicnjtic eplftttitA, s;'niii am! brii.i$u;} fwauently effect coren nrk#i all olhcr n-iuidies fttil. Full flirertionB kü. nl oo. t-j.'jiuk .rf. eat-h. Publie ■peaJeet. voesüstn, touisttreoí ifit-ospr ajulothrrs, will Btrengílieo theii !u igaandÏDpfOV intic voict's bv ffnwiag them on tkbir M(?ast. I'iic: Ir 3 cynt-i. T'nu abovo bHIcIós ftrt soMbynll dpnïn-P in AnoArborandbj Druggi ithroughoutthfUmtc! ■■ CftM ilaa and Boutb Anericiijtt whbUmlf by alïtelfte DrngKistsin the principal cítící mCRRlCK BROTHÊIÏ, Iy737 la. ï.aLt'ui!iii.-i,il Albaajr, X.X. M. W. HAWLEY'8 Gelebrated Embrocation, For Human Flcsh aed Animáis. XN calllug tho atteotiou of the PMlo to tliin Moi;!n?, we would say that it bas been fuliy trleíí, a.n.1 luindreds who have uoed it speak iu tüe mot complUiiootct terms of lts wonderful effect upoü Ifuman Kleh and iha brute oreation. It )a fast gainlng ppimlarity. Wbwevtr osed it is rscelved witb axiaDiations of joy, and pronoanced ío be tbe greatest Keinedy fyr Aobes and Paiiu veroffared to the Public. It msterly effecta over dlsease, when applied, giTM It ik oelebrltv unsurpa&Bed by any eiterual preparation now In use. Thereforo we can eay, with tho utmuat confldenoa, that tb Koibrocat) ) will Coro Eenmatlin, " Buvuk and Seal. " " "Weakoeisof JolnM, " Swellings and Tumors, H " Hemorrhoidser l'Uea, ■ Chilblalns, " ' Toothaohe and Ckappd UanJ, Embrooation wtll Caro Old Sores and Cramps, " " Buils aud Corn, " " Contracted Muscles, " " Gall of all kind, " " l'.ing Bono and I'oll E'll, " " CaJlons and 8pi7la, Embroodtlon wlll Cme Sweenr and öitfant, " " Bpringhault and FIstti!, " " Bcratohes or tireasOf " " lixUrrtal Poisons, " " Band Cracks, ' " Laineness and Straln, Embrocatlou wlll Cure Foundrd Fcot, " " Manee " " Cracled Tfat, " " Öarget In Cowi, " " ïoot Kot In Shoep. "" Aubvkn, t. ï., Maroh 9, 1840. We, tbo unaor!gned, do cértlfy, that we have used M. W. Hawlet'í Cixïbeatkd LE0OATi0K, for Iuflma)ii tory and Chronic Kheumatism, and cheorfuliy recoiDmMl4 It as the best remedy we have ever usod. J. M. Morris, IL D., James L. ITewiOD, L W. ClemeutB, Orrin Uurd, Pter Fiero, a T. Gonld. J. B. Eoblnsoo, of Prophetstown, IU., says : I oítsetn It tbe best Ltniment I haveever known. It gives unlrenal satiafaoUon, and I oaü testify to lts vfficacy from vaj ovn xperwnee. Manufactnred by M. W. HAWLEY, Aubura, ST. T. C. H. TUTTLK, Auburn, N. Y., General Agaat, t whom all orders should b addrflased. Bold by all Drugglsta and Mercl)ntJ throntliou tb country. and by MA fMAftP, STEBBJSS t WILPON, on ArBor, HieB. Imporcaiit Ninal Works, Ktlêbri by I. ÜTLriïOS S !■■., 346 AND 313 BROADWiY XEff YOliK ■f], :riben in anr pri of the couijtry, (iljM)n ree"",' l1' ri-ltül (■riet-,) by mail 0Vh'm'VVAMEBIA CVtI.OPJBIA: A PopuW Dictionavj oí Ueneral Kiiowlcdge. rMued i.t eto. Birun aud CHiioaw a. Daka, aideü i;y a namírou. elect corp of wriierrfn all in-.uche uf Ccdc, Art and LiUurm-. TteiM fot i ■ ■ -■; v-]j l ■' ' l'"i pag-s? Vola. I . n . ili., IV. V., M .VO , k'lll ,IX. ctai j auóltioniil volume tflll bfl 1 ubli-lic.l aocHn bont tkrsa montlit. ■ Tikv, ja ( Ioth,p3; pbeep, ÍS.50; Half Rusata, M'.O " ' The N'uw inwricao fyctopredta Ik pclr Hlmol 1" ' inn superficial, Ie ared without beiug pedantic, coinprehenalvi but aufficieM; Aetaile, freofroin per ml i'i'.lint parlv projudico, fa-li amlyel accur!e. H complete staleiuful of j(H tha ia nownaKmwrylm; portan! topic wtthin tlu sc.,.peof human intlli(rM- 1,,-iv importaBi ui.:.' i Lt baa heen apecialiy writtco for lts pages by men h"o areaothoriHca upon IMIW ■ mi Wbwb tlifV r-pi-.-'k. Tbey are u i,iimvi! to hnng Hik anbjflct up to th uruseot morneot; to state ia1 bow it - tands uw All ttis statistical hlfon lAiüa ftoni h itóesi Mijntt; UagoograjilïleaJ accwmla. ko.-p pa witn the latut exuloraüona; liiatijrical mttei i e 'n ' Ereeriat vk-wi.; ie Viograpnicál notfees ad not 1 onlyoi todmd butaiüo-of ttaj In ing. Il 1 l.biary ; ..f Useir At'RlDliEMENT OF THE DEBATES OW CONGRES Kcini; c Hixtnry "f tlif I'nlfi-.l Btat, trom tlw orgsniwtiun of th 8tt Fwter! Cod. 21'cwin 1783 to IS69. Editsdand compikd Hon. Th... Hikt BüNTOK.fVfflta thK unicwil Reeord "i" Congrua. TIn wnrk will e complet) in 15 royal oetaio votw" of 750 age eách, II of wliicli re now rwi'l.v. Ad ;kilttrni:il vi'li'iMí' vriU bo mblishcl in tli'-fP mmiiVis. Clotíi.QW; I.'.1 Slicfy, Huir :.[■.,;■; Half Calí, ti-') eaA WAV OFPIOTCüfflNG Tira CmXP.SWt 1OR DHWrKS F-rrn a clul i.f for, ainl rfinit the price "I f''"! hn(rl.Éi( ani tl oopi wiU he set ai tlic rrmitter'i pxincf"r carriego; (jr for tn subscrilicr', eleven eopios n-ill b K nft at uui' axpSDM fot car; To Agcnís. No othr work will o liberally rewr4Ui aiítíttms „f'ytfntii. Av Ai.i'vt wiirmD IN tuk C-rsTV T.-nn.i maAvknown un mAic&tion to t)ia Publlsbcra. Aun Arbor, Urcli. 1859. ítWlinní . ! , , , IVj.aiir, r(c! t Klnra' i Mnilhi Boot! tore, YpsiUnti. A NewÍBBIVAL Boota and Slioes 01 all dociiptions, .iutl wil' THAN VAS BE BOUGU'l ÍN Of all kimfs mad in ('jo ment IT a s li i o u a b 1 c S t y I e BV (.lO'tn ii EXrjilU KIS Cl'A ) WOKKMEN, -OTJIlFRENCÍI CALF BCTÖT.S ite .y. 'T si KPAflgjSf) flifs sM nf New Ygik i ' , MiJ :■ ■■ wavr jíH;.1 nO1 '" Ovt S r O GAS AND KIPSj male tb best miiteriulf Uur stoc.of Morocco Jiootöes f,.. I. i .';■;. ífl ti'.' 11 ■■ I ' ■-' n lowii . vit Vi !; ■■.- ti (vilbrn! Wfi OAnko to.p-fl'i nlner'i uwi{ oí vi JTIWi lite firít time ro j.;ivt' ns ,-i f .i II apd v wilj snow "i' oiir rtbck !i,r o) '■b:u-.;f Wí hav i.cut til ; : .■ i . x iteñeneeii JeciMyn-M wliodooui ondina in !Wi"t i-.-í Oianucr, aivl tui bhurtí l nofioe. Un A(1 Quick Salí s and SniüH lrofíis. Xhankfui '"'" I' ra urs wo hp lrft aflCMtionjto eur bowiwMwi na ! iúmiM cè .vui jiu,; ron. i ■ I : - ■ ■ j - :: ■ ■ ■ .; ni be nndpri -i'1 "uft MUÜRE& JjOOIVIIS IiUOW ' I m thf iowiiliip .-i faline s Ull 1. I ,-■■,(:; , Jillv ''i . ' i '..'■: I V ' ;'.- !i i Kt' has a . i i n rtii : i . !.i i't : 'i I ! v i .ni 1. 1 r. ibe nial i i A' v iuU1'PÍ(aUtm wliitli will Umí tu (lie H'cuvi í.im-.-, I p liherallT íen %-■ N-(' ' . to'h ,'J . . ■■:;!■