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lihstitffís imertorij. I. O. O. F. WASHTEN'AWI.ODGENoO.of the Independent UTder of Oild ftlluws intoli at thoir Lodge Hoorn, everv Friday eveuintr, at 6 )í o'clock. lB. WIU5ON, Ñ. G. F. ORO, Seo'j. T VITCHELL & CLASK. Attornkvs and Counsellor ttlaar, flenetal tlf ""'1 Fiie Insurance ageuts. Oflico in City Hall Block, on Huron St., Ann Arbor. Colloctinns promptly made njremittcd.aud special atteutioii paid to couveyuncing. D. S. TW1TCHELI, T743tfl K, P. 01JRK. JAMES B. GOïtT" IA.W OFFICE, NV 2, overSlawson Si Ccer's Store, i ■ , ; SCOTT & TOBEY. ifBiiOTYrr. & PHcerOOTPH Artists, in the rooms formeilv occuiod iv Cordïey,overthe store ofSperry ïc Moore Perfec t satisfactiou guaranteed. L. D. G0DF1ÏEY, TroxNEV axd CorxsKl.10 at Ls', Aun Arbor cily. t Office Xortli -Knstl'urnrr of the Court House. "SÏÏTHËKLAND & BELL, WnnnAl.K BETAlt CROCKBi, East suk' of Main street Ann Arbor. Provisions bought .ind suld -gift w7n. stêong-, DBAtEï in Dry Goods, Boots andShoes, Groceries, Bonncts.Kancy Goods, Stc. Exchange Block, Aun Arbor. WINES&" KNÍGHT." TAEAlüRsiuStapl, FancyDry Goods, Boots and Shoes, XJ tcc. &c. , Main Straet Ann Arbor, "MABTIN & THOMPSON. Frniturk W Rooms, Dulex in all kind of Kurniture, itc. New Bli.cli. Mam Btfeet. RISDON&HENDEESON, DEALKUS in Hardware, f urnishmg goods, Tiu Ware &c. &c. , New lilock , Main Street. A. P. JÍILLS, Deaiek in BtapjQ Iry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ?hue,i v.uú Ke&dy lude Clothiug, Horongátreet Anu Artor __ jÖmsf W. MAYNAED, DïAtER in Staple Fancy Dry Gootis, Boots aud Shoes, &c. &c , Mam titrcot, Ann Arbor. "ÏEAJiEa fc ■ ABKlv Attorsbys k Coünseli.or3 at I jw, and Solicïtors in Chaneery. OQice in the old Post OiHce building, Aun Krbor KINGSLEY & MÖRGAK, Attorxf.yp, Counsellor, Solicitors, and Nutane. Public, kave Books and Plats sliowing titlos of all Linde jn the jountyf andattend toconvoyancingaiul collecting 'iemands, and to payinp taxes and school interest in any Lart of the State. Ofliceeastsiicoftlie Square, Anu ArJAMES R. COOK, JCSTI8B of the Peace. OiUce nearthe DcDot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. tÓVKJÖY, M. d7 PHTSinAN & SüRGEON, has permanent ly located in the City of Ann Arbor, and hold.s himsoli' in readineKs tu lUond to ïllcallf in tholineof his profession. Residt-uce OnXnrthSt., M house eat of Catholic Church. ' Wm. LEWÏTT, M. D., PBTSiaAS k Scrceox. Office at his residenco, Xorth de of Huron street, aüd 2d house West of División ítreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MiXCTACTfRER and dealer in Boots and Shoes. Eïchange Block, 2 doors South of Muynard, Stobbiiit I k WilBon's Store, Ann Arbor, Mich. " MOORE & LOOM1S. " Jl"!Tt'FACTüREPa an'1 .icalcr in Boots n3 Shoes , Main IVi t, ono door north nf J. V. Maynard's. ' Wm. S. SAÜNDÊËsT" Dialkr in Bootf, Shoes, andRubborá, Ann Arbor Boot & Shoc Store , south side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, WHOLESAiand Retail dealers and manufacturpra of RcadyMadeClothing, Importers of ClotliB, Casairem, Deetkins, &c. Ko. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, jMgytBh Surceos Destist. Office corrtrr of ilaïn !mLiÊLJ2& and Huron streets, over P. Uach'K store, ffrF nn Arbnr, Michigan. Wm. WAGNER, . Dialer In Ready Made ClothingCloths, Cassiraeres and Veirting!, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, ie. Main 5t , Ana Arbor. M. CAMPI0N7 IV Tiechaüt Tatior and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, IVX No 41, Phoenis Block, Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. Dcílib in Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoe, &c., Main atroct, Ann Arbor. MAYNAItD, S1EBBINS & CO., Dealem in Dry Goode, Grocerie, Drngs Jt Mcdioines, Boots & Shoes, &c. , corner of Main and Ann streets nt bel o v me Lxchnge, Ann Arbor. EBEJSBAOII & CO„ DK1LER3 in Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet arti ele, a few doors soutu of the Franklin House, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, fTBOCTBS, Provisión & Commission Mcrchanta,and doaI bnsin WatkrLjme, Land Plaptbb. and Plabtph of t akjs, one door East of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, Dealek nClocks, Watche, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at the %n of tho Big Watch, No. 27 , 1'liccnii Block. J. 0. WATTS. DIAU in Clockü , Watchea , Jewelry and Silvcr Ware N'o 22, Npw Block, Aun Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. Bakber and Fashinnablc Hair Drcsser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Front and Curls kept ïonitantly on tiand. SCHOFF & M.ILLER" ttEAlElw inMiscellaneou!, School, and Blank Books Sta ' tionery, Paper Hangings, te., Main Streut Ann Arbor. D. DbFOREST. Wbolekaie and Retail Dcalerin Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Seish, Door, Blindü, Water Limo, Grand Rivci Piaster, l'laster l'aris, and Knils of all sizes. A fu 11 and perfect asortmont of the above, and all othei kinds of building material constantly on hand at the lowent poesible raten, on Detroit Slreet, a few rods frnm the Railroad Depot. Also oyerating extensively in the Patent Cement Rooüng. WJSIiTEJiAW CÖUNTÏ BIBlTsÖcIETY. DIPOSTTOBY of Bible and Testamenta at tho Society l.riees at W. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, W00D & C0v 8UCCESSOB 5 TO JCjXJJMID, CHl.II3rcÉï Go MANUFACTURERS OF Ixriixt, Bools., - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, ANUÍ AllIiOU BUiH. CJ. Et, PORTEH, I E N T 1 S T rFFICE corno of Mrain fc Hurunstrcetp. oppositeih offer Kn IIüu!. Ann Arbor, whcre lifcoutinMfBto cf =aEtomer any etyle of woik dcbiied in the ar Surgical Mechanical & Denistry wWcthhfor"bea„W)yhan5y,11?,'1 W Tl " g" EMtJcutor attention piii 'i1'1' y Ci'"n"t. Jo iKtutei (USU, rercedying ir.'gu Iritv T?T V ' m"?ih UD tionsW ehUdrin to" ca '„[" it,thc, colh! anl1 K dentiiion. There are many m?%t "?} ,'mlleft beauty, natural eiprcns:on, anl HromVi i, ; ?. ' l„rU wnnot Wl to plew. Whole or p, if tl „ ! I Píate, .üvwphí.'.contianou. nk, VoA Utob&fc 'w,i7 ,tU1?i rubb8r a-'! ?'!"a r"ihl i,ail rl!tfL]th!p tr-sr rfijwcfi uper 988