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"Fishing For Flats."

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Thoce ardent young ReptiolicauB whose principal occupátion is just now peregi ! uating tho eouuty, button-holing the '■clear people," figuritijr up prospectivo majorities, talking politics ou strcct corners, and airing their oratorical powers at poleraisiDgs, ure acoustomed to speak of the Republican party as a party composcd of labnring mon, of Republicana being compellcd to "carn thcir living by tho sweat of their brows," and of "Honest oíd Abo" as the porsonification of a hard-fisted yeoman, who by his own sirong arm has ráised hiinsclf from the humble walks of iife to tho proud position he now occiipies. - We quote alniost the vcvj' language heard by us a few nights since as one of these enlhu.siastic young orators appealed to a score or more of bovs. who mav bc voters six or eiglit years henee, to put shouldcr to tbo whecl and push on the rcpubücan cause. Now, itis nothing against ' Oíd Abo" that ho once run a fUit boat or "split rails,"' or that he quit splitlfcing rails ::.s soon aa possible and engagod in more congenial employineut, neither does it prove bis syiapathy fo'r the laboriug masses, tbat tho Republican party is the party is the party of tlio people, or that he is qualifk-d for the Prcsidency, above all other men who liavc split rui Is or run a broad-horn. If t does, llepublioans should not deny the qualiiications of Douolas or question liis sympathy with labor or the laborer. Was not ho an apprentieo to a cabinct maker? - just the trade of all trades for a President - did he not fight the battle of lifc u'naidcd by wealth? did not lic enter tbc great West onfoot and dollarless, and by tho force of his nativo ability, industry, energy, strong will, and ':stroug arm" if you choose, work his way up the political ladder? - And is he not as fully prepared to honor labor and the laborer as "rail-splitting Okl Abo?'' It must be ashallow-brained deniagoguc who fishes for flats witli sucli argunients. Luboring men are ccrlaiuly not flats and can uot bc caught by Buch emptj deolaroation. Bctter teil of "Old AbuY' s.tatesmansbip, and of the principies of the party heTopreseuts, than utter such ranting appeals to tho laboring classes.