The Ticket Completed
! he Democratie ticket in tuis Gounty was öompleted on Satúrdáy last, by the nciniuatioii at Saline of a Senatorial candidato for the 8th district, and a Representativo candidato for the 3d district. The Senatorial Conveution of the 8th district uominated Jerkmiah 1), Corey, of Manchester. Mr. Coiusy was the caudidate two yoars ago, and hai'ing full confidence iu bis domoeracy, ability, and energy, he has been placed on the cnurso for a second heat. líe is well-versed in the politieal history of both Stato and Nation, is an indefatigable worker, will do good service in tho campaign, and if elected will raake an intelligent, careful and saf'u legislator. The Dcmocrats of' the 8th should elcct him. The Convenüon of the 3d Represcntativc district nominated Thomas L. : PiiREViLLE, Esq , of Saline. Mr. Husii'iikt;v!lle is a lawyur of ability, a man ufsuund judgment and strong common st'iiso, a thorough-going Bemocrat, and would do credit to the district as a logislator. lie is popular in the district and vrill make a good run. We should r'.joice to chronicle his election.