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Loss Of The Lady Elgin

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J hc steamêr LImïv iilin, runuiog bet woon Cliiongo and Lake Superior i irl i, carne in coliísion uith tlie cliorner Augusta, iibout 1 o'clook, Frklay morning last, off Wnukogan, III., and :n iiboUt lililí in huur Miiik il) 300 fect of ivateiv 'lbo books and pansener ]ists have pot been recovers], bilt tbo following esüinatö is mudo of iboso od board : Excursión party, abont 300 IteLu!-ir i:i.sïoiige!8 50 Crew 35 Total 3 85 Of ihis largo nüniber only t'8 are known to bo aved, leaving an estirnat d lost oi 287. Among tbe lost aro the paüant Cupt. Jaokson Wilaon, who sacrificcil himself aftor getting near shore in ittternpting to save a lady and childjCol. Lumsden,of tho New Orleans Pioayuqó, two aons and two daughters; Horbort IngrahatDjEsq , a Britibh membcr of Parliament, and nis sod. Only two ladies are reported savod. Tho excursión party was composed lnrgely o military tint] firemen from Mihvaukee and that City is shrouded in gloom Tho details of the cataatrophe aro heart-rendinir. Capt. Wilsnn rosided at Coldw.itor in this State, and luiving sailed the Lakes nearly twent'-five years is well knowu to mony citizens oí tho Stato. Blamo is attached to tho officers of the schooner and she has been libelled and her Captain arrcstcd. Wo have no room fop details. OPFromthe Syraeuso (Iï. Y.) Journal cf the 5th inst., wc extract the following noties of the decease of Hoback Wiiitk. Eq , of that City, father of Prof. A. D. White, of our City. The numeroua warm friendsíf Prof. W. here sj-mpathise witli him in his bcreavement. Our lownaman Horace Whi c, Esq . depart cd Lliis life at his nsidence at 11 o'clock tbis forenoon. Mr. Whitc's hcalth has been teriously impairedfor several years; for some weeks lie has been gradually failiDL, and hii díath has beeu expected at any hour since Sundaj' last. Mr. White was born t Homcr, Courtland coonty, in 1803, and was yesterday 57 yeors and six icontlis old. His father, Asa White, was one of the early settlers of Courtland County, having looated at Homer in 1798. - Horace White, his oldest aon, we.t from home at the ju of uvelvc yeurs, and spent bit youth is n elérk in stores at Auburn. Albany anti Humor. In 183 -, he removed toSyracuse, and aflerwards-, establishsd the J3ank of Syracuse, of wliich ha was tho Cashier until 1834, wheil he was compelied to resign the ac.iva dutios of that position on account cf h, bul ;is Vico l'rcsidcnt retained hit oonneotioD witli the inslitution uutil'his deatli. Mr White was an active and sucecssful busiue6s man, and from au humble beginning nmassei a liiige fortune. He was probably tlie weallhiest man in Onondaga counl}T, and his estafo is estimated ;it very iiéarly a hon iiul ars From tlie commencement of the railroads now fonning the Central road, hc took much interest 2i;d wns largely engagcd pecunlarily in tliem On the consolid:ition tf these ponas., ho was selectei ns one ot tha Directora, and has con'inuedto held hat position ever siLce Ec was also exn-:d rally iaterested in soine of the Western railroads, and wns n Director of screral of tbem The deceassd v:a thu eider and only hrother of Hamilton Whita, Esj., of this city. - ITis wïfe nnd Ur ?o ssurvive him. The old6st son, Andrew D. White, is -he P.ofossor of Historyiathe önivcisitj of5liohigan", and tho other, Hornee K. White. wa3 engaged in business pursuittfwith his father. Mr. Whito, ■leveral yeara siueo, made a liberal donation to Hobnrt College, nnrl his gifts to churoh and oh&ritablo puroses wei-e largo. FW M. Cambios has openod a new stock of Gcoai, and in rjady to npply th tape to a!l who wunt good fitting garments. Campion" buy3 good Goods, and inakes theoi up tip top. Give him a cali. Il iM ui . A Eritish ofticer -writiiig from Teheran, Pcrsia, to tho 'London Time-,' remarks: - "A . Cathartie Pili manufactnred by 'an American Chetnist' (Dr. J. C Ateb, of Lowell, Mast.) has cured the Shali of a Liver Complaint that threalened his life. ThU simple fact, as might be oxpected, renders the Americana irameusely popular here, while wo English are overlooked. Doubt less our own scholars made the discovcrics which heemploy3, snd ihus it is in everyihing; we do the labor, then the mousing Amorieans put their mark oa it and take the rcward. Doct. Ater is idoliïed by the Court and its retaiiurs here, which will doubtlcss be reflected to him on a gold snuff box, or diamond hilted sword, wbils not the name even of Davy, Christoaon or - ihe great light by wbioh ho shiiics, is known." i'eir York Sunday Pper.