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Change of Place, State Stre8tFre8 Churoh Meetings. These meetings will hcreafter W hold in Ron Hi on neitSunday at lOo'clodi A. H., Mr. Stebbins will speak.anilalHoA. B. Whitney of Mbion, saii tob ia aÍ3Uolotck'pe5ÍPeal"ir' Mr' WhUl6j' 1M " W S. Responsiblb uiid Honest Agenls "W -A. KT T E ID 'piIKOUGHOCT the Cn'ted Statos, to whom we will A pay a salarv of from $20 to 5"80per month and expenso. THfcS IS NO UUUBtTG. For partioulars, a.i OIWH (mclosing Rod Stamp, for return post.igo.) or opply in person to H 'I.K CLARK, IWrhUl, Mas. Ohancery Notice. (TATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in Chan. Ocei7, Margare Dum&in vs. Cfaarlus Dómala: suit pending in the Circuit Courl for th County of Washtenair iu Chancery, at Ann Arbor, Sciitember 4, 1860. It ai ' pearing by adlrlavit to (he saüsfacüon of the Court that tho iJefoada:it iu Ulij oase 4bs uot reside in Michigan, hut whcn last hcard of waïa reiil-nt of tho Stat of Indiana. Onmotion f N". F. Weli'r, Policitor for eompiainaut, it is oruored tbat the said uefendant cau6 hi appOArance to be enterea in ihi.i caus, and no:Ico thireof to be served OQ ci)mplainnt's ssrrator w thin eight wooks from the fïüïe of Ihis order, and-thatin hm of his lm cause bis answer to complamanfs bilí to be filed, ant a copy thírcof to be sírved on C mplaiaaDt'fl ■ !icitorwttbin tweniy (lays of tho son-ic ofsa:d bill, ani in defaült tiierfof sail bill raay be taken as f 1 hy him. And it :s furthur ordered that v.-ithin t .vnty dajá omplaimnt cauBñ i. copy of this order to 1)6 publjuhed iu the Xüchigan Ariru, a publle no Mioi at Ann"Arbor, in aid county, aJ Ihít suoh publiíation be continued In uld piporat löist mío1 a wrokfor nis eucceisivj weeks, or tbat thy ca'ie Ui k onifr t" ff perftoimUy serrcd on sa'd.deJent'aat at le9ttwnty da_g .eforethetia abo I inr pie .[](" Dated, Sept. 4th, 1860. c. II. V.iXCU E. Circuit Court CoramtasKmer for Washtenaw Countr 611-765. rasseneer train now leave Ihe Beycral Statirms in Li ' .-. GOIN'G WEST. ; E, hal Ac. Night Ei S-ü.iut, 8.50j.. m. S.SSp. V. 3.10 p. M. ;iü Arhor, 9.10 ' '' V.OO '' (' 0 "0 " '. Dextor, , ■■ 7 o ii ii g' j5 ii .. dlae.i, '. - 7.55 " " 10.10 i M' OIXG KAST. Evenfng lijt. MiijhirtFAi. M '. r.s' S-15 -. R !5 a. s. ! : ■■ . 5 30 "" - 1" ■' ■■ 1.50 "' A'-n artor, '■ ' f.'_10 ■"' ).H