The Census Completed
Ssvcral errors having crept into tho oensus tables given in our lust issue, we repubiish thcm to iay, together with the aJditiounl (iietriot. The enumeration of the First district was made by John Stakkweathek, Esq., of Ypsi lnnti, and the populatiun of the several Town ehips, compared with tho Census of 1850, is as fullows: 1850 1860 Pittsfiold, - - 1.233 1,304 Salem, - 1,343 1,360 Superior, - - 1,127 1,344 Ypsilanti City - 4.042 Ypsilouti Town, - 3,052 1,369 Totals, 6,754 9,419 The Secor.d district was taken, by N. B Ntk, Esq , and R, Beaham, Esq,, of this city. Compared as above it is : 1850 1860 Ann Arbor City, - 4,491 " ■ Villagö, 609 " Town, - 4 970 1,443 Northfield, - .1,116 1,373 Webster, - - - 924 1,106 ToUls, 6,910 9,015 The Tbird district was taken by J. D. Corky, Esq., of Manchester, and gives a popalfttioo as follows: 1850 1860 Augusta, - - 803 l,14u Bridgewater, - 1,H8 1,290 Lodi, - - - 1.V34 1,321 Manchester, - 1.274 1,719 Saline, - - 1,631 1927 York, - - - 1,360 1,573 Totale, 7,455 8,963 The Fourth district was taken by E. Haiee, Esq., of Freedom, and gives: 1850. 1860. Dextcr, - - 1,435 857 Freedom, - - 1,2U 1.350 Lima, 912 1,000 Lyndon, - - 901 823 Scio, . - - 1,195 1,820 Sharon, - - 869 1,003 Svlvan, ... 924 1,543 Totals, 7,450 8,396 The falling off in the Towns of DexUr and Lyndon, and the small Derease in Lima, and Sharon, makes the population of the district, fall abont 1600 short of our estima'e last week The population of the villages of Dexter is included in the Towns of Scio and Sylvan of which the r form a part, but Mr. Hairk enumerated them eeparately and reports them to us, as: Dexter, 555; Chelsea. 495. Recapitulating by districts, the population the County, compared with 1850, is: 1850. 1J60. Firet District, 6,754 9 419 Second " 6 910 9,1)15 Third " 7,455 8 963 Fouitb " 7,450 8,396 28569 35,793