IE9" Messrs. Wood Jt Fostbr have Vt opcned a fino stook of Beasonable goode Drop in and see thera. Ï3ÈT Tho wet ind cold season cal minated in a right smart" frost on WedBesday morning. since wbich we have been favored with beautiful weatber. E'A. & O. Leob havo established lettiiclvcs in tba Clothing business, Fiher'e Block.Huron 'treet, and havo opd a large etock. B. advertiaement and giva tbem a cali. J. D, Balcwin ja getting ready for the fall campaign in the Tree buMnt-ta. Hi trees ar truo toname and will be eoH in a healthy, flwri;hig cor.l]!r;n. B ndvc-ro#n1 . lic (Jrcat Benefactor of lils ISiici The tíreat Heuler of Mankind! Uerrick's Suqar Coatnd Pilis. 7'A' whole World United! üick Veople thitik.' AJïer tchich act. Yon'd scarOQ expert, at this late day, AVitli startling curesa bppfc to flllj Tliis u ihc c-jis'-. thorailHou k;i'. With the cure of Uerrick' 1'ill Thay coma frorn Kast, Dd Nmth, irW WWt, And withglad tidingathe papers 'Hl, Boe use thoy re the oheptft ■■■ And superior to othera i I!ciric' Pili From Roots.and l'lants, and Hovera thej--rt,. Tbey alwaya cure- thoy never kill TliousHndH now n their graves werO "ij VVere it not for Hcrrick's Pilis. EarL l'i! -i! suparis cnuted o'cr-A rare tiiscovery ofmAtoblesl íkü' Tlieir líke was nover soeu befare, Vntil it tppeared ín Horrick's Pili, Tor mars he't workíd to lieal the sk-k. n'ith joyeliite lii botiom flll: For tcn ot'thousand.s rajolèë At the imiL:c Ponri of Ilamck's I'ills. HEKUrCK'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY 1LL3 hr. mundated tlie world withthelr popularity. Uvor five mill.on of boxesaro uscd annualy, giving emoyinent tomglity-fivo man and women to pút thom up hcir cura are nuinbered by thousandH- thcir praises on he tongue of all, Ciüzens of Waahtenaw Co-, and UowlKTe, have you ever usod thomïPut upinEngliah, pamsh, ticrraan, and Frcnch directions. Urge family boxea, 25 cents! FWe boxea for ti. Sold evory whete. See adrertiseniont on 8d pago Tus Loxnoü Stbrboscopic Cojípjxv'3 busineaa ha n rcased to such ari eítent that they ha vé deemed it necesary to ostablish a depot in New York for the supply f stereoscopic goodsto the trado general ly. They have rrangedtoforward to their Managers every week a cae f gooda that shall contain all npw subject s a well as first-clasH standard pictures and they will then b enaled to offera comiilcte assortment of stock of unequaled haracter, at prices consldorably lowor thnn those of "yother liouae, It mustbe evident to dealers in stercocpic goods that they will be conaulting their own níreats by do'ng busines at the New York Branch of ie LoNDONriTBHBOSCOPIC COMFAXT, as at HEADQ.tT ARTBRS. rders can be sont to Tuko. LeasKY, manager, 534 Broad way, New York. Stereoacopos of all kinds and pricea, rom' ftfty cents upwardu. Viewa and groups from $1 ,00 per doten upward Iy715 Important to Pernales. - Dr. CHEESEMAS'il PIL.LS. PttBl'AEKD BY CoBXEUrS L. CHKESKXAN, K. 1)., New York Oity. Thccombinationof ingrediënt in these Pilis are the eBiilt of ft long and extensive practice. The are mild in heiroperation.andccrtainin correcting all irregulariics, Faiuful Mensurations, reraovttlg aü ohstruetionR, vhether from cold or othcrwise, headache, pain in the ide, palpatation of the heart, whites, nll nervous affecions, hysterie, fatigue, pain in the back snd liuibj, c, disturbed sleep, which arisos from i nternijjtiim ol nature. TO MABRIED LADIES, Dr. rherwmaii's PM are invaluable, as they will brincon tho monthly period with rogularüy. lelies who have been disappoiiited in the use of othca Pill i-an place the utmost conlidence in Dr. Chocsenlan's Tilla doing all bey represent to do. .V O T I C K . There is mtt amditum of the femóle tyttrm fel which lJ HLls canvot bc taken without producing a VECVLIAR IESULT. The mnditim rrerred to it PREONANCY- he rtsult, MISCARRIAGE. furh ! Af irrcsislable tmency of íhe medicine to rettore the sexual funclions to normal condition, that evtn the reproductive poteer of ature cannol rcsúl tí. Warruted purely rcRctable, and free from anything ïjurious, Explicitdirections, which Bhould bo read,ac orapany e.ich box, Sent by mail on enclosing L1 to )R Cokxeuus L. CllfESKMi.x, Bos 4,031, Post Office, New York City, Sold by one DruggiBt in overy town in the United tutes. -6 B. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agbnt tor the Umthd Statf-s, Ko, 14, BroaáKwy, Hete Ttork, ZZ?3 To flhom all Wholesale orders should be address' Sold in Aan rbor, by MitSARD, Stebbixs & Wilsos nd U, Sinrmu, 736yl THE GREAT ENGLISH RKMED7. SIR JAMES CLAHKE'8 Celcbrated Fruíale Pilis. PROTECTED flk-j L E T f E K f BT EOYAL 1?" ÏATEin: "repartdfrom a pretcription of 8ir J. Olarke, M D., Pkyiioian Exiraordinary te the Qucsn. Thia inTsluable medicine ír unfkJUng in the ocre of all hose p&lnfül and dacgerou disaei to whicb the femate ODneUtutkm ia subject. It moderate all exceat and remores all obi truetloBS, and a speedy cura may be rtlisd on. TO MARRIKD LADISS t ii peculiííly iraited. It wiUin a short time, brinf es he monthly period with rerolarity. Each litUe, prioe On Dollar, be&ra the QoTeraneat (tamp of Great Bntain, to preTent oounterfeit. Thtte PilU tkouU nl be ttkn y femmUs dxrimg tU FIRST JUREL MOtiTHS ef PrtgMiUf.aêUHi Tê gure to bring om MUcmriage, but f mMf otktr tfM tkéf art lafc. In all casei of Kervoui and Spiua] Affectk,ne, País In he Back and limbs, Fatigne on ilight exertlon, Palplt tion of the Heart, Hystarics, and Wsittt, these Pilla Dl Efect a care when aTl othor meani han fidled, ad lthongh a pewerful remedy, do not contain ren, eaionM] antimeny, or any thing hnrtfal to the eooetitnUon. V uil dtrectiona aeeompary eaeh paekage. Sole Agent for the United States acid Canada, JOB MOS ES, f Late I. C. Baldwtn ftCo.) Rocheator, V. 7 -41,00 aad 8 postage alamp encloied to any aa Agen, wíll Int-jie a bettSe of 1kt Pillj bj rctnr tv Sold bj G. GRENVTLLE, Arbor, nl by Pnig nerery town. MKS. WINSLOW. An experlencMl nurseand female physician, ha a Soothinp Syrup for children, tecthlng, which greatly failitates th procoss of teething by softening tho gurnB, educing all in flammatiou - will allay all pain, and ia ure to regúlate tbt ; bowcls. Depend upon it, raotbers, t will giVo rest to yourselvosj and relief and bealth to youriafant.s. Perfectly ssfein all casea. SeeadTertisement in another column. WINES & KNIGHT AEE NOW - SPLBNDID STOCK -OFD R Y G O O DS Purchaied for the EA ELY FALL TEADE. September 3, 1860. FALL C3-O ODSf AT C. H. fflillen & Co's. T&EAXr STORE 1 NEW COODS! The citiwna of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Ticinity, are informeel that A.&C LOEB HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE nnJ Rtocko-1 it eotïrelj vrtth NEW OOODS, Mpeclalljr adai-ted to tha coming seanoo and clectfld with the gseatürtt carj. At the Cleveland Clothing House Will be found cverjthmg dosirablo nud nocossary for -al tbc- LOWESÏ MAEEET PBICE8. As we are detormined to raakp our storo popular, and tu cominee the public that ours ís tbe CHEaPEST STORE I KT T 3E3C E J3 T T 33 ! OüR STOCK OF EEADY-MADE OLOTIIING ! Is made up in tha EANDSOUEST MANNER -OF- LATEST STYLE GOODS! Evcry attention paid to Cut and Fit ! We havo likettise procu red from flrat class housos a Que assortment of ÜATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FUEN1SHWG GOODS dkc, &c, AH of whioh we offor at ASTONISIIING LOW PRICES ! Our ftcüities for procarinjf Goods on The IVlost Favorable Terms and from tbe Best Housea In the East A.HE XJ3SrSTT3RIja.SSEI5, n all we ask of those who runt goods ia to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ! and satiify themsclvos that ie soll tho Cheapest and best Goorfs. A. & C. LOEB, South of the Park, a few doors wet of Cook'i Hotel Huron Street, Ann Arbor Mich 766tf D. L. WOOD & CO-, Have Xeoeiveci ■A. X,-A,H,3-E STOCK OF Seasonable G-oods 1 Por tlao FALL AND WINTER TRADE, Of 188a WHICH THEY WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CASH, OR READY PAY. Cali and see Beore Purehasivg EheuAere. D. L. WOOD. W. Q. FOSTER. FBTJIT T K,ËTs - F 0 R - FALL PLANTING. A Lb PKESONS wantlng flrst class trees will do well to i hand their orders to llr. Theodoro DuBois, Archibald Mcl'oncll or Andrew J. Truaire All 6uch orde will be fillcdwith the best quallty of trees apd be ready for deh'very in good season for fall planting. Nearly all of the many thousaud treoal sold last Spring have done weil so faras hcard from. In a bilí of 8.':3 apple treos Bold to Mr. (j. N.B. Renwick, of Salem, only two hav fiiled to grow. The ordersalreïdy given lr larje amoaDting to several thougand dollars. J. D. BALDWDi. !ptember, 11, 1SC0. 765tf LIFE INSU11AJNCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Acoumnlated Capital, - $3,500,000. Wn.LINSCRE I-IVES for any amount not eieeedlng $10,010 for the whole term of Life orfor a term of yoars, on the most favorable terms. N.B Tho Corapany is puroly mutual and the policy holdars get all tbe surplus over tbe eiact ccjt ot lnsur It acoomodatcs the insnrod in the ecttlement of their premium.' ON LITE POUCIES, (f desired, by taldng a note fur ono half the amount, buaring iaterest at au per cent, per annum. Bividends are Declared Annualiyt and since they now amount ín fiïtv per cent oü the premium, c&Kh and noto, and are increasing they may be applled to cancel tbc notes. && The rates of prnraiuma areafi low as sny other responsiMe Company andthelarge accumul;tte"d fund of $3,500,000 is securely investeil, as roay be Reen by roiereLc to the statement made acconling to law, on file in thó otBceof thü County CIcr!i,at Ann Arbor ' JAMES GC'OÜWIX, Prcat. GcrR. PHKiFS.Srcy. For larticnlarsapply to JAMES C. W.ÍTSO1Í, '8Sjl Agent it Ann Arbor, Mich. MISS JENWIE E. LINES, rpEArHER OF' Piano Forte, Guitar, and Singing, bcing I dpsiruso!' enlarRinglicr clans, wil! roceivo pupila at the residenc r,f Prof. WIVCHILI., v'.'ch U fiio Union School, will be very convenient f&r sucL c'.iolars attomling there who may nih to p'irnue tLe study ofm'jiicin rannection with other hranchee. iermcSlO, half to be ruM at ths miMle and tLc cjl tnci ■ ■' ' 'h rni HO! FOPi THE NEW j1 Tremendcus Sacnfice! 20,000 WO&TH -OFDRYGOODS! TO BE SOLD ! KÈGARDLESS OF NEW YORK COST WOL'LD resppdfully nnnounnce to the citizeng of OoodOM Washtouaw and adjolnlng counticR, tuat he is now building one of the most elegant aml largest stons in Michigan, at the outh west corner o, Mainnnd Liberty Streets, Ann Arlrar, and is determinad to clcso out hif immense stnek otgooá of illl kinds, at any Kiicnfic for Caah, preparatory to retiioving to his New umi Spacious Apartinents. Having concluded to make a grand opening with aneutire new stock in my uow storu thli faU. I will aoll for the KÖT 30 DAYSj all kind of rnVXË? (T iri) (f)) UT) L Challics, Delaines, Poplins. BLACK ASD FANCÏ AT MOST A NT TRICE! I can got. Also Shonn, Hat of evory description at your ottn prioo, so go not liare headed any longer, but go to MACK'S GEEAT CLOSING OUT SALE ! And have your "patea" covored for a íhilllng and up ward. er: .: bh: t-TBc OF ALL DESCTÍIPTIO NS! THE LARfiEST STOCK evor brougbt to thl plcc, anc At Prioes to Snit the peorest Pamilv Ae usuallr cheaper than can be found at any other es tablMhmmt in this county, and IM SHOKT EVERY TH1NG usuallv found in mjlargeauilattractive stock, at A GBEAT RATE OF REDUCTION ! Farmers, Mechanics, Lawyers apa Doctors, and the rest of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREstS ! Drop politics and rush in en matn to C. MACK'S Groet Closiug-out Sla, where Si Shillittgs will pass for a Dollai all day long. Come One, Como All 1 1 mean what I say. 1 am determinod to sell off all my present tock of good at a great sacrifico FOR CASH! Eefort romoving to my NEW AND ELEGANT STORE Where Iantloipatercmoving: with ,n entiro now stock o! goods, on tbe Srstday of SCBteniber. 61 C..MACK. July Oth, 1860. V67tf A NewlBRIVAL Boots and. Shoes Of all descriptïons , and will vo ís o i ei o XX u -a. i3 u r THAN CAN BE B0VQH1 IN This City. Aleo a large sortment ol Of all kinds made In tbe mest Fashionable Style nï ooo kx EXPERIENCED W0KKMEN, -OTTX.FRENCfl CALF BOOTS ro N'OT sun?A8eED this side of New York City, and a-re warranted not to RtP. Our STOGASAND KIPSa are made ' the bogt materials Our stock of Morooco Bootees for Ladiet is the the best in town, with hiels or without We Make to Order, and never miss of sciting tbe ftrst time ao give us a cali and we will show you our atock free of charge We have ncured the servicos of two Ex pcrienced Journeymen, who do nurmending io theiVcat est Manner, and on bhurtest notice. Our motto is Quick Sales nud Small Profíts TTiunkful '. nr past favora we hope by pay ing strict attNi tionto our büeinos to merít a liberal Hhare of your patronal for the iuture. S(Lr Remembörwe are not to be nndprsold. -ft MiK)BE & LOOMIS O . BIjIS S Still in the Field ! WITH A LAEGE STOOK of GOODS In my line direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturera! I liave just reoeivod a larg and well seloctod assortment CLOCKS, WATCHES, IEÏ W 333 Xi RT. SILVER PLATED WARE, Musical InBtruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery ! GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankee Notions. feo. I would oall particular attention to mj large stock of SPECTACLES, ot Gold, fcilver, Steel, and Plated, with PERISCOPIO GLASS A superior articíe, and a great variety of articles In the Perhtius haviug diíScult wntchPK to fit with glassos, can beacoommodated a3 my atock is largo aad complutu. P. S. Particular attention paid to tho EEPAIEING of all Linda of Fine Watchea, such as Making & Setting New Jewels, riNIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDF.R3, also CLOOKS, AND JEWELRY, V. B.LISS. ■■"" ■"59PPffi ni piro pEWwl Vi ilPÜB? í I 1 'i RTFR wi ABE KOW OPENING, DIRECT FROM PUP,T.ISHERS AVD Manufacturera, a Xow and Complete stock of LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Books, MisctUancau Books, Blank Booká, dan STATIOKTEHT! Wall aud WinJow Paper, Drawing anti Miithtmftticiil Instruments, Munic, Juvenilo Librariw, EiiTUopes, Inka and Caidg. GOM) And all other kinds of Pens and Pencis, Windon Cornïce, jh&dcs and Fixture, POCKET CUTLERYI And evcrylliintf perttuning fco llio trrtde, and moro to whichihey wtmld Invite the atteuiiou of the country. In conducting our business, wo shall do all that cfiïl iie c' tbat no rcasonnblc man, woman or child hall find any fault. We possess facilities which wlll enable ua to nupply our stomerri at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose toftellfor READY PAY, ata small advanee. W expecia proflt otiour goorls, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES, We have engaged the services ot JAMES F. 3PALDIXQ, bcreforo are prepared to furnish Visiting, Wedding and all other Carda wntten to order, with neatness and dispatch, by mail or olherwise. Tho "EMPlRKnoOK Stom." r manaifid by agood 'crow,1 nd thcy wiH always bo fonnj on the "quarttr deck' ready and wüling to attond to all with ploasure, who will favor them with a cali. llemember the "Empiro Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 74fl MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. 1860. eOKSO. ARKANtíESIEKT. 1860 Iraind now run on thís rcaJ, íulíjiví cxceptoJ, &3 foUdWl : Leave Toledo for ChlcAgo ut 10 2S A SI. , and 10 25 P. üf . " Detroit " " " 7 0 " " 7.40 " Aniving in Oiicago fiom Toledo and Detroit at 8,C0 P. M. and 5:00 A. tl. Arrivoat Hettoit fromTolrfo, at7:O5 A.M., C:50 P. SI., and 11:00, A. M. Arrivc la Detroit fiemChicoeo at S. 60 P. SI., uw'. 7.0-3 A. M. rrivs in Toledo from Chicleo í,?0 ?. 3{. indi 60 A. 51. imdS.40 1'. SI. Leave Adrián for Jackson at ' Jsckson for AiiriaTi at 5,00 A. II, and 1,30 P. S!. CON.VECTIONS. At Touco- .With Cleveland k Toledo K&i! Rond, with Wabash Vatley Rail Road. At Detroit- With Grand Trank Pnilway, with GreAt Western Hailway, alto, with the Detroit audMilwaukec, Railroad At Nuw Albant & Saltm R. R. Cr.osüi.vo- With Traína for I afnyette, Kow Alltanv and Lout.svilli1. A? Cdicigo - With Chicago and flock IMand, GnU'na, Miliraukoe, Chicago. Burlington and Quincy - N'orth West P.ftiïwny - Chicago, Alton and t. Louis, Iiliuoi.-i Centra], and to all Foints Went and South. g Trjiins aic run by ChtcAgo timo, whish la 20 min utes slower than Detroit time. ff Woodruff's Patent sleeping íars ftccomp&Dy the Night Trains onthisRoate. j)t5-No ohsngo of oars bctweonDotroK, Adriau aod Chicag". _ Patent Ventilators and Dusters ar(iu?.cdon ftll SunüDer TrainB. L2 Timo and Faro tho same a by any other Rail Roai Routfl. JNO. I). CAMi'PEIX. Gene-al Superintendent. .Ï.BE JV G E L "nESrECTFULLY infurmfiliis former patrons, and he XV inttnbitantH of Ann Arbor in i;eoorn], tïiatho will instnict fiaholars again on the Piano, Violin, Guitar, in Thorouph Bass, Sitiglog; aud aUo in the Germau Lan guage, at tho saine turma tts ho usod to charge. Ho wiH give the lessóns in bis öwd heuse, ör in thohouses of his htholarn. Ileeidpnce ín dwellioKin the roar of the Store lately oocupied by me nnd a-ijoinin icsidf-nrc of J. F. Kovce, whure he may bo een from 7 to 8 A. M., from 12 to 1 and 6 to 7 P. M. 76Tm8 Bonnets ! Bonnets ! Bonnets! rpHE SUBSCRIBA HAS A LABGE atock of lik and V E L Y E T B O N N E T 8 , of lat itylea, thatliowiil sell at cost and ien L-e-s-s T-h-a-n C-O-S-T-, to bIom them out. Príc ranEe from onb to TEN DOLLAES. i_. Cali and boo thm. r the New Detroit Store, tecbange Block, Wy. N. BTRONG. ÖoWard Associationt Pïiiladelphia. A Btnevolent Institution extabliihed by ptcial endrwmtn for the rtli'fof the Stek and Distresseed, ajKicted toük and Fpidamic Distases, and erpecially for the Cure of Diseagcs of the Sexual Organt Dispensan f re to palien s tn all paris of 'the United State , VAIATABLEREI'OKTS on spermatorrhoea, and other Diaeasesoftho Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES eroyed, fieot to the afflioted in ealed envelopes, free of charge, f wo or three Stanaps for postage be will be ceptable. K& Addrot Dr. J, PKIIXrc IIOrGTTTON, Anting Sur güoü How&rd A&sociation, No 3,aouth Niuth Street, I'hildeluhia,, Fa, ■DUNVING at large ín the town of BrMgcwatcr, on Wi the d day of July, a BROWN MARE, about 10 ywirB old ; had " A ' branded on rlght phouldpr, a white star in forehead. Tiia owr.or Is reuedted to par charges and take bv aw.y. JOHN H ÏTAYNES. JOUN LOGAN. Baidjowater, Aüg, 25, 1860 6w763 ROW ISTIIE TIME TO COM MENCE FORWIlVa CLÜB3 foft fat IW YORK WBEKLY. -ANDOOMIO PICTORrAL PHUNNY PI1ELL0W1Ü A SPXEJV DID JPRXMWM TO EVEKY SUBSCRIBERü! THE NEW YORK WERKLY AND PICTORIAL Pil UEE1 pnELLOW ONE YEAR FOR TWO DOLLARS!!! 0URTERMSTOCLÜB3. 1 eopy ooe yer....$3, .nd th Picton! Phunny Phellow one year. 9" ' ....$3, nd iPremlnm. 4" ■' ....8, ' 6" " ...$9, 8" " ...S19, " " 10 ' .. Í25, " ' 12" " ...Ï18, ' " ficná for & ?r.cclmen iïumbsr, wbich 'm fuïaübéd rftzE,andcontaia full particubrs of PREMIUMS. STREET & SMITH, EDnons am Pao?WEToa5 or HE NEW YORK WEEKLY !m765. 89 Bcalaian Street, PC. Y. The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance CompanyrrHE AXN'TJAl, KtXnm Si1 1 Company will be holden J. at the Court Housu in the City of Ann Arbor oa the first Saturdajr in Octobsr, ni)it (6th) atll o-clock, A. M. Membei a ure reulindu'l, 'iiat they muet takc cartj of tbeir institutions, aad farmerd who are not mombei-aaro uvited to atlend JI. KKNNY, .ec'y. Sept. 5,1800. TS4w5 Guardian's Salo. ]y OTICE IS nEREBY BIVEN that, by virtuo of an or. 1 der prantsd tu tlie nndorsigucd.'üuirdiaB of tin. ntate oiHilü:, M Hoag, minor, b tho Judge of Vio bate o! JaclihOn C ouuty , dnu-i u?t. 20.h,A. D.' 1SÖ0 I dhail Boll at public auct:on t tbö front door of lbo ('ou'rt House, in tht .'ity of Ann Artvor, on Fridiy October 19th, lRf0, atone o'eloek. P. M..thc following desa-ibed Bedl Eb ato to-wlt: All tlie ujUrcst of said minor iu thu Wutbft'.f of eaulh out quartcr :iud Kast Lalf of Nrrtb-WMt fcactiDü-il quarter of sectlnn two rowashiu twn Soutb R'ncro cven Kaat , iu hc Townshin o: Super' or, Coun y of Waihtcnaw and rftate of M ichlgun AUG1 . ■ OOI Gi ' .- .-StmiiVT,.'. ■ SEËAT BARGAffiS Ëaynard, Stebbins & Wilson's, WK HAVE A'IMS REPLKNTSHKD OOBSTORI WITH the most spleiiiüü Stock of :hat WAS tr offured n any ono establishment ia the State, all of which we offer for O&OM O03 (F ES O O QJJ O i : i.ilow as cac be found In the Union j "We want Money I mi! wlll m.ike Grcat Sacrificcs on Anylhing ! ■orbayo to obtnin it, not ercepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We eordiully invite ALL CASH CU STOMERS to cali and examino our Codds iiid Prlces. We als( nvite our Prompt Paying Custorriers to como and buy their mippllos for the Winter. To tbosi Bnnhfnl ou that aio at'raid to ca 11, w say lo tlicm, tafc courage SBUjXj Your 'WSCÜAI without longcr waitii.g for higher priesa, come lnt oltl icores, and tltcn at such pricos as frill linke üp ttll Iomc. It Ie liftrdl; neccogsary to enumérate our Ooo'la, for We have Every thing ! A larga asBorünf-nt nf CARPEING, GROCKERI DKY GOODS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, TAINTS, O1L8, liat3, CAPS, BOOTS, SMOES YANKEE NOTTONS &c, &c,, &c. OA1LIL SÜ OIS MO2 (?16tf) HAYNAKI), STEBBIN8 & WII.SO Grein ville & Fuller, H AVINO ASSCCIATT.D thfmselvsB fcr the purpato of dealing in the varioua stticlOfl ín the Drug tradej offer for &ï a full asBortroent of Puro and Genuine Medicines, Wlnes, Jfotoand Letter Ppi Uquora, o., Fiincy ArtlcléB, Perfumery, r lnvoiing Extracti, Combs, Fftbcr's fpncili, Brutüirx, AraoldV IuL. Hair Dfit Popular Paíent Medicines, Jaynoe', A fiaras' LlrerDalsam, Ayprs', HoftpUer'o BIttWl, Hollouay3, Houflani'b Germün Bitterfi Brown'ü Trochwi. To'vnson'ls and Dryant's Palmouary ïialsata, Gujsolt'aharsñprilla. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c, &c. Zinc, VftrnldiMj Patent Dryer, ILibcrnia Green, Burning KluH, Camphino, Tildens Kluirt ExtrctB,Sugar Cotd PUta, and OtanulM N. B. Froatinptions compounded with ueatuoss and diKpatch by expiioncerl pir5oiiB. O. GÏÏËXV1LLE, JOHXT FELLER Ta.t PROF. L. MILLEICS HAIR INVIGORATÜR. AS EFFECTIVE, SAFEjAND ECOXOinCAL COMPOUND, FOR RESTOK1NG GRAY BATR to Itfl o-iginal color Trithout dyeing, and prevents the Hair from turning gray. Ï"OH PR.EVENTING BALDNE3S and eurisg it.when thcre is the least partióle üf vitalUy oï recuperative euergy remaininp. FORREMOVING SCURF AND D-N'DRUFF, and aU cutaneou affectiona of the Scslp. FOR BEAÜTIFYING THE HAIR, hnpartingto ít an unequalled gloas and brilliancj, makutg it soft and silky in its texturo nnd oausing it to curl readily. Thp great celebrity and the incroa?ing deroand for thtf unef{nallod preparation, convinco the proprlotor that obe trial is only necesaarj to eatinfy a diCürniDg pubüc of Itfl superior qualities over any otber proparatíon at preaont Li uso. It cloansoa tho head and soalp ü"ira dandruff and other cutancous discases. Causes tho hair to grow luxuriautly, aod givosit a rich, soft, gtouvy and fioxible appearance, and albowhere the hair ia li.ioKening and thiiiuing, it will give strength ani vior to tbs roota, aod restore the growth to tliOSO pArts whloh hare beoome b-ild, cau?Iug It to jit-ld af'esh, core' ing of hair. Tderearo hundreds of Iadio3 and gentlemen in N'ew York who havo had thoir hair rcstoiud by tho nso of this Invigorator, when all oiher p!Tji.raüon3 bad falled. L. M. has in hi possossion lotteai innuroor&ble tostifying to the abovo lacts, from persons of tbo highest reapoctability. U wül o3ctually prevent th kairfrom turning rayuntilthe latost period of lif; and in cases where the hair has changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will withcertainty restore it to it$ original Am, giviug H a dark, glossy a p pea ranee. A a perfume for the toilet and a Ilair Restorative it ís partiaularly rcoomin"indedJ havtng an igreeable rmraictt; aivl tha great ficilitie it ftffords ia ftr6in# tfithair, wbich, when moist with the Uvigorator ca? bc dresaed la inj reuifQd fono ao as to présemits plaee, n-hethor pUtia or il} cÜT: - teace the great tlf mand for it by tho ladios as a s'andarj tone: anide which none ought to be without, as tlio piice placen it withtn the roiich of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to bo bal at all repceUtblo diugiota' aud perfumerB. L MILLER would cali the attention nf Paronta and Guardians to the ue of his lnvigorator, in oaua whero the childrens' Hair incünvs to 1)0 'aak. Tho ums of it lays thB foundution rof gliod hcad of Ilair. a it rcnioïM any impuritiea that miy havo becorae couoocted with the scaip, theremoval of whicliis noecssary both for tho healthofthe child and the fature apporanoe of its Hair. CAüTtox.None genuïne without thefac RÏroile LOUIS MILTjF.Rb-ins on the outer wrapper; alfio, L. JÜLIXR'S HAIR IKVIG(J1UTOK, N. Y. hïowti in the glasa. Wholesale Dpot, 36 Dpy St. and sold byall the principie Mórohants and Druggists throusDOUt tho world. Liberal discount to purcllascrs hy th r,(mntity, I aleo ücnire te present to the AWvriaos Fubüo ray New & Iinproved Instantaneous Liquid Hair Bye which after years of poifintiflc eïperinpenling I haTO brought to perfection. It dyes black or bro-n iustiintly without injury to the Hair or Skin warrimted the bot axticlo af tbd kind in exiflteace. PRICB ONLY FIFTT CENTS. DEPOT, 56 DE Y ST., New Yory. 762yl MANIIOOD IIow Lost and How Eestored. Pubïishtd in a Seafed Btwetope, A LKCTCRE ON' THE KATLTÍE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF ?PERiATO;U?HO!:A, or ?-mlnal WeaklWM, Sexual :pbil:ty Nervousness and Involuntarv EmiRsions produfilug ïmputency, Consumption, and Mcutal and Plyicl L'ebility. BT ROB. t. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. The important fnrttbat the awful ooiwiquence of Slf abose my bc etTeotnnilv removed without Ínterin! remedies or t'be daigeruu'applicnUon ut caustii:, iilstmmcntf, moiücated tionsipn, mid olhfr CmpyriMl '.- i,,".Pjis here olwuly dïluonitwted, nd tll pirireljr C6 and highlv Biiaeestful tretroa1 , H nd.,f.'cd by tb'-' c-lebraied author fully oxplaincd, by nn'nns of whirh everj1 onc is cd iMcd to cure hiinflf perfertly, and at 1it ■ cost, tharnhy avoinm;. aU tlio adTsrtj(l noBtnimz of tho day. 'J'liis .octurc ivil! provo a bDOn te tbouRfinda and Ihoiis&od. Sout uuder bpíiI t') any rxddrM?, poit pa!d. nn thn ro wipt of two Btatnjps, bv adrer-sing Dr CHAS i h fi.iyp. 4S tint ATwue, Sew 7A, Pnt Co ■j.iU. :y'' j Ayer's Aguc Cure. -.rtffi ;v5ftOl'ÏLL OFtLK TH CIR tbSHttrESSENCES OFLIQUORS in thstr acKnoMilsdged pUrUij to the trade. -Ss CHICACOILL. ... ïlifle Factoiry! A. J. SUTHERLAPfD ! i HASrnmoTOcl hip Gun Sb op tot lio N?w Bloeien M ton ttreet, south üi the rourt House, octne secoiid floor, whiTe he i prepared to furnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Touches Game Bags, and I Everj other article in iiíb Line. On the most reasonabl termp, and to do all kiudï of . nEPiVIRIKTGn the ahoitest nottce, and in the bost mannpi , Afuil sortmentalwayskept on hand, ond made to or tl, r. i Mo ney Wanted, Who will LeudMoncyi T AM RF.QUESTKD BY SEVERAL PERSONS to obtain 1 itljnov fot thein at TenPerCont Interest, (Or More.) For any one vUtisc to lend, I ean at dm Invest on L(00(1 uncncuniberpfl abuntlant RLAl. ESTÁTE security auy Riims of inoney and sco that the tillo and necuritj ufe LL IttOHT. LCaT The borrowcr i'iyiüg all esprasp, Inoludlnc re cording. L. W. MOKGAN', Ana Arbor, Gct. 7, ISfiO. Tlïxt MRS .WINSLÖW, Au exporienced Isurse ar.(i FemalcPhysieian, proaenW 1 1 the attontion of mothers, htir Soothing Syrup, For Chlidren Teeiliing. n-hirh firoatly fiiciliíalesthc procesa of teetbing, b_v softcning tlio giiniá, reducing all ioflammation - íill alïft a-1 pnln and ipasruodic MitioDj nd ia SURE Vj RBGULATE THE H0WEI5. Depend upoe it, tnothrr? It wlltgLve Mf to yotinelte4, AKÜRKUEF AND UKALTH TO YÜUR INTANTS. Vti lutve put up and soM thia art'clo fot over ten ■'■;, and can spy, In conittlriii-e anti t uili oí nb!et SOOTHING SYRUP, J y 'f unv .. ' er nood loine- MWVKlC HAS k'V h'AÍUtlu, i. ASiVGÍjK 1SXAXCE, TO EFFECT A t'UUK, wben timely used. Kever did we know Éa instanco of dHsatiitfactlon by any oua whn ured Uu Hip contn ry, all ure delïghted with it-ï operationti, and npeak in tKIiM of hb.1gbont commemiation of i1s m.igical effect md medicAl Tftftuea. Wo spoak in thia matter ':whnl we do ltnoiv."1' after ton years' expertonce, nn1 plcrlj); our reputation for tlïc ïulililiin nt of hnt wc bei-e declniT. In almost fvery intance wbcre thú iunint ia sulforir.g froa pain and Chanstfon, relief will be fonnd in üficuu or tflflmtj minutes al'ier tho syrup is adtrirnistered Tliis valualtle prcpnr.itirn ia tho ptwefiptlon of OM )f tb most EXPEKIENCED nnd SBJLfUL KCRS13 in New Ettjland, and haa beon ued wiíh KLTtr.-i milico BtCCEStt TIIO17SA.VDS OF CASES. It not nniy rolicvc3 the child from ï1o, bat InrlfontM tbe ítom.ich and bowola, corree ts aoidity, r.nd pives t nu undenergy totho wholo eysicm. It tfill almct-t instanty rehve GR I PING In thjBOlVFJLS, mul WISÖ Collc, which. lf not i? UK ( HIJLjUH suri U p ■ o d i hrrmedied.cnd lldoatfc.Wá boti9tc.11 th _ -'híst ■ k-D SUREST REMÈÏÏY &THE WORLU, In all caaes of DY& ENTERY and DIAREHtEA IN CllILDREN whether it triMfl from tflütbJng, or from any othor cauce. No would sfiy to ever raother vrho has a child suíferin from any of thp foregoi complainfa - DO not ift YODR ritEJCDICES, XOKTHB I'REJUDl OF OTBSBS, tand I your (f.ffcrinj? child ani thu that wíl] be SURE - ycs ABSOLOTELT SüKE- tu folio w t use of 'biimadiciuo,if timely used. Full ilrtctlons fornucwili nccom pany nnh bottl. Kffne gfcnuine uuleas tbs facfiimils of CÏJRTIS i PERKIAS, Now York, U on tbe om stele wrap] or. SiW by Dmíríats tbroughout the worW. Pi-;nElpaIOnce, No. 13 Cidar Stierf, X. Y. pjiceoiily 25 Cents per Bottle. " IMMENSE AüCTION SALE! An Hitraordlnary opportuai'v to purcbaifl ELEGANT First-Class FÜRNIÏUHE, EiaiIROX-í-IOXL CUIN-A, S1LVER-WARE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTK, &c , &e. THE E?ÍTIES rURNITURE CT THE THE BIDDLE HOUSE, Satarday, Sept. 15 th, 1861), At 9 o'clock A.M , and c niinue until Soipho:l, comprining thö wbole Furniture of the bpose, made to order by the biïst Cabinft makem in tho city. Partios In fat of flrut-clasa FuroltuM are partien larly requoBted to examine tlaia oeforo purchaaiüg eláowhere. SPECIAL STTEXrroJ 7? CiT.lïZri TO TTJE PAfíLOR 8UITS, ALSOt THE PIANO FOUTE, Furnituro-dealerR, Uo tel -keepers nud private Individuáis will üud thia dccidiylly tho great oprtunity of tbc BOason. 35,000 WORTH OF EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE KELT1X0 II'EBCagniSceat Rosöood Granv! Fiano, Ton coatlv suïta Df Pttiïor Furo-ture, Trench, Flato, Pieracd Mantel MlxröTi, EugUáh, Br mela, Veaciian, tugraio ani Threo-Pij Carpeta, Modalli'on and Mosaic ftcgs - imported ?tcTPait & Co. , New York, Freuch Bodsteads with FallhsterG md Flrár McttrMflM, Fngli?h Blaokets and Countei'pane?, Roaowood aui Mahogany Mar Me ïup, Ccutro, Card, Pier audSido Tablee , Mahogany, Ülack Watout nnl Enrime'rd Bureau. Wardrobea, Sofas, i.'ouchus, LouDgtR, Rockwri, Arm aad Ovdl-baek Chairs, Waah-stands, Chnmbcr Suite of (.'ulna . Li oen of airdèROriptioDd, Sheets, Piüow Casit Toels, Oaraask In ble Ltuen, Kreakfast and IMnner Xupklnp, Doyllea, TableSpreads, &.C., fc#. F0VR HVNDB.ED SEtT ÓP Cherry Eilciisioi! dfohg Tables. Iron-stone Cliina, SJlrer Cattortj Ivoiy-b&'.ancorl Handlpd knives, Plaoished Ware, Ueatera. Fiifimolrd and China Water and Cxvam Pitebf, 1 Winters, Gobleta, Fiuger GIrspcr, Wln, Champagnes, A-c GASBUKNEBS.. CHASDUEES. &o. TER. VIS OF 8A! E. All Riims UDder Slot, owh; ovpr310rand un.!?r S!ÖO, sixtj days: ovr izèO and under fcöQO, ninety dy : : vpr Í5CKI and noder L1,000, aix monlhs,aud all ovfr M,' 00, aine months- good aiiprovod papf-r. 76a tí J. W. EZEKIEL. Ann Arbor Marble Wor's. W. F. Spalding, Bc Ou, T AVE on baad a a uortmeat of A.tXMi1oan and ; TA L 1 A N MA 11 BLE wb!ch tbov ure prerirsd to m-inufaotare ato MONUMENtS. UEAD S70NES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE rOPS tc, tc , tc, fcc, In U tlieir varietie. and In r. WORHMAKtlKE njüni;cr Havins ,ii' cmi.-i-1 r . ■' i ■ ' - ertiencc ín tlte biiMQPKthey flattt-T themsolvpa that thcy wül bo ablp to please all who m7 favor tiifin witb their ordWP. Thoir jjricee an L O W AS T Tl E L O W E S T, rhose wishlng any th:r; in tVir "n nrc rc -jiectfiülv In 'ited tn cali iV. .7. SPAI.WNG, & I o. n Avtu.f. Au.12,1S89. 7fl''f Conway Kirc Insurance Co., Of Cónxray. Maes. pnicl up, - $t-50.000 00 Assets (Cach), - - 289,963 1? Liabilities. - - - 16.4K 03 B. ö. Rojxm-s, Jan. S tThitney, Secreta), President. D I a E C T O R S . j B.wiiiTNEv, h. nónuifi, w. Euicm, ASA HOV5 LAND I) C. McQIL'YRA 3', E. P. MOKG M) VVAIT fiKMKNT, .lOSIAil AI.I,I8. A.HIBU IE W.H. niCKINSON, W '1. CLAP1', I). C.EOG Í'.-. Ann Arbor RcfcrejiccsS Dr E. WELLS, 1.. JAME. E. BADof, ENOCI1 JAMES. CAPT. C. & OOODK1CH, J W. KK1Q11T. inb Aïbor, M'rbi;:nn Mare-h 1?. silvbbTplating". rpHE PI'BiCJüBrRi' n w preparé I" itn 11 kin.l o' 1 tiilvcr?, P'ofiveithei uaCojperrB] SilvcT.alMi tii ]-c-ploi? SPÜONi.lDl'-KS, naVr.,CASTEKS,BnTEKKKTVE?ftc Onthetbo tbartut Botica, l'i ■■ i OpI.t, may be lofl, fither at tbc rj.-nVica of i:.. .- o! m (Ono door r.arth of tlie ')id AciAway,) or fti V :'. Ann irtqr, June ;:'. ISSO. LODÏ ACAOEMY. rpHE r.-:'1 IJ i ; i. M'uJtv r líérríck's Sugar Coated Pili UT CHILDREN CKYFOR THKM I ■■ h -'t l Aincrícfth reme ly íscrmÈM $Áj$lu "orm, Over fivu m '.. annual] y. CV ir: 'Êi'i'ÊtÈiw pI CBÍUlt l"lti;ií';!''-1'1. PBeTA i ii t gluri'iE, oiii'.fl r:i1 iluidj i stltBdftd with the happlent effect. In oíd 4ir.nÜi7 cases of sickneaa, sninll doMS - fe-pff Wqueotly-f w :lciiacf) the n.vstt'm, tha &nM bioltn 1 tha rt-Kult. Nn :hange in employnteOt or diet h iiocchRftry. ILey j.w r :ause poremrmüis. f-wrll"! JoIoTp, ücHídí lifcb?, etc, .e rlo many othcr undf. Tiicy si wríhüted to giv jntisfaction, ortlie price refundid. ïliy ars eoDn;rf. :haper, eaíor, prêttier, fln-1 in l! rpal3 Ptipflrior io my purgativo Mil in the vw-W. il-odtacoTcry f :o4tifig a piii with n'gar tmantcii w:th lir. Hctiif . All oti;pis are rounierfcitr., and lf nsc! , willdo Arw, tn-1 ÜUpp int Uu fA. Herrick'G lAl'.n er -"autiy lu". ( f ÏO ín a hoTL, n large sbpet (f dírcctMHiif nd U ívr 26 cents per box; & boxes for $1. BxEBIGR'8 KlD StRENOTÍÍKN'ING pLAfTS&B, The grcTtt StreftgiAer and Patn Destróyer, The Bext and chcajtl ttousehold Remedy in the icoriJ. These rcnnvrheJ Piasters care ptlfw, and Aï&:ress in tbc back, sMea arid hrMt, in firc hcur?. IndtM, io certain nrethpy todotbis, Ihat tlie prprirtor WTirrh'ii them. PjirpRil ffrom resina, ;:! rrnn aa-i gi.ims, (jo ■eautifu] tifj lenther, reDderBthr.m pecnltarl; ftda&toil t'j tho wntits of Fmtlë ai)fi others. Tholrap) ïicatioft I ttnivemtl - equally totbo al:ovffin&n,tticdUci6 voni.., ind tbc fpt.-blo h.tsnt, Tocachaudall ÜieyMll prove luim iml aljlessiug Tlieïr uip t apceabl mim wftU'i.t innoya ace or truuble. Eaeh Flaster wlll wt fiomciw to tour raonths, nnd n rlipumatic compïainti, Hptn'.TH ná bruist, fvequcntly ctfect cures whru all otner rcinfrIjps fiiil. J-'ull directioua niíl be found on tbtUftcknt DEtch. Public speakers, rocañstn, minisiers of thffo;pl indptbera, wil] Btrengtheti tt. ur lurprKlimrriiVelii'Tr Vüicca by wcaring them on thclr ti-ast. ViiW lf cents. Í9T The abore articlf3 w? aoitíbrall tho dwikrs JB Ann Arbor and by Di-ugtnatsÜirouKhor.tthf' Cmtf-d ílnt4 Cana dag and irouth Americft, ! wïiMeale byaUbrgu DrnggLatii in the principal citita. HERK1CK fz BPOTHER, 1707 FBACTiCALCmüfibis, Albany.N.V -ASESHOE MAKEË'S STSÏlKE. 1"he joüiis w:li. tiEr tbur pt.icx ror. wem work a ad Bootj fc Shocs willbe high r! Wül tiave to pay more fof yot'.r 'gfe'-'C. I Í1AVE JLiSÏ rURrilASfiO AN EXTEKS1YE STOCK O F tncoy of (hém, ca a.ccuot üf ih LAUQE SDPPLY I1S MAHKETI pL; aáss tf?s rHft' ït Oost to Makc Th"m Se-11 thetn tiil ï have to Fay inoro fer tbra at tho EXTR EMEL Y L O W PRTCF8 r.fim k!ow. MENS B O 0 T -P. Mi-n'a ?S.S1 CftlflïöötB, fof iü ,f 0 " 4,:0 Frcncb CaliSupcrfl'no, S,SO 8,50 Aincricati CaU' douule soled, 2,T5 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2.50 Sammer, 2,00 " 3,25 DouKe Sole Stogan bost quidity for ' 5 G A 1 T E U S . Loáieá' 50 et. Gailors, for 37 " 75 u Gaitera for " 1,25" Gaitera fbr !,' LaJies' best qnnlit.v of Giritorsvitii and without becífioml.25 to 2,50 Lidleb' Lcátíiof, Cttlf cml ívUl Booí i and Coneress Gaitera froni S to , 10i Meu's, 13üys', Misse' anu Clüdrüii ■, of evory desirable kind. Trunks, Yaliscs and h-a'chclr ! All tho abov'l uuoy othcr?, ■''. 'jc ir', '. MUCH LESS PKICES lbtthAT9 Ever Boeu Soid in Ann Arbcr. Wjj. S. SAUNDEP.S. Ann AAir, March TO, 1S?1. TifVlS M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flesb and Animáis i T eaillne lbo attentioL of tli PuSHe to tlili, Míáioír.. X we woald siy that It hut beun fuUy tried, and hur.dreds who have nsed lt speak in tlic most oomphmentMy terms of lla leonderfol effoots upon llaman Flesh and ti broto orcatton. It tofast gaintcg popularlty. Wbnever osed it is reoelved 1th acolomatlons of joy, nfl pronoanoed to be the prestest Eemedy for Adel aud Feta ever offered to the Pabilo. Ita mwterly effeota over dlsoaae, wh&n ftppH, givt tt A wlebrlty unsnrpaS6ed by any extsniül preparation noiv In nse. Tberefors we can say, with tho utuioK eonadn that tb Sinbroemtt wiU Car Eheamatfsrn, " Bttrnt and SeaH, ■ Weakneöa oí Joints, " " Swelllnes and Tnraort, " " Hemorrholda r P1IS " Ohilblalna, " Toothache and Chappwl liandi, Embroeatlon wlll Curo oíd Sor and Cramr, " " Boilt and Coros " Contraotd Muoic, " " Galls of all kind, " EingBoneand rollEvl!, " Callous and BpTln, Eaibroeatloa wlU Cus Bwcsny and Sttiasf. ' " Bpringbault and Hstnla, " Scratubos or GrciJi ,f, ' " " Kiiernal Foiaons, " Band Craolíí, M Lámenos and 8iri!-v Embroutlon w!U Cur Foundered Toet, ■ " " CraoKed Teats, " " Garget In Cn' " ■' Toot Hot la Sbec-r. I AcmiaK, M. ., M.-.r.:'.i S, ISi W(, the raicrtlgned, do certify, tliat ve have ntó W W. Hawley'6 Celïbbaiid EKir.ocTK. ftw In] tory and Chronio KheumaLlsm, and ohecïfuilyreeoaimead lt as the best reuiedy we have ever usod. J. M. Morrli, M. D., .lames L. Ilawion, L. V. Clcmenti, Orrin Ilurd, l'etdr Fiero, 8. 1'. Goii'd. J B. Robinson, of Prophetttown, 111., : I estfm I! the best Ltniment I havo ever knoim. It givea uoirors'1! BatlsfacUon, aad I can tentify to it etiicacy froui my cv n experlcncc. Mannfaütnred l.y M. W. HAWtET. Autmn. Jf. T. C. N. TUTÏLK, Aubnrn, N. Y., General Aijt'nt, ?o whom all ordrrbsiiould bo aililnssed. 80UI by all Drupglsts and MircTiant tbrongiiout lh country. MA ■. : rpHE PEOKïA M ATR F 1 8 v; 1 IXSUÜAKCF, COMPA'-VOF PEÖVTT, ir LI ,-.■ 1
Patent Medicines
Wines & Knight
Dry Goods
C. H. Millen & Co.
A. & C. Loeb
D. L. Wood & Co.
Life Insurance
Classes & Instruction
Shoes - Retail & Repair
Moore & Loomis
Empire Book Store
James R. Webster & Co.
Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad
Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance
Public Notices
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Grenville & Fuller
Biddle House
Ann Arbor Marble Works
W. F. Spalding & Co
Lodi Academy
Old News
Michigan Argus
J. D. Baldwin
Andrew J. Truaire
Archibald McDonell
Theodore Dubois
G. N. B. Renwick
James C. Watson
Jennie E. Lines
Alexander Winchell
Christian Mack
Calvin Bliss
J. Bengel
John Logan
John H. Haynes
M. Kenny
Helen M. Hoag
Augustus C. Root
George Grenville
John T. Fuller
Andrew J. Sutherland
Elijah W. Morgan
J. W. Ezekeil
Johnson W. Knight
William M. Davis
William S. Saunders