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In si ii f SS 33irertnrij. I. O. O. F. WASHTESAWLODGENoO, of the Indepeadant order of Odd f ellowB meeta at their Loilgo Room, Fridav rvciin;, at ü }í o'clucU. 0. B. WILSOH, ;. ü. F. 8ORO, iVc'j. TWITOHELL .V CLASK. Attorxkys ind Counsellor ui, General Life and anee agenta. Ofiice in City Hall BI ck, on Hunm st., Ann Arbor. Collociions proinptly ttaaáe andremitted, auJ ocial ftttentiüo p&id to cimveyancmg. D. 8. TW1TCUK1X, -A:'AÏ E. F. CXAKK. JAMËS b7g OTÏ, T AWOFFICÍ-:, N'. 2, over Sluwsun i Gt er 's Store. SCOTT&TÖBEY. ' AMT.RtnTPB k I'nOTOGKVH Aktists, n the rooms trly eoeupied by ('oi-aieytovertlie store of Öpcrry k Ifoon Perfect saUalaction jjuiiruu'd. L. D. GODFREY, ATTOKfT 2ID Cdun■. . Ann Arbor ci'y. üllicu Xorth KutComer of llio Court House. SUTHERLAND & BELL, Wholbsale t RCTIL OROCEB-S, East Blile of Main stroet Ann Arbor. Provtsiona bought ai)rt sold -fe wTn. steong, Dkalb in Dry Goodg, Buots anrtShoes, Oroeeriea, Bonnets,Faiify Goods, in., Kxchange Blocb, Ann Atbor. WINE8 & KNIGIIT. DBALtüRsinStiiple, Fiincy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes; ftc. fcc, UamSkreet Ann Arbor. MAETIN & THOMPSON. Fl-Exm'RK WiBE-EooMs , Dealer in al', kinds of Furnitare, te. New Koek, Main Stivet. EISDON &ÏÏËNDEESON, DKALERS Ín H;ird ware, PIovcr, house f urnishinggoocl, Tin Ware &c. , New Bluck, Maiu Street. A. P. MILLS, DEiLKR ia Staple Dry Gnoji:, Grocories, Boots and ihoes and Keady iiaJe Clothiug, Haronitreet Ann Arbori JOHN W. MÁYNAED, Diuler in Staple Faucy Dry Goods, Boota and Shoes, ke. , Main tre-t , Ann Arbor. BKAKEö & ABEL, Aitorneys & Cou s sello rs at IiAW, aud SoUcitors ín Chaneery. Oüiceiu tho old Post Office building, Anu 4rbor KINGSLEY & MOKGAN, ttorneyp, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notarios Pul;ï. lic, liave Bookö and Plats showing titles of all lands In the jounty, anüat+end to ennveyancingand collecting iemands, and to paying taxes and school interest in auy öart of the State, office cast sieof the Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES K. COOK, Jrsnnc of the Peace. Office nearthe Dcoot, Ypsilanii, Michigan. Y. LOVEJOY, M. D., Physicúv k Sürgbox, bu permanontly Iocated in the City of Ann Arbor, and holds hiuiself in readiness to lUend to %11 calis in the line of bis profession. Retidvnce onNorth St., 'dhouse eaat of Cathoüc Churirh. ' Vm. LEWITT, M. D., POTSIOAX k Surüeox. Office at his residence, Xortli tide of Hurón street, aud 2d Uouse Weit of División J Itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, TANUFAfniiBK and dealer in Boots a.ná SbOW. í LYX change Block, 2 doors South üf Mayuard, Stebbins fcWileon's atore, Aan Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. TtNurACiTRKRg an iealer in Iíootf and 3hoes,Miiin LVX st, ons door north of J. W. Maynard's. ytïkè1. sáuñdées, Dealer iu Boots, SliocB, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Casb Boot & Shoe Storf, BOuth sido of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, WHOLRSATJsaud Retail dealers and m&nti&ctuMm of Rcady Alado Clothing, Importei-s of Clotiis, Casfliiere( Dooskins, &c. No. 5, Xew Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, mSORtBTOS DaxnST. Office córner of Main and Harón strret, over P. Bach's store, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wsi. WAGNER, DïALER ia Reartv líade Oothing Cloths, Cassimcrcs and Vestingf, lints, Cups,Trank;, Carpctlfajjn, &.C. ilain lti Aan Arbor. BI. CAMPION, VTüKra.íVT Tatlor nnd dealer in Raadj Mado Clotliinj, TX Ko 41, Phoenix Block, Aan Arbor. BACH& PIEIÍSON. Dealer in Dry Goo.Is, Grocerios, Hardware, Boots k Shoes, &e., Main Street, Ann Arbor. MAYNAED, STEBB1NS & CO., Dfjlebs in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs fc Medicines, ltoot & Shoes , &c. , corner of Main and Ann bt reets H6t bel w tlie Exchange, Alm Arbor. ' EBEB1ÍA0H & ÜO„ DEiLBRi in Drugs an-I Medicines, PorfumoryjToileLarticles, a few doors aoutli of the i'raakliu iiouse, Aun Arbor. SLATYSON&GEER, Gbooebs, Provisión k Commlifien Merchan+s. anrl Tealersin Water Lime. Lavd Plastkf, and Plastee of Pa kip, one duor Eaatof Cuuk's HoteL C. BLKS, DT.AIT.K inrim-ks, Watcho-i, Jewelry. aD.l Twacj Ooeh t thesignof the J3ig Watch, Xo. 27, l'bíeñix LKoi-.k. J. O. WATTS. Dei-kií inClork.Watche, Jewelry and Sil ver Ware Nü 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAÑ! -■■- BARDER and Fasbionable Ilair DreBder, M;iin Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ilair l-'ronts and Curiji fcept ionstantly on hand. SCHOOF & MILLER. DEAI.EBS inMiKccllanrnuF;. School, and Elank Books Sta tionery, l'oper üangings, kc, Maio Btrett Ann Arbor. D. DeFOEEST. Wholwale and Retail Dealerin Lumber, Lath, Sbingles, Sah, Doon, BUnds, Water l.ime, Grand Rirer piater, l'laster 1'ariF, and Xails of all tizes. A full and perfect aortment of the abore, and all other ündB of building matcrinls conötautly on band at the }owGKt passible rair-F , on Detroit trcot, a few rodfl from (■ie Kailroad Hepot. Also operatlng extcr.sively iu tbc I atent Cement Roofing. WASIITENAW COUNTY BIBLË SOCIETY. DEPtWTORT of Bibles and Testamenta at the Society pricea gt W. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. svccEssoae to JXJKTI3, CHAFIKTtfe Go MANUFACTUKKE8OF riiïxt, Eoofe,, - AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, ANN AISUOM MICH. I K N T 1 s T AFFKT eonu '.f rrain k Huroustreets, 6p4oIi thï Franklm Home, Aun Arb.,r, li.-rc he continúe, to cf ni customors auy Btyh uf ivuik desired in the art Surgicai Mccbanical & Denistiy, v.híichhfnr;11b,l,l;;.::!i1p;,rt'11 k"m M afa, asM'. Ivii,,,',, ,t, . ■""' 'lurabili; v cnuuot be bui pats.sü gum,Pwork ,,,„,:, 4!jP%w.od npxovea metUo.l'oL msertiog Wtflrtowhlcjiliittanj _