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Laughing Girls

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Mrs. Croly, oí the Eockford (111.) News is entitlod to credit for the following: "We should like to knovv if the race of roerry laughing, light-heurted girls has bucomc extinct ? We should think it had ; we have not seen one for years, and looking rouud upon the cirole of young girls in society, we are at a loss to fínd a single natural specimen of the gity, litughiüg, innocent oluss to which ire allude. "There are plenty of young ladies who put on airs, not only thoir own bat those of any hcroine whom they chacee for the moment to admiru. Soraetimae tiiey are esceedingly dignified, somstirnes tenderly sentimental, occasionally prufoundly phüosophical, but always iull of elf. Like a ioint of raeat, ing frorn a spit, they aro parfeotly satisfied to revolve around their own individuaiity, content thut they are the eenTe of attraction. "áumo yoang ladies aro full of lif and aniiTi; tion, at parties aad ecenes of ileasure. They are always dying for 'cornpany," or to go out, i rainy day iá worae than purgatory, and an evening at home, or alona with only "the fmniy," is stupidly dismal. At hon;u they ire generally sullen and abstraoted. j Tbey drag about their few duties so unwjllingly that "raother vvould rather do thern herself." Il sraall fuvoi's are asked by the little brothers and iisters, they are eithsr snappingly i-cfusiü.!, or done so ungraoiously a-.s tcleavü only the mpression of. uglinoss aad ill-tempur. But raark the d'.üerenec if a gentleman cnlU. Our young lady is all s.nileii and good nature; ttia down to teasing littlo ïoimny, are all"' dear " hor eyes are bright, iiui'-iuannerlively, her vrhole aspect ohaDged. She laughs at all jokes, good, bad, and inditiFuront ; flita about the room, and bega her inother to take those !it:le pests off to boel returns smiling as ever with a dish of tho best apples the house oan aiTrd ; a:id douply impresse.s '.er visitor with the idea of what a bright, thoughtful, considerute, liousewifely giri she is. "öirls know altügothur too rnuch now-a-day to bo light heurted or happy. They are terribly wise; no subject within rangj of huinau intellöct upon vvhich thoy are not thoroughly posted ; und aa to exporionco in huiTmn nature, it is quito startliug. Thoy road corybody at a giance, and know all thinga ao certainly, 1hat oíd and leas daring people are awod into thinkiüg that they know a good deal. "We do not caro to dispute tho f.iut now, as to vvhether girla kuosv bo raucli or not ; they wul find that out tor themselves. all in good tirnt'. Bat they nught to knaw taiit asisurnption ís neithar graceful or attractiVe. The puro, innocent, light-hourted girl becomes quite natural and thoughtful, experi euood, digniiied woiiiau ; bui. a soliih, sim ptsrious girl bocoracs quite cokl,haid, and" oaleulating. A chuörtul fat-e is a good aDgal in any house. Musio, nierry laughtar, jokes, aro than medicine; and these in a fumily should by the young girl's mission. No danger, thaii, of not being "approciateci,n or dying of any iimginury love aflair. Girls woukl run up to a premium nt once; their marriago wonld tljea be looköd upon as a loss to the f.unily, instead of' a gfeat relief frotn their seltishness, and the burden of thoir comphunts."