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Arrival Of The Steamer Europa

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Halifas, Sept. 18. The Royal Mail stuamship Europa, from Liverpool via Quuenstown, arrived heie at 11 o clock to-day. We have thcfollowiug additioual nevvs via Queenstown, to that telegraphed at Cape Hace: liüLoaNA, 8th. - An inaurreotionary movemeut has taken place in the provinco of ]3esaro. Four hundred insurgents bad attacked and defeated the jf apal troops. 'Jlio telegraphic commuuioation with Naples was iuterruptcd. Tuki.v, 8th. - '1 Iiü manager of the Southern Railway has been requested to preparo lor au extrordiuary trausport of ;ruops. The 3d 4th and 8th corps d'armee are about to be placed on a war footiug, an è. the soldmrs ou furlougli have received orders to joia tliuir regimemits. Paius, 8tb. - Veertoof Effendt has received inionnatioLi by tulegraph tliat hm 'uil powers lor the siguaturu of the Couvention are ; route to Paris. VlKNM4, 8tli - The Emperor has received Counts Zezrehen aud Appouga who preseuted tu his mnjosty the üistor-i e rigiits of ilungary. The Emperor pronounced himsolf in favor ot' the Huugfirian programme, whioh, it is said will be idopied, witli au ameiidmeut presented by Uouut Hartig, and couoertüd bctwoen tlio lattor and the Huugariau delegates. Ntívertheless, it is expected that during the first itliug of the lieifliurst, au autogiaph letter ot the Emperor will be produued, re establish iug the aulonomy of tho, aud a;iiioancing the reforma to ba ly promulgated. Señor öoello tíusada, the Spanish Minister at Turin, alter a siay at Vieuna of several days, duriiig whiob he had a coufureuco witti Count Üoicüborg lias luft for bis post. llrl fas, Sept. 19. The Europa lcft Liverpool at nooii of the Stli, at Quetiustowu the evouin" ot' 9tl). I am informed, and thiiik the statement reliable, tbat the British Goveruraent received a dispatoh iftr tue Europa left Liverpool, that G irioaldi entared Naples triumpliautly, aud without bloodBüed, on the 7th.