Democratic Meeting

Democratie candidato for Congrega in this district, will ad.lress bis Democratie frionds, and the public generalij, as fol lows: At Murray's Crove - Sulem, On Tuesduy, Oct. 16th, at2o'clock, P. M. At Diiboro, nt 6J o'clock P. M. sanie day. At Whitmore Labe, October 17 th, at 2 o'clook, P. M. At Lima Center, Oot. 18tl], at 2 o'clook, P. M. At Hanks Mills, Froedom, P. M. Oet. 19th, at. 1 o'clock. At Chelsea, Oet. 20 th, at 2 o'clock, P. M Local Uommittees should make timcly arrangements for these meetings, and secure an attondance Irom the adjoining Towns, which a kok of time will preveut Hr. Lothrop viiiting. L3ST At a meeting of the Board of Regcnts, helJ on the 12ih justint, the loll wioL rciuttitiona wer adopte d: virrrd . It s pleased tlio Almightv Rulcr of hi aven uid ciulh. in the coursfl Hf wiüi Proridesce, to remove i'i-i m us, by aeaih, Dr S'iumi'l . i'cuton, PrulVssor ol the l'heoiy and Fractie; ol ,.(aic nnd Paihology, in the [Tuivrreity of ilicnignn; And [Ylnrrii3. Tlio clniif.o'fr of the deceased. and liia rclatio a tu us, -e well 13 to tlie oommunity at huge I0U1 dcisire nnd i Bi pc-] ua to'a )'.:.r ezpreseioc of our ainiiCDcnteund ciüuiiuus ia view of tliis e vent; 1 t ík r I Rttutetd, Thnt ws regard t.ho di-nth of Dr Deutun :is n lug alike to bu deplorad by th wide circla in whlch lie moved, as a kun frii i:i. :uid btnevult-nt Hnd alülltal piiysioal and by thé Kegents and Profetson au'd stu deutsuf the Unirepgitj-, 10 whom !)■■ luk sueli ini ortant and honorable relations, aiu tu v ,m he apfiroved himaelf nu able, at traptivu, tmd fuitiiful professur in ihe dtpai-t nu-nt wliich lie iilled. Rrsohtd That vre shall a!wny rotnin a livcly :tiin-mb:-aiieiJ of the quiihties of th deoi'a-ed, and of hia erviees to tlie Uni Versity Raalvtd, That we deeply sympathiza witl beretived wid .w and pi.iv n mtroiful God to gi .- Ii r Iljfftt in tbi sj houra of da. k ntss. and ensble her to beur tlns hjnvy buiden of orrow. Kesnivnl. Tliatncopy of these resolutiom bt puölished iu the Detroit aad Ann Albor papers D L OOD, SforHary. jL2f jtleturning from Kalainnzoöwê stopped over n. Biitlle Cre k on Fruifty eve ning to visit ft friend an i ave the city. Du ring our atay vj visited the Fair of the BaL tla Creot Hof:icultur il Sjaie'y. There was a finu and tempt n exhibition of Apples. Pears, Pluma and Orapes, and for Ilitsena-n a beautiful show of flowers. It told well for the amitour and profeseionnl fruit growers of Battlc Crc-ek. .V& Hangsteiiver gave a large pnrty on Wedneaday evening, on Ihc occasion ol opi'ning his elegf.Dt hall Sundrvindividuals report having enjoyed themselvos finely ty B Green & Bro., hnveleased the Gnrdiner Milla at Soio, and are paying :li higheat price for Wheat. Soe tlieiradver tiaemont. The equinootial storm was introduced to the emsideration of th ; people general ly onjWednesday evening, nud a cold wet spell is promised.
Elections - Federal
United States Congress
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University of Michigan - Board of Regents
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Fairs & Festivals
Hangsterfer's Hall
B. Green & Brothers
Flour Mills
Old News
Michigan Argus
George V. N. Lothrop
Samuel Denton
D. L. Wood
Jacob Hangsterfer