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SïECIAL KC11CIS. Passender trains now leave the several Stations in tliia Cjunty,as followw. G O I M G WEST. 5'ail F.x. Mar.-Val Ac. N-glit ExVpnilantt, 8.5'! ■ K. 6.35 p. m. 9.10 p. m i su Aibor, 9.10 " " 7.00 ' " 9. SO " ■ Dexter, 0.85 " " 7.CJ " " 9.55 " Lneisea, 8 50" " 7.55 "" 10.10 . , O O I N O E A S T . EviningEx. UtohallAs. Mail Ex. Chelsea, 5. 15 a. m. 8 1.1 a. m. 4.S5 p m. l ter, 5.J0" " 8.40" " 4.50"' ' nn Arbor, 5.55 " il 9.10 " ' 6. 15 ' f Ypsitenti, 6.15 " " 9.40 " 6.35"' BVIK KOTK, LASD WARttAST, SPECIE A!VÏ KXCHAIVCE QUOTATIOUS. Carefuüj BerlMd and Corrccted every Treek. HAXS8 CL'IlKtXI AT TUÜ Banking House of 1). Preston & o , 72 Wooawa,.' A- .. Deiroit Sept, 16, 1860. BANK XOItS. Detroit City Banks, .... . par. Canidu, (all Sol vent üanks) " NT. England and N York, (áolveat Banks) - " NTew Jeröyy and Dolaware, .... " Obio, Kentucky and Virginia, Pa , all nfiti-s par at Pittsburgh or Hhiladelpaia, - " Bauk of tlie álate oflndinn:i, H ÜNCUKREXT FÜNDS. Illinois, Wisconsin. Missouri aud Iowa onyiEcr 1 Dia " " " " BOlHcg N. Carolina, H. Carolina and Loukiana, ' " Indiana Stock Notes, 1 " Tennessee, ...... 3 " Georgia, J tai ft i B:mk of Fnglacrt Xotrs, L, .... $484 Bankof Tecumieli. Michigan, 85 dis Exchango Bcnk ot I). Balt & Co.. - 5 " OUK RATES f UK BILLS OF EJCHANGE. BuTicj. Seliing. On New York and Boston % % On Washington, j n Buffaln 2 Oa Cleveland, j Un Cincinniiti, ,, w Oa Chicago, 3 5íc, dis. for clOO or upward. GOLD AXD SILVER. Buylng. Sll!ng. Am. Gold !otsof$100or upwavd, H 1 Araorican Silvei-, 1 LAN'D WaRRANTS. jC It will be obsorved that we do not qaota by ths acie, but so many dollars for tüo "Warrant. Buyi.ig. Eelling. 40 ACF.S WieaiNTS $ 42 $ 46 80 " C8 75 120 " 88 100 160 " 120 136 RevoTolutionary Scr!p, (per acre,) 80 cta. 60 cts. PREMIUM COIKS. SILVER COISS. GOLD COINS. Span Pillar Dollars, 105 Sovereijní, 4 84 and 4 87 Mexican Dollars 1 04 20 Francs 8 83 Five Franc Pieces 67 25 Franca 4 C5 Frenco Crowna 1 06 10 Francs 1 00 (ierman " 105 5 Franos 97 PrusMan Thaleri 69 Tun Ihaler Piecea 7 80 L yeí=,, 3s x Tha' "om 1 85 Süver, (shilling Ten fc uilder l'ieces 4 00 riM ati ttr ,i Ll60 sl'aniiih Boubloon 1 ! 00 Oíd Am. Half Dolk. l 03 Patriot 16 60 On Iota of $100 or up Calif,,rnia G.,ld JlOs 6d wards, 1 c. id.litional S5"s and $i0s Id Goid DustlS to $16 50 per oz. Spanish chanjre 81.15 per m. or 11 cents for quartere, 11 for shilling, 5for nixponces. On loU of 0 oz, anl npwflrtfs, $1 lperoz DAVID PRESTON CO., Bankers. 7 Woodwjird Avp., Detioit. Office hours, from 8, A, U., to 6, P. M. D. B DeLanü & Co. 's Slratm is gmng the most natiifaotioii tohousfkeeperü, as it cannot fall to do. IU manufacturar are determinad that t shall ba pcr, and ara parinj no expens to mak thla the most reüable brand of Bnleratus ovar ofTered to th public. It is for sa'e at rstail raost grocers and stoiekecpers T:io princ:pü grocera tbroughout the country wholO34le it. Manufacture I at the Fairport Ctiaaical Wurka, Fairjni't, ilonroe Co ., K. Y. TEE GREAT ENGLISH BE5TEDY SXtt JAMJiS OLAHKIi'S . Celcbraled Feniaie Pilis. KIOTECIED -Eglíl UTfEEf E0TAI' S PATESX Prvparedfrom a pretcrijrtion of Bit J. Ciarle, JI O.. Physician EnHTarrrümary t tu Queen. Thii lna!nble medicina ij nnfeiUng In the rar of aU thora painful ani dangernu dineaux to whicb tlia fmalt janititution u bjot It aodemt aU txau and nmoT all ohítrueUon, and a Bpedv cup may b rtUtd on. TO KAUR1KD LADltif It Ij peculiarij naitrt. It wül, in short On, bdng om th period with rij-alaritj. EaoU botU, prio On Dutlar, Uari th OeTemasst Stamp of Great Britain, to preront oounterfttt. Tkin Pillt $kculd not 6e mn by femairt êtring tU FIRST THREt MONTHS of PrtgMMattluy ara ure (o briuf iw Milcerriugc, kut at oy Mker timt Í.U In aU CM8I of Neirouii ond Spüia: Affecüons, Pain bi tte Back and Limbi, Fatiga on ilight ewrtlon, Palpita un of the Haart, Hjtric, and VThiW-i, these Pin wül effect a cnre when atl othor means hare büti, tai klthoogh a powerful remedy, do not contain (ron, jttrt) actlmccy, or any ihiDf huitful te the consöVuSisa. f uil irectiüD aocompary eanh packag. Sole Agsat fcr tho Unitod State ad Caaada, JC3 KOSïfi, (Lot I. C. Bildvis a Co ) Roeheitsr, K. T -$1,00 n.a 8 post&ga taaipi scloató to usy aa Agens til iatan s tottla of tía Kllj b; rtuia Sol4 by G. Q?2rttLL, Albor, aai b ftag n viv tswa, j83T The (rcat Benefactor of Ui Hace -Q& The dreat Henier of Mankind! Herrick's &ugar CoateU t'ius 1 idwlt Wort ó Umud! Stek Ptopie think! Ajter wfucn act. Yon'.i scaroti expect,at 11) is late dny, With star 1 ogwrni Dook tu üii; ise, the na il líos say, VVitb the cures of Hor riek 's Hll Tb ,■ come frm Kast , and Nbrtb, ■ind Wt, AoU ■■ ..■_■ the papera riil, Bees use y are th cue.tpe-r, aafest, best, Aod aupedoi ;■ otbera ■■ Hi irfcek b 1'iH Frtim Boot&nd Planta, and Flowers thj 're, '1 .-V nlwayscure- ihey ivïvct UU ■ ThousüiKls huw in tlit-i; graven r6ai wVre it not for Herrick'a PilU. Eacb l'ill v.'i h sugttr ia coated eer- a cara dicovery ofmatchleaa Bkitfi Thea' like w r ■ i ..'fore, UdiU it appeared in lï -, riolt'n Piil For years he'a workdd to Jicai the r-ick, With joy elfcte hi boaom Blls: For tonaol thaa landi di h At the magie Powei ?illn. tF HERRICK'S HATCHLESSVj . i AM7LY ï}ll,L havo inundatcd tfao worl.l with theïr popularify. lvr fiie milliuD of botm uso-! umunlv. gh Ing employment to eighty-flve men and womento put tbem up, lheir cures are numbered hy thousandn - Iheir praiaed un the tonjaes af n, Ciloena of Washtenaw Co-, and elften ur, liave you evt-r uscd tliPiuiPut up ir; I Spaaish, Germán, and French directiona Large fomilv boxea, 5 oetal Five boxea for $1. Öold tven-wherè. SMadrerlisesaent ouod page THKLo-Dof Stbkkoscopjc CoMPAyr:s business has in crcasöd to tuoh in extent that they have dcemeri it nee"psary toestabiish a depot in New York for the supply of fltereoiicopic good.s to the trade genera lly. Thoy have xrrangedtoforward to their Managen ever weck a caee of goods that shal] cnntain all new subjecti as well as Hrst-clas. htandard pictures andthcy will tlien be enaUti to offera complete assortment of stock of unequaled Uaracter, at prices considcrably lowev than thoaa oí ly other hous It munt be evident to dealers in stereo80 pfa goods that they 'ill be oonsuiting thtiv owq ineretta hy douii? buMinet at the New York Hranuh of the nnwSnBMO8ooni CoKPjjnr,uat IiKAuctriRTBRs. Irders he sent lo Tuk j. LbssEv, ra!inaii'-r, öo4 I roa t waj, SeT York. Stcreoscopcs of ail klnda and prloes, from flfty owits upwar.ia. Viowa and groups from %1 ,00 .er d'iren upvardu Iy715 Important to Fama les. - 0 r. OHBBIENAV' fil PIL,ÏS. FBSrABKU BY COHNKLIUa L. CüEEfKMAX, U. D. , New York City. Tliecorabínntion of mgreclients in these Pilla are the result of a long and eitcr.sive practico. They are mild in their opvration, and certain in correcting all irreularities, I'ainfui Mensuration, removing all ubtructiün, tr betber from cold or otherwiae, beadache, pain in the ide, palpatation of the heart, whitu, all nervous affec:ions, bysterics, fatigue, pain in the back findliinbs, irc. , disturbedaiet-p, whicharise from interruptioo of nature. TO MAKRTEDLADIES, Dr. ("hoemftn's Pilln are invaluable, as tbry wïU yringoathe mnnthly ponod with rogularity. Ladies who hav been disappointed in the use of othea Pilis run place 'he uimost coufi lence in Ur. Cheesemairs Pillw doing all they represent to do. y o t i c k There is ovt cnvdittonnfthtfemah systerti ï'n whirhth PilJ s c.nnvotbe taktn without prodvcivf VECVLlATt RESULT. Thêmntütiov rrferred tote PREGNANCY-- the result, MÏSCARRIAGF. . fW.k ts the irresistabte trnrfency of the medicine to rentore tke pr.unl futtrtinvs to 1 normal condhion , that tvtn the reproductie 'power of nntvr?, cavnot resist it, Warranted purely vegetable, ard freo from anythlng njarious, Explïcittlirections, whioh should be read,ac sompany eacli box. ent by mail nn encluing $1 to ir Corx'emus L. Cheesemak, Box 4,531, Post OÖice, New York City, SS3T o!d by one Druggist In erery town in the United -tütes. 6 R. B. HUTCHIN'GS, General Aoent for títí Uvitpd Ptatrp, Aro, 14, Broadway, fteto l'nrk, ' To who il all Wholesale orders should be addreanbold in Ann rbor, by íIay.vaed, SxEüBi.xa & Wïlbok, and U, Ghjtv-ille, 736yl MR9 'WINSLOW An exporienced nurseand female pbysïcian, hu Jrjothing?yrup for children, teethlng, which greatly fa cilitates tbr procesof teething by softening the guma educing all in Qammation - will allayaUpnin. rnd ii -ure to rgulute tbi . bowels. Depenri upoti t, raoibers will gii"ê rest to yourse!ves, and relief and htalih to 'uur iufanta. Perfecily ssfein aü cásea. Sse advertías ment in ano t lier column. MISS JENNIEE. LINES, rEATHER OF Piano Forte, Guilar, and Singirtg, beicj df'sirousol' enlarging her r!nsa. will receive pupila at he re3iienC8 of Prnf. WINTHÏ1.L, wliicli being near the Union Pchonl, will be veiy convenient for sucb schol irs atteniling there wbo may wi-h topusue the study ofmusicin connection with other branciips. TermsSlO, halHnbs paM at the middle and the bal ■uce at the close of he frm. The Mutual iire insuiance Company'I'HE ANNUAL MEKTlN.i of sai l Company will behoWen 1 atthc Court House m the ('itv of Ann Arboron tht Hr8t -atur'lay in Oktober, nexi (tb) atll o'clock, A. Í. itrabeis are reminded, tbat they mast tiie cre ot ■laeir iastitutions, and farmers wlio ure nnt mrmberare vited to attend M. KKNXY, t-cu'y. Sept. 5, 1860. 7C4w5 LODI ACAOEMY. THE Fsll TERM of thi institufion will commence on Monday, üctol er Ist. Any rlesire.1 iuf"imaticjn reecting the Mhüol can be obtained by Rddreshing 764w3 Ret J. J'ATCHIN, PriDCipnl. lii lnis!lc and tloiH'sl itgvuls WANT k . r ri'IlROCGHOÜT the Oo-tnJ State, to whnrn ir? will 1 pay a palary of from S2') toS.Oper month and expense. IHIS I-í NO HUMBUG. For partlOuUn, addros (inclosing Red Stamp, for retjra postage,) or py in person to 7e5m3 H LES CLARK, Haverhill, Ma3. f sT5" ït"tsês", -ÍOBFAT.L PLANTING. LL PERSONS wanting firet class trtes wiii do well to l hand tht-ir orders to Mr. Theorïoro Duüois, Archibald Md'onell or Andrew J. Truaire AH such orders will be fUledwith the best quality of trees and be rr-ady forcïelivery in guod aeiison fur fall Nearly all of the many tbfmsand treesl nkl laat Spring Iiave done weij so fftras heard from. In a bilí nf 8 3 spple trees Kold to lír. tí. N.Ii. Renwick, of Salem, ouly two have fitüed to grow. Ihe orders already glven are Urge auiouDíing toseveral tliüuuacd dollars. J. ü. BALDWIX. September, 11, 18C0. 766tf WLMS & KNIGHT AttS KOW O 3P Z3 isr I 3r Gr uSL SPLENDID STOCB -OFDRYGOODS Purchased for tha 2ARLY FALL TEADE September 3, 1860. FALL cs o o x @ I I AT 0. H. Millen & Co's. : STOEÏ! 1 NEW CO O DS! Th citizens of Ann Arbur, Mieh., and vicinitjr, are inlowued Ihat A. & C LOEB B WE OPENED A NEW STORE and Ftocked it entircly with NEW GOODS, especially auajted to the conung imton und sciected witli tJufTMtHt caro. Atihe Cleveland Clothing House Will be found ercrytliing deiirable and neewsary for GrElSITi.EJSaETSr'S "WEWK. , -at thf- LO WEST MA R K ET PLICE-. As W9 ar detormitind to mke our (ten popular, and to convince the puteiic that ours U the CHE aP EST STORE X N TKB STATU OUR STOCK OF ;READY-MADE CLOÏEING ! Is madn up in the EANDSOMEST MANNEE - OFLATEST STYLE GOODS! JEvery atlention paid to Cut and Fit ! WóhaTe Ukswïso procuretl from flrst claMhomoa fiae aaáoituK-nt of EATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FURNISUINO GOODS dc„ èc, AU or hlch wo offar at ASTOKISIIING LOW PEICES ! I Our facilitio fcr procurln j Goodi ca Tlie Most Favorable Terms uk! Trom Ui Best íiouses in the East A.RE UNSTJEPABSED, n 1 all we ask of thos wlio waot goods it to CALL AND EXAMINE OüB STOCK aad saitiafy tliemse'.Toa tbat ws lall th Chcapest and best Goos. A. & C. LOEB, South of the Tark, a few doori west of Cook's Hotel Hurou Sueet, Aun Aruor MioA 7(,6tf hüTfür the ñew Tremendous Sacnfice! 20,000 WOJ&.TH -OFDRY HOODS! TO BE SOLD ! HEGARDLESS Of NEW YORK COST TXJOüI.D reRpectfuüy snnouunco to the cititms of VV Goofi üld Washtenaw and adjoining ccunties, that is is aow building one of the most elegant and largetít tjr s in Micliican, at tbe soiilh west corner o Mp.iuand iberty Htreety, Ann Arbor, and ir determined to ctt sa out hiri immense st'ck of gooda of all kinds, at any Sacrifice for CflRh, prpparatory to nmoving to his Nuw and Spacious Apartmeats. H ivmg conclüdod to raake a p-and ojjeniag witli an entir aew stock in my new stor.' ,hi. fU. I ill sell forth NEXT 30 DAYS, all kinds of Challitt, Detaintt, Pop! int. BLACK AND FANCV B3E::HL-JEfiLSËi 9 AT MOST ANY PR1CEI Ieanget. Also Slioen, Hat of evory deicrlptlon at yout ciwn ree, so zo nut liare-Ueaded any loüfier, but so to MACfe'i s GREAT CLOSIXG OUT SALE! And haTí yoar "mt4" cororod for hilllDg acd up ward. OF ALL DESCBIPTIONS! JUT. LARGE.ST STOCK ever bronght io tal plae, ani At Prices to Suit the paorest Familv Asusually cheaper than can be found at any tther efi ablis.,ment in thl county. and IN SHOKT EVERY IHI.VGusually luund in mj Urgsaodittraolive stock, at A GREAT RATE OF REDUCTION ! Farmir-t, Me'Jianics, L tcyrr ana Ductor i, ad the rtlt of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST8! Prop politics nd rush ia tnmast&o C. ÜACK'S Grwit Clukiug-out Saie, whcre Six Shilling 3 will pas9 fw a Dollai kil ány long Come One, Como All! I mean wliat I ay 1 am (letcrtcined tu stil off all my prubeut utook of goodi &t t great sacriöcti FOR CASH! Bfor removiug to my NEW AND ELEGANT ST0BE flrkerel anticlpatarcmovlngwith an oatiUro uew stook of joodB , oa the ttrst day of epUuubor. July9tU, 18C0. T67tf MICHIGAN KOL'TTIERN & NORTÜE N' INDIANA KAH.KÜAJ . 1880. BÜHMER akkaX(.;1'.mknt. is'.o lrains bow run on this road, Pocdttyi excopted, as followa: Leare foledoflnr Chicago at 10 28 A H.,and 10 SSP. M. " Detroit ■ ■' " 7 .o ' ■■ 7 Arruine in Chioago froin Toledo and L'etroit at a ,00 P. M. and S:Ki A. M. Arrireat Detroit from Toledo, at 7:06 A. 11., S:50 I'. M.,and 11:00, .. M . Arive in Detroit frvm Chicago at 6 50 I'. M , and i. 05 A. M. Jrrive in Toledo from Chicago 4, CO P. M. and i ?9 .1 11 and 8.40 P. ,M. l.eave Atinan tor Jaokfion at '■ Jack.iou fur Adrián al S,O0 A. II., nd 1,30 P. M. CCttïl At Toi.nno - VAlh Cleveland ó. Toledo Rail Road, with Wabarti Vallry Kml Boad. AT DxTRori - Wltb i.rnnd Trunk Railway, with üreat Western Eailvay, also, the 1 etro.t aqdüílv Railroaa At Nk%7 Airany k Paíum R. K CRO?8INfl - 'Vth Trama fot lalayette, New Albaoy atrd Lo at Chicago- .W.iU Chicago añil íock Inlaad, Galena, Mil iviiukt11, ChiGAgo, Burlington unú Quincy - "orth 't'T Railway - Cmoago, Alton and -t. Louia, Illinois Central, and to uit 1 o. Mts Wedt nnd South. flES" Ttain: arerua by Cbtcago time, uhich ia 20 minutes slower than Detroit lime. 43" WoodrulV's Patent sleoping Cars accompiiny the Nisriit Traína on this Route. j Xo ciiange of cars between Detroit, Adrián and Chioago. fc_ Patent Ventilitore and Dueters aroueedon all Nummer Jraius. ÍS" Timu and Fare the same a by any other Rail r.o&d Route JNO. n. CAMPBELL, 'jene-nl Supermtendent. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 18G0, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, Vretidenf, J. C. K END ALL, Vire Pretidnt, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptrollerof the Stnte .f NeT York. Diri. deads average 40 percent, imiually. V 3 33 "2" St . CahinBank, t 81,855.49 iavested in securities,creat(d undpr thp lawhcf the stnte of N'e.w Vork and of tlw U. S. iöS.STO.T0 Heal Estáte and Fixtures, Noa. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,4.10 04 Bond and Mortga-resdrawingT per et. interest 683, Xoles received for 40 per cr-nt. of premiums on life policios, bearing iuterest, 075,315.85 Quaiterly and Semi-annual premiums, dne subsequcr.t to January 1, 18fi0 20,550.88 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1 . 18C0, 36,488.77 Rent accrued up t' Jan. 1, 1Ê60, 1,70.34 Preraiams on policios in hands of gents, 26,44".19 11,767,138.24 T)r. Weüs and Lïwm, Jledir-al F.iaminiv. 74Stf J. G1LBERT SMIIH, Agent. LIFE HfSÜItAIVCH. Tho Cornecicut Mu+ual Lifo In 8uranc3 (lompauy Accumulated Capital, - 83,500,000. tXTUJ. IN-DRK LIViü foi an,r amount not exceedmu' V V ii(i,0 0 for the whole term of Life or for a term of yoars, on themo.-t favorable terror. N. ri The Coraijauy i pareiy müt'ial and tli9 poüey Jiolderfi get all tne surplus over tl.ot'Xact cot ff insurance lt acetimudates the iniared io the set.] ment of their premiums ON LIIrK PÜI.ICiE-, f de.ired, by takiog a note f-..r one half the amount, hearing intüreat at fii. percent, per annam. Ëipidendt are Declared AnnvnUyf and sinco they now amtmnt to FTFfV per ce:4 on tho pre miuro, caxh and noto, and aro they m:iy be applitd to cancol the notes. Ifg The rates of premiums are as low as any other re sponsible Company andtbelarge accumulated fund of $y, 500,000 is securely invested. an mav be oen by to the statement made ncc;)rdiogto lan, en ü'.e ie the office of the County Ann Arbr.-v J.lMtó CLOltWlN, Pmt. Güt R. Pnsus, Pccy. Forpaiticalarsapp'.y to JAME C. WAT?0í, TC8yl Jgent at Ann Arbor, Vouw af Pire Insiirauce Co.. Of Conwny. Mase. Capital paid np, - $150.000 CO Assets (Gabb), . . 289 963 12 Liabilities. - - 16 440 03 D. O. Ropers. Jas. S VThltriey, Secretary. President. DIRêcTtORS. J 8.WHJTNEV. L. noiMN w ELI.IOTI '.SA HOVLNT1,D ' Meü'I.VKA V E 'n MOl.'G'K WAIT BKMENT. JOSUH A U.IS a' Hl HIT I FN Anti Arboj r{( fcreiicfs: Dr. E WEU.S, U JAMES I, DD"GF NOCH JAMES HAPT. O.S. ROOPRICF, J W. KN1G11T. AupntJ Aun Arbor, Micluan " Mrch 1. Money Wanted, Who wil 1 LeudMoueyi T AM REQÜESTED BY SEVERAL PERSONS to obtnln 1 ni.mey ior thtm at ïen Per Cent I itersst, (Or More.) Fot any one wHlin? tr en, I can at onf larest on eoofl unencnrubered nbtindant KKAT, ÏCSTATE sourity anj Rums of mone7 aud ses that tbu title nnd eouiity arp all right. J(3" The borrower pflylng all etronse, i'icli:'!rntr rt corrtm?. E. W. iiORGAN', Ann Arbor, Gct. 7, 18Ü9 "I5tf wrtflB RÉ5PËc"fFULLY"6FrfR THEIR iÖ52TrESSENCES OFLtQlORS in thexr ocKn.ovlertged puritif to ths . . . trado. Addrtl , .... CHL ERILÍSa MAHMER, CHICAGO ILU. ,. D. L W00D & CO, A. LjA.I?,G}-B STOCK OF Seasonablo Goods ! 3Por tliO PLL liTi3 YÍNTER TRADE, or isoo: WHICH THL7 WILL SELL CHE AP FOB (JA BH, OR EEADY PAY. Cali and tee Beore Purchasing E' s. D. L. WOOD. "W. 0. FOSTER. Bonnets! Eonnets ! Bonn ets! JHHE SÜBïCniBEK WiS A LARGE took of 4 end V E L V E T BONNETS, l Ute itylet, tUat lwül uU t cott tui NM L-e-s-s 'ivh-a-n C-O-S-T-, to tíos tljím out. Prlcsi tasfie from o?nt to TEN DOLLARS. tÜm Callard m n' il New Dotroit Store, Ualuoge fflsi;, Wj. K. SïKOKü. GREAÏBARGAIJUS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilsou's. WE HAVE iOAIN REPLENIRHED OÜRSTOIÍE W1TH the m'l spleiiüid ttock of O O X L3 ! thit'WAS erer oTpred ia any ont Mtablishmeat ii tbs State, all of whiuh we offor ior (AOM OR Pi2OO(ÏJ}O! els loiv as can be fouud In the Uaion We want Money ! Great Sacrifices ca Anyiiiin we hav to obtain it, not xceptinj OLD HOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wa cordilly Invitfi ALL CASH CÜ8T0MESS to e&]l and examine oar Goods and Prlcw. We alsf ïnriie our Prompt Paying Customers to cma nnrl buy thpir lupplies for the Winter. TotlioL( BasbM onüa tuat ure uiraid io Cüü, we sy to LUem, tui cuuraee JSSUXjIj Your "VCaHCESjSiui without longer n'itii.gfar highor prioM, come in, 'f ' A "'V' TTTTTI olj icorea,aEclthea 1 si'ch prieet as wül m ke up all lonts. It Ii hardl.aeccessary to enuraertite our Goo'la, for We have Bverything! A larg assortmont of CXRPEING, CROCKERÏ DRY GOOUS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, PAINTS, 01 LS, ÍIAT", CAPS, B00T8, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &e„ &c. (T15tr) MAYNAP.n, PTIXBTXS & WII.?Ó GrRENVILLE & FüLLER, Íf AVIS'G Ai'SCCIATEDthem'elves for tilo purpose of I dwaling in the varions arïic'ea ia tho Drug tratle, .Her fur sais a full issortioeat of Fure and Genuino Uüdicinos, Winea, Note vind Letter Paper, Liquors, &cf Fancy Artieles, tiTumery, Flavortag Lsíiacts, fornbj, FaborV Foncilg, 3rufili-8, Aruoid'ü Inka. Hiiir Dyw, Popular Pateut Medicines, Jiiynas', Adums' Llver fialtsam, avci', HtstBttr'B Bitter. Hollowayt, HuoÜanVu tierraan Siücrs Browa's Trouhti, Townaendè and Bryant' Fairaonary Bals&m, Guysott'g harsaprilla. PAIXTS, OILS, GLASS, &o., &c Zinc, Varn'shss, PaU-fct Dryftr, liiVrnm Green, lïnrair.g i'iuiri, Oamphine. Tilden Fluid iíxtracs,SuLar Coat'.-.! PUlu, ni Granulos. K. B. i'reacriptuns coapnund&d wliii neatneas aud cLepuicli br ojEperieuceil uurtoca. G.GRE WILLE, JOHNT FüLLER Ul.t PRO f'. I. MiLLEIPS HAIK INVIG01UÏ0R. AD EFFECTI7E, SAFE AND ECO.VOMICAL COPOÜN'D, TOR BESTORINÖ GRaY HAIR tn -lts oriInr.l olor without dyemg, aui prevonu ;hs íiair fror íuraio; grny. FOR rai-Vi N nNft BALDNKáS and curing tberé is tUo Kai pirticlö of vitaiily or recuperativa euQrgy reiaainiaLr. FOB RfiMOVING SCÜKF AND DAKDROFF, and all outaneous atfctions of tbe icalp. F'R üEAOTIETílífQ THE HAIR, ImparÜrgto it an unequüüed g!ois ind brüllanct, maliing it sof t and íüt la its tesura aa 1 cau&iDg it to c_il Tho grat celebrity aud the inere:islag deraand íor thïi unequallbd preparatiün, ct-nvince :Le propri-.tor that one tria.1 is only npce-s-iry to satisfy a public of it, superior qualiiies over ny oiher prpparat-ou at preaeat n use It cle.1ni.e3 the nead &vX ftcalp lr-'-m dandnijfayid other cuí'nea"8 (frenaeê. Cuuea lbo hair togroluxunantly, aud givesit a rich, soit, glossy And Üexible ap pearnce,and also wkere % hair is Iuoe.jirjg ünd tbiaAvi', it will gi"e streng'.h an.l vior tu ihe ruots, aod restore the gtnwth to tnose parta which have beoooM Dj.Id, caufiug it to yiild af rsh c.Qttir.g of hair, 'f dt-re are haaártda r.f ladies aad gmljinen a N'cw Yoik w!jo hve hvl thoir hair reitcir-d by iho as .f :hia Invigorator, when all other prepnratioas bad fiiïled. L. M. bu ii] bU püái;4,son letteü tauiuaeaable taatifying ;o the aÖDve lacn, froiu persons of iho hlghest r-.pectability. 1' wil! efijíofually proven: tbfl kairjrom turnivg gray nntil tbe latest petioil of UÍh and u c;iüeH wwr Ibe bair has changpi feu snlor, tbe ue cfib1 Invigoratof Will wiurce;-;uiaiy rcWi ï'2 to ül origl-aal hú , giviug it % dark, glossy appeafaaoe. Aá a pei-Kiin for the toitot ud a Uair Etetorativ it i-i pirt salar íy rocooi'-n -ndéi, Qaving aa Hj?reeable fmcrrnnci, and t'.ie great faclities it lËfbrdd in t-sin,f t'uhair, whicli, whea mist wilh tha In vigórate r ca.i be dronaeel in any requirod form bu au to preserve iU place, whötber p'ain or ia henee the irreat demaud for it 'oj tao ldtu asa 'a:idard Lo. article which none cught to ba without, 43 tlat prico places it within the roiich of all, bo'ng ONLY TWKNTY-FIVE OENTS per bottit, to ba hal at U repcetablo drug!jt&' and perfumar. I MILlER wouM cali tho attfntíou of Par?nts and 9uardiADR to 'he una of hia iavigotor, iu aiserf werê the childrens' Hair incliue to be waak. Thouoofit Ity the foundation íor a good head of hair as it resjovua any impuriüed that roay Iiafö hr-enja onanaoted with the scalp. iheremoval of which ia nect-i ary botii for tha iienlth of tbe chüdaad the f aturo uppsu-anoo of its Cautidn.- N'ons gsnufaa wi+h"ut thefac Rmile I.OUIS MIILF.Rbein? on The outer wia.pj;er; alo. L. MiLLLli'8 HAIR INTIGORATOR, N y. bbvu In the gU3. Wholesais Dpot, 5 i Doy Pt. and sold byall tbe prlaoiplu Mercbtata aal l'ragiiata thrnaghöut tho w rld. L beraldlacouot to'iiiers ly thi quaotity, I rLsc slt ftiro to present to th3 Am Tioan Publio my Hew &Improved Instantanoous Liquid Hair Bye whlch yeaM of scient:L3 p::permoi:Uiig I have j brougUt to pei-feciion. Il Öyea blck or bi'own liutniuly without injury to the Hair or Ma warm otad ti.e bca.t artteïo uf th3 Ik'ü 1 iu exi-iteuce. PRICB ONLY FIFTT" CBT3. DEPOT, 56 DEi' S7'., èw Fry. 78iyl MAN BOOD Eow Lost and How Restored. Just Puhïishtd in a Seahd EnmJope, A LK( TURE ON THE NaTJRE. TRRAÏMfifiT ANU : RAi ICaL CCIUi Oi' i E UAIORKHOE l, or Snoinal Weaknea, Svzual )eb'!ty, Nervousne s nr. 1 1 n-oiun;a. oduciug uitpottaoy, Coututtptioii, &i;d Menta! nná 1 hy-icnl Lfbility, BY ROB. J. CüLVERWBLL, M. D. Tbe imporiaql focttbat t!:e avtul eonreutnem of Bfelf abuse naay be eífectualíy removeri without iii'srual rempdies or th (Ittugerous applicatïon of CAuien, iadtrumeatp, tpoi"i!c:itpc b , aal do viee,is hert'1 clirly daonmted, and tho enirely'new and bighly succesjful tivatment. ft adoptad by the c.':0bratM iiutbnrfully explained, by menn of which flvery oi.e is ennbleci to cur him;.-lf perf:tly, anrl at tbe i (tast potsibltf cgt, thíroíiy aroidiDg all tba ftdvtrtlAr'd nBtrunii of the day. Thu Lftcturo vrill provo a b.joa te U and tliousanda. Lont under seal to any ft;ldrss, post nr„id. on tkn rece;.t cf two plan ttuaps, 'ov wfyvH üg pr. ( .1 k9. J.C. KLINL,'4S0 Firi,t Vrta, Këw Yopk. Poí bo. i C)óec. 2y7tf Ayer's Agüe Cure. .- . ■ ? ■'■' TJÜÉprt ;:ogk siobí M f gjgB OppOBlte 3 r Eü O.V uM-.NING. 1IP.U.T FIÍOM Prñi.i.-ÜKRS . A.Vb Manufacturera, a New und Completo stock of LAVV & MEDICAL liOOKS, School Bookt, Misctilaneout Bookti, Blsnk Ro:k dan S T A T I O 3JÖ" E3 H "Te ! Wail and ÏViadnw Paprr, D.aivin? and M.itheniiitirail rnstniir.?nU, llusie. JuTeuile yijrarie, Euvlopes, luis ana Caid. GOLD amí a7 ü7er incj; w Pin ana Penáis Winaoir Cornice, Mhadea ana Fixtur, POCKET CUTLEKY! Audererjihingpertaining to the trade, and moro to whichtbey wuld invite the atiention ot the cuuntr}'. ín coarlucting our ljLfliuoa, we halld 11 thit c.o hp done,) ihat no rcasoniiblQ man, woman or cbild bha.U ííijií any fault. W pín-'í.ft fficiíitíea wliich will rabie ua to Rupply our atuinera at tlie LoWftst Pnssible Figures. "W prrpose to sollfor READY PAY, ata sma.ll auvaDM. Wy expecta proüt unour gooda, bul Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. W have oni'l the Bertices ot JAME3 F. SPALDING, hereforeare prepared to farnish Visitiwg, Weildivg and all olher Cnrdt writlm to arder, clh neatness and Aispatrh, hy mai or ctherwise. The "LjtpirsBooiiötore,'' U manne;l bjagoo- 'creTr,' nd they iriil al.vavrt be round on th "quartr deck, ' ready auá w'llltag to al'.end to üli vfitiipitiuurt', who wil] favor them witii & cali. Remernber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R, VVE.'iSTER & Oo. Ana Arl-or, lluv,1860. J+g Hiíle F actor y! A. J. SUTÍÍERLAND RA3rerrovo'1h?c' G'm ShOptnttie-Nrw Blork n HuScor, whr-n he is prfpí.-ed to íurnitfa Guiis, Pistols, Ammunition Fhuks, Povchcs Game Bags, anii Eve: otlier attÍL-le. in lis Lire. On Ibe nnet itíTirí, snd to do olí kinds . f 3rí.3eJ3EA.3:3=t3:3NrO n thc dhort-t "otice ftr.d in thíbpst mannei A (11 ntanrtment t'wye tpt on hi.nd, ond made to O"der O . BLZ8S Süll in the Fit ld ! LARGE STOCK or GOOD3 a my Une dlreot frota New York, BostoRj and the Manuíac turers! I liava juat rooijed a lirgo aai weL ielsctcd&aaor'.nieït CLOCK?, WATCHES, -T 3E3 TU" 3E3 Tj T "S". SÍLVER & PLA1EI) WAKE, Musical Intramoj ts, Talle ai d Tcck t Cutlery ! GOLÜ I ENS, And a errafc varnty cf Ynnkee Jfotions o 1 wov.ldeall particular attentiun to my largo stock of of Go!d, tilvcr, Steel, aud J'lated, with PER SCOriC GLASS A iupwrtor artble, and & grïat varioty of &rie-ea in the "orEXIES AJE for CASH. Persoui h iviü cvíücult watches to fit x?.;i la.iso-, c&n bc aocomniüdated m my stoei s lurge and completa. P. 8. Particular atteati n paM to ihe REPAIRING of aii kinds of Kina W&icLe-, ruu a.i Makicg & Setting New Jewels, PJNIONTS, STAFFS and CTl.INDERS, alo CLOCKs, AND JEWELRY, C. BLI3S. Auïus! í?, 1SCP. f63u BOOÍ3 Li?.iCl JS22OeL3 Oí fcll dcrpt:ün, and vrV 'b SOld CHEAPEB TJÍ.4W CAN BE EOUÜirs IN Xliíi City. 1q lirgö aisoi'tmsut c Oí a'J LIndd made In the mest Fashionable S i ylt e EXPEPJENCED WOKKMEN, FESHCH CALE EOOTS sre N'OT siTtpA??m this s!e nf Ncir Yoik Cïty, md ara warranted uot to mp. Uur PTOGASAND KIPSi, are m&2 the bos, caíerlalí Olit stock cf JVC o o o e o B o o t e e s for Lfttfiet is the thfc lí in town, willi hlí or wi;L(ut We ïli.e o Ortltir, anri t pjjgfi of BCITISC tbs flit time èo cive ui ■ c itl and wp wfll show you i . t'ree olcliarve VVehnve ored th wo El' perieiited Jouraftymcs wbo do ourmeBdlwi n the .'v'tcifct . ,'i ihortMt nct'ce. Oar molió n Qiiick Sftlcs ana Small S'roüis ThsnkfUl lr past fp.vors hep bypi ': j ïtrld -1,' 'fütinnto oi:r batíaos to méi'lt a UbtraJ ......j t : jour patrón '.r fnr the luturs. ü1 Renwuibor wc oreootto hê nndfivold, C- Erc IJ TÜíívINf' -it large ín the twn uf Brit1 cwa Ier, ou 11 iLü 'ax cay f i Julv, a BEOWN r.IATlE, about lOyci-rs oU ; h4 "A " brandad np r:s!it xh-ulder, a whLü itar ia furuhead. Zin uvvwJ W pst cUttie i . . JOH fí RATXES, JOAiN" LOüA-S'. Hrrrick's Fuear Coated Pili iet cm; riM! jy ïhifi 1 iii,.i kai'lo )■■■ njf w,W l ■ -■ ■ ■ i ■■ ■ ri , ■ "f Jiwtil ra1; in2 e.t ■ -.'i wr r;tcíi o■ ■ ■ ■ i7ta !n ; na the hl 044. {. ti& L&:&L 19 "'■ lu oH tttmUM td frtqne, ■ _ '; 'h rwmlt. ■ C LI ' 'II iv B#vw, cl,:nr ïrebs, te u flu Blnnjr oILit liiuds, T -y aie rBTin1j to i Thiyareeo, ■ ,■!■ , r '(■ITict ppolnttWe. Herrie 'ifllv un , SibS? . ' Hkruick'p Kid Stükkotiikning PlaotKns Tkegmt Str,v'itlrr and Pat D-stroyrr T,e Bit and cArapttt Hovtehold Remedyin the teorld. Ths.c renmvneil Pbutfn curepains, Wi„linaand (tl and brot, In flrehcur... Intiwl, socorra, are rhrjM rwrrMtJ thom Ppread lïf.ra res'c, tMlsama and Si:i6. on b,'-aL: ' lr.themiMlirlTdvtrti tbe wants of j „ plUti ta jnd ih. feebi, intant . . '...2 jnnoyanM or troubh. t.cli Piaster wiil -.vr fcomw J to our minth, and in rlicutnatic compiatot, „ra,, I and Wce. freqwntly efftct etire when all otLrïUBdies fml. Fall .iwUon vvill U foun.l on tr, Uck oí I caoh. rl;w:o reakt-r, iomllt, nimstmof tlMKnuwl I nrtot)irs,will rtrenrtt. thefr lunp ib'J oirn ■ tl.." r viiioea by worinj thcai on Uieit breut. 'l r.c lij flS?" Tb nbiTB artlclw a-o tnld hr !1 the 1lv In I nu Arbocand by iw-ugiciHtsthrniiitiioüiche Uui'.dêTt, ■ Cana Hm ■.■nú Bautb Aut-íc m .t wholele j all au lunggiutt in ibe prin Hpjlcttli s HJJIR1UK ft RRiTTHER, 1.""I7 liiiTiCiLCasatvM, Albacj, N.T. MRS WINSLOW An Oïperieuce'l Nurre and FeroaloPli jalona, roítn'u to tiie aitönti' u of mo'.iiers, bur Soothiug Syrup, For Ch'.ldrcn Teethïng. whicb gnatly faciUtafesthe r.roci'Sü of teutblng. by sof. eaing t e giilns, rtducing all inilümmatiau - -.ill uLli R-l r-itjn and fipaamodicitction, and ia 3ÜRK Tü BBUCWTS TUEDOWI3J9. Depend uponit, raothers it willgiv rcatto yctrse'twi, AN"U KELIQ' AXD HEALTH TO YOÜR INFANT3. We have put up and sutd thi.i ;irt'cle f r over ton reara, iu.4 q confirïenee nnrt tituli .jf ï'.Vfr Mm. Wii)W'ïi IT.1?? a biet, SYRUP, of cue- ■""- V lilt IIAa iT É'AltEU, 1SAS1Sfcilili 1Ü.TAME, ÏUEH'K'I' A CliHE, ■.f beu timely uMd. Ntver flid wr know n icntance of dUaatiflfucücn by any oue -.vlo u.-ed Uu the :!r rr, all are daligbted witii its ojeiatons, and apeak in tvró of bigLeat commen'!:iucii of itfi niiiicai tffects Htid ineltal Tirtuea. We ppc-ak io tkii m;iitti ;M hut wO do lcnüw." after tfn ; ;;ar?' experienoe, niirt piedle ur ïealilüiloii ihc tulfiüniri.t of wliut wi Itere üiiclRix. In almoat instante whw the in)t is suilering fi-ra pain and exhaustion, nïlief wiil bi -;.en or tweLty minutes after the iyrup : ;i'!m.r::itered ïi.i-i valiuible prepftrutim ii thp rcripion of oreof tb inoítEXPEMEíCED and SKILFUL NCttáES ia Nw EujUad, and ha been uaed with KSTX&-r41UKQ siccL3l THOU3AND3 OS1 CASES. It not on!y relieve fhe child frora pa:n, btit invijforate 'hestomach and bowels, correcta acidity, and gire t n ._nd to the whole aysteni. Iï wiil uimyfct intaüt ly reti4v GniPI.VG In tha BOVr.L3, and WtSD Col, and overeóme „„p-, HTT -p.,. _- T . onTullon irhifh, f O0t UK rilJL.JJii ÜiïNi . p e o d ! ! rctnedind.eni: indeiith.'VV It " ' rfst. ktD TRKME1.V IXrIHLSol-.Lj.,in sïi cases of H .f Kvli:RY and DIAREHCEA IN CHHiREH whe'iie.r It ariüen from tc'.ii'ng, or f:cm acy olie, csube. .V nrould sry to ever uofher wbo hr. a cluld uffering frora i any cf the foregtji eom) - ro VOTttTYOCI DIOB, NOR TKr. nVCt OF OTÏEI.t, elir.d hf twe.'D yuu:' jíTcrln cbiid and tb rt. tbat wïll b SUF.E- V? ■ -V -('.'.i vn.Y SÜRE- to follow t us of 'hismedl, cine, il timel.v ür.ed. Kul] dlnctiona for usirwü! secompaiy ohcL UoUta. Kone genume unless the facsimile of CURTÍS Sí PEEKISs, Kst V'irkjisontkiottt sMewi-ap} er. ' Srild by Drufrp'fltR throaghftut he irorl. Priulín Ironice. Ko. 13 C!r Sfí'ect. 3V Tt-, P lceonly 25 Cents pet Bottle. Hovraid Assoel-tion, Püiladelphia. J Rorirrolciit Tnfitic!tia ey'abi'1 rd fnerial rvd'V-mtn fnr the reiiff nf ihe S r.k al D ctrntc.d. ajllic'rd xttk yru'mt and Kpiiiemfr. THiteattt, qxd pp..-aiïy for ik Cure o( Dumtit njike Sex 'ei Orjf w, i-iiixaary rot v pa'ioie i.-i cll psris "f tUe United Slatt e , VALÜAÜLI REPOK'fS on apermatorrhies , and o!hr Diaess o.; ths Sexuiil OiUiï, and on tboN'i-W RKilEIJtS rmyed,sjat tij tU{ efiled eav6lrpes, fre f .:. -i-. i1 tq or three Stanrps for poLtage bo n-ill b "Sa-AddrwDn. 3 fKin.r'HüUGnTCN, Actin Sur7r= ■ n [{owaN .üsooiitioii, No 2. south Nictü ueet, Fiiili.elnhia.. Fa, 78 'v ]g C C3 "d? SH)ü M AKER'3 &TPJEE. -yEE .TOCR3 w;l_ eu u pbicü re?. vi'Eii l wnri aai Booti & Shocs nillbe hígh:r V!ll havo to pay moro for jour goad. I HAVE JÜST PÜÍKÍIASED A N EXTENSI VE STOCK OF maoy of tiicm, =a a.eo.;. ol tii LARGE SÜPPLY I ÜAIÍKET1 jPííí CASE LESS THAN ïfc Ocst to Make Thm and üuU Sell them tiil I havo to Pay ziore fcr tb ara at tht EXTUBjigLY LOVS FZ:CL$ MicaS ba'.oy. ■ --'- - MENS' BOOT&. Ken'a Í3.50 Calí' Boots, for ?2,r.O " 4,50 French O.fSuarü ie, S.5Ó 3,50 Air.cncan Oaïf doublé Bülsd, 2,75 " S,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2X0 Suirimer, 2 00 8,'25 Doublé Solo StO best quaiitv for S,7Ö GA1TESS. Ladics' 50 et. Gaitera, for 8? " 75 " Gftiter tor cO " 1.25 " Gaitera tor 1,00 Lndies' best quality of Gniters with an.i without beeltifroinl.'iö to 2, O Ladie's1 Leatlier. Culf nr. 1 ] íínd Congress Gaitera íior.i 80 t Mi Meu's, Bojb', Misscs'aiifl CIalJiQU'9, of vrj deairable kind. Trunks, Valises and Fa te hels ! AU Uu above gooit ani miny oüisn, v'd b; cU' , t MÏÏCH LBêB FBIGES th&ah&va Ever Bcon So'd in Ana Arbor. Wh. S. SAÜInDER Ani Aar, "aroh CO, 18C0. TSn-.S J . B K N G E L ' REPPECTFCU-Y i-.' ::r .1 i- fermer pmtrocp. aï SC tDiïAbitanta of An.i Arbor in gen : ■;,- lur, iu Ö ■ wlH ffive tliO li ...... ... of LU . -:i íbe Tí? of the Etoro '■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '- wiv.iL ho ■ . te bood u' - . to8 a, M.iiVotq . ■ C WT i. U, , ,. _.,