Eighteen Things
Iu which young people rentier theniselves very impolitc : 1. Loud luughtcr. 2. Reading wben others are talking. 3. Cutting fingcr nails in company. 4. Lcaving meeting bufore it is closed. 5. Wïuspering in meeting. 6. Gazing at strangers. 7. Leaving a BtraDger without a seat. 8. A want of revcrence tbr seiuor.s. 9. Reading aloud in company without being askod. 10. Receiving a present without gomo manifeetiou of gratitude. 11. Makinjr yourself the topic of couversation. 12. Laughing at the mistakes of otbers. 13. Joking others in company. 11. Oorrectina older persons thau j'oursblf, especiafly párente. lö. Comnicucing talking beforc others jire through. 16. Answering questions when put to otbürs. 17. Commencing to eat as soon as you get to the tablo. And - 18. lu not listening to what one is eaying in company - unless you desiro to Bhoy open contempt for the speaker. A weilbred person will not make an obecryatiou woilst another of tho eoinpany is addrcEsing himself to t.
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Michigan Argus