Business Directory
K ï- ■■! ■ ■ - Instiles Imcrtoq. i. o. öTFT" WASHTEXAW LOHGE No O, ot the fodepradeat order of Odd Fcil.iws niei-ls at tlu'ir Lenige Hoorn, every t'ri'iay erening, at 6 í o'clock. U. n. wti.-"ON, X. . Bobo. 8ee. DR. B. HESSE, PBTBCTA & SlnriKO Rnspectifiilly ten.lor Wl pMfoMlonsl berrlco lo the cit.ïeui of Ann Arbor nni .nilv. In Mck' Now BuiMing, Mam ptret Ann Afbór MÍOB. N. B. Night na r''l"nr'j' itlended to. TWlfcïlELL & CLARK. AfftLTtvs nd Counsffllon at Ut, General I.iTe an.l Fire Insurance BRints. Office i City Hall lllock, cm Uur.. n st., Aun Arbor. Collections promptly mad iidremittnl, nn.l i'ci:il atteution paiJ to couveyancing. n. . Twm TiKi i . r'4tn K. I'. c-i.K. "jXmes b. gotï, T A1V OFFICE, No. 2, over Slawson & Gcer's Store. h scotTíc tobey. I VBROTTrn it rnoTOr.urll Artists, b tlie room n. formerlyocciipiwUvConlley,ovorthe store of.Sperry k Hoore Pcrfec t satisfaction guaranUfd. L. D. GODFREY, ATrtïRXET asdCoinsëu.ok ;it Lsw, Ano Arbor city. ] office North EaslCorner uf llie Court House. " SUTHE1ÏLAND & BELL, WHOUSiir. RETilL GBOCERS, East sirte of Main strcet Ann Arbor. 3" l'rovieions bought and sold ijs W N. STRONG, TTVKliEit in Tlry Ooods, Bootü andShoes, Grocerips, BonJJ iic!,KancUuoda, Sc. Exchauge Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. DBALBRsinStaple, Funry Dry üoods, Boots and íhoc, kc. C, Maiutftreet Aun Arbor. MARTIN & THOMrSON. " FiRxrrinii Ware-üooms, IV.ilcr in all kinds of Furniture, c. Rew Bloik. Mam Straet. lilSDON & HËNDERSON, f'. EALKIÏSm Hurdvare,Stoves, house furni.-lnuggoods, %} Tin Ware &c. , New Block, Main Street. A. P. MILLS7 Dr.AivR in S1;i[ilc Dry Goods, Grocories, Bodts aiul ."üws umi Kt-aay MaUe Clotliing, iiuiuutrct-t Auu "trj JOHN VMAYNAKD, DpAi.Eü inSfaple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, He. te, Main írtroet, Aun Arbor. UEAlvKö & AÜEL, Attorneys & OoiNSEiJ.oRS at, and Solicitors Ín Uhaueery. Utiice in the old l'ost Office building, Aun innHT - „__ KliftfíSLET fc MORGAN, k ttukney!, Counsellors, Solicito.1-, and Notaries Pubi. lic, uuve Bookü aii'i l'iats ilimving titlea oi' all hinds in thw juuiity, andatend tucouveyuicingandcoHectÍDg innamis, auu Co p:iying taxes aim st-lioul interwt iu a.iy nut of tue btiitc. (iüiceeustsieuithe gqaft, Anu Arbor. JAMES E. COOK, JUSTKE of tuc I'eace. Office nearthe Deuot, Ypsilanti, Micliigan. J. LOVEJOY, M. D., Physicias & Stkíjeo.v, bas iermancntly located in the City of Ann Arbor. and hulilit Uiinselt iu reaiiin-ss tu ttenu to til calis in the line ot bis proiession. Keidcnce inNorthöt., ïn house east of OHUolic Charch. j Wm. LEVITT, M. D., PUTSia-.v fi Siiu.vnx. Office at hls rwidence, North oide of Hu ron utrec-t, and _d houte VV'Mt of lÜT-úon itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIEE, fcJT ANrF_crtRER and dealer in and Shoes. ExIVX cJiange Block, _ doors Öoutb of M-ynard, tjlebbins S: Wilson's atore, Aun Arbor, Mich. _ __. __ - . - MOOKE & LUOMÍ8. MlsUKiClCKEHa nn') icaler n Bouti urn) Sboes.Main t, ono door uorth of J. W. Maynard's. Wm. S. SAUNDERS, " D kaler in BootB,Shoes, aud Rubbers, Ann Arbor Casb Boot e tfhoe .Store, bouth side of l'ublic Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, WHOLKiiALEaiid Retail dealers and inauufiiciurers of Keady Oothing, Imorters of C'loths, Castsierei, üoeokins, &c. No. ö, New Block, Ann Aiuor. C. B. PORTER di"P""teg. St'Riizo.v Demist. Olïïce corner nf Miin JJmBLjGwSJ and Utiron streel, over P. liacli's slure, uTittv Áliin Arbor, Michigan. Y. WAGNER, DRA1.EH Ín Rea'lv M;k1c Clnthing Cloths, Cassimeres and VetingBj Hats, Cais, Truuk, CarpetBags, izc. Maiu , Ana Arbor. M. CAMPION, MBKntiSTTATI.OR and dealer !n Rcady Hade Clotbing, No i , l'hoenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACII & PIERSON . DKALEK8 in Drj GockIs, Groccrie?, Hardware, Boots & SJiocs, ie, Maiu itrwt, Ann Arbur. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., DIA1.IBS in Dry Gouds, Grocorics, Drugs h Medicines Boota k Shoe, te-, corner of Main and Ann streets, tiei bel c w the Exctiange, Ann Arbor. EBERBACH& CO,. Dialem in Drugs aud Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet arliclei, a few doors aouth of the Franklin Uouse. Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, Í1 rocerí, Protisio.v & Commission Merchauts, and deaX lernin Water Lime, Laxd Plastee, and I'laster of Parih, nne door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, rvBiLER inClocki, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, V t the igD of the Big U'atch, No. 27, 1'hoenii Block. J. O. WATTS. DEiuntinOlocki, Watchcs, Jewelry andfiilvcr Ware N'o K, Keir Bloek, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. AitBER and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, D Ann Arbor, Micli. Hair Front and Curls kcpt nutantly on iiand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DïAIiKS inMÍBcellaneoui, School , and Blank Books Sta tiomry, Paper Uangingi, ie., Main Street Ann Art.or. D. DeFOREST. ïTholkulf. anil Uetail Dealerin Luraber, Jath, Shin' r gles, Sash, Door, Ulinrta. Water Lime, (raiul Kiver f'laptfr, l'laslir I'aris, and Xails of all sizrs. A full and perfect asortmcnt of the above, and all other kinds of building material conKtantly on hau'l ïit the loWest poRsible raíe, en Detroit Strew, a few rodü fr''in the Kailroad Depnt. AIko operating exiensively in the l'atfint Ctrornt ltr.oflng. ff AS11TËNAW COUXTY MBLIÏ SOCIETY. DEJ-osiTORT of HiMe, ,nrt TestMicnts at the Society pnce at W. C. Voorheit'. J . jTë n g e l RFfPECnTIXV informí bis former patronJ, and the int] abitan ts of Anu Arbor in general, tliat lit will in trnct prholars again on tile Piano, Violin, Cuitar, in Thnrough Baï, Sjiügiuft; nnil alio in tho Germán Lanfi'1JI?Ptt the Barnc tfiuis jir he iiirtl to charge. He will 3f SN lessons in hiü own heuse, or in theliousrn of lii Uosirience indwpllingin thi rear of the Store latcly oc'■upitd by me and adjoining ri-nidince of J. F. lioyce. """re he mar bf ecto f rum 7 to 6 A. M., from 13 to 1 ana M: __ 7J7m8 chapín, wood & co., ÜCCESS0H6 TO JtTIa-i3f CHAFISTd! Co MANUFACTUKERS OF IXilXt5 BooIlL, -AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, "apping Paper.c. ASiPí AIlBOlt H1CH. SOPECIA.L 3STOTIGES . 3VE. C. R. H Passenger traína noir leave tbo aeveral Statioaa In tilia Cuimty, as followa. GOIN'G WEST. irnil Er, Mnmlial Ac. Night KxVtisiiauti 8 50 .' w. 6. SS l . 9.10 r. Mi AnnArbor, 610 " " T.M" " 0.30 '. Dciter, !35 " " ?-8u " " ■ " Chalaut, 9.Í0" " 7.55"" 10.10 i. M, G O I X O KAST. Evcning Ki, Muraliall Ae. Mail El. Chclse, 6.15 j. M. 8.15 a. ■. 4. .16 PU. Dextrr, 5.30" " 8.40" " 4.60 "■ Ann Arbor, A.55 " " 9.10 " " .15 '" Yp.-ilanll, 6.15 " " 9.40 ' " 6.3 " ' BANK NOTK, LAJVD WARRANT, SPECIE ANÜ EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. Carefullj Rrvised and Corrected OT#ry wek. UK9 CTRRENT AT TUK Banking House of D. Preston & Co., T2 Woodm. ' Ai. . Hotroit Sept. 21, 18C0. DANK KOOS. nctrcit City Bank, .... - Pr. Cánida, (all Solvent ISanki) N. England and N. York, (Solvent Bank) - New jersey and Polairare, Oliio, Kcntucky and Virginia, .... Pa , all notes par t PiUsburgh or l'hüadtlphia, " Bank of the State of Iniiiana, " U.VCÜRKEKT FUXDS. Illinois Wisconsln , 5tisouri and Iowa oujlng 1 Di ,, '„ i iolUag N. Carolina, S. Carolina and Louiaiana, - 2 Indiana Stock Koten, 1 Tennessee, Georgia, 1 and 5 " Bank of England N'ot, L, $4 84 Bankof Trcnmwh, Michigan, ... 6 di Exchange Baukof D. Ball&Co.. ■ ■ ■ ODRRATES FOK BILLS OF EXCHAXGE. Buring. SUlng. On New York and Boston, X V On Washington, & On Bufliilo X On Cleveland X On Cinciunati, -V On Chicago, X f C dis. for $100or upwarda. GOLD AND SILVER. Buying. SaUIng. Am. Gold, !ots of $100 or upward, Jt 1 American SilTer, 1 LAND TVARRANTS. $Gg It will beobserved that we do not quota by ihf aero, but io manj dollars for the Warrant. Buying. Salling. 40 ACK WARBA.TT9 42 $ 46 80 " 71 80 120 " 93 105 160 " l-'B 140 RoTOTolutiynary Scrip, (por aore.) 80 et. 90 cta. Ï-REMVX CÜlSS. SII.TT.R COIN'3. GOLD CODÍS. Span Filiar Dollara, 1 05 SoTereign, 4 84 and 4 87 Mexican Dollars 1 04 20 Franoa S 83 Five Franc Piecw 97 25 Francs 4 6fi French Crowns 105 10 Franc 190 Germán " 1 05 5 Francs 97 Prussian Tbalerl 6S Ten Thaler PiecM 7 80 Guil.ler 38 X Thaler Piecei 7 84 Eugliah Silver, (shiUing Ten Guilder Piecea 4 00 23c; L4 60 Spnnish DoubloonB 18 00 Old Am. Half Dolls. 103 Patriot 16 50 B" On lots of $100 or up California Gold $10 5d wards, 1 ï!c. additional iöDs and $20a ld. Gold Duit, $18 to $16 50 per ot. Spanish change $1.15 per ox. or 22 cents for quarterfi, 11 for shillings, 3 for sixpsnoes. On lots of 20 oz, and upwar'ls, SI .T S per oz. DAVID PKESTON fc CO.( Bankers. 72 Wooüward Ave. , Detroit. 4S" Office hours, from 8, A, M., to 5, P. H. [CT Mrs, C, commenced uiicg DeLand & Co.'ë Saleratui, ste declaroa th&t lier huiband'i expreisiúQ of couuteuance bas wondrfull ImproTed' She sayn that the diiTorence in the quality of the breid pastry, kc. , bai undoubtedly effected this desirable eondition of tempet' on the part of Mr. C. Good, sweet, wholeome bread, she believes, has a rery pfceptibl and gratifyiDj effect upon the dispoaitioa. DeLarnl 3e Co.'i SaleratuS is manufactured at Fairport, Monroe Co., K. Y. It is sold by most grocers and torekerp era, and can bought at wholesale from the principal gr o cera. THE GEEAT ENGLISH BEMEDT. SIR JAMES OLARKE'3 Celcbrated tVinalc Pilis. PBOTECTED @bSj?S LETCERÍ BY BOYAL # PATKNT Preparedfrom a prencript'.on of 8it . Cíarks, M &., Phytieian Hxtraordtnory ió tJu Qumk. This invalaable medicine is un&iling In th cara of tU thoit pr.inful and d&ngeroiii dieeae %o whieb tb femal 3-fnptitiiUo ii ihjct It mcderatftf &11 xe$ and fmoves all obitrmetioiu, and a ipeodT enra mj b ttta4 om. TO WAKIUKD 1.AD1KS It U -culiady suited. It will, in % ihort ÚM, tetaf tbe monthly prift4 with rttfularitjr. Eaob bottle, priot Om Dollar, ban 1ba OorendBa( Stamp of Grat Bñtain, to pnrent otrantorMta. Tkê$ PilU êkould not be UUn by fémmUê èmg tht TIK ST TH REE MOftTHS of Preffnnnef, m May r tmrc U Wimg m MÊiêcmrriag, bui al or k time Itof érê tof e. In all qims of Kerroui and Spioal AUmUmm, Pala bi the Back and limba, Fatigue on ilight exertion, Palpita tion of the Haart, Hjateñcfl. an4 WhiUa. Ümm PöU wlB effect a eor when au othor nwaiu har faüed, and hlihough a pttwerftel raMdf. do not eontain iron, ftlirmH antimeny, or any ihiag hortfal to the osMtitstlott. #"hU dtroctioni aeoomparj aoh pockage. Sole ABt fer th ünitod Stetw Dd Caoada, JOB MO8S8, fLêI.C.BlhrinkOo-l RohertrrTY -tl JM aad BMtef ■Uoapi oclowd te ooy m Ams iHH lili a Wtd of tt F0U by ietm ir Soïd by O. GRENTILLE, Arbor, and j Drug u evtrj town. t&r Th o Gr t Bon factor ofhli Rce.-O TA Great Healer of Mankind! Herriek's Sugar Coatid PUU. Th". tchoU World Unüed! Sick People think! Ajler whick act. You'd scarce expect, at this late day , With startling cures a book to Öllj . This 1% the ense, the million bkj, With the curen of Herrick!8 Pili They come frora East, and NTorth, ni West, And with glad tidings the papers fill, Becauae they arethe cheapest, safest, bent, And superior to othera is Herrick's Pili Frfm RootB)and Plante, and Flowers thej're; They always cure- they never kill Thousands now in tbeir giaven wcreltid. WereitnotforHervick's Pilis. Each Pili with sugnr is conted e'er- A rare discovery of malchless Bkill, Tbeir like was never 6een before, ÜnUl itappeared in Hernck'n Fill For ycars he's workad to heal the piek, With joy cíate hiu b osom filie: For tensof thousanda now rejoice At the magie Po wera of Herrick's Pilis. ty HERRICK'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FiMILY ÏILD5 have inundated the world with their popular ity. _)ver uve mílliun of boxea are used annualy , giving emiloyment to eighty-flve mon und womento put thfm up. l'lieir cures are nuinbered by thousaDds - their praises on the tonguea of all, Cittzens of Washtenaw Co-, and elsewhero, have you ever ur-ed thpm?Put up in Englidh, Spanish, Germau, and French diioctions. Large family boxes, 25 ccntsl Five boxes for $1. Sold everywhere. See advertisement on 3d pnge Important to Femulee. Dr. CHEË8ËNAM PILLS. Pebfíbbd bt CoaNELics L, CusssaxAy, x. x., New York City. The combination of ingrediënt In these Pilis are the result of a lougand extensivo practico. They are mild in their operation, andcertain in correcting all irregularities, Painfui Mfnsurations, removing atl obytructiont, whether from cold or otherwiKe, headache, pain in the ■ide, palpatation of the heart, whiles, all ncrvoui affections, hysterie, fatigue, paio in thebackandlimbs.ic, disturbed leep, w hicharises from iaterruptioa of nature. TO MARRIEDLADIES, Dr. Chsefieman's Pilis are invaluable, a they will bringon the monthly period with regularity. Ladiet who have been disappointed in the use of othea Pilis can plaoe the utmost confldence in Dr. Choeecman's PiU doing all they reprosent to do. X O T I C R - Tfiere is ont condition nflhefitnale systrm in tehir.hfh PUU cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The eondition rtferrcd to is PREGNANCY- thñ reiult, M7SCARRIAGE. Sur.h i the irresistabje tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functiaiu te a normal condítion, tktU éten ih$ reproductiva power of nature cannot resist it. Warranterl purely vegetable, and frre from anythlng injurious, Explicitdirectioni, wbich should be read,ac company each box, Pent by mail on enclosing tl to Dr Cobnxuus L. CueiskílaxBox 4,L31,Post Office, Xew York City, t& old by one Crugist in every toTrn in the United States, -a R. B. HUTCIÏINGS, HnSZJLXh AGBM FOR THB UNITED STJLTB!, Ao, 1 1 , Broadicoy, Piet yorkt 13 To whom all Wholesale ordera hould be addrew bold in Ann Arbor, by M-ayxahd, Stebbins & Wiuok, and G, Gaarviiij, 736jl MRS. "WINSLOW. An experi#nced nurseand" femalo physician, bai a Soothinp Pyrup for childreo, tethlng, which greatly Lacilitates tht procesa of teethingby aoftening the gums, reducing all iu flammation - will allay all pain, and ia sure to regúlate tb( ; bowels. Depend upon it) mothern, V will give reit tú youraelves, and relief and healthto your infanta. Perfectly ísfoin all cawa. _See ndTertite uioat in, another column. MKiTlËliNÏE E. LINEST rFACHEP. OF Piano Forte, Guilar, and Singing, belng X. dwirouB of enUrging her clas, will receive pupila at tb residence of Prof. WINXHLXL, which befng near the Unioa ScliooJ, will be ry convenient for such cholitrs attending there who hiay whh, to puru the study of muiicla oonoectioa with other Wanolie. Terms $10, half tobe paití at the middle and the telaace at the close oí ihe tsm. ST'R A Y : ' rpAKEN' ÜP BY the subnoriber, oo the Wh of Augatt JL a liay isidtog Puny, bnppoaed to bö eiglit ears Mj "wita two -wiiite feet. liio oi"cr ia reucüted ío 3. WATSOK. Brl4gtmftr s . ;f.iSn. ■,!■.(■ NEW AND CnEAP GrO ODS. I have recoived my FALL STOCK, and offer for salo at XjO-W PRICES. 500 Pieces American and English : Prints. 100 Pioces Lancaster and other Ginghams. 200 Pieces Delaines, Plain and ■ Plaid Merinoes;& otherDrcss Goods. 60 Pieces Black and Colored Silks. 500 Broche, Bay Stato and other Shawls. 400 Dozen Gloves and Hosiery. 20 Bales Light and Heavy Sheet - ings. 50 Bales Stripe Shirtinga. Tickings, Denims, Cotton Yarn and Wadding. 3000 Lbs. Batting and Carpet warp. 500 Lbs. "Woolen Tam, and Knitting Cotton. 500 Stark Mills and other Bags. 500 Pieces Bleached Cotton and other White Goods. 100 Pieces Eed and "White, all "Wool and Cotton Flannels. 500 Einbroidered Collars, and Linen H'dk'fs. 300 IIoop Skirts. 200 Pieces New Style Dress Trimmiugs. 500 Picces Velvet and other Ribbons. 500 Cloak Cords and Tassels. 500 Dozen Coats & Olark's White and Colored Thiead. 500 Soft Hats, 50 per cent. less than Hatter's prices. 2000 Pairs Ladies, and Children's Shoes and Rubbers. 100 Pieces Broad Oloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, aud Kentucky Jeane, And all small wares to mako np a roLL stook oy ü K. "S" QOOJDS, - and choicö- FAMILY GROCERIES ! These GOODS ARE ENTIRELY NEW and liave been purcbased of fir6 class Boston and New York Houses at prices namod only to Large Dealers, and will be sold FOR CASn, OR PKODUCE at its cash valne. JOHN W. MAYNARD. Ann Altor, Bpt. 17", 1860. 7 2STE-W STOERE 1 NEW GOODS! The citizani of Ann Arbor, Mich., and vicinity, ato informed that A. & C LOEB HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE nd tockeJ it entireiy wiih NEW G00Ï13. enpcialljr ftdaj-tod to tho coming Boaion and selectod with the grcatent care. At tho Cleveland Clotliing House Tïïll b found eTerythingdesirable and necMsarjr for C3-EKTTI.EIE3SI'S WEAB,. - I tin- LOWEST MARKET PEICE-. Aj w art determinad to mak our itnre popular, nd to coDTince the public tbat oma la the oheapest store our stock or READY-MADE CLOTI1INQ ! Ia mad up in the HANDSOMEST MANNER - OF- LATEST STYLE GOODS! JTvery attention paid to Cut and Fit ! WehTt Hktwiitt proeurod f rom UntoUMhouHU floe auortuiect of HATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FUBN1SH1NG GOODS dkc, &e, All of wbloli w afftr %k ASTONISniNG LOW PPJCES ! Our fftcili tiea for proeuriuf QooÓê on The Most Favorable Terms a tnta Ui Best Houses in the East ARE TJN6UBPA8SBD, ia tV. v Mk of thott who wint gocdl la t0 OALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK ! tnd lUfj thmMlTM thl H.-J1 iht Cheapest and best Goods. A. & C. LOEB, South of the Prk, k few door weit of Cool' Hotl, Huron StrMt, Aan Arbor Mich. T6Stf HO! FOR THE NEW STORE - Tremendous Sacrïfice! 20,000 WOATH -orDRY GOODS! TO BE SOLD ! REGARDLESSOF NEW YORK OOST O. xiöc!o3Es:9 WOULD KBpeotfully inouunc to th o!t!im o Good Old Waahtenaw and adjoiniDg ecunties, tha h is now building one of the most elegant and largeft ttort'B in Michigan , at the south west coruer o . Main an Liberty Street;;, Aun Arbor, and is determined t ck se out bis iramenso stock of goods of all kinds, at au, Sacrifice for Cash, preparatory to removing to hjs Kev and Spacious Apartments. H wins ooncluded to make grand opouiug with an eatirt aew stock in my new itor thif fall. I will asll fortb NEXT 80 DAYS, all klniJs of Challitt, Delainei, Peplini BLACK AND FANC1 aa-ww.i, mm 9 AT MOST ANT PR10E I oeo gei Alto Shw, Hat of evry deicriptíon at yon owp prioe, o go wA a-io-headed auy louger, bat go t UCK'S GEEAT CLOSING OUT BALE And hTe youi "pfvtet" ooertd for thüllcg aJ uj OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS TBELAROEST STOCK ver brought to thii plioe, au At Frioes to Suit the poorest Famili Aft ceu&lly cheapr th&n eau b found tt any other ei tbliRhment in tliin oounty, and IX SHORT EVERY TlilNG ütually fouod Ln m lrg anfiftttrotiv stook, Á GREAT RATE OF REDÜCTION Farmers, Mechantes, Lateyers ari Doctors, and the reit of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST Drop politics nd rush in n mutê to C. líAGK'S Or Closuig-out Sale, wher Si Shilling teill pat for a Dolía uil day lonj. Com One, Com All! I mean what I : I am determined to Hli oiï ali my present stock of good at a gxeat sacrific F O R CASH! Bafo temoviug to my NEW AND ELEGANT STOEI Wbnra I ntkipt removingwith ta astire Ba itoo'i ( foodi.ou ttartay of ïeptanbir. Jul.-S'', 1P?. ' '
Physicians & Surgeons
Twitchell & Clark
Scott & Tobey
Sutherland & Bell
Dry Goods
Wines & Knight
Martin & Thompson
Risdon & Henderson
Beakes & Abel
Kingsley & Morgan
Moore & Loomis
M. Guiterman & Co.
Bach & Pierson
Maynard Stebbins & Co.
Eberbach & Co.
Slawson & Geer
Schoff & Miller
Washtenaw County Bible Society
Chapin Wood & Co.
Michigan Central Railroad
Banks & Banking
David Preston & Company
Patent Medicines
Classes & Instruction
Public Notices
Cleveland Clothing House
A. & C. Loeb
Old News
Michigan Argus
Bernhard Hesse
James B. Gott
L. D. Godfrey
W. N. Strong
Addison P. Mills
John W. Maynard
James R. Cook
J. C. Lovejoy
William Lewitt
O. Collier
William S. Saunders
Charles B. Porter
M. Campion
Calvin Bliss
Joseph C. Watts
T. B. Freeman
David DeForest
J. Bengel
Jennie E. Lines
Alexander Loeb
Cauffman Loeb
Christian Mack