Lincoln On Jefferson

Notbing is so' disgwstinj to fi genuinn rcpublican as tlio siclccning cant of our modern abolitionists ovcr their lova and reverenco for the "immortal - Knowing tlie deap reverouco of th e poople for tho name of the "Author of the Declaration of Iudependenco," men sing their hypocritical pstfans to his meui - ory, who have nevcr folt one pulsation of las goneroua heart, or ono touch of hi i noble patriotism. The name of tho great philosopher lias been dragooned into tha support of the vilest fauaticism. Th authority of tliis greatest of Amcricau Btatesmen, and the fondest lover of tho whole Union, lias been invokcd by tha mad sectionalista who wage an "irropreísible coafliet" with the very horae of th doad patriot. ïhis, too, is done upon the bareat abstraction, when it is known tliat Mr, Jefferson lived to witness thta vory utrife about 'now slave States;" lived to see the dawuing of this sectional war about our now territories ; lived to hurí hi mouniful atiathemas at the bead of thi# sectional monster; lived to predict the fall of the Union and tho prostration of the hopes of tlie friends of human freedoin, by means of the very acts which we are now witnessing at the hands of the Republican party. And yet these men deal out their fulsome eulogies upon the great southerner and slaveholder ! What, howevar, is more galling to our sense of propriety, is the faot that these men have most ot them been tor lite the despisers of the name and principies of Jeffersou, and many of thetu have been his vileat traduoers. 'Jhat Abraham Lincoln held a wicked pre-emineoca among the slanderers of thw same man Jefferso, a quotation froiu a speech made by him in 1844, as giveu by the Macumb Kaglo, affords damuing proof. Let every houest mau read the following quotation from Lincoln, as taken from the Kagle, and then ask hiraself if a Lincoln man sliould not suffer his tonguo to ba blidtered ere he quotes aguin the uaiae of Thomas Jefferson. Hear Lincoln : "Mr. Jefferson is a statesman whoso praises are never uut of the mouttis of the democratie party. Let us attend to this uncompromising frieud of freedom whose name is eontinually nvoked agaiust the whig party. The character of Jeö'erson was repulsive. Gontinually puling abjut liberty, equalily.i and the degrading curse of slavary, ha brought his own ohildren to the hammer and uiade money of his diíbaucheries. - Even at his death he did uot mauumit his numerous offspring, but leftthtjm soul aud body to degradation and the oart whip. A daughter of this vaunted chatnpion of demoeracy was sold boiuo years ago at public auction in New Orleans, and purchasud by a society of gentlemen, who wish to tostify by her libcration, their admiratiou of the statesman, who ''Dreaint of freedom i ft slave'a embrace." "This single line I have quoted givej inore insight to the character of tho maa than whole volumes of panegyrio. It will outlive his epitaph, irrite it who
Republican Party
Old News
Michigan Argus
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln