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Letter Of The Count Of Syracuse To The King Of Naples

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The Count of Syracuse his addresseii tlie following letter to tbe Kiug of Naples: Si kb - Tliough my voice was onco raued to avert the dansers that threaten our house and not li.-teiied to, now that it foretells grater disastoM duign to opea your hc;irt to tlie oouucils I offer, and not to reject them to adopt evil oues, - The changos whic'i have taken p!ae3 in Italy, and the Fecling in favor of uuity which has assumeJ gigantic proporties vithin the last few iu)aths that havef elapsed sinctr tlie fall of Palerin'o, hótva deprived the govornuient of your Mijesty of that furee wliich is the mainstay of States, aud rendered au allianeo with Piedraout impossible. The populatiun of Northern Italy, seizsd w;th horror at Uu ntelligence of the cruelties coiuinitted iu Sicily, repelled in tlieir hearts the Anvjassailors f rom Naplus and we havetherë'ore been abando.ied to the chances of war alone, wi hout allianco, and expose I to the resjntiuent of tho inultitude, whioh las riseu froin all parts of Italy to tho cry of extermination lmrled againstourhousp, which has bccome the mark for universal reprobation. Moanwhile civil war, whicU is already spreading over tlw provinca.i of the continent, will carry a-way tho dyuasty iuto that ultímate ruin which the iuiquitous arts of preverse adYisors havo long been preparing for the descendant of Charls 1 [I. of Bourbon. Tue' blood of the citizens, uselessly spilt,, wül aguu flooJ the thousand towna of the kingdom, and you - once the hopo and love of the peoplo - W11 be regardd witli horror au the solc c:iuse of a fratricidal war. Sire, while it is yot timo save our house from the curses of all Italy. Follovr tho noble exatnple of our lloyal kins'.vonian of Parma, who, on the breaking. out of civil war, released her subjects froui thcir allegianoo, and lefc them to tho arbiters of thcir own destinios. Europe and your subjocts will tike your sublimo saerilioo into account, aud you, sire, will bo able to rais3 your brow iu confidonce up to God, who will reward the magnaniinous act of your Majosty. Your heart, tempcrod by adversity, will becomo accessible to tho noble aspirations of patiiotism, aud yoa will bless the day whea you generoualy sacriiiced yourself for the greatnesa of Italy. With these words, sire, I fultill tho sacred duty waicli my oxporiouce imposes upoQ me, and I peay to (jod that He inay enlighten you and roudor you deaürving of His blessings. Your Majcsty's aíTootiouate uaclc, LEUPOLD.CountofSvricuM. Naples, Aug. 24.