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Tu Ijisí woeVs i&sue oí thü Aun Arbor Joimi.i!, ovar the signatura of ' A Repub'ioan," a couiinuuieation appeared deag-icd for a sonorous crow, by a few nominal republicana of Chelsea. Thcnritor procoeds to state that a "prominent nioutb-pieee of the Demoeracy," J. C. D.ipew, had agrced "to d'13euss tlie Duuglas issuc witb ;i eound republican flv.d íifter dilly-dullying for a tolg timo finally backed square out," and tbcreiipou the ropublican chaniiolcer flaps h3 wings, and utters a vevy prclongcd crow in the columns of the Journal. The facts are simply these : Soma wccks aineo Mr. J. A. Clark clnllengcd me to diseuss with hiin tho claims of Mr. Douglas to the Presidenc)' ; I told him to clíoose his own timo and place, and prcseut bis rc3olution in hia own pirraseolngy, and I would weet him. He nppointed a ruceting, but I being a farmer, with no moro aparo lime than farmers generally, from uncontrollable circumRtances was compelled to aak him to deft:r it for a few days. He again sst his own time, but bi-.fore the day arrived he asked me to put it off as he could not conveniently aticnd at the time appointed. After consecting to defer the discussion for his own convemence, I rcUSslcd Ki:n to dosignate somc evening a reak or so iu advance, wlaob he uttcrly refuseJ to do, and exprcssed his desire to drop it attogethor. Thc-se, Mr. Editor, are the faeli of iho case ; and ai;y man with a particle of candor and co;nmon sense can easily see which party "backed square out." I havo smeo been advised by leading ropublicans not to debate vrith hiin, for thourh he is styled a "sound republican" by thc Journal correspondent; yet he is not recognized as such by the party here; but on tho contrary rather .as a crazy abolitioaist of the Giddiugs and Garrison grade, fit only to do tho dirty vrork of the party, for which he has abundant leisure and i eminently qnalified. After backing "square out," it senins that Mr. Clark and his few friends woro uot satisfiod v,-ith the laurels already wod, and on a subsequent croning, at the orgauization of the Doug'as Club, a communication signed "Many Republicaas,:' was handiid to the Chairman, esprössirig an urgent desire to discusa Air. Douglas' claims to the Presidoncy; and modcstly granting the Club permission ! to import ' a spoaker competent to moet Mr. J. A. Clark. In reply the Club adopted and sent a "resolution," that if "Mauy llepublioans" will becouie responsible for thcir proposition by endorsing their namea theruto, it shall then raoeive proper attention from the Club. "Many Republicana'1 refused or neglected to do this. doubtless thinking they had achieved glory enough for ono night, and here the matter dropped, until the comraunication of "A Republieau"' appearcd iu last wcek's Journal. Verily, "A Republieau" shoulu be ashamed of himself, thus gratutiously heaping "Od-sa ol' Pelion" for tho mistaken benefit of Mr. Clark, and crushing bis raode3t(?) hcaá under a load of accumulated honors. In his closing paragraph "A Republican" says. "With consent of Hon. Ji. F. Granger we have dared them to trot out Phcenix Bank Lothrop, with the view of discussing State and National issues, which they dare not do. They feel as an ancient Democrat did 'that education' no matter how obtaiued 'is the bane of Democracy.' ',' In reply to this, it ia sufiicient to s:y that Republioans of Chelso Home-time ago asked me if I was willing Mr. Lothrop should meet Mr. Granoër in a discussion at this place. I tolJ thein I tyad no authority to commit Mr. L. to any engamsnt. I hare, however, since seon Mr. LoTHRor, and ain psrmitted byhim to sav that he would bo happ; to meet the Republicana ofChelsea atany time they.jnay fonnally invito him; and if tbey wish hún ta'rneet Mr. Gkanger he is quite willing to do bo, Mr. L. D. Norris also infonned me that he was ready to discuss State and National issues with A. D. Cbane, Esq., before the Republicana of Cholsea at any time tbey inay request. Tberefore, sevoral weeks sinco I infonned the Chulsca Republicans of Messrs. LoTHiiOP's and Norkis' willingness to either speak upon,or discuss political issues before tlu-;m,but tbey hiive been perfectly mum ever fiince. I bave heard no more of tbcir braggadocio cballenges and conclude tbey bave hidden their lion skiu in agarrot I thiuk if Mr. Granger is really - wilUnif, as "A Republican" says, tp enter "the lists a "trot" against Hod. Q. V Ñ. Lothiiop in a discussion of State and National issues, it would be well enough for bim to signify it in some other way than by a gamo of 'hide and peep" behind Iheanonymous challenge of "A Republican." ttnd il "education is tho bane of Demooracy," aud intelligcnce and truth only needed to overthrow it, wby do inflated Republicans aod Abolitionists ignore the issues they offered, andncglect to get some of thcir leading cbampions to meet Messrs Lothrop and NoitEis, and give Democratie principies, and State aflFairs a candid and tborough ventüation beforo the hsnest massee of a tax paying pcoplc. JOHN C. DEPEV Chelsea, Scpt. 24, 1800. J53T The Annual State ïair is t'o be held in Detroit next week, cominencing on Tuesday and concluding on Friday. - The several trains on the Central llailroad carry at half fare, as hcretoforc. jL2E" Tbo live young Domocrats of Tecurasoh and thereabouts have orgnnized a horse-ooinpany, and on a recent occasion turncd oiit in uniform one-huiidrèd and Boventy-five strong. The fires are burning in old Lenawei. JCX" The oitizeop of Cbelsea have organied a Coaottery Compny. purohnsed about five acras of land, nnd are ahout ilatting it. Thoy design to mafcc it nn nttract ivi iiotinp plC'' for ilic dcad, onc which tho ] : v i g will !ov to visit.