Annual School Meeting

1 he Annunl School Meeting of the district compriaing thij City and a portion of the Township. was held At the Court House on MonJny &t 2o'clock, P. M. The Sicrolary of ': the Board presented the following: ANNUAL EErOKT. The undersigned, Trusteei of School District No Eleven of the City and Townhip of Ann Arbor submit the following report of moncys reouived and expended, during tue 1 year endingJSept. 24U, 1860: MONEY's EECFIVED. From tnx voted to pny interest on Bonds. $1,318.75 " " " ' Teacher Wage 2,125.00 " " " " " ineUentnU ond flo.tingdebt 1,926.00 " ■ " ' ' Build New School house 3,000 (0 " Mili Tnx 2,123.00 " Primary School Fund 677 12 " Tuition fee 1,201 5fi " Rents ofTJuion Hftll 72.00 " Lamp sold - gas burnor, and gas to Society 8.15 " Tiano eold 380.00" l'reruiums on Bouds issued Feb. lst lfiliO. 54 15 Total, $12,8È4.93 EIPENDITUEM, Paid interest on Bonds $1,31875 " Salnriee of Teachors 5.74129 " on ITew School Hoviaa 2,50.91 ' ouUUnding orders rep. last ycar nnd int. f28 82 " for Fuel 353 86 " " Insuranoe 131.25 " " servioes, and oleaning houses 318 95 " ' Gas Pipe and fixtures TT. S. H. 268 49 " " Repaii-8 Furniture and general expenses 1,137.23 Total, $12,849 55 1 caving a balance in Traasury of $35 33. Thia lnst ittui includea thu building of out hou8as and new chimneys at North School House with other repairs, th eulargement ftnd furoiebing of writing room ia Union School basement, therepairing of furnacoa in Union School building to guard against fir, re painting of halls, purchusa of furniture for recitation rooms, new matting for tudy room floors, mapa, apparatus, fcc, c , for all of Mach bilis ars on nis. At the close of the schools for the last year the Board, in view of the faot that no suitable rooms could be spared in the Union School Building for the accorauiodatioaof the department of instrumental niusic, that the Pianos in 8'jch rooms as could bo spared were fast be coming worthleis, that the city pessessed a sufficient nuinber of private teachers to meet all the tcquirement of our citizens, and that the department could not compete with them and euatain itst lf, abolishcd the depart ment and sold the Piaros Tne to al bonded debt of the district is f13 187.50, the $2 637 50 falling due on the first day of February 1860 having been can celed by the issue of new bonds to fall duo Feb. lst 1865. Of this debt Ihere will fall due un the firsl day of February next. Principal $4.250 Interest on entire bounded debt l 318.76 Total $5 653 75 Of this amount ths Board would recommend that the interest and $2.000 of the principal or $3 318.75 in all bo provided for by tax, and that ihis meeting authorize a loan of $2.250 for the payment of the balance of principal to fall du; on the firit day of February 1861. There is also due on the contract for new School building in the 2d Ward, the aiim of about $450 00; and the sum of $228.00 for scats snd stoves. This building has cost more than the rougli estimates made and amount voted at the last animal meeting, or rather the building and lot come within tha appropriation, and the excees is for furniture and fencinfi; the groun Ja. The building is somewhat larger than the inmediato pressing demanda muy harerequired, but it wa3 not built for to-Jny alone and it would have been untrise to have adopted a smaller plan. Two of the rooms are now occupitd and filled, and its utmost capacity will be tested, withinprobably anotber school y car. In view of the relief furDished the South Priinnry School building by the opening of the new School, aud also finding it nccessiiry to eularge the writing room at the Uuiou School, the Board was compelled at tho close of the laat Slimmer torm to suspend the Primary School heretofore nccomodated in ihe basume-nt of the Uuiou Building. The scholars of thnt school have been distributed aocording to loea.ity in the North and South Schools, principally in the latter. There is an urgent demand made upon the Board for the establishment of Primary Schools of the lowest gr de both in the First and Third Vards. This demand is based T)oth_upon the crowded state of this giade of tho Scuouls and upon the distance ihat scholars of from fur 'o seven years old have to walk. This complaint might be niateiially lessened if pareuts would refrain from sending any children undr Cve years iato the SohuoU. At present the nuoiber of echolars below thut agc iimkc ibis grade bnt little better than a uursery, while in a majority of cases neithcr the educational nor physical heal h and growih of ;he pupila is accompli ih ed The Board would huwever, suggest in this connectiun, that as otir systein of Schools will sooner or later require the erection of houses n the lst and 3d Wards it might be now wisdem to previde for tlie purchnso of lotsiuthoso Wards before the desired nud proper locations are otherwise occupied or their price grtatly advanccd. If aUo dec med iibsolulely necuesary for the uecommodation. of this grade a email appropiiation would build ft houns of the capacity of one teacher and fifty scholar-j which would satisfy th demand for ssveral years To meet ihe expense of building o Ward School House in First Ward, if a lnrger building than for a single grade should be determined upon, tho sale of the present site and building knoffu as the South School would ba advisable. The total attendanoe npon upon the sevcral Schools under Ihe charge of ihe Board during tha lat school year was_l,307 distributed as follows: In the Union School 535 " ; North Primary Sohool 2i5 ■ " " South " " 382 " " Union basement Priraary J05 The averfige attendance has been fair, but the Board feels called upon to ürjre pon tho parents the necessity of peruiitting and requiriug move reguUrity. - Frequent or even oocasional absen ces combined wiih a too general tardiness at morning and neon on the part of miny scholars, yery much retards the progress of the whole school. Schylars should be tent to school at the proper hour, and Bent regularly - and parents should permit no trivial reason to detain them fifteen minutes, much less a half a day. Punctuality and regularity in school lifo will do much to to to make th charncter of the future man or wónian, and without it, our schools cannot be in the liighcst degree suece6sful. fchednle accompanying thi report exhibíts tho salaries paid the several Teachers during Ihe school yir 1859-60. Schedule B is an itemized statement of expenditures on account of 2d W'ard Primary School House. Schedule C is an estímate sheet of the Eeccipts and Expendilurcs for the ourrent year. The term of offic; of three Trustees - to wit Messrs. H S. Frieze, J. M. Wheelsr and E W. Morgan expires with the present school 'year, : nd it is incumbent upon tbis meeting to nlect their successors Numbcr ofscliolars in the district between the ages of 4 and 18 years 1406. By order of the Board, JNO M WTTFFXP, Prp.t. E. B, l'osn, 8eoy. Da'.ed, S:-pt. 3 1,1860. J Tlio folio ing approp iations were tlien voted to bc raispd by jroperty Ux: For Teachers' wage $2.250 00 " Incidentnis and floatingdebt 2.300.00 To pay on Union School Bond 2 000.00 " " Interest on Bonds 1.318.75 A loan of $2 250 was alsoauthorized to pny tho ame amount of bonds to full due on th first of Februnry ncxt. The following resolution wisalmost unanimously: Resolied. That no chil !rcn under fivsypnri of ago sliall herenfter be admitted into any of the public schools of tUis district. A proposition being made to build a Schcol House in the First Ward, a committe, eoneisling of Messrs. Jlorgan, Bch and Frieze, was nppoiutrd to ox.imine locations and report at an adjourned meeting. An application was made inbchalf ef J. M. Chnsa for an allowanco to him bocause of injuries done to his boy by the falling of the pillar in Union School Hall in February l.-t The same was referrsd to a committee con sisting of Mtjssre.Hill, Beake and Morgan, to examine and report at an adjourned meeting. The Board s by resolution requesttd to cstallidh aprimnt-y school ia the eastcra por tien of the First Ward. Mes6rs. E W. Morgan, J. M. Wheeler and H. S. Friezo lirero eleoted Trustees for the Ie gal lerinofthrea years. The meeting wns largely attended nd a good dcgree of unaniniity pre vailed. An adjournmect was taken to Saturday veoing Oct. 6th. E.:2f The long vacation is over and the several dopartments of the University open on Monday next. The Professor have nearly all rerurned frora their summer rmbles. and ourstrects are fast filling up with sludents. i$f Tho October nuraber of ihe Ladies' Repotitory eomes to our table elegantly mlMÜished and -with a table of oontents that ■will be read in the family circle and around the firesid. It 3 a home periodieal, inculcating losíons of rirtue. $2ayeiir, Addieee Poi & Hitchoock, Cincinnali, Ohio.