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In thls CHj, onlhc23d, a.t., CHANCEY S. GOODRICH, aged 45 years. In this City. on Safurdar, 22d inst , HENRY WOOIiÈY WELLES", in ihe 43rd year of his nge, of Ilietis, after an illineea of about three weeks, which, though puinful, he bore without a murmur. This work of D.-atli has acartled ourcoramunit .- ond cnst a pal] of gloom over our City, which is feit in every hcart where Mr. Welles was'known. His uniform urbanity, bis perfect, systeniatio way of doing everything, his thoroigh business habits. and his at riet. regard for jmtice, gave him a'peerlejs pre eminenee in commercial cireles , where he wa regarded as a model bminess man. So uni formily accurate was ,he in all his (ransactions, so clear and correct h3 judgmcnt, and so unquestioned his probity, Ihat when any nnder aking wasentrusted to Iris care and supervisión, every person in',ere.-ted feit ;ure ihat it would succeed and b? couducted in the best possible mxnner. But his social qualties and eathetic culture without, in the leasï detracting fron his business acconi pïishments shone with peculiar lustre even in the brilliaut light of th;ae. In his social re lations ho gave fu'l p!ay to thoae rich fountains of generom kindness and diaiutirested friendship whicli evr flowed torth from the depths of his noble heart, refreshing and making glad all lho3e who were within reach of their icfluence. He never spared hitnself, Lut toiled as earn=stly and untirinly for his frieDds as fur himself. Never obirnding his opinions or his counsel upon others, thcy were never withhold when so;ight for proper objects, and they were not seldom asked by ■wise and intelligent men, and by the tried and füaicled in all ranks and conditions. His hand was ever open to the cry of distaess, the poor he sent not away erapty, and to the calis of the benevolent enterprues of tho day he ever gave a generous response. But Bkilled as he was iu business, wise as he was in couisel refined, delica e andeven elegant as was his taste, kind, courteous and ever the gentleman as he was in his intercourse with the world yet there was a little circle around his own bearthstone whcrejjs a husband and a fathe1" the jewels of his excellencies shone more bril. liaut thanany where else. There, nseverywher he never forgot to be the true gentleman, and in all his intercourse wiih each member of his family he was as careful to be truly polite as ho was in any other circle, Thera we may not further intrude.for there were henrts which e'.ill survive, that loved him well and which are made fore by his death. Though he never made a pivfclic prufcesion of religión, th Bible was his text Book anj his code of mor' als , and the teaohings of Christ he endeav' ored lo make the rule of his conduct. He never hesitated to avow his undoubting faith in the truth and realicy of he Christian Reli gion.and his belief in the Son of God aa the nly Siviorof mankinl.nnd he left this world with that faith and that belief undiminish'ul. and uHfhinged, and oonfident that God would take care of him and thoBe most ar to himg hom he lefi behind, and in due (iirelrin them all together again in that bright world where pariings are unknown. Who did not know these ihing3 ofllr. Welles did not know him as he was. I think I knew hún well , his mute dust I honor - a man more pure.and bold and just is seldom born upon this earth. It would bo no easy undertakmg to flnd oue to ñll his place in all the relations of life. HU family and friends will long uiourn hts loss, but we should noS forget that ""God givtt ui love ; something to love he lend us ; and when love has grown toripenei=s, that on which it throve falls off. and love is left a.Oiie," to look up toand tr'jst andjadorf Him who Himself is Love, who gave, and who hath taken away. Sept. 25, 1860.