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A Foundling

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-Early in the evening of Thuriday of last week, the door-bell of Rcv D. F. Lumsden va violently rang, and on going to answer the cali a littlemale speeimn of hwnanity, eupposed to be about three days old, wa found deposited on the platform Mr Lcmsden took the child in, administered the rite of baptism.chnstened t Abrahnm Lincoln, and delivered it over to Mr. A Beli., one of the Superintendente of the Poor.who ncxt morning-3epo'ited it in the County House, lío clue has been diseovered of the heartlcss parents ty Those of our merchaDta and other bus'ness men who wish a supply of Cards or Circulars for distribution during the ooming County Fair should leave their orders at the Arsus office. Our Ruggles Rotary can tnrn them out neater cbeapee, and quicker tban they can be got cliewhere ia the City. Rev. J. Patchin, a competeDt cdacator, hits taken charge of the Lodi Aoademy. and tha Fall term will open on ths firet doy of October. - ■ W I l X - 137 The Washtenaw County Mutual Insurance Cotnpany is to hold its annual meeting at the Oourt Houss on tho first Sa;urday of Ootober. This eompany now has a capital stock of about $600.000. td" M. Guitebman & Co have their fall Gcods in store, including everything dairable, and Sosdheim is ready toapply the tape to hi; customers old and new. Give them a cali and you will get fitted and suited. JC3T D. DkForest has fully stoeked np his Lumber Yard for the Fall trade. He bas the largest and best stock ever bef ore of red by him, including all varieties wantec by tha builden of this City aud vicinity Take a lookthrough bis yard. lát" The lower or basement story of the Presbyterian Churoh Uup.andthe -work en tbe main story is being crowded forward. It is showing fine proportion, aod rill be an ornament to our City. J5S" Blaekwood' $ Edinburgh Magaiitie for September, p esents ths followinj table of cgntf-nt : A Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir Rcbert Peel. The Romance of Agostini. Part I. Great Wit6, Mad Wits ? Kig Arthur and hls Round Table, . Tb Struggle at Malazzo. The Tower of London . ISTorman Sinclair : An Auto'biogriiuli1'' - Part VIII. 3 a yíar , w!th th font Hetievi 10. Ac! dfilB L. ÍCOTT Á CO., K. T.


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