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GEEATBAEGIÍIS -AT- g Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. E WK HAVE AGAI.V KETIJCN7SHED OVB STORE friTH the most splsndld Stock of i 3r O O 3O ö I tb&t WAS rr ofïerel in mr ooe fltab!ihin$at iv the State, all of whJch tt offer for H OAOM K tPKOOaOO!l J Í [; M !f u ui b fOuai In th IV m We want Money ! j j Great Sacrificcs on Anythiiig i we.lurt to obUIs it, not tcf ir OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS W sordlallr i&Ttt ALL CASH CUST0MEE3 to 011 and xaraiM out Qoodi aod PrlMj. W alw mril our Prompt Paying Customers h to comt and buy thlr uppll for tla Wintr. Tothow Baiihful OQMtbat aro afriüd to oali, w aajr to ikein, tak co ora V without longw walüi:g for hihir pri5 , como In, - I old Korw, alUu . ' at uch pI.R ai wlll nuke ttp all louc. It la hardl neccosa&r to numtraU our Ooocli, for n We have Everything! J CARPEING, CROCKERÏ ; DRY GOODS, MEDICINES, GEOCERIES, PAJNTS, OltS, HAT3, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS Ac, &c„ &c. O ara sigiyis! (7tf) MATNARD, STEBBINS WIL30 GeENVILLE & FüLLER, HAVIVG A?SOCÏATED thfmsclve for the purpo of dealiuff in th various articlfi ís th Dmg trado, offer for sale a fuli aKiortmtal of Pure and Genuino JCodícines, WIeim, : . . Note and Letter Pper, Uquorf, r., Fancy Articlet, Prfumrj, FliiToring Kxtracts, Combi Fnbrr's i'encilir Brufthes, ArQold'i laks. Ha ir Dys, Popular Patent Medicines, Jttjnwi', Adsms' LiTer PaUam. Ayer', Hufltttr's BitUrs, Hollowar, HooÜand's Gerni&u Bitten Brown's TroobM, Townsends and Brjant'i 1' jlmonary Bwloato, tíuysott'i garsnprilla. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &o., &o. Zinc, Varniühet), Patent Dryrt Hibornia Green, Bnrning Flaid. Caraphine, Tildens Fluid fa,xtracts, Sugar Coatod PiU, nd Granules. K. B. Prescriptions eoropounded wlth aeatness h ad diBpatoh br ezperioocd percocs. G. GRENV1LLE, JOHN T FUI.LEK 742. t WIIN'ES & KNÍGHT ARB KCrw OFBüriNO J%. SPLENDID STOCK -07DR Y C O O DS Purciïated for tkt EARLY FALL TRADE September 8, 186Ö. FALL CSrO OXSf AT C, H, Milieu &Go's. lPill& EOCK OTO BE 1 í flBsi fc c,„ NöNfe íg8gfS Op postilo the V T iÉH&F"lk!in lloii!ic y in '; AREXcrvorr.xiso, i ;im rmiim.ES ■ ANÜ Manufactarits, New and Cúmplete st" ■' LAW & MEDICA I, BOOKS, j School Hooit, Misctllanceut JJuoki, ' ülai.l: fíoo&i. dan ' " ST ÍK. "Xa X CÏ 3J 33 3TÍ. "ST ! [ ínllond WindcT Papir, ni Diawing aní tr.frmiVM Trntruntí, : fli lualc, JuTenüB Li'riaries, Eü.-cLoe.-, ínks and Ciudí. H -Tvnc-v'-vir ,?yj.-'!WMii'"-.aJ' -. 'J GOLD 4nd aZ oZw AíVííZí of Pcn.i and Ptncils. a' Win-ioir Ccrnic?, Bháaoa and Fixiura, . POCKET CUïLEKYi Lnd eíerything prtaininff to th iriide, nnd more to whichthey wuuld invite the aítemion of the country. Inoonducting nur bu.aiaess, re fihall du &11 tlüit cao done(so that ao rsasoDable iaan, ft-&n,an or child shall Ind any'fault. We posaess bcüUlM whlch wiU cnabla tas to nnppli Ai mr stomers at tho Lowcst Possiblo Figures. WepropOBotossllf'ïrP.EAnY PAY, ata nall udraace. L iV xpecta profit ou our ggodf, bat [Jash Sales wiil Adinit of Iow!wFIGÜEES. We have eaffad tbs aorvics; cl JAMI3 F. ??AT,Diyot íereforearo prepmed to faruíp-h VUiting, Wedding and all other Cardé writtcn. to order, xcith neatness and 7' dispa(c7i} by ma i1 or otherwiss, The "EmpiiisBoOk Stors," U manned by agood 'crew a id tbey will always be found on iba "quartír deck,'' "&f ■eatly and willing %o atieud to all wiüi plea-ñure, who ri ,c 'avor them with.a cali. .. - ' Líemornber tho ílE:r)piro Dook Store." J JAMES R. WEBSTER & Oo. f, Ann Arbor, Mav,1800. Ï4fl n: ' , __. U Riíle -Factor y! j A. J. SUTFÍERLAIYD H3remoe'thls Qun Shoptnthe Ni;w Riockl) ton Btrret, outh o f the 'íiui.1 Ih nú%o&tuO aecoud ' door, whert ht U prepaiedto furjiish Guns, Pistols, Ammunitlon Flatks, Ponches Game Bags, and Everj otlier article in bis Lice. On tbe moat rcaaonablí It.-rrrp, 8r;t? to Ho &I1 kínJ cf n the shortfst r.otico, and In the br&t maünfli A lull (usortmsnt alwa je kept on hend. oud made to order. ' " O . BLÏS3 Still i 11 the Fild! ■erra a LAItGE STOCK of GOODS in nay llii dhect from New York, Boston, and tha Manuíacturers! I liave juat nicoÍ7d a largo acl wíll sok-clydaasorttooci CLOCKS, WATCHIIS, JES T7V US ir.. L TE. SILVEK&PLATED WAiíE, Musical Instrumsr.ts, Table ard Pocket Cutlery ! GOLD lENS, And a great variety of Ynke8 Notions. o I would oall partioular attention to rnv larg stock of SIBCTA.CIjE3, of Gold, fc-ilvcr, Steel, andJ'lated, with PEE SCOPIC GLASS A superior arílole, and a great T&rlety cf irtítlo ia tko 'BCIIEA.P for CASII. Persons hnving diíScult watííheA to fit iriih glaso-, etc be acccinmodíitou aa my stock is lire aai Cütapita. P. S. Particular attentton paM to th REPAIEING of all kinds of Fine Watohei, such as Makiiïg & Setting1 New Jewel?, PlUIOKS, STAFF3 and CTLIXDF.R3, .ilso CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, 7st3v Bopaiiei and Tinïiitrf. C. ELI3S. -ojrBOOtB StZXCa. S5Ï3.OQJ3 aOld O EC 33 jSL X= 33 XI ir CL s bovgifj is M@M[i DUOA(üOü)IFAriyJK3P Of iU klnli mlc to tao atii Fashfonable Styls T fOT ASO EXPERIEXCED W01?KME,N, -oxrrs.FEENCfí CÁLF BOOTS areT0TsrPTi8ranthIfi stfle of JTiwTcrt City, and are warranted nol to rii Our erOGASAND KIPSs wre mada . ' tho best aiateriais O-ir ctock of Moroooo Bootoea for Ladlct !i tK the best in tevn, with hoels or without We Malte to Orfler, andnevyr a-iiüs of the firsttime togiveusa cali and s wil] show you n free of charge We have .icured the services of two Lxrrienced JourDe3'nien, who do ourmcnrlinin tho !Vtt' et Marnier, and on shortest uutice. Our motto is Qulck Sales and Shmdl Proiits Thatikfulfor past fa vors we hoj-t hypnying Btrictatfonííonjto our business to aaxii a ÜMCW Bbare of y our patronap for the tuture. LQf Kme:ubesr we m not to be nnderí.old. a MUOBE & IiOOMIS FOUÍXT 33 RUKTN'ÏKG at lcree ín the town of Br k1. ja c ter, en tto Sd day cf Julv, a BROWN MAEE, il)-utlOyean oM ; h.ij " A " bricdod on rljlit s'.ioulder, ft wliite star in ítíiahci-d. Tiie oïvmu i. .■i.iiu.ted te ty üaart-e aoU tako bot iwy. JOHN' H IU7XES. Kerrick's tugar Ccated tul (TT giüMMJEK CUY FOR THEM I XT Tl'.ic retiiarkalilo f $■'■& V A1".!rinifnvly lat . -''; rv.fí ir&Wd 1 j.' . . "' i a-r n.U'x riiiiaü ƒ. (_: mi (i t JmZüSTSi ' íí-1 ahí, iy i y ]m . ; ■, Tf "J Jl 1;r' ï '1't.n" Prul r . Afl' tratt; llmrt tfitit e ■ , !i ki.iri fjntwn r, ■ 1 ;i vu.i snHsii.ct. r :■: fi lí-Ovs-fiJ. c; LL 9E29l jBftóJ'' .' --':lir on (lic .V, ( ;V bojr, 'holr r-u is fltfiTi1"! mh l.c hflppftait flWet. In OÍU et re e tf '. frííjUpatlv .' ■■■! bcaitb H tle rentilt." F . Changa in cm; i'-ymtni .'T (iiot i rticfrusary. T1jj r :.r-! oints, r.cliii'K llu!fl, ir., ti IM rmnv o'lw r Hn'1. T 'J a;e trfcrnillitd to 'ir' " ! ■ pik: i ftiVt'wl. Tiifjf rf íriH'eif í chcajKT, s.:f. , pi U.r. r..l m al! n.-I; uMtM u n pritir ffll n t vi. S-Hit );kcr)Triy cf caátiñsf a pijl with tvjar enaTuttCd wilh I. Hffrúi'. ii citlicr ure cour.'ci'cii,aEti lfu.ii, w!ll(lcn,il 'V-.ip'' thccW;. Hürrici'i p!ii trríiht.y í:iJ, 30 in :i uk ri a lnrpr sinotof dii'.'oliol:, ra sUl !-f 25 cents f er box; 5 boies fop tl.' 1TkRI!ICK'í KlD STKliXCTilIiNtSO PtA8TKRr. Jke grnd Strijiqther ard Pam Drslroyrr The Bat and rirapr$f Hifuseficld Rtmcdy in the Morid. ■ orownod Fláilisli cttr rain', mkow ad Ai . k,ïMeidbreut, nonfcmmi Iarta4 to certain are they tojo üjíí, tht tfc rrorii lor lwttnl i Irrm. PprMcfyfrfmi rssina, bal-jims %.t-A f?i:ni rjí brautlfhl-kii] l'tlj(n-,renürifhctpioollfly t,.t-; tlio wnnts of Frma'ct and olhtr. Ihtir np l:cato !j Dnlru il- ■o'i'-'illy lotlistrongmai!.;!:(.de!ittw(;nuio na.': il.c Iwbla irtiiit. To cli ui :i tUy willrrorg Ki!m n1 aMessinf. Tiieirusai reiwwble nd nitiiont tw truBbi. lach PW.MwlüwUrfrotnoi to fout ment ii, r.n-J n thuia(; comnkmti, npraia ar.'i brniari. frcquen:ly effect curts xhn all clhfr naBdka ft!, ruil diitrüoni nrill i fouinl on tl.aUckoi wen. V luta, mlnitlara of-ttuvwMl an'lotliir','.-.-;!; :,trrr, thtir liiDpapr.d ir,[.r.vmri..r voic.-e !.; Wfwinf th'jin co 't-lr fcreaü. fc itK cants. ■ ■ - . " Pï TU übors articlft are afjMlyatt tl 'Iftleri la fr.(ï by Dri;-Ktstl rnagi '.i-tli.c SL-'.W, Ci'na rtoj anrl Botrb An:?;-:?a, ,t frhnlesalo b J ftli lAf " ■ Cltotti ' HEJU'.lUii k BROTHK?., Ij'yi rnAiTlcLCDKaisrü, Al!njrl.if Tf. Ad ciptrient'V N'urso an-i-F-fin-'.lel'Tij-iJciiïJ, preüt U fj atieiitio:! ;f moth#ri-lir Soothiiig Syrup, For Childicn Tceililnij. v.-luch groatlj faciliiatesÜ! procees of teethir.g, tj icftenïng t;.c guras, wductug.All Influtoüatïon - wÜi aü a I i-nlíi and apasniotiicacl.oa, sad is Dt'fn'l uponit, motl.ors it #ÍHít rMt t jourteiïv, ASBrKEHEP AXi; HEALtH TQ Y0CR INTAJtta W hare put up ar.l oM ihU art.cla f-T ovr ten yca-rs, and pau wy,Iii cottíiOoiúc Mt! t-uiHcf L'.;'1 Mis. vv iiNM.o r.;'biBtosooTHING- SYKUP, "J anj ot] ■ . ,. . „ er uiöujinvVwVLH HAS ÍT KAIlU, IM A Sl ■ GLK IJ4STAAXE, TÜKFFK(T A HHF, vrheü tïroely umA. roTLr dra we Ln.w ha iDhtanco of clUsJvtiëfactiun by nnj on who usod it. On Dio contrirj, all are deligbleU with its oporaliona, anu irjfak d tuiu:4 of „b.igliet commfnHatioti uf ií mticn! rffecta kuJ mtd'CtiL Tirinas. v ftpcitlcia thfa tnKttervtikalwa do iüioxv,' afitr led veari eiiJPi'int) and plcflgtt our rspürtion for thfc ruifiUtnritt of v hut xvv Ueix; cltitïare. In JLaut infltanc -wher- tlie iniant is uiferiDg froin j-nin au.-]' eihaustion, laliei will be found In Üftei'ij or Lwenty miuutes tf Hr lh ƒ rup is römivietered T'aia rVufltrie irepnrtion i Üi prcücripiioh of nnetf ti)V ttwst EXtEKEXOID mi SKIirULMIiSÜS in New EugUuid, hü1 lias bwD uüwi'wiüi nïtkr taiijxo stcciaf TTIOCSAKD9 OP CASES. It not on'y rlijve tho child from pí") 1mt inTlgja Lhe itomüch bowels, cwrwJtfl nclütv, mdiI pir t r # tnd enwy lo tti wiiule kytUm. Il wóialinoit lu_Ua'.y reliere ÓlUPina 1 tlxjBOWFXS, and WIJTD Coll, which, il' nut l? UK - -JbllIjlv-H-JiJM i j, e a i !r rfmeJied.end ' TE ET HING' In-lrtth.'ft the! : . .ni.üT I SÜREfci REMfb'T !X 'Uit WuHl.U. in uil rSf( of nf ÜITERY nJ IJUÍHULK IX" CHIlPHEK whHïifr It ariso-ï trom tetlfai, or frpai pit oiher cause, 'tt vouM ViP tn" evrV mther who há a child suffcriij frofo any of the foregoi compl&ints- -do woTi.STTorn rawypJcKP, voit tjib fekjim ar otorcj, Rt:mO 'neiwwn. vour LRaffprin clnM ■ inri the r 4. that will b SÜRt - ves ABiOI.UTFlY STHK- to folkW 1 uê nfUnrodl' cine,if tinicly used, 1 uil dlrrctium for Lir.fcwi!l iwohh páñy fach btïlr. K"p ?inuin 'uñless (be fncs:mil if CtJKTiS PEltKIftïs, N'vw Vo-rt, ta oa Ut otiv eldewrapper. - Stild by Drnj7;al? tbro:gnnt Mip wrr'i', PWtulpnljOIBoe, Nn. 13 Otlar ItrMt, N. T. P iceonly 23 Ceni8 pet BoMle Ho?7ñid Aesoci-.tion, Püllacíelphia. ïesr'.öo-eni Inttitaiian eitab'"hed by tpêrial md-itm fnr tkt rtli'ff'if Ihi S '" and D'atrrrteeS, ajtictad xrk lF. --u 'ff' nnd Fp!di't Din$ and wpt f'jr tk Curu uf DLf-at ofifu 'cz-al Qrfnn, i'ifnwy frm tn pa' ie nu ia a!l ftmU nf ih Uniini .5atat VAl.U.HI.KP.U't'íi;'m'ipennalonbaiii,nnil'rri easfïs tí tKtf Sexual O.fvn. anJ on tlie NEV BhMELId ?myi, stoftt to kb fflictpi n rtafcd farnlopo, fre uf üiiargQ. f o or Uirae StanpN fr [Mi.iug l b0 !♦ jgi AflinM rn. j wen i tv nroiTTox, kcottip: %itcoon Howaiii AuooUÜoa, "j 2,kouUi Üiülb Uvt( riul ïdelphia., l1, ' V_ . _. mm -ANDSU) i .[ AKR'S STKIKE. rpH JQVM WUX GEI TIüKi ITUtX rOlï TRÜR Rooti & Shttcs hïIï il 7i!l have to pnj nsove f ?r your gooda. I HAVE JüSt PTÍRCDASED Á-LtLlStSI YE SIöCR OF miv of ÜioiD, ca 3 oouut oE thai LARGE SUPPLY li MAHKET! PER CASE LESS THAN It Oost to Make Them ind s Ii all Scll them tiil I have to Pay mnr for them at Üie jBrGiUSÍ,Y LO TI' PLICES MENS BOOTS. Meii's $3.50 Cal f Boots, f..r $2,C0 " 4.50 Fren eb Calí' Superfino, 8,50 m a(50 Avncrican Calf doublé soled, 2,75 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2.c0 Su'.imier, 2 00 u 3,25 Doubló Sole Stogna best quality for 2,75 G AI TE ES. Ladics' 50 et. Gaitevs, for L7 è 14 75 " Gaitors lor 50 " 1,25" Gaitera fcr 1,00 I.adic' best qnality ofGaitertwirii and without bee-lsfroml.25 to 2,S0 Ladies' Leaiher. Calf nnd Eid Bo.-.ts and Coiwxss Gaitcrs from 80 tp ' l,0J Meis, Bovs', Misscs'and CliüJrou'e, of everj deiirablo kir.-l. Trunk?, Taïiscs and i'afchek ! AH tlie ftboro goo4l LJiï panj otUw, will bo 8013, at ! n har Ever Beau Soid iu AnnArbcr. Wjí. S. SAUXDER?. Ann Arbor, llarcli 20, 13M. TSOkS Tbo Waalitcaaw Mutua! Pira Insarano CorcpanyrilHE UmXSSh MÏ-IlNü ufsii 1 clli tofcoMia I ttttha Couvt Ifoxio iu the City of ipo Vbi'ÜU la firsí -ütúrday ir. Wctober, r.oxt (l'tb) til o'oli)t, A. i. üembsjii are remiaded, that the in. t 'ïVq carocf hü!r inslitiitioiifl, and taiifariwhu aro r.M arIx-ar , vlied tottead . M,K1.N."Y, SacT e, :j,w. ■ ■ :ri-,rs Ayer's Ague Guiw ton


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Michigan Argus