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RISDON &, HKNDERSüN' ri n 'J CC -M0E3W33 L O O IOLNEW HARDWARE STORE ! ! ! o WF WOn.P Cít.I.TDE ATTEXTinXOF THh PCBLIC l to nur of 1LCAÊL M6. JK"mW J9L. R 33 i TT B 17 JE 9B 9 IRON, STEEL, NA1LS, TIN, COI'l'EH, & SHEET IUÜN WARE, CIÍAÍN AKD USTEKN PUMPS, PALNTS, OILS, GLASS, BRIÏANJiiA WAltE, c6c, fee, Ac, tLc. And everjr kind of Hardware and House Furnishing - 9 O SI L56. All Tork nïll besoldanCHEAPasat nuv othcr Es ublishmcnt in Michigan, fe av vie bave got thé Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND I'LATE XJXT TUIS ST-ÜTjEJ, And will sellthem Choaper than TUE CU EAPES T, Please eait and at qs. AU kind of tin ware kept on hand. {'articular attentionpaid to alt kiuds of dJ QL EE3 93T CD SB O; Which wiH bf done wlth NEATNESS AND DJSPh TCH. PImw cll and sre our PTOVK nOOM in 2d torv of New Bloct. KISnOX -t HEXDERSON. Ann Arbor, Oct. 7, 1?50. FRESH AFEIVAL -OFISTETVV GOODS, -AT- S T R 0 N G ' S New Chtap Cash Store. -1REAT BAROAINS AI'.E OKFEREC- a lagf line of Silk Parasols frem 4s to $3,00. Thv bent of W'atch ?pring Eíecl íkirís, Five Cents a H- 0- 0- P- Tip Top 36 inch Umbrellas, only 12s othcr siics in proporlion. A la i gf stock of Piintn verv LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTII MANTLES. BTRIPED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTION8, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Groceries Crockery fco., kc. Alito a lnrj Stock of lidies' ?hor-s, At Pri'jts lOper cent less than usual 'o troublc to show Goods. Cali and examine, t Strong's CHEAP CASH STORE. EXCHANGE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, LOOMIS & TRIPP, Sticc!rfors to Chapín A IoomiR, niulChapin, Tripp A Lootms TUE above flrm of Loomfa ft Tripp liavtng purrhaned the entire intrent of tlio former companieR will continue the ImafaseM at the oíd ínnd, where they wilt h? roiidy, on theshortest notice, to fill all urders ia the Une oí Castings and Machinery, in the moit wurkmanlike ninmiT, nnd on ns liberal terius a? any othcr shop in the State. Aimmf? tho vari ous articltífinianiífftctured by us, we would enumérate STEAM ENGINES of allkinflft; Mili (enrinp and Kixturen. wrougbtand cant; all the various cantinas for makin anl rejjairing IlorsePowers feTlireshing Machines Biich a are at present, or hiivf formerl been in urp ra this part of thoStatc, as well aü nti the vrtrimis m enstings and machine ïrorfc Cftltodfori farmers Band mtchanics inthÍH iiectiott of the country. of fill the v.iricMin pattms, tip in sitos and priwH. will be keptconstantly on hand, got the most modern a"bd ba , proTed styles. 'HUBBARD'S WROÜGHT IRON RÉAPERS & MOWEHS. Iiftvíng commwnceil manufacturiug this suporinrMachine, sinplc and cmbine1, the farmers are invited to cnll and se a specimen machine now in mr ware room, before purchasinelsewhere, believinS that this machine oeed ouly to be scen to conrincc the farmer of ITS SUPERIOEITY OTer the Reapers and Mowers in this market. Tbankful for frmer patronage to 1h oíd firms, we would Rolícit a continuanc from oíd Criutds, and n trial by all wíshtng for aurthing u our line of biiHincsR LOÜ311S & TRÏPr. Ann Arbor, May 18th, 1850. 607tf City Mcat Market. o 'prE C.N'nKRSIONED, AT IIIS Market near the Tost X Otric", keep consUatly on band a fuü aseortment of 1m-jc-fs-a.-mt-1x 3MC-o-.-t-ei-i which they will filwavR be founii in readiueEato etit upon SU1T CüSTOMEKS. Ño Píinb will bo spared to keep their markut Clean, and Meals Sweet and patrón may rely npon cetíing íhe bost rosts straks, cuopp, etc. , that can bc found in theCitj. CAL, ANDTRY US. S. PROCTOR T. WAI.KKR. AnnArbor.Mny 4, 1860. 746niS 57 W.MOEGAN, Agent lor Mutual Ijfe Innurance Cnmpany, New York. Accumulated Astiets, .... $5,360,000. the leadinir Life Inwurance Company in tho U. S. Knickerbocker Ufe Insuranct' ("ompany, New York,. - a first class toft Co. - tenns reasoimblc. Humboldi Fire Insurance Company, Nw Tork. Capital, wüh alarjro surplus, - - 20n nt0. reoria Marine Jt Vin Insuranoe Co., Peoria II!. - hotv % Xo. 1 Flie In r tt ranee Co'. 707tf Capital, .... f500.000; UI' WITH T1ÍET1MKS! THE OLD AND EILIABIE Clothing UmpoiiumH NO. 3 P II (E N IX B L O CE, MAIN STKEEÏ. o ra iust iftnmefl frmo the Ba#ter& Cttle, wlth a largo and (toiirmbU stoelt f SPRING AN:D SUMMKR O O 3C fc ! which be i now offoring ai anuituallj LOW 3F JEl I O E JE ! Anii-iiji hi AssortiiKut mnv bo foojid BROADCLOTUS, CAS81MERES, DüESKINS, & VESTIG GS, uf JÜ1 dflRCriptlOni, rpp'-rin'.Iy (nr , wliirh h o is cutting a ml maklng to order, in thelateM and bost rijles, togoUier witu a BOpoMor aaftórtfue&t of READY MADE LL0TU1KÜ! TRUNKS CARrET BAOS, UMHRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, witb numerons nthor artxles upuiilli' found In imilnr eMtablishmenta. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASMOii, t e sub tri Vut fiatters liimsplf, that hix long exCTie)ict andffoneral succes) ""11 ón&bte liira to nn tin graal egt mtWaction to all who may tiust bim in thu vuj pi iikiuunfac tuiiiiji garments to order O A Ti L E A II I, Y ! and lemoyour order. WM. WAGNER TO IlOUSEKEErLIÏS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Salkuatus. I Is innnii fnctuivl finir, eomnion salí, and i: lj prepare enttrely different from otber Sa lora tu. QJ AUtuedeicterlmin mntior extraeted in sucb u f j.nannei as to produce Bread, Biscuft, and al J 0 4i eind of Cake, w ithout oontniniDK a partíclf H ( hilera tus whi-ti the Bread ttt (';ikr it Jinkíd j iherobv proíUioiiii; whotosonie Kvrr %j larttc!e ol Saleralus U tarned togas, and pa.iied thi'nigli the Bread and liiscuit wliile bakixg. y L otüequently. nothtng roraaiua buteommon li U O 'Vatr. atul Rour. Voii willreaflily pofceiíe, 1 y chetasteof thisSalrmtus, ibat it is eutiiehjQ USercnt ürou otber Saloratiu, y It la paelrad In on pounH papers, Píirh #fap Q tiorbraaded, 'B.T. Bubbltt's Boat Uedicinalty ?O !lrat)!r: aiso, pietnro; hristod Icáf of brond.) 2 UO with a la.w f efiforve.-ciníí water on tlie to;.,- jQ Whfn yon pu: onc paper yon FÍíniiiíi prc-fc irre íhc wrppT. and l1 {articular to pot ih:? .ipxt í-xrtf.tlv hkc thr brand as a&ore. Ü TO ' "" (''I"(r'on;f'J1" Djahioá Hi'on'l wiili ibis íil v I V -rutus and Souv Milk or C'rcaa Tarlar, willac ' '"inpaiiv nrh rt.irkru'1; rilso, direct lons fot ' ImakiiucalI kinds of í'nstiv: alsu, fui m-iKinu .■ Soda W;itr anl Sri !iitx. Powders. y 2 MAKEYOÜROWN SOAP with u 'ï. T. BABBfTT'S PURE CONCKNTÏÏATK1 f POTASH. J WaiTíini'-'l Anuble the stronjïth of ordinar; H 'fotasb: put op in cans - 1 Ib, 2 Ib, 3 Hj ' "y AND ILinl and Pofl Snap. Consumera jrill ílud thi K l'he cheapeat nrlirlr1 in markot. IT i Maiiufactuiod aud for seic bv U . T BATIP1TT. J : '4,5C,OS, 7', í: T4 Ujfti1ngtnn st.,Ncw Voile. Q or 4 ' a'i - 8 India Bt, Brwton. I 4 ' 748jl Ib M. W. HAWLEY'S Gelebrated Embrocation. For llaman Flesh and Animáis. ÍN ealllng tho attention oí' the Public to thls Medicine, we would say that it bas been fiilly triod, and hundreds who havo used it speak iu tlie most compUmentary tertns of ita wonderful offeets upon Human Flesh and ihe bruta creatlon. It is faat gaíning popular! ty. Whorover nacd it is recelved witb acclamations of joy, and pronotinced to be the sreatest Kemcdy for Aobes aod Pnlus everoffered to the Public. lts masterly eflecta over diseas, whon applled, gives tt a celcbrtty unsurpaased by any external preparaiíon now innso. Tbereforo we can 'tuy. wlth tbo uluiost confldeoco, that the EmbrocaU.iT will Caro Hhcumatism, - ' " BurnB and Sjjalds, " " "Wcaknpítsof Joint, SwolliriKS and Tumor. M HemorrholdswrUea, ■ Chilblalns, " TootJiacbe and Chapped Hands, fimbrocafcloa will Curo Oíd Sore-i and Cramp. ' Bollsand Corns, " Contractod Muscloé, M " Gallsof all kind, u " lïtng Bono and Poli Evil, M " Callou and Spavin, JümbrocatlOD wlll Cme Swceny and Sitfast, Sprinffhault and Fistola, 11 Bcratcnoa or (.Irra.- " " Kxtornal Poísons, a Sand Cracks, M " IamenesB and Straln, Brobrocation will Curo Foundered Feet, " Mango Crack ed Teata, M " Garget in Cows, M Foot Kot in Sboep. - Acbfbx, N. Y., March 9, 180. We, the nndersigned, do certífy, that we have osed M. W. Hawlbt'r Cklsbratzd EMbEOCATiON, for InflamiDatory and Chronic Eheumatietn, and cheorfully recoxemesd tl as the best romedy we bare ever uecI. J. M. Morris, f, D., James I. TlewioD, I W. Clemente, Orria Ilurd, Peter Fiero, 6. F. Gould. "■ J. B. Roblnson, of Proplietstown, 111., say: I e-it#m it the bost Llnimont I have over known. It gires urürera! atlsfaction, and I can testify to ita efficacy from roy own experience. Manufactnríd by M. W. HAWLEY, Auburn, TU. Y. G N. TUTTLK, Aubnrn, N. Y., GeneTal Axènt, tö wbom all orders sboald be addressed. Sold bj all Druggistd and Merobonte trcmgbovl tttf Ottntrj. andby MAlNAHD, hTF.UBIN'3 9c WILSON, Ann Arbor, Mich . PliOF. L. M1LLE1VS HAIlt INVIGOBATOK. AN EFFECTIVE, SAFENU ECON'OilICAL COilPOUXI), FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original cnlor without dyeing, and prevínts tho Hair from turniug gray. FOK PRKVKNTIXfl BAI.DNEtíSnd coring it.whon there i tbe lat partido uf vitallty or rscupi-rative enorgy romaioing. FORREMOVIKG SCTOF AND DANDRüFF, and all cutaneouí affections of tbe Sealp. FOR BEATTIFVIN'O TI1K HAIR, impartingto it an unoqnallí-d glnng and brillianey, rokmg it oft and silky in iteí textura and causing it to curl readily. The great colrbrïty and the incrpaíing dpraand for this unTjii;illv.l proparation, convince tbe proprietor that (nc trial is on]v BtCMUfJ (Ó satiffy a disccruing pulilic of its mperfor qualitie over miy atber prfparatioü at prefect in uso. It rli'aoí-ps tbe Kcad and scalp from dandrujf and othtr euíaneous distases. Causen tho huir to grow lux uriftntly, and gives it a rich, Sfift, glowt-y and Ücxibloaipearaocp. and also whore he hair is looMcning and thinning, it will give stn-ngth and vigor to the rooift, and rf.vtoro tb gi'owth to tbose purts which bave become bM, causing it to yiold cociring ofhair. Tdereara nundrods of liliyn anl gentlomon Ín New Yoik who bave liad thoir bair restored by thc use of this Invigorator, whon ill otber preparations bad f.viled. L. M. has in lii powaion lettcas iumimonib! festifying to the abovp fact, from prsoiiB oltbe hicrheKt rospoeta bility. It will cftcctually prcveut the hair from turniug fray nntil the latent nérfodof ufe; and in casca trhera thc linlr bas cliangfd its color, tbo uso oftbo Inngorator will with'ocrtaínty restore it to its original hú', gifiug it a dnik, glnxfiy Hppcanincp. As a perfumo for the toilet anrl a Hair Rostnrative it in particulürly reconimfiidod, h.iving au ■gW-M fWtnnO01 anl the grat facilíties it afford.s in dressing th huir, which, when moist with tho 1 avigora tor caí m drwud In aoj reqalred fonn so as to n-fKerve its plaoc, whether plain or iu curls- henee great rlemand for it hy the ladiwt as a ntajid-ard tnllri artirU which noae ought to be vitliout, as the pricc placen it within the resich of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS pw bot Me, to b hal at all respocUblt druggists' and porfurarrs. L MII-LER would cali the atltmtion of 1'aront.s and Gnardlani to tho une of hi invigorator, in cases where the chiMrtMin' Hair inclines to be wcak. ïbcuneofit lays tho foundation for a good head of it rcaovrs Rjiy impuritietj that nía y have bccouie couuectod witb the ficalp, theremoval of which la Eecessary both for tho lu-nlth of thc child and the future apfjearanue of Uu Hair. OaTOoH. - Nouo gpnuine without the fac similci LOUIS MUJ.KIlbeingon tbo outer wrappcr; aU, I,. MlU-lilt'Ö UAIR INVIGORATOR, N. blown in tbc -V,. Wholrsalit Dpot, 66 Dry St. and nold bvall tbe princi' ply Merchante and Oruggists thronghout the worla. LiboraldiscomU to purcháaen by iho qnantity. 1 also denire to pretml to the Ainericau Hublio roy New & Improvod Instantaneous Liquid Hair Bye which aftor years of ncientific experimonling I have broiigbt to perfeclton. It djw black or broun instaotly without in.iury to tbe Uair'or Skiu arran ted the bnt article of tho kiu' in exintencr. PRICB ONLY PIFTY CHNT3. DEPOT, 5G DE Y ST., Mit Yory. 7821 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Scrofiüa, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, n coiruption of tbo blood, by wliich tliis fluid becomcs vitiatcd, weak, and ponr. lieing In the circulation, it pervades the wholc body, and may buist out in discase on any part of it. No organ is freo from its attacks, nor is there one which it may nut dobtroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused ly mercurial disease, low living, disordercd or unhealthy food, impuro air, filth and filtliy habits, the depressing viccs, and, nbove all, by the venereaï infection. Whatcver be its origin, it is hcreditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to childrcn unto the third and i'ourth gencration ; " indeed, it seciiis to be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathera upon tlieir childrcn." lts effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, Hvcr, and inteinal organs, is termcd tubercles ; in the glands, swellings and on the surfacr, cruptions or sores. This foul corruption, wliich gonders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, po that scrofulous constitutions not only sufler from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of othcr diseases; consequently vast numbers perisl. by disorders which, although not scrofulous in thcir nature, ïe still rendered fatal by this taint in the systcm. Most of the consumption which decimatcs the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive disenses of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quartcr of all our people are scrofulous thcir persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their licalth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the systcm we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it "by healthy food and exercise. buch tt medicine we supply iu . ,-i AYEE'S Cowpoimd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remcdy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this everywhcre prevailingand fatal malady. It is combined from the most activo remediáis that have been discovcred for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Henee it should be cmploycd for the cure of not only fecrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, eucIi as Eruptive and Skix Piscases, St. Anthony's Fiue, Rose, or Euysiit.i.k, l'niri.ES, Tl-stules, Blotcues, Blains and Bon.s, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheuji, Sc.vl Heap, Rixgwoiw, Rkeumatism, Sïriiii.iricandMEHCtKiALl)iskases, Dropsy, Dyspevsia, Dehility, and, indeed, alt, (Jompj.aints arisino fiiom Vitiated oh IiruRE Bi.ood. The popular belief in "impwily of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtuc of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without which "sound health Í3 inipossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Ague Onre, TOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Infermlttent Pever, or Pever and Aguo Itemlttcnt Fever, Chili Pcver, Dumb Agn, Pcriodical Headaclic, or BUlous Ilcadache, and lïlllous Peven, indeed for Oic wlioïe class of discases orlginat í tiv; In billary deraugeineut, caused by the Malaria of Jtfiasmatic touutries. Wo are enabled here to offer the community a remedy wbich, whilo it cures tho above eoinnlainto wlth eer tiiinty, is still perroctly liarnileis in any quantity. Such a reinedy Ja invaluahle iu districts where these afUlcting disorders prevalí. Tula "Cube" expeïs the miasmatic poison of Fever a.vd Aode from the system, and proveiita tho development of the dlseaae, if taken on tho first iipproftih of ita premonitory symptonia. It is not only the best remedy ever yet disco vered for this class of complaints, but ulso the cheapeet. The largo quanüty we supply for a dollar brings it within tho roach of overy bwly ; and in bilious dlstricta, where Fever asd Agdb prevails, every body should have it aud use it freely both for cure and protoctïon. It is hopcd this price will place it withhi the reach of all - tho poor as well ag tho rich. A groat superiority of this romedy over any othcr ever discovoreil for the apeedy aml certain cure of Intermittents i% that it contains no Quinino or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or othor injurioua effects whatever pon the couatitution. Those corad by it are luft as healthy as if they had never hatl the di&case. í'ivev and Aguo is not alono tho consequence of tho miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from lts irrkmion, mnong which are Is'euralffia Hhcwnatismt Gout, Heado.chet Blindneis, Toolhache, Earache, Gitarrh, Asthma, Palpilatton, Ptu'ytful Affcction of the Spleen, Mysteries, Iitin in Uie Boteds, (Mie, Paralysis, and Derartgement of the Stomach, all of which, wheu orlginating in this causo, put on the inttrmiïUnt tyjK, or become poriodical. Tb is "Ccre" expela tho poipuu from the blcod, and conscqucntly cures thein all allke. It is au lnvaluabltí protecfion to immigranta and persons traveli ling or tcmporarily residing iu tho malarious districta. If 1 taken occasionally or daily whilo oxposed to the infecj tion, thnt will bo excretod from thesystem, and canuot ; accumulnto ia suflicient qtiantity to ripen iuto disease. I Heneo it is even more valuablo for protection than cure, ! and few will ever suffer from Tutermittents f they avail thomselvcs of tho protection this remedy ufiurdfl Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 1 LOWELL, MASS. MAYXAFD STKHBÏSA "W1S0N, aitd by all Drxiggists ihmI Doalcrs ovoryhote. J. 1 UBJ ILL Tiavoling Agent. An aperiont Ptomrtchíc prrpnration (f IKON" purieLl in Oxygn and 'aH"ii by cooijbustlpn ni Hjdrogen, ■ ctiofieJI Ijv the Mfrhfefft MeriTcal Authoriticp, bothïn Kti ro] e aud tho Cnited Stafef),and prchcribed iu tlieir pr.ictice The experiencc of tbouBAndfl dftllj prove thnt ooprD aratfonof ïron eau bn eomnarod with i+. ImporiUes of the blood, depresiiona of nUtl nkfrgy, pala ana otherwiRe sickly complexioiu Endioatea its necessity in aíniost every conccivaMe IjidoxIous in all maladioM in nhich it lian baftD triad!, baa proveí al'sohttety curativo Ia cach of tho folloiviug cnmplfuntF, viz: In JDeblIilj-.XcrvonJi AiTcrlIonn, Rmndatlon LylM-]Kin, CoiiKtlpntlfiii, Dlnrrlicrn, Dysentcry, Int-lplcnt ConsumpUon, flcrofiilotiA Tu berenlaU, 8ah Kheum, Mimcnstruntion, - Whifr. Ckloroêtêj J.ircr-Complaints, Chronic Headacká, Itktümaiism, Intcrmitteni Firtrst Pimples on the Frt, &c - ' of GFiNF.RAi.rKBii.nv, whetlior the result of acute ili-i :im, or of tho continued ciiminution of oorTOUfl and muficular energjr frem chronic coinplaint, ono trial of tblfl restoraUvc lias provecí successful to an extnA which no daaorlpflon nor written attvttatlon irould re dor crertible. Invalida bo long bed ridden nR to have become foniot ten in their mvn neifflitorlinoU, harvsud deulj re-appeared in the busy rorld asifjusi returnod frim protracteri trnvel fna disinnt tand. Sorae verj gig. nal lütaacei "f this kind are atteitadof ft-male Buirirfrs, emadated viottnu of apparaoi manamas, RnnjiuinoouR exhauslion, critical chancee, anl that eomplfcatíoá Of nervoiis and dyapeptio aversión to air and excrete for wliicb the pliysician lias no no mr. ïn KfRTOUs AHVCCnom of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical iiK'ii, the oporation of thift preparation of iron muatneooanartly be ulutarj, for, unlike the oíd oxides, itiN vigorotifiiy tóalo, witbout balnff exdtlng and overbeating; and gviitly, regul&rijr aperient, even tho uiogt obstinate cajes of costlTenciu without even beiug a gantric purgativo, or InflicUnga djsagreeable senaationí It íb thislatter propcrty,ani(nig othere, which makfifl it so cmarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Files, apon vbicb ít alaoappaaratoexaitAdisttnei and f]s cilic action by diapanbig the local tandenojr wblcb fornu thoin. In DvsrBPSi.. innumerable as are its causes, a ingle box of theso Cnitlybeate l'ills have o f ten lófflced for thc habitual cases, including tbe attendeut CostiveMSi. ín nnoheokod Diaurooa, oven when advancwl to Dytcnttnj conQrmed, eraaclating apd a,Dparentlj malignant, the effect haviog boen cqunlly deemíve aud astonishinj; ín tlio local pntns.loss of flesh and strength , dcbiUtaíing oooffb, and romlttént heeUc, wbtcb generalij Indícate Incipitiít Coi}siimiiont ín several very gratiiyiiíg and intercsting iti'ïlnnce.s. In Scrofiünn Tiibrrr.nohiñ, this mwlicated Tron han liad far mofé llmn the good efTocrt of the most cauUoos ly balancea preparationa oí io.liue, without auy of ;tooir wrll known llftbUltíea. The attentfon "f females cannot be tooconfidently'tDvited to this rctncdy.mA resioraiLze iu the cases peculiarly affecüng tbem. In Rhcunutr.isTity both chronic and ínflammafory - ín the latter, however, UKue dfti'leflly - it lias boon invarinWy well reporte'! , both as alleTlating pain and rednotng toe svellingaand Btiffhessoí tl-io joints and musecls. Ín Intermittcnt Ftvtr it must nirowHUrlIj be a ireat remedj and eneigetío restorative, and its progreai intho neW settlements of the Weat, will probably be ono of high renown and uscfulncss. No cemedv has ever been dUcovered in tlie wholo hiato ry of mcíicino, which oxorts such prompt, happy, and t ti tl v ros tora ti ve eiTtícts. üooíl appehte, complete ligestiou, riiii .pt(-' ni-i'i'.T) of strpngth, with an nnunual iüs]fisition for active and cbccrful ex.ercise, imniedlatcly FóTTow its ubo. Pat up in noat Hat metal imxoB contalotng '50 pills, pi ico CO cents per box; for by drugglstfl and dealers. Will b sent froe to any addraai on receipt of tho price. All letters, orders, etc., should boal'lrosel to V. V,. LOCKE.&Co , fïcnoral Acronti, 477yl 339Uroadway,N. V. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG ás CO. DRY GOODS MERCIIAIVTS, 8O to 82 C'hambprs St. tf. Y. "ITT0ULD XOTU'V THE TRADE that tbej are openln iV Wci-kly, in ntw and bettotiful pflUerns, the IÜ() TUR Aiiiosl3Long, A New Print, wbieb ecols ovory Print in the Country fp ptTfection of execution and design in fall Madder Colr- - Our Prints are ohoapor than any iu uiarkot,anl miotin wth f-ïtonnivp nalo. Ordpi'5 [nomptlv altewled tn 732yl


Old News
Michigan Argus