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GftEAT. GREATER GREATEST BlIiGAIKS ] A 11.C 11 lIJ I : 1859. ipw-N 1 85Í). lu tlifsCity, :iro now being oflmert t. ths GI1EAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & Jewtlry filtore'ÏMI1"' SnljHcrUi'-f wnujiUny to the citlzons oí Aun AiI !or.i' pnrticulíir, and tho rcct of W.Aftycnaw Cminti in cniHT'il, that lm I1119 just ÍMI'OUI'ED ()l KECTLY from KUKOI'K. Truinendous Stock of Watches! AL of whieii hn Linda himsclfto sell OIIKAPUR tbnn i-iin bo lumutit weet of Now York C'ty. Oprn Vaan ('yliüíler VVtcho trnia S to $10 J do l,!vor do do 8 to 21 Huilting (.'H8' n do do 14 to 3ü do do Cylinder do do 'J to 28 Ool.i Wntehca from 20 to 150 1 Lave aUu lúe CELEDKATED AME1VCAN WATCHES. whieh I wlll cu tir $■'!■". Evory Vvatch warrantod tt uerfoim well, orilu: mon,;y relunded. Clucics, Jowclry, Pifttcd War. Fnnry Good, Oold Peni, Música] IitntrumoHta and átringa, Cutlery, &.e.f ütid in fort a vnriwy of :reryhine uunlly kppt by Jew olwfl can be hnughtfbrthc oext nincty d-ty nt Tur O W M i' R 1 C E S ! Pprflons buyinjf nything nt thU well known eítHb. lisiiiue tit cu rr-ly upnn ctting goods cxact'y as reprrftnntrd, orthoinonry rt:luudt1. Cftllearly nnd ae cure tho boBi borgnins ever u fie red in tbif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wr. iiro prrpnred to make ny repnirs onfínn or cominon Wntches, ovin to m-skinec or tbft estire watch, 11' DOCCtfVy, Repairiïig ut' docks arri Jpwelry rb imual. AIsO tho iwtmilacturfnfr oí KlNGP, BROOCHS, or aaytUng áestnd, fron California Gold on short notMfc. Knpravii'g i 11 allils lTQuchubex''cntcU with ncat ni, iind dispHtch, J r. wTT8. Anu Arbor, Jdd. 2Plhí5n. "Hw Sometfeing Worth líeading! ARK AGA1N ON FIAND, atthwr Id 'nnd, (Three üoorsNortb of Frankiin Xlouset) witbtbeiaoi complete and E x tensive Assort ment -OFBooks and Stationcry, Wall and Window Papers, Oil Painted, and Gold Boideied Shades Curtain Boilers, Tassels, Cords, AM) i TIIOUSAXD AND ONE TIIINGS In their Une, KNTIUEIV fÓÓ NÜMUiOnS TÖ MKNTION. wliinh thsyiutvitc tlieir Irlends.actí the publit yen6FBnyt to O3l.IjIj efe DB3S:-LV3Vri3Xn: Before Purchasing Elsewhero, ft thtiy flfUUT thrmselrestlia) thftir Styles an( Pric'fi runnot fnil to prove SHÜ5juctorj-. Ann Arhnr h'ny 1, 185. ifCTRACli WATERS, AGENT 333 BfO&dway, N c w Y o"r k PublUUcr nnviMufelc Iiooks AND ttZAJXR I-1 Píanos, Melodeons, Aloxancire Organs Organ Accordeons, Mnrtin's celebrated Hndoíhor Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violiaeeüus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClarijnettéjTunin; ForkatPipej andEIiiinmera, Violiu Bows, beatltalian Strihgs, Baes Instrumenta for Baods, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JE la. o o t 3X VL S i o, from all the publishor in tlio I. B. , Berünl'n Hunt in'a and Modern School, and all lünda of Instrnrtion Kook for the above inatratnents; Church Uusic Ii"Hks: Uotli -;i-ith' bomi'l; Mosto papVT) au-l all kinds of Ifurii UBTChandiae, A t t bcLowcst Priccs. New Planos, At $175, S'200, $■:;.%, $260, and up to $S0O. Sccnud lland lJi:i"ff from $29 uu to Ö0; Now MetodeoiM, 845, $0, ;t 76, $lOf, ari up lo $200! Becond Band Molodeons tr. in S-'ïO to$80; loxAndK Organs, iih ftve stops, 160 ninc fftop, $1?;") and $225; (hïrteen stnps, Sl'5O, $275 anf SSOè; tifteco stops, $336 and $87fr: A liberal dlscoan t Clftrgymen, ('hurrlics, Sahbsia Sehonlsf Seminario: and T-:;rliots. The Irado eupplied at the usunt trade ditcouútfl Testimonial of tïic Horaoe "Water Planos uí(1 UKulcoiir,. Jolin ITowett, of rnrthago. New Vork, n-lio h.i.s h.v om1 ot" the HoraccWalerti Ptauos, writrsas folio ws: - 'A friend of mino wishes me to purchase a pUnofl li'T. She likos tho one yen sold me in IVcombcr, lS.rfi Jly piano booomtng popahiT in this pino, anl I thlnk osa introduce one or two more; thcy will be moro pop lar tli;iu any otbec make.' liW havr two of WaterB' Pianos in uw in ourfrmi nnry, 006 Of whicH bit bron scveroly tfsted for (liroe vv;irs. and we can tt-stifv to tlioir (jood quojity and dura bility."- Wooil Í; Groiiry, AffflMti Cnrroü, IÜ. "II, WatorHj Rnq. - Dbab Sik: Haring 5sed one of yoö Piano Forlea ror twoyevi putv I have fontid it a ver1 superior Instrument. Ai.ovzo (kat, Principal Brookïyn Hnghts Srmttiortf. "Tho Piano I receiven" from ymi continúes to riresai i s f. 1 1 ■ t i i . 1 1 . 1 rcarrl it nu ono of t lic lisi !nc emiiputs in tho pl;ice." Iamep li, CURRIt, Charlt.-tton, Va. 'The Melock-on han safoly arriverl. ï fooi obliníni tn yoi fory fur liboral dicouut." lïcv. J. M. McCoRMick i'arquesvilUS, C. "The pi mu was duly rocfivfl. Iicnmo in exetflen eoodltton, and is nrj mach admirod bymj numerons fiOnÜJa Accopt ïny thnnUs for ymir pnimptiiCfla." - ROBRBT C'íHH'KB, IVdrrcnham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Vour piano plaasM U WW, It is tlie bost ono Ïd our couiity.1 A. LATUAlt, Campbtllton, Oa. "We aix vory much obliirod tn ym for hariiiK 5011 si;rh afino instrument for $260." - BhANXHbLdS OÍ Jittjfalo Democrai. 'The llorare 1'aíors rtanosftn known as .iwon the TWJ bost Wc aro ni.ihlpd to spoak of those in(tru mñnts with confldenqa, from personal knowledm of thoir excellent tone nm durable qualfty." - .V. Y. Eran#tlht tfWe can spoak of tho morits of tho Ilorncp Waters pi anos from personal RHOwledgO, as boing the vcry üni-5! qiiftlï ■y.'t-Ckrisf.ian "The Horacft Waters pisnOfl are ouilt of the hest anc most [lioronfjhly swsonod material. We haio no doubi thftt bnyers can do as wcll.porhaps bttter, At thisthnn at anv otliorliousc iu the l'nion." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and uielcKieons challenge comparición with Ihc flucst made any whcro io the country."- Homt Journal"Horace Wntors' Piano Fortos nro of fulT, rich and crpn tono, and powerfut - N. Y. Musical Rev'cw. llOur frionds will lind at Mr. Watore' itbxv tho verr bost ns'sortmeiit of Music and of Pianos tobo fon nrl in the l'niteil i?tats( and we urie OUZ MHitiicrn and western friondf to give him a rail whenever they go to New Vork. "-(Iraham's Magazine. Warehou3e 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool B e 1 J, 100,000 issued ín ten Monlhs. Tlie nnprecedentod salo of tbisbook lias induced the publlsher to ádd some 30 now tunesanS hymns toits present Fizo, w itliiuit extra chaiM, oxcept on the cheap elitlon Aüiong tho inany beavitiful tunes andliynins addod may le found: - (11 oupht to lovo iny mot her;" "0 ï'll be a good child, indeed l will." These and eight others from the Bell, wore sung at tlie Punday School Annivorsary of the M. E. Church at the Acadcmy of Musie, with jirpat applaiise. The lic 11 coütaJna ncnrly 200 tunes and hiiiiw,and is one of the best cpJlecUonfl ever issuwl. Price 13c; $10 por hundred, postape 4c Elegant ly bound, enibossed Rilt, '-'ie, S-0 por IU0 It has been introduced into manv of the Public ichools. Tho iel is pabllshed in small namben entitled Annireraarj and Snnday School Sf oit BoöHs, Xos, 1,2, 3,k 4, in order to accommouSte the million; prico $2 & J3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe ssucd - comme neem ent of ftnotlier b'iok. Afeo Htival Mimic ïiooks,No,l & ', price $1 k $2 per 100, postage lc. More than 300,000 copios of the above books have Imtti insuod the past eïphtcen nnmths, aud the dcinand israpidly iucrea.inp l'ublished by HORACK WATERS. Agent, SOSBruadway, & ï'. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broailway, New York. Vocal, -'Kind Word s can novordie;" ''Tho Angols told mo ?o;'? "Wil-ls of thu Wst;"' "Thpugbta of Gnd;" 1 (ivo me baak my Blouataia Home;" "Iay Preanis;" "Dandv Cock Uobin;" lgl'm with thee htitl; "l'otnames;" "Thorc'a no danlijg like mine;" "Swiah Jane IiOe;""Ev. er of thee;" I 'in loaving thee in SorTöir;1 "Hirdof Beauty;'' "Home of onr birth;" '-(irave of Kosabcl," and 'Wrtko, lady, wake,, prtco '25c each. ' IsFTurMENTAi. - ' 'Palflco Ganlon, or Singing Rird Polk.' 40c; "Swinging Schottiüche;" ''Mirabel Schot tisch;" 'Thomas öiikor's SchrfttttcheV i(Í'iccolomÍDÍ Polka, 35 cents eacli. The above piecoN h.'wv bo&ntlfaJ Vigiicttcc. "Wel mor Polka;"' "Arabian Wai cryMarcb," tlie vory last; "Vassoviapna Poniolls Bfatnrkaj "Rea-h iiK Polka;'1 "Crinoline Walt," and "Ixuicors' Qua drillo,"25c each. "Tlie Empire of Reich's Quadrille;" a npw danctj and "The Hibernian Quadrille," Sftcoach. Mnny of these plecw are pliyed by Bakor's colebrato-l orohest ra with great applruso. && Malled free. Á larije lot of Foreigu MukÍc at half price. planos, M('loitro!is and Organs Tlio Huraco Wators Piano and Melodeone, for depth, purlty if ('in' and durability, nre unsurpossod. Prices vpry ion daoond Band Pianos and Uelödeons trom $26 tn $K0. Music and Musical IntructinnH of nll kinds, at tho lowcst prices. I1OHACS WATERS, Agent. Ko, 33 Broftdway, N. Y. TKST1MONIAT.S;- "Tlio Horace Water.i Funos are known as nnioiiR tho vory best' - Eravqeliitt. "We caji sppnk of thrir morits from porsonal knowledge." - Christien Intchigcncer, "Nothtogat tbe Fair displaycd greater excclleiicc -11 - Churchman, Waters Piano and Meloürons nhallonooomparUoa with the Bnesl mado anywherein thn country." - Home Journal. 719tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. BS M CL LU JML. NEW STORE!! IN" o kkt F i r xxx o New Furniture. MARTIN & THOMPSON, 1 8LCCE8SOES ÏO O . M. MARTIN, HAVE JUST OPEXIU1 H THF.IRnow and Elegant War c-R ooms KAST SIDEOF MAIN STRK1.T, J. yi ü ,. ï" V OXT A COMPLETE STOCK OF !' ROSEWOOD, M AHOGAN Y and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetee, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALXTJT Plain and Marble Topped Otl KOT 103 TAOÍL[1Op ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS &c, &c, &c, &c. EI e g a n t MIRRORS Bureaus, Secreta lies C23 C2 CEEL IP HolO B e d-R o o in Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STVLES -ofOF TtlE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Old Folks," O-B "YOUNG MARRI E D PEOPLE ' W.A-NT T-0 F-U-R-N I-S-F PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, 011 K1TCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find A LARGE ASSORTMENT T-H-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold: A- T VERY LOW PK ICES! Let evrry min and luw wif or going to be wife, COMK AND SEE. Theyalso have a IIEAESE CARRIAGE, We nre alwftys roady to attrnd to the burial of tlit dpail in the Cityand ndjoining country. Rooms cast siih1 of Main Street. bi'l'wn Washington aud Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O. AL 31ARTÍN. O. B. TnOMPSONj General Land Agency PERSONS wanting farms, or rnetdcDcciln orn Ann Arbor, can by culllnp on ino tuleclh om ii lUt of over IOO Farms For Salet Of vnrious slzes trom 3, te 1300 crüfeach ;(somo ai good atany tnthis Connty.) Moretban SO DwelliiK IIousrs !QthlsClty,fromtwo hundred to fourthouinnddo ■ arseacfa:and over IOU BÜILDIlfG LOTS! Amongtbcfarms are the Kishopn larm, l.iOOscres, the I'otter farm, In GroenOak; the Placefarm, 4-j Í acres, thcltiaudonand Jenks farms, in Webster; th StnbM, Mlchael Clanry, Newton Bncgan, and Kallah! farms, in Ann Arbor; J.Kingslcy'4 farm, in the Hutch nd Hick Tarras In L'odi; thn Fatrick Claju farm In Freedom; W. S. DnvUon, B. n. Bakers and Buck's farms inSytvSin. Most of these and many otbers aun be dlvlded to sult riurobaêers K W MC.IGAX. AnnArboj, Jan Ut. 1850 63 ELECTION KOTICH. EliSEiïT'a Omci, Aan Arbor,) tfyit. 'J0T 1SCO. ƒ To tlio Elector f'f llic Coanty nfWRBbtcniiw: You .irc hirelv r.otiöed thtti al tbe General Elcctiun ta bo lioM on rü ■ r ■]-. y next duííC IlDg tht HrI Mm l.Jiy of November uoxt, ín tho State of Mfchfgftt), thu folloVing offleera are t' be uk'6trl, vi.: si Kiert)] ni ' ii ■ -. i'. ui. l Vict President of tht Vin ted Staiu, a Govornoti) Ueutwnht Bavernor, Amiitm Genrn 1, Secrrtiur oOtati', ijtato Tronsun r, ttiunjiaioni'r of the State UiSul 081 oo, Attomy General. Puneriutwi(leut uf Public In: tn:rï;..:i, a Mriubur f tho Si aio Board of Educatïon in j.lmj of Jolm lï. Kollogg, wIiom! term oí office will expirePecO' -ber 3lt lfeW.tnd n fUprwentativc ín Conjrre flor the 1?". t'ongrwsioiud Walrlct, to which ymr Omutv e ottachcl, Alsn.n SiMifttor fnr Uw "tb Senatorial {Kstrlct, conwintinp of th.1 City of Anti Arbor, tho towiktlifpa of iSujitirior Ha ".cru. Aim Arbnr, Sein. N'orthftehl , QTobUr, Uma, I ■ t?r,Sylv:ui,U]'l Ljudf0 i: tho 'uinty of Wa-Oitennw. o, a fn;iinr fr tlO Stil Senatorial District, Ing oT the City ol ípnilauti, th Towiwíiips of fpsllautl Augusta, l'it te field, Yii:-1i , l.mli, S;i]iin l'nci'nn, BrMfCñrator, írh'tnni. aud M;ui ciius ter in tho C'ouuïr of Washlenavr. AIfo, a Representativo fnr e&ch of the fóur Repronspto ■ tive Piitiictsin ihM'oitiity of Wa-htiaiv, as f-illow.-: lt Vitrct - tlen),SnporiQr,YpsUaali City, IMtMieM ami Ypii'anti Town, 2A JJis'rict - Anu Arbor City, Ann Arbor Town, Xorthfi.-l.) aml wVbufer 3d Duttieu-Ao&aBto, York, Sajino, Lodi, BrMgmntcr nu. M;incbvter. 4th District- Yn'oAm, Sbaron, Sylran, Lima, PdO, D?xipr,ftinl Indoo. AIm that tli" roUowIog Couotjr nfiicora fnr fhe Countr of Wauhtrimw art to bc clecttnlat lbo kruip time, 1 .vit: One Judge of Probate, ooe Mimff, unoCounty tk-rk, aae Gbunty Trc?uror, on Begiator of Deed, ouo Proseoutlng Attorney, Qréuft Gouft Couanlsaloner, two Coronara, and oneCooMy Survoyor. You aro abo boreby notiöod tliat at cai.l Gonoral Etection an nnitin'1mcnt to tb CoQst Hot ÍOD concoroJbg HattkingOorpordtíooj, provMed for by JotntBeaoIutíon So. 11, approv-üd Fcb HthlSö1., Al?o, nu aiJKMulmeiit to FoctionTwo, Artfrlo ESgfatoeb, of tbf Cobjitttutloo, relativo to tho actiou ofCbmmiarioáisrp ofHiffbwaj, provtded Tor ly Joiüt lloaolutiou N'o. 14, approvea rVbruary 1-, 1869; AÍbo. nn iiiucii'Unont to 'Iip Conatitution Ín roppoct to the f-'ession. of tLt' Lgisluturo, prorided for tv bv Joint Rosolution N 18, approiedFvbni2ry14, 185Í; Wi!l bo íiubniiltcd tü tbo doctors of this State for thoir adoption or rojcctioii, in purBuauce of tbc requlro monts of ibe Constituticn and of naii rcHoliitinup roepeed ively. T.F. LEONJlRD, Sheriff, j Mortgagc Foreclosure. WHKREAS default ha beeu made n tho pavrnnt of a crtaiii num of money, Becurel to be paid by a certain lodenture of Uoiigigej böarintfdt tho twpuiyiïftli d;i_v of April, A 1). 16&9] execUted by ÏIcnry J. Miltcran'] wifp to Lovi n. RaynOBa ond reoorded in t Ite offico of tbn Register of )vtU u tlif Co'auty of Wiishtruaw mul rftatu of Michijiao on the tweaiy-fourth da y of May of snid yoar, in uber -1 of BlortgagM on folru 2', and Ik roas uid atoctgagft waduli aasined to ino nu the sixtb day of September, A. I). lS5ö, by the taid Leri II Haynes, whicH 8dldauimmeni was hilv recordod in the ófrico ot the Register ttTPeoda lo tbr Countj of WashU-nnw afore sa;d, the 13ih day of 8i-pteinbert A. 1) , 1S60, iu Uber '11 of Siortgagcs oa Um &30rasd whereaü, thcre in dow luc and unpajd upon said Moi-tgage the urn of throe hun drodand ninoty throe dollars and fnrty-threft cent a (393,4") ; auii no uit oi proceeding at lawor in Squlty DftYlng been Uutltoted to recover tbe saine, or any part" thrreof; Now, tberofore, notict is hereby given. that bv virtue of a power of sale in aid Mortgugo enntained, onaturday the 15th dny of Deceinlwr Dext, at twelvoo'clock, 31 , at the front (outer) door of the Cuunty Court House, in the Cify of Anu Arbor, f 'onnir and Stato aforesaid, (the said Court House being the place if holding tlio Circuit Ooit rt in tod for saiü Connty of Washtonaw), Ieball wil at pub, to tho highest bidder, the said Mortgagc I premiss, or po much thereof as ehall be D,OcesMry to pay said amount def together with inte:&st f: om thi date, and the cost aad expenses of eale, allo wel by law. said premiaefi being doscribed ns foBows, tp-wit: AU eeriain tract or parcel of land Pttuated in tho rilïage of ÍHlinc, CÓnifly andhtiite aforn.said, lying ani being in nection Dombor three (U) as luid down in tho Vi llago plat ofivaid Vïllftge, b'ing in Tovrusbip number four (4) eouth of range number flve (5) eaat andboundet a follóws: beginuiiii; on ilio c-terly line of tho Anu Arbor or Adiïan strekt ope buqdred and fifiy-fivo foet southeriy from whery it is intorsecied with the Chicago rond, running thencf sootheriyaïoiig the weaterly line of Ann Arbor or Adiian streex flve rodg and ten feet, Un-nt-o westcrly parallol with Ohirage r'iad twrlve rods, thence nnrtherlr para11-1 with Adrián sinot fi re rods nd U-n fet, thcii'-c oaster'y paralle] with the Chicago roadtwclverods to tbe place of beginuing, C. VaN UÜSAN, Assimico. W. A. Moobb, Aii'y Tor Aseijineo. DatedjSept. 14, ISöO. Chanccry Kot ice. STATR OF MK'IIIiïAN, 1-Vurlh Judicial Circuit, in Chnn. cory, Mariiret Duniain vg. Charlea Dutnain; suit pend Ing i ji iin-cii ciiit Cour! for Uu Coanty of IVftsfateiuiV] in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, SepMmbet 4, ]S00. t nppearlDg by aflfdavlt to Uie ntlsfaetloo of the Courf, tluit tho 'ieffriuiant in this case does uot reside in Michigan, hut when tofftheard of waa a residunt of the Sta4e of [ndiana, Oomotion i.f N". E. Weleh, Sollcilor for compiainant, it is ordered tbat iu said defendaot ennae hfapparanc to De enterea in tliis caue, aii'l njiice ilinrfif to Le ser ved on complainaut'n 61icito w Ibïi elght voeka íroin the date of this order, and „that ii case of hi appearance be cfiuso bia answer to complainant' s bilí to be Blefl, and a ropy thereof to be fierved on complaui&Dt'a solkityrwithin tweuty days of the service tf a copy of sfttd bill, and in dofault thereof aid blll may bp taken as confesscd by him. An-1 it U furthr ordered that within twenty dajs ciïtiplainant cnuae a copy of this order to be published in the Mich gus, a ptiliüc nowrtpaper pubHshed rt Ann Arbor, in sai rn-.inty. atvl that pwch public:ition bt continued in aait paper at le.iflt once a week fur six buccetfiva wcek. o that they cause thiii order to b?. prrsonaïlv sprrt-ii oi naid defeudant, at least tvrenty days beftre the time abo o pn-scribtd for hifl ajpoarance. Patc.l. Sc.:. 4th, lSfïO. C. It. V.AXrr.FVP:, Circuit Court Commissioner for Was.htenaw Countjr Cw7fi5. Mortgago Sale. TïKFAt'LT havtng beeo made Ín tho coadiüoo of a y Morttrae executed by Bolser Chriinrr and Catlia rine Clnistner to Lutber James, dated July tYniT-Rxtb A. f) 185S, and reconled in the Bitglster.'j OQice i Waahienaw Countr, in Li her 24 of Mortgage, at pace 6fiS, JulyjMh. A. 1. 1S58, at half past" aoven o'clock A. Hm bj wiiich default the power of ëale coutnined ft ?aifl mortgage bocnuio operativa, and no miit or proceod infr havtug been nstitüted at law torecover tha debt seci-ed by said xnortgage, or any part thereof, and the snru offl'wu Huiulrvd and Eight riollnrn being novr claiuie! to be due thorejn. Nottce is therefore hereby given thai tlio said mort gage will be forecloscd }yaBale of the Dif-it-aged premises, viz: Corumenciugat the south-west corner of lot N'o. twoQty-foiir in blnek N'o. nLi in tu village of Chclsea, County of Wasbtenaw and State of Michigan, and running theuce north twenty degree west oighteen rods, tlincc north Berc-nty degríKs eas: four rods, thonce sout Ii tvventy degrees oaat eighteen rods, thcucosouth seveaty degres west four rods, oi nomo part thereof at public vendue at the Court House in tbo city of Aan Arbor ou the löth day of Decouiber iK'.t at aoon. LUTUEIí JAUE3, Mertgagoo. E. W. Morgam, Atty. Dated, Seplember"20tb} A. D. 1960. 7O6td Mortgagc Foreclosnre. DEFAÜLT haring been made in tho condition of a Mort gage executod by l'atiick Sulliran and Joanna. SulItTan CO Lnthcr James, dated Apnl eighth. A. D. 1868 and recorded in the Register1 Oilire in Washtenaw Liber 84 of HQtrtgagttf, at page 492, April Pth, A. D.1S5S, ut half past throe o'clook, P. il., by wliic.k de&oU Ulo power of sale contained in said mortgflgt; became operativo, and no suit or proceeding havinp been huUtutea t Uiw to recover ihedcbt securedby said m rtgage or any part thereof, and the gum of one hundred and twenty oue dollars being now claimed to bo due thereon and farfher lama to become due; Notico is therefore hereby given that said mortga0 W'H e fW" cHíed by a ale of the mortgagpd premiscü, to-wit: Tht. south-west ■ (uartor of the north-east quarter, and tlio fouth-east quarter of the north-wost quarter of section No. soven, and the vouth-oaRt ten acre, of the southeuRt qturtw of the northcast quarter of Eoctinn No. nino exteuding seventy rods east and west, and north anti aoutfa far cnough to contain ton acres, alt in township Xo. soutli of range övejeasi t beinp :u Webster, in Ihe County of WftiOit#naw, and State of Michigan, or Rome part tncreof,at public Tmdne, at the Court ïloue Ui the city of Ann Arüor on the 15th day of Üeccniber next at LUTIIER JAMES, Mortgagee. E. W. Uobqak, Atty. Dated, Sept. 20th, A. D. 1860. TMtd leSO 1859 City Cheap Lumber 1SC JCJC JCl Jt_ Sasli, Doors Blinds, Plaste? Paris Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glasst Paint and Puir ty dèc, i&c.s DeForest, HAVING increnscd his facilities ior doïüg buainpss and enisrged hia Yard and Stock, is preparcd the present scason, with ttc beiï, largest and cheaceet aeaeoncd gtock crerin thU mirket. to satisly the reaponable expnetatione of all. Óur motto U not to be undcrsdld Tor cnah on delivery I will not undertaketo friglitcntbe public bysaying tht they will getshaved it thoy buy eUcwbcre, for we presume tbat other willaellaBlow astboy can afford to. All kinds of TLmber, Joists, and Scantling, Pine, Whltewood, Basswood, Ilemloeki Plaued and Matched Pine, 'White'wood Ash l'"Iooring. ï'lnnedand rouqh Pinoand Whitewood siding , Fcnct P oEts, Oak and Ccdar Poste and PickctB ol all kind. ipint fatlj, anb lUljitcujoob C. .t Ptn, Ashan-i Whitewood Shinglej, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekVVa..iUt,andCherry and thin atuff, Wagou and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Roxund Body ï.umbcr,Maple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Ulm, Beech, Of alkhicknoase6,width andlcngth?,&c.. Ac, Piaster Paris, and Piaster of allklnrl. IVTnils of all sizes, 4c, &c., SAS, JJOOBS, c BLINDS, nadc by hand to orde r as low as foctory price, on ho bythc bcstof workmen, and Best Seasoncd Lumber. lili ofall dosription in thft nbove building ïinc urnishedontheahortestof notice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful) anda perfect aanortnicnt of tho abovo and olhcr kindb of Building Materials Constantly oiilimulalthi-lowestpussiblerates Cali and be Convinoed. A few rods soult front 11. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Aroor, Miei, ROOFIN O. N.B.- I amaow operatiug Extensively in tlae Patent Cement Roofing. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 ,mc of thu HEAVTBST, SAFE5T añd BFST InFUrauco (tf. in the l'. S. Insnrft 'on r?a)nnbl 1r m, amlalw.iv piy pn mptiy ThiTo is bo bottir Kin' Iu.-.rnu.B Sheriff s Salo. BY VüïTl 'K OF AN i:KCniMN iBfH4Ni nnt f ñn'1 n■ Ut ilir scfil Circuit (.'ourt (br the Connfyw U';ihi. i;nu', and Stdte of Mii-Mnn, bcarhigdatc Mía 4lb tUv i i .1 u : v I8ö, and te ros dtreftted aud dliirwed, 1 :!..' r..,,, All'l chatteln, nnd for want tliorif Uncís ;irn) teucment af tiumavus Ti Mann MVndMt then-in iiamed. MM on tlie I9íh dar Jtily. 1W, Iot ii[x.i: M m'tüc'al) tTie ríght, (Uto ím ïiitêwrt orthu,id ■ (ttfctavan 'J'. .Vimn in a mi to tnu followttlg lít-ncriU-d lamí j Blld Jif 111 ■' - , ('i H .; : Belng o pftrtóf ectton uuinoer29, ttiwnulu'p nnmin-r 2 i mili o( mn nunrtk-r (Ï ewl; cnniniviicinff the entw o! the i -.i 1 1 ktullng f ruin Aun Arbor to Jtekn, at i pnint l clllfilM and 7ó links eaiterly frota Uie tiicr.'Cotimi ftf i;iil iOid an1 ttiv west liiiu of a.ii'l fu-etütn, tïtfMMO BOrili -■riilr-l M s,iM BÓction lint 3 chain nml 43 link ■ (titch for t'if i-i--!;, iheqce tast )od# d íiich 3 din i ns und -l;i links t. Solomon Manu's eat line, thcncv i 'nsiii'i mad, t)inc wi-sl to tilo p!;c f begíiuiing, Also] tonumberlé, L8and l-, aud all of Ibat pan if lot Dumbor 11, that hoe south of a Une ürawri frm an4 4i links sou til of t j Dortli Baal corase of lot mimber 14r aevórding t- i p!a: f part oí the nortb east quarter of section numbi'i 'i-, íuwiwhili num'ior 2 nmit.i of rango cat, recordcl n líber 1. pftLfi?37. Also lt oumbrr om in S. Mann'a aTÍition. Abo the followiilg, foing t!io lypertofthe fffst-Jrtlfof the north mi r}uartr of m- liuii ii :im i -o i ■;.!, townsliip nuniber 2,Boutn of rangf Datuber flix east; nmre parücffffcrly deMtibed féUow to wit: Beginmug in llic territorial nmd leiding fnnu Ana Albor tu Jakon at a pofnt wiiere tlic oat and wrt naifes of saii);iarHT sectíou Mrikvü the center of t.l roatl, running Uicncosouth onth lino btiTum th m4 anfl west rinlrr of the north-eaitt qrtr rf srotin rtforcRRiíl 12 ío'UuuA il UnkH, thence went 11 phU nl T linki, thenco ncrlh to the centre of said rod, lbt-o eúterty 11 rol nd 8 Hnks to tho placo of bginninn; coniaining 5 actfR of laúd in Uie tuntihhip f Ann Arbor anl in thc omiiity of Waslitonaw d1 State of Michigan, all of wliicli wrt'mlM I Miall éXposo for l at public auction. as tüc ): díreets, at thr ÍVónt loor oí Ih Court House, inlb City oí Aun Arbr, ffiat bing the pVc for holiluii: Ue Circuit Court for tb fountj of Waalitnaw, en Üimdaj Uie 22d rtaj -f Üctober ufxt, at lerea o'ctocfc iu ile forenoon of khíi lat. THOS. K.LEONARD,Eheriir. Patcl. .u,'. 39; 18C0. Sheriff1 bale. BYVIRTI'KOK 'X i:Xr.0rriOíísuM out of and nndr tlio ff"Al of the Circuit Court for thf Coanty f Wasfatenaw, ard Slatc óf Jfichigaö, bearfng Ut the lOth a oí July 1800, and to me directO'l nnl (!pIÍTOr5f the kr"i"ls aad chattela, and for w.n tberc lan-l.i muí tcnonfetrts of Ira Beckl?y, dofendant thvttttn ñamad, I diU úp the lDth Any fJul.T, 13Í0, Wry ujhiu ;m 1 Ppize all tho richt, tttl ád tuterett of ths aíi Ir.t Beokley inniui to toe follawing described l.inlnml pretn: m wit: Noilh half of the north-weít oiar-tor of on number 16 in township inïinber '2 outh of rango 6 east SO acrM ;n tlio oounty oí Washtenawand State of Michigan, nll of irbich premUts I shIl erpoMforaaleat public aaojtlOD'TM tho law directa, at the frontdopr'oftht Coúrí Iluuse,iu the Citj f Ann Arbor, tlit In-ingthe place for hoi lin# th Circuit Court foT the ] Counijr of Washtenaw, on Uondaj tlio2'rl Ijij of October í next.át eleven o'clock in the forenoon of nai'l dj. THOS. F. LEONAKnr6herilT. Datelt August 20, 18C0. SheriflTs Sale. BY Vllirri-; OF AS' KXKiTTIOK ifSuod ont of and nnder the peal of the Circuit Court for tho Countr of Wasbieomr, od State of Michigan, hearing date tho Ifttih dft] of Aagustl8AC, ind to me dircoted antl dlTere5, gocMld a mi chattolft, nad for want thoi lands and téneitiftata of William 1'. Whito, defendaat thercin namcil, 1 lid on tbc 15th 'ín? of Augnut, 18fiO, lerr upon an'l sei?.e 11 tho ríght, tillo and interest of the the sai.! WilHam P. Whitein and to the following ileeonbvA land and prenr '.. to wit: The south wost qurtr of the south-eaat qiiartpr of nection thirtr onp in Townk1iii fmir south of ranino seven oast, being m the ToBfaip of 'Vugustn, In the county of Wanhtonaw and títat of Miclá.in, all of rlileh premfaN I shall expone for salo at public anclion, as the Uw flrct, at the front loor of the Court House, in the Oty of Ann Arbor, th&t beinR the jjlace for hüliling the Circuit Court for th Ciutity of Wasbtenair, on Mondajr, tbo 2tid da.r of Otobcr lu-it, t elevan o'clock in the fort-norm bf aid dar. TIIO.. V. LKONARD, Sheriff. Dalcí], AíiguSt 23,1300. Sherifl'ö önle. BY VTKTUKOF A K.XKíUTIOX issued oot of and under tho seal oftho Circuit Court for tb Countj of Washterraw, and State of Michigan, hearing date th 7th day of July, ISoO, and to me direct ed and dolÍTered, agjia3t tho goodfl and ehaltela, an.l for want tberof lands and tmn iinnts of Francis Wat defeudant tborrin uame'1,1 diaoti the Tth day f)f .ïulj, ÏS60, lery upon and seize all Uie ri; hl , til lp and interest of the eaid Kraneie Way in and tot be filtUowtng describid lan-1 and preniiM, to wit: Houjte and one a ere of land )undeil eaftt, wot and áouth ly A. Traver's -,in-t nortb by lands owued hy SetU C. D.irwin and bcing nou; 'i'ravcr'íSw Mili and formprlt ovrned bj Meíiii Thomap iu towníhip two south of ranre six 4-ast in the countr of Washtmuw and Btate of Michigan, nll of which prmises 1 shall eipoto for wile at public BüctiDn, a.s tho tav direct, a.t the front door of th Court House, in Ihe City of Ann Ar oor, tbai being th ptace lor holding the Circuit Court for the County o( Wash (enaw, on Mondaj the 2íd dar of October nert, at eleven o'clock in lbo forenoon ofaald day. TUÖS. F. LEOXARP. SherlfT. Dated, Au;u&t 20. 18ro. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAIXT BEEN MAM IN the HjffllH of ,i Mortgagdexecuted hf John Wfiuman to Wil . Mayn.ird, the 24th day of Juk. A. 1. 1S5S. ani. roco.dcrl in the Regfater'i Offlee in the County of Wah tonaw in l.iber No. '21 of Mortgages,at p ge 061 on thf 25th day of July, A. D. 1858, at fifteen minute pai Ave opdoek, P. M.,by wl.ich dcfault tho power of sala contained in s;tid iñortgage brea me operativo, and no tuit or proceedin baring twn institutcd at law to recorm ibcdeM securcd hy sald moögage. of anj prt thereof andihesumbr two bundred and fort'r dollars ao4 si-wnty-ono cents, hoing now claimrd to bV due thoreon Noticeis then-fore lierehy given that the said mortgag w-ill bp forcciosL'd by a sale of the mortgnged prrmiflis. to wit: "LotsmimbereleveD, twHvo, thirteenand foor teen, in Bloei si south, range two e si,according to a Plftt.ol WUlIam S. Maynard's seoond addition in Am Arbor," In aaid county, or i-ome part thereuf. at pnl Uc vendue, at tbeCourt House n the ctv of Ann Arbor on thethlrd day of NoveTmbet oért, at nóon. E.w.ona„,A,rvWs'SMAYNARD'Mwt1Dated, AugaSt 8, A. t). 1S0O. H5td Mortgage Foreclosure. DF.FAULT HAVQia BEEN MADE in the conrtitioo of raortgago cxecatfd I Samuel W. Fotfr to Jowpl n Sovmour, dntM Februar? oightccnth, A. D. 1839 and rfcor.lo.l ,n tho Kogister'n" office in the ol Hhtraaw, in l.iber No, 7 f Mortgngc, ;.t paqe 448, c the 6th djr of March A. D. 1839, at fifty mlmitw pa 4 o'déckP. M., ndbr said Seyraour 'msiened to N'el son H. Winst, April thirteentb, A, D, ISSSTb deel r corüo-l Juae t-ichtwüh A. 1). 1860, at one o'clvek P il., msaid Ulxr 7,1 piielilo, bv which dcfault tlit Pover of snlc contained in said Mottuago bccame opera tire, and no snit or procenüng hoving been institutrd at law to recover the debt eocurcd by said mortffaüc or an3 part iherenf, and the sum of thirtr-four hundrad anc Qftysli dolían being now claimed to bs duo thereon Noticc is thfrefore hereby (fiven tlt the aid mortgng will lio furccloscd liy a sale of the mortgaged premiso to int: All thut certain trflet or parcel of land knonn and doscribed so much of the Nurth East fraclion of section niue, in the Township of Scio, in said ('ountj, s lies west or the rillage of Sein. and wr-st frora land owncd at the date of said Mortgaifo bv Bufia CroisioaD andOrson Quaekcnuush, (cicepting one lialf cr o( land dwdid to .[..Sc-s Waltace. January fourteenth, A. A. 1S30, and one half acre of land wliere thero are sctcimlgrSTcs, indalso Ibe rlghta of Dowing land which hail thon lu-en dredcd to Orson (Jaackonbush and Rnfu Crossman, hy Joseph W.Sei mourand Samuel W. loster.) autl aleo (ho part of the West quarter of th. Ewith-WMt quaitcr of sccUon three, iu thB ïownshif arorcsai'i, eontaining ahout scTcntceu acre.i, Ivinft Kst from and djacent to land Uien onned by Thoriia Hokyn. Also lots one Ulock six in that part of the Village of Sein, surreycd by S. IV, Poster, n April A. D1835, and recordad in the liesistr'i olTice ia said countT. orsome part thercof at public vendue at the Coorti House in the City of Ann Arbor. on the third dar of N. Teaibcr ucst, at iioon. NIXSON' H. TVIXG, Afslgnw. K. TT. MoKdiN-, Atfy. ' fc Deted, August 7, i.'p. 1S60. Marshal's Salo. TJTYJRTOK.OF A WRIT of B.ti tváuUm out of JJ an.l undot tho Seal of th,. Circuit Court of tbe UuitM 8ttefo the. District or Michigan, datad on the thir(eenth day „f February, A 1)., 1860', to mo ilirocted and dchToredaïami.tthegoo,lsandchattels, land and tenenu-ntsof J.ilin 1) Klef, 1 Jidon tho twentj-third davof February, A. D.,1860, (by my then deputj Albert Vitüam,) 'Uilv levv upon all the rfght, Uflé and intciest of the wtd John 1). Ki,-r, in au.l t.. the Miowinft described lan.l aii'l teneinentsto wit: ïlio outh K ofnorth-i"is ':i ; ofsection No. 2: also all Iho land Iving north of th' Vitlage of Manchester on the south K of sectloir3 (reKrring lot sold to raimabas Case); aluo DOrtkweit V ofsouth-west '.;, section ï; also no'rth-cast l4' of south out V.andaoutheut ! of north-eatt '.,; also 2 acres o.T the east mJo oftlie north-west ij of eouth-r.iit Valso 10 acres off the cast side of outh-ivest Vofnorth' east ,; of section :, Iran 4 south rango 8 east. Also all that pwee or parcel of land in the oinuhtt or Manchester benig the east -10 acres of the north part of tho north east rractional M of Soctljn 3, eommenclng on th. north line of said section at a point 31 chaius 37 link trom the north-cait corner of said section, runain theuce est on said section lino 28 chains and 67 links to the north -wot Hoer of the north cast .; of the uorthyest H of said section, thene southerly on the ounrter line to the soutli-west corner of the norlh east V ofth north west ! ofsnid eection, thence eaitlerlr 2S chain aud STUnkl parallel with tho said ectlon 'line to th Eouth-wet corner or land assigned to anj bt-lonitiDK to LorenoHigglna, thence northcrly on the west line of aid Ulggln' land to the place of beginning, including also the rigUt ..f iv.iv iu an easterly and wcstfilv direction across said Higgto' land, reaerving tho right of way In au easterly and irestei direotioo across tht said 40 acrei in township 4. south of rango 3 cast. Also blocks No. 1,6. 7, K, 9, f5,18, 19, 23, 24, 25. 26. 87, 28, 29, Sfl. 81, 35, and 34: also lot Xo 1 in blork No. 3, lot No. a aud west Jï of lot 2 in blnck 5: also lots No. 2, 3 f 0 11, 12, 13, 14.15 in block 11 (oic.-pt from the above de" cnption al! linda deeded to tho Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana RailRoadCo. for Depot grounds and. also lot No.öin block 24, and Iotl2in block 12 ownfdi by S. H. ppencor); nlso lots 3, 6, 0, 12, aud west 'j of lot 5 in block 12; lots 4, 5 and 6 in block No. 22 (ejeept that deeded lo William Baxter) ; alxó bloek No. 1$ (ezoeptlotl Xo. 1. 2 and 4,) all iu tilo villaje of Manchester; also a part of east % óf, north-east ofsecUoo Ni. 11, in Town 4 rouüi range 3east beprinninftat north-ivest corner of said lot, tinne north 89 dogroe cast 3 chains and 97 links to a stake in iifrth-uet buundary of lauds uwned bv Messrs Carr tw Freeman, thesce alonsthe saine south 51 doress anl öo minutes west 2 chains and 69 links to a stakc In the ntU die of the Territorial Road, theuce aloug the same, north,. 82 degrees and ZO minutes west 2 elialns and 7 links to. the place of heginning eontaining 38100 acies of landnis.) lot N.. 10, 11, 12, 13. 14 and 15in bloek No. 18 oí th Vlliagoof M. nichester; alno block o. 19 and lot Na. 8 in bloei; 18 fa .Manchester : also bcffïniting at ft certaiii, stako on tho west bank of tho river Kaisin and on theeait siilo "f block N '.'0 in the village or Manchostor then south 51 (logróos 30 minutes wast to a stake in a line bo. Iwcen bloefcs lfl and Í0 in ?aid villaje, thence along iaid Uno north 2U degrofs CO minutes to the Brr aforesald, ihence ilong said River to the placo of beginnlna r„n laining ';, ..f an acre. Which said describe] lauda au.l ienenients hy virtue of theaaid Ictjí and ia obedience to .hf of Kiid writ f Fiíri Facías 1 sh.iü oj- 'oí sale at public auction lo the highest bid'ler on th thirteoüth ilay of November next, at 12 o'elock at. nooa if that dáy", at the front dooi of the Court House in th citv or Ann Arbor In the Couníy of Washtenaw, and Pisirict and tatcof Michigan. JOHNS. BAI.C.r S. Marshal. Cr VfiiUAn rwsivs, .Ir., Deputy ü. ö. Marshal. laled, Fcpt. 14, 1SÜ0. GuarJiau's Sale. TVTOTICE IS I.I!Ri:HV CITES th.Tt, by virtue of-an or IX der iiranted to the nndO?lghed, Guardian of theejitate ofil.len M. Hoag, minor, by tho .ludio of Pro. bate of Jackson Couuty. .!ited O-t. ïoth, A. D.' 1859 t hall sdl at public auction at the front door of the Court Ious', in the City of Ann Aroor, on Fridiy, Oetober 9th, 1SC0, atoneo'clf.ok, P. M. , tbc fojlowing describ.! !cal F.stato to-wit: All the interisl of (aid minnr n thn S' est half of the South-cnst quarter nnd East. hair of lorU ""' st quarter of section two Township two Bouth lia nee se ven Fn.-t, in tí ie Township of ur.i or, County of Washtenaw nn-l StWeof ArófSTOSC SOOT.Oui Ann Arbor, Sept. í, 18S0.


Old News
Michigan Argus