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The lays of elecíion are past, and the Liberty party in Michigan ís stil! in existence. and possesscs aU tho elemenls of stnbility and aiigrneiiiing strength und vigor, ae wo believe ihe'füM reuuns will demónstrate. Our reporte thus far are meagre enough. We sliall now merely mention wlmt we have heard, anti next week g'we the result more in detail. In Ann Arbor, Birney reccived 9G vote? - ast year, for Biruoy ibr Governor, 32. The whole vote of tlie town wos 819. The days of election were p!easanr, and the travelling good, and people being thereby disposcd to :ood nalure', there was lesa wrangling íhan usual. In Ypilonti, the Liberty vote was 25, notwithsanding certain Whigs peddled and vouched for the Gariand forgery, as ive are informed. Not a Liberty man was cnught! Northfield gave 10 Liberty yutes, 'ast year '4 - Pitfsfield 2.5, last ypar 13 - Scio 26, last year, 19 - Salem 63, Webster 14, Lödi 9 - Saline 24, ïast year 18. Mr. Edmunds and biir ethers of the "Tvventy-nine' ' seeeders reside here, and great hopes wereentertained by the Wuigs that the party woul.l be aLout annihilated in that town. They were mistaken! Ten tpwne it the county give jnst 300 votes for Birney. Last year the twenty towns in the county give him SI 1 votes., We presume otir vote in tho county will be about 350 or S60. This is as weil as wo could expecticonsidering tliat the'Whigs claim to have' gained 29 from the Liberty party, who signed the circular. Of these, however, not more than 6 or 7 w.óuld have voted for Birney under any circumstances. '- The vyíiiírs were untirng in personal efforts with the Liberty men.As on instance, we may mentiun that a promnent Whig pleaded íhree hours with one of he 29, before lie could prevail o:i him to sign ho circular; and then he was only induced o do it by frnudulent representalions: und the jiberty man, finding aftorwards that he had )een deceived, indignanlly refused al] connecion with the Whigs, and openly avovved his ntention to vote for Birney and Liberty.- We have seen his written statf ment to this. flecf, and have no doubt be kept his word at he polls. Jackson County is repotted at 440 - lasl yeorS91. Tbwn of Jackson, 76. ín Livington we arfe promised about 100 vote?, being early. doublé that of 'asi year. Hamburg g-nvo 15 votes, - Green Oak stnnds Dem. 83 Whig 49, Lib. 37- last year, 21, in 1840, 4. Very few in this viciuity were deceived by Whig etoríes. Thia exciting contest will trengthen our faith in our principies, in our andidates. and n each other. Having been íoroughly tried in this Presidential ordeal, we háve just grounds for mutual confidence nd esteem. As to the other partiee, we nced only say at resent. that the State has gone Democratie en rely as far as heard from. by larger mnjoritie mn we anticipated, amountingto about 3,000 in II. Washtenaw gives about '250, Jnckson 100. Calhouu 150, Oakland 600, Monroe 500, Lenavee 10), Livingston 300, Macomb 400, &c - Detroit gave 55 Democratie majority, and 4ÖQ a the County. Next week we shall publish list with further particulars. The Democrats ïave.electod the three Representatives i Conrees, all the State Senate, and 31 out of 53 Irpresentatives. No Whig elected to the Legisliure as íar as heard from.


Signal of Liberty
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