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Those Challenges

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YrjiLASTi, iiíStu. tiept., I8TO. Mr, Editor: - I s:-e frou a comaitinication froaa Mr. John C. Depew, and a brief editorial nolioc ia your last issue, that the quoation f joint politiaal debites - is exsrcising the tninds of soase of the Republicanlead ars. Ilaviug beau eduoated, ia soma degreo, ia that school of politics that absolutely requiros both candidates for every important office togo through their Couuty iogcther, and address the samo audiences; md believing that to be the only fair and surost way to get the truth, the wholc truth and uothing but the truth, b'jfore the people, I did not coasider it improper to address tha following note to my legal friend and brothor- the Rupublican eaa Jidate for Prosccuting Attorney. I had the loss hentttion insp daing, becauso ray opponent is a talker by profession, and bas on the stump so nearly followod in iny wake, that his appoiutments went after me into Livingston County, (where both of U3 djubtless, will get a good VOti;.) Ypsilasti, ISth Sept., 18G0. A.. D. Oüask Eq-, Repuiilioaii nomiae !qi Pros. Att'y : Dear Sir;- Believing it to ba the wish of the poople of thia Countr, to liear and heed the truth touohing the political issues, State and National, now before the couutry, and alao believiug that onasided argumenta and appeals, ara not the best calculated to eulighten tho popular mind, however much they may fire the popular boart, I should be gratifled to moet you, uuder such regulations as to time, placo, and mauuer of debata, as could bo mutually agreed on at one, or more, or all of the principal villages and cities of this county, and thon bjforo the same audieoces discuss thoae Natioaal and State political issues, wliich you and I, ia noruination by our respectiva partius, are called pon to represent and elucídate. Tho favor of an early reply is requssted. Respeetfiilly, LYMA.N D. N0RRI3. Domooratio nominea for Pros. Att'y This uote, sent by Mr. Jones on tho day t bears date, has not yot recoived the poor courtisy oí" an answer, yerbal or written, though a prominent l'opubliean candidato inform? me that Mr. Cranehad intimated to him the probablonon-acceptanco of tny iuvitation. I have acoordiugly ujadj tha following appoiutmeiits : Salino Sspt. 2Sth, Evonini Bridgewater, 29tb, " Manchester, Oct. lst, " Sharon, " 2d., Freedom, " 3d., " Lodi, " 4th., " Northfield, " 5th,, Webster, " 6th., Lyndon, " 8th, aftarnoon and evening, Dexter, Oth., afternoon and evening. Aud at Mr. Lotlirop'a requiit, T shall bi with him at Salem, Oct. lGth., afternoon. Dixboro, " " evening Whitmore Lako 17th, afternooa Lima Center 18th, Eank's Mili 19A, Chelsca, SOih, Aftor whioh last date, I sha.ll still be happy to meet niy RepubUcan opponaat, at such placas as eau bo mutualiy agreed on. With regard, yours, LY.MAN D. NOBBÍ9.


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