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Ma. Emtob: - TboM aro many vostigösof an ancient and aturestuig people who Dbabited this continent long ago. Aa an esarcple, I send you tliu following trapsUtion of' the inseriptiou on an apocryplial plata exhurr.ed in tliia couiity a ÍW daya tine?, Hoping it may prcivu interesting to competent antiquariana it ia respeutlully subrnitted. ïs'AXOS. CuaPTEK V. 1. It carao to pass about eigliteoa years ago that John was chosen ruler in the honse uf Israel, 2. And the peopla wore soruly troubled in tlioso days, for tho sins and debts of thfiir jrosth lay heavy üpo them, and their creditors said "let us take thorn and their money for a prev that we may bo prtid." 3. But John fctood up and sought toturn away their wrath, saying 'liavo' patienoo and vra will pay you a!L" 4. Tlien a commandaiunt went forfifc to all olficors of tho rulor's houeehold that thoy shoald aavo all, eon to tJia widow'a mite, of' tho tases and offeringü cast into the treasury, that tht-y might ba applied to pay the peoplu's dubU. 5. So after thirteen yuai-r! wliilu John and his brethren ruled, the peopla waxed happy and independent, and thoir bui-deii oi tax boarae very light. 6. But when thay wee pro.-perous they forgot tho troublas that vvere past, and wont afterstrango gods, oráhiping a black dol. 7. And chose rulers from among tho priestsof their i Jol, uncircumci.sod Piiiliatines, and comrni'.ted to their band the treasnry and a!l precious tliingd of the land. 8. For many years wliile th rulers revellöd, wasting tho treasury, thelü'-a rrophets blinded the people, seducini,' them to lovu their idol, hateeach Qther, and seok to dostroy tluir brcthreu óf otber tribes. 9. And while I ponderad on thesa evils, I heard et voice as of a inaq pro. clnirning unto mo, "Go, s:iy lo the neople; what profit have ye in these tbingfs - jhoosing tho Tilso propbota to rule and bowing down to your id l?'' 10. For this your sin tho troubles of youth arereturnod upon you. and v tir name i.J made a reproq$h bocause thero is neither silver no:-"g;U n Iba trodwi, O'11. And to you who socm to ba' "wide-awake,'' tarry at Jorioho til! your beards ba grown, and then awake teyour folly aud imlebloduess. 12. And it shall come to pass if ye still obeyyour false teachers and vrorliip your idol, that for every fivo years ye do this yo sha!l be afflicted ten vo:ir. 13. Ye and your sons ehull labor luit it sball be for the tai-gatheror, w! o ■hall put yonr mnney in a b;g wiili holes; and swarma uf hungry 2k-er shall devour t. 11. And so kqg aa vö eleave te vuur iJulutry yoar dobts shall wat grouUf, even to ton liouaands and tbousaivda of thnusands, and tlie trensury shall be the home ot the spi.lcrand inctis?, from long emptiness.


Old News
Michigan Argus