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Sheriff Leonard And His "emoluments.

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We clip tho foltowing paragraph fröm the Ypsilanti Sentutel of tha '20 th uit, in whiob Journal it constitutod a part of un article heuJoJ "C mnty Offioew."- Whbthèr produced' by fin over zaal or an ansiöus feax wa aro anable tb sny, 'out it iá as éortaïnly as vride of tl. e truth na though brought out by a surfeit of bo'.li of those articldS; Road it: We havcssen evidonos of an etfbrt to giiin votos fór Mr. Laos .-. shcriil' n the grour.d iliat be s a good office r, tha gi'ouad takun may be good, but ono thing i.s ceríain he was eluuted by a ttick, and we are iniormed thnt when tho board of Supervisors examino ínto his accountá tbey vrill find that in the kist two yeara the emolumento of the tóhcritï's offioo has greaíiy neroased, and tho aerease has corno out of the tax payers. Nov, what do th 3 figures say about this increase of-'emoluiii'jnts?" In Outober last, tho Board of Supervisors aujited the claii.H ol Shei-iff Lboxar: for the nine iaoatha ha had beid the office, and by a:i estuniaftttQQ oí tho ofliGial reports wu fiud that théy allowod To Sher ff Lbonard, í? 1,128 98 To hi.i Deputies, 494 95 Total, $1,92393 oran avorage ailowanoö of 8213.77 per month. At tho name sossion thoy allowed Sheriff M jad and Deputies for thyir threo rbonths service sub ocjuer.t to tho anuaal inooting of 1S58, as folio vs: To Ex-SheriffáaAD, $GH -1(3 " hi.i Djputiea, 221 40 Total, S828 92 or an avorage of $270 '-YJ pei; raonth, being an ovor tho allovvancea to ShoiMf ijïjNAitD pi $62.53 p.;r month, or $187 50 for three moiitliá, and "thu iooreoaa kat cj;na out oi tha tax pay ers." Dj-js tho SeiUmel üko thu figure? Again, at tho animal session of tho Board for 188 there was ailowod To Shérrff Mèad, 82,801 93 'J3 s Üeputius, C80 85 Total, 3,185 78 or an avotago monthly allovvunce of 290.43 being in exoesd of the ailowanoe to Sheriff Lsosaro of $70.71 per month Aii'l thi.s is t'ie vu_y "the emoluaion'.s of the Shcrilí's offijü have gre&tly incroased ;i.rid the incro.iso has nome out of the tas-payara." Is tho Scntinel satLsliod? Alter tlio corniag anmia] meeting of tha Board wo shali bj ub!a t show that for the last yoar llieso "emolufflonts" havo contiüued to in-:re;iso in tho Bnmo alarming nianner. As to Sheriff Lkoxard having boea "eleoted by a trick," it is our opinión tb:it in about f o ui' weeks the peoplo of this County wil] perform another just sueh trick for tho benefit of tbo Senincl and ita part}'. JET3T In an artide writton to dispar age the qunlifiuations uf Col. Hixos, tho Damocratic candidato for Judge of Probate, our learned, legal aud statistioal friend of the Journal waxes happy, espccially u the following sei) tunco : " We are inclined to the opinión that ourneTghbor, the Editor of tho Argut, is afflictcd with an iniirmity very conimou to human nature - a species of short-sightedness which limita liis visión to his own Pond, and induce hini to beliove that legal leaming, as well as other learning which he does not possess, and has not a very clear conooption of, is not of much value.." There are somo things we do not possess and yetthink them desirablo iu gome, though not necessities to all. For instance, " statÏ8tics:' is a valuable seience, a great aid to tli3 practical and domestic economist, and without the odds and ends of the facts of figures, the fiuaacial whcels of government wiglit run loosely; yet ice do not rclish "statistics' as a steady diet. Agaio, it is well for any iutelligent citizen to uuderstand the general principies of law, it ia well for tho professional lawyer to understaud iu nddition the special statutcs with all their crooks and turns, and it may even add to his fame, if uot to his populariky, to have dolivercd and published law lectures, but we think that without all this a man is competent to live uprightly and deal honostly with liis fellow man, and may even, if callcd to do so, administer iutelligeutly and correctly the plain provisions of law, and protect the widow and orphan iu [all Uieir rights. AVhat we know about law is not thepuiutin issue. But we assert that Col. IIixon is lawyor cnough to adrainister the office of Judgo of Probate in a manner that will protoct the intcrests of all havinj lusincas in (hut C'ourt. EP The names of the mombers olect from the Up'jer Península are: Joskth Coulter, Senator; Ai-i:". Toi.l, EbüNEzkii W.u-..r.i!, and C. C. DoüOLAS, all ; Douioorata, C" Want of spaee compels us to lay over a coiiiinunicatiijii from Chclsca, sigucd " Demo n.uv'


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