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On Tuesday of last weck, eloctions wore liddfor County oifioors and mem; bors of the Legislature in the Lake Superior country, aud the counties have all gons Democratie; even Marquette, whieh two years ago, gave an averao Republican majority of 75, now elects but a single offieer - tho TreaHiirer - and hira by only 1 majority. A Democratie Senator tosueceod W. E. Dickinsox, Republiean, and tliree Demoeratio members ofthe House, are clceted. The countiea vote for President, Congress and State officers, on tho Cth cf November, and will givo a good account of thcmsclvcs. J53T Sühoff has roturucd fïom New York, and fis Sciioff basan eyo for the beautiful, tho Sfcerescopio department of (e book store o Schoff & Mluer r& vod careful atteation, au 1 th y uw cff.T a largo assortment of views in Egypt, Palestina, Italy, Rus sia, Franco, Gnminy, Eagland, Scotlaud, America, Ao. Views of natural seenery, pal ace9, exterior nn.l interior, cathodrnls, cburchC8, work3 of art of all kinds, illustmtive of aumalor natural history, ie. aso., with instiuments to match. For the parlor and librarjheri are elegant and co3lly views and irstrunu-nls, and for the little folks, instrumenta with a dozen views for only 25 cents, juat the tliing to pivo your chi.dren to amuse themselvts witli, Souori has als sjleoted a fine lot of engravinj aiul ]hotograph3 fit to graee the -n-allj of the humblest or most gorgeous parlor. Their stook of 3ooks is also largo and variad, and will bcar iuspection, Go aud sec tlu-iu. Cp3 We have received the September ntimbcr of that excellent quarterly The Coamopolitan Art Jour n tl, II Ins a magmiicent full page steel pinto, "Juliet in tho balcony seane," inj overol first cl .ss wood engravings. The various artielea,e3aay, story and rerio, will gratify the general litorary reader ,and cspaciully those wlio ore interested in art in it3 many phases, The Art Journal 9 published by the Cosmopolitian Art Assooiation, and is furniahed free to all membsrs of tho Association. $3 entitles tha subscri' ber to t!io annuiil engr.iTing.the Art Journal, a ticket of admission to tho Dusssl'.orf gallerv, and a chance to dr.iw a finí ]ainting or work of sculpture at tho annual distribution of works of art. Aldresj 0. L. Dehisy, Actuary, New York. GP TheOotobcr number of the EcUctic Magazine has reached our table. It is embellishcd with a stoel and life-like portrait of one on "whom the eycs of the wot'ld aro now centered - Garibaldi ; and lias a table of contents forming the oroam of the foreign quartcrlio and monthlies. Among tho papers is a sketch of tho life-doings of the hero whose portrait is given, $5 a year with a beautiful premium plato. Address W. II. Bidweix, N, Y. EF The October number of the Atlantic ilonthbj has the following papera : Soine of the Haunts of Rurns: Pasquín and Pasquinados. The Summons. Darwin iuid his Reviewers. A Modern Cindorella. The Old Days and the Hew. The Iceberg of Torbay. Theodore Parker. Icarut. Walker. Tlie National Iatülligoncer and its Editors iáonnet The Profossor's StoryThe Eleetion in STovembor. Reviews and Literury Notiees. Art. - Mr. Jurvis' Kecent Ajnerican Publieatious. $3 a jcar. Addresa TicK.Noa & í'ields Boston. I3P" The annuat session of the University oponed on Monday, and tliere is aa anusually largeattendanco. Up to yesterday morning 246 now studeala had rogistered theii1 names, and paid thcir initialion feeThe classes ia the Literary and Scientifie depnrtincnt are all large- the Freshman deeidedly so, and yestcrday 169 Medical ïtudents had beeu rogistered, and over 100 Law Students. Last year the Medical stu dents ouly nurubered 167, and tho Iaw 92, and neithor of tho dopartments are coa' sidered full until the Crst of Juuuary.


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