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LIST OF LETTERS REM.UNINi; in the l"ost Office at Auu Arbor, Sept. 3Oth, 1SÖÜ. Abbott J C Rousp AldriOgoS II Koe Jauira Andrews & llill Bmlth Thomas I Buuk John Bmlth Mmuvl C Cbue H Stade Jl r .1 Carmer Marlha M Sohonb Gotge Hark Julia A Stcveni Win ■A' ui ' Stoekfinl St7 I i ■' r ' wtor 1 Mary Spaffurit A il 4 DeLamlM.K. ' Snow J Duuwin Dr E K Bullimn Cvronus Fox it Jones Turner W II Gaminx A B 1 Tjlci Jobo H. cnniiiï Henrv L Tnrombley Miss Susio : 1. It ' Trlpp Henrj W Garner 1. 1' Will.iams Mrs E A llawkina V Iï Whlling S I. II..,.;!, m WeatfaU I'ülracr Ir vin W S Wood ; KnappEA .„„lrulT J F Ku..) Chas YoUcndct UlM 3 MoPhernon Efonrf YoupgJacol) McGoundcr MlasMaiiy Young J Francia MetzgerCbristlau Foreig. lunchen T H J"hn FreJ Kssig - M;nin Win n Ml 0n Uoak Kli-ia i! John Cbristlan Ragei -. onfSusan Edwrd BurgeM Adam WUUip Snapp l'almer A B Samuel Vint . Hay ílissjeoni fli - M;irv Ann loiinpt Penoni MllloR (pr ,in; of the ahove latere will pVri 57b. bKsbit; r. m. S ï E O N G ' S , S T lt O N G ' S , STRONG'S. Cheap Cash Store, Chtap Gash Store, Chcap Gash Store. KTcw Goods, New Goods, New Goods, JUST KECEIVED, JÜST RECEIYED, JUST EECEIVED. Cali and seo them, Cali aud seo uhem, Cali aud see them, EXCHANGE BLOGK, EXOHANGE BLOCK, EXCHANGE BLOCK, Dress Goods of all descriptioas, Doraestic Goods very low, YANKEE NOTIONS & HOSIERY, Ladies and Children's Shoea, CROGKERY & GROGERIES. KA.TS Sc GJFS. HOOP SKIRÏS, HOOP SKIEÏS, Only 4 cents a Hoop. LADIES' CORSETS, LADIES' C3RSETS All sizes - Latest styles. Woolen and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAKS, ê,x. REMEMBER THE PLACE, REMEMBER THE PLACE. EXCHANQE BLOCK, EXCHANGE BLOCK Ann Arbor, Oct. 1860. 768tf BOOTS, SHÖËST -AXDYVM. S. SAUNDEKS, HAS RECEIYEU his Fa 11 stock of Oiod and is selling thera at prices whicli canuot fail to Buit every ons. Mens Boots from $2 to $5 per pair 3r aiters. Ladies' Kid Calf aud Lasting Gaitera and Bootecs from 75 ets to 3.50 Doublé and single solee. Boys, Youths and Children's of all prices frora 15 ets. to $2 per pair. 2=i -ia. 1t t O r J3 Men's and Women's llubber Boots and Shoes of all Kinds. TEUNKS. Saratoga, Fren eb. and Doubl Trunks superior article. Cali at WM S SAUNDERS' 768tf Boot and Shoe Store, C3r O O 33 ö - RICH GOODS! Cheap Goods! ! ■ ■- - - BACH & PIER30N JTA -. E JCST OrENED TUE CHOICEST STOOK _0FPALL AND WINTER GOODS to be found in tbis City, consisting of GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN J Bubstantinl and durable, GOODS FOR LADIES! GOODS FOR THE MECHANW GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLLS, a!l. Carefully solccted, Wronte4 to please, and for sale cheap. oome Kjsrxy see. ]?AGH & PIERSOir. October, 1360. . 768tf STEAY. 'I1AKLN' UI' ÜV Uio BubiCrlber, on tbe Oth of August 1 ;i Hay fri-i'ü'ns Pony, lappoMd lo be eight. yenra r.:.i, wtth i.. 'jiinj feet. ihc uwnir U nqaMted to l'rovc jirororlí al iakoliim awjr . J. 1 AT9Ori. intcr, Auj. 1?: 1SGC. i67nG A Novelty in the Art World ! Photography oa Porcelain ! Sscuted iy letter- patout iu t'ie Vaitcd St.ittM, tud Franco, nd Bolgium. THE AMERICAN PORCELAIN COMPANY No.731 Broadway, íew York, havinfr Matrad tbalr novel an 1 innious invention by menean ;unï Kuropxin p&tWlts, are ful l prep.trel to c-i-i;i(. aii (,r,icr:ï for MiniaLurot Likouejses of Pornons on China, presonting all the attractive and advantageous feature of ordinair photoi-aph, tb bnlluncy ;ml finlah of a water-coliw drairlng, and a hitberto noattaioftd qimlity of tliirability, by befng reu'lered ■ mperisli.ible a the nitiral proporties of the art idea upun which tbey aro transfer Ai the pfttentd procosfl of the Oompanr onablon the P6pc ' luctlOll i l'hütngraph-ï, not only ou'plain surfaces, bat ii pon sach as ar rouiülorof ma dj$r' of irngularity - purtraitíi can be reproduce) wiih foulttaa accur.f.v" and deUetcjrof deliaofttioo, upan Parcélala wnroi o' any dcseriplion n:i I dÍIQ3astOD llñd is nrticlc of lux 11 ry ur of houNi.'hoíl utUity, s:ich as Urns, Vasca, Brcakfast Cups.Toiht Articlc?,O. tberebj Becuring fáttbfnl portratt and furnishing uoiroe íiiül exquisito 1yle of ornamcutatioo ot articloi ín domes tic uso. ]n order to furolffa faoiUÜefl for the ratifícation of tbe popular tasf, itnd lo met ihewaDfa of those patrons ef tlio Fine Arts dealrooj of having Portraits on lorceiain, the Conipany bavt: importad from Europea colIectioa oí Bnperior porcolain íoods( manufactured to their own brdor, wbícb tíiey .=■]! :tt cost piif-cs. Ait the American Compnny aro owners f t!ie patent riffht, aad ronscr[iiently Ihfl only peraona anthoratd tu OIO the process, thi-y Iiavo dt!tormineï, la order To aíford People in evry sectiou of tho. Uuíob an opportuulty to pe Purtrattt on China, to (Tiake dhfl IbllowiBg proposition to ResidenU in the Country, who are unable to Tisit personally the Atelier aad Galleries iu Wew York. Persons Ronding a ohotjfrAph, ambrotype, or dajjuer reotypt to the ofllce of the Company in Ser York, ac companied by Five Dollars, wlll rcceíve in return by OxpTOtft, frec of other chargo, A i ichiy ornamented Broakfnst Cup and Saucer, with the portrait transferred thereoaBy tracsmittiug a dftjfuerrooty po and Ten Dollars, thoy will receive in Iike nianuor, A handsorae French Vaso or Toilet Article, with the portr.iit rsprodaoêd1 by the patent procoss. By aendinga pairof daguorrooty[a aad Fifteen Dollars, thoj will receive in tura A pair of rich Sevrea Yases-, with tho portraits execited equal to thenvfnature paínttnpra ; and in Iike manaer, portraits cau be reproduced on porcelain wares Oï Vasea of every fjuaHty of ñnish, raneíng in pnce from Twentv to Oae Hundred Dollars the pair. N. B. - Be particular in wiiting the address, town, county and State íiintinctly. All letters to be addreBsed to 'Manifer American Pkotographic Pondain Go.,' TC8m3 781 líroadway, Naw YoaK. f EYE and Ei P. pg DR. F. A. CADWELL, SS&' OrERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR. For J)í afnrsi. Blindaras, muí all di fe. ts of SIgUt and Hcartng. DR. C. BEJNG A REGULAS I'hysiciin, with TWENTÏ YEAR1' exclusive practlce ín the treatment of clitenses of the KVE AND KAR, will be found qualiñed to Kive relief or eCfect a cure in any case within the reach of hum tn ekül. No charge for an ezamtnaílon or an opinión , or for unsuccee.tful services. Da. C.'a TitEAiiys o thb "Kyk and EARf of 300 pp.t contaíniüg nféroncea. Testimoníala, Descnptionof Dineaios, Cases, and othír imporiant matter, Illustrated witli Cut.", to le hudroíf, by sending Ten Cents to pay postado. Addreai Dr. Cadwell, 9a ltandolph Street comer Pcaborn, Chicngo, 111. Iy768 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEKRS WANTED ! TO ASSIST IN THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! ífhite folks, or of whatayer color, casta or nativity, whether married, single or of doubtful conneïion, will beenliiitod in thc noble cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITY -- FROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will reoeire their outfit at the Extensivo Furnishing Establishment -OF THEG ü ITERMAN' S HEAD QÜARTEES! having been established for the LAST TEN YEARS, our known rule of warfare is an Undisguiscd Dcslruclioa OF HIGH PB ICES ! IOH. CLOTHIKTG I For all Ages ! Sex and Conditions ! In consequence of the very fiattering encour agemt'iit which we have received since our location in this oity, we have increased our Stock of FALL AND WINTER C L O TH I NG! To meot the Iemands of our custoiner, and having beeome more fully oonvinced than ever, that our mode of deal ing, namely: at vhe lowest po8sible rates for is tbc only truo plan; we vrill continue to serve the public na heretofore during the cuming fall and winter. Our Stock consista iu cvery variety of READY MADE CLOTHING ! Plain and Kancy CLOTHS, CASSIMKRS. SILK, AND SILK VELVETS. Alargelot of GENTLEMEN 'S FÜRNISHING GOODS, which are all warranted DON 'T FAIL TO OuA-XjiXiua T Gr. H. , For past favors we are grateful to all, The eame ior large ones in proportion, And thosc vvLo see ñt to cali Shall receivo our best smiles and devotion. M. Guiterman & Oo. N. B. Studcnts and all othera who want to eee SONDHEI&l'S now mode of cutng vrill do well to cali and leave their measurc For a Nice Fitting Suit ! GUITBRMAKT cft Co. Ann Arbor, 5cjt. 28, 1S60. TTt( NOTÏOE. ALL PERSONS HAVING claim to bo audltelb SuperintPndonls of the Foor of Vashtenaw County will picase jiresent tlicm ou or llore tho 6t}i da oí Oct. nest to the uiKer3Kncd. B. W. WMTV., II. COMPTON', A. BEU,. Aun Altor, Sepl. 21, 188O._ ?6?2 TüëaF 'qüartërsT' ! For ll Owppftígn Documents. For the livoa of all the catldidatw fnr Tros ident and Vico I'reHident, contaiuing an , p&rU&] history of thcir uves. Kor all kinds auQ aizes of Klngs. For those beauttful MKLilSBOTTPS Picttre of all lbo candid&tea ior rvcsicleut and "ice i ' President - For Hed&b of all the Camlidates. For Charnm of all tho Candidato. For Badge of all the Cawlidatcs. For Breast Pins of all the Caudidatea . Ciill and go t one of tlim roprepcniitig your ; f&voriteCandidatc. Foi talcclieapat wholcMle or retad. A. rtFOREíT, ■ for PuWiBhcra au'l ; er. " 76tl


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