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GREAT BARGA IMS AT Maynard, Stcbbina & Wübou's. f WE HAVE AOAIX F.EPI-ENISIIED OÜK STOHK W1TH Üio m'ist tpleiulid StO'i of Gr O E 3E3S that WAS ever oflfered in onc MtMbhmat tu the State, all of whioh (H oflwfor Ioasm Ok 'j3 e O O y O rd 1 ' . ! a.low as can be found in tbo L'uiun "We want Money ! uil wiil muke Great Sacrificcs on Anytliiiio we havo to obt&iu it, nut 6KcepÜ0f OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We cordially u vit ALL CASH CU STOMERS to cali nuil osiimí'ic 'jur Goo5b a ml PffOef. Wu al4 invite our Prompt Paying Customers .to oom and buy thcir aupplies for tbc Winter. To tho líashful one that aro alïatd tu cali, wc say to theiii, tk. ) cuuraRe 1 J6L3XjiXi WHEiÏLT? i ï without ïonger wtiitii-gfor highyr pricos, couie iu, ; old scores, anü thea 3 at hucIi prirM as will niifco up all losses. It U havJl; neccesaai to üuods, fot ■ We have Everything! A largo astorijorut ff ?f CAKPEING, CROCKERÏ f DRYGOOUS, MEDICINES, GEOCERIES, PAIN'TS, : 01LS [IAT, ï CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS fee, &c,, &c. OAIL1L A KI E) SIHÜ1S2 (716)0 MAYNARD, STEBBIXS & WILSÓ . i . .. ■ . im . r. p GrEVILLE & FüLLER, N TTAVING APPOCÏATED thfrawWei for tlie purijR of g# XT dftalÏDK in the vanouB ftrtlelM in Ihu Drtt{ trado, otfor fur aal fiül SBOrtmcat oí 5; Pure and Genuino Medicines, Wícm Noíp An5 Letter Psjer, Linuor, c, Faucy Anieles, 1'orfumm'-, Vlavoring txtiacts, Comba, ' Faber'n hcuciis, Bruihei, Arnold's Inks. unir Pjrp, ln Popular Patent Medicines, l) Jnynw', Artnois' Uvpr Bnlmm. in Aver' Huslr.ttor'B Bittere, tv UoUonVyi, HoolUod't Genoan Httn ty Browa't Troche, Townerod aml lirjant's rjlmonarj Bal5;im, Gu;sott's Sarsiprilla. oPAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c, feo. 1' Zino, Vaiu!h., Fati-utDrvor, Hibcruia Green, BnrningFïoid, Camphine, lildau Fluid Eltrt,8ugai Ccatcd I'üls, and Granules. O. K.B. I'resorlptions compnundsd with ueatness anti diRptcbbyeriioncedpeon. -g 0K,,NViLlp, JoílNT FULLÊR T42.t 10. . WINES & KNIGHT ARE K0W OPENING .As SPLENDID STOCEC .DRYCOODS i Purchased for the E A E L Y F A L L TKADK. Beptembor S, 18flO. FAJLL it .f AT n r C. H.Millen &Co's, IOOK STOREM ' jgpjlSl Opposite tlie j n-: yowoPKVTyo, DIRECT FROM PUBLtPHKJW ANO -Miiiiuiactai'írs, a New and Complete stock of I-AW k MEDICAL BOOKS, School Books, Misctllaneous Bon-, " Blar.k Dook . d'ia Wall and ÏÏTiaduvr Pnptr, Drawitig and Mith'-ir.ntical Tnstrun i (j Mumc, J . - ■ dopes, Inhs and Cm la. GOLU ytwd üí' kinds of Pens and Pencih trCorntcQ Sh&Aefl andFlxture, POCKET CUTLEltY! And ererythlng partainis f tlia irade, and more .o whichthcy would ii.vite ha attenUun ol tb country. I'i co&duoUog ■ur Ui sintii-i, we sial d 1" tiiat oti e m, woman or rhild abait ■ Kt Uit. VTt posseu faciliiios which wIU enable us to supply our itomers ai the Lowost Poásible Figure. Vm prrrpoge '.osellfor READY PAY,ata unalladvanci. 'A't bi:'ji,t t pruilt on oui' goO Cash Sales wiil Admit of low FIGURES. We h' i of J AMES F. ÍFALD1KO, herefun . . ■ 1 tu furnUh Vtsitiwg, Wedding and all othcr Canls wrUUn to order, wilh ncainesi and dispaich, Li ihut' or .litiicae. Tlie "UrJrrusïVjOicSTOfiF.," is inn-. '. vt."v nek thtíy i .,!■..,!-, be fuuai) uu the "((Uart'-i id wiUDg lu attend to aü rith pleanute, who wiU favor üixsa willi a ctlL licmernber the "Empire Book Ston.-." JAM19 B. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arljor, Ma.-.l 7j Biflc Factory! A. J. SUTÍIERLAIM) HASretnovedhis Qub Shop totae New Block O Uüton stript, south of tltc ('on rt Hdxibft, rjüt-it; decünJ iloor, whert hu is preparuti to furnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fasls, Foucnes Game Baga, and Evrrj otlicr artillo iu Lis Line. On the tnost reatoQablfl Urine. Pnd to tlo pil kind . f n the ahortest tiotice and n tlie iiesl mannel , A (uil fiBsnrtment fclwBjftkcpt oahünd;ont! made t? order. o, bl xs js iSBSÜÜEBSIi!:; ;. . . B!'iaiMDBM.HM Still in tbc FitldJ ir: Til A L ARGE S ï O C K o f GÜO D S in roy Hne ilnei New York, 8öst?n, Manufacturers! I liavi.' j'ibt rcocAVëJ a neK srfèctetla of CLOCKS, UATCHES, JT E3 "177" B L R Y, SILVER&PLATED WARE, Musical Instrumstts, Table and Fockc-t Cutlery ! GOLD PE Anl u grent Tnriciy .f Tantea KTotions. ia. I would cali particular attSDtiofi te tny lar stock of SFECTACIjES, oí Gold, bilver, Steel, and J'lateó, with PER S C O P I C GLA8S A BUperloT arli-'le, and a groat rai ■ ■ Íps In the cheap yj&.mm:-: haring difQcult watoha to fit with gil b aocommodated as my Btóck '6 Idrge uii ojmiU'hj, P. S. PartlouUr attentH t püid lo the REPAIEING of all kinds of Fin? Wateh8, suob as Making & Setting New Jewels, P1KI0NS, STAFFS and CTUNDERS, olo OLOCKÖ, AJS'Ü JEWELEY, Xeatly Repaired and warrantpd. C. BLISS. ut 2i, iscp rssif A NewlBRIVAL -ofBoots znxicl. Slacac Oí all dtscrlptioiu, and wil! 'e 771.4 A' CAN BE BOUGII7 ffl Thli City. Jko i l.igf MBortiMBt c Of all kinds made !u the mest Fashioua bl c Stj Ij EX PE1UEN CED Y OIíKM EN,. -ounFRENCH CÁLF BOOTS ar NOT erRPJSSsn tlis side of Xt l"c!. City, an' .m wirrantcd not tt kip. Ou; SrOGASAND KIPSy are ma''. ' tlie bCot materials Oui icq1; üf Moroeoo Bootees Iridies is the the bfst in toTTn, wltlj hpfila 01 without We Mult t Order, andnevtit ruiüs of 3u:;;ing 11 fint Urne 10 c;ive usa cali Md we wiïl show you nur stock free of charge We have vcurod the servicee of ttto Experionced Jourueymen, wbo Uo Dttrmoadiiig in tlie Neatest Hlnnitcr, and uu sliortest rulice. OüJf motto is Quicb Sales aud Small Proiits. ThukfUl 'fr past ia. vors we hopebypnyinj oirict atfooHonto our business to raorit a Kbcrul shave oí rour pfttrona for the iuture. && Remcniberwe ave not to be nudorsold. "tU MUOIÏE & L00MI3 pou r x RÜXNING at large in the towo u{ BiHguv.atir, on the ld day of Ju!v, a BROWN MAEE, about lOyears old ; had " A " brauded. on rigbt shotilder, a vhite star infüreheart. 'lh? oitax lñ ruoUvl to pay ebargee and tU:e hei JÖHX H RAYKCS J0H2Ï LQOAK .!■. ' nrater, Ao-. -5. 1GG0.


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Michigan Argus