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KÍSDOS & HE.NDEltóüN BLOC 3E3LNEW II A RDW ARE STORE ! ! ! o UIT. 1TOCMM MT.TTIE ATTEXniff 0' THLTCBUC il lo our 5lvok 01 ï K _T3l E.iL BB-KÏ' .;?&. ïJTJfc IEC 2 TB7 SC "W _T gs 9 IRON, STEEL, NA 11.8, TIN, COri'EK. fe SHEET JLiiON WAKE, ÜIIAtN A?sD C1STERN rüMPS, i'AI.MS, OILS; GLASS, BEITANKiA WAKE, ' cÊc, &c., iVc., itc. And evcry kind cf Bardware and House Furnishing AU Tfrk will liesold asCIÏEAP uitm; other Establishment in iicliian, .r ar we have gol tlie Beet AsHcrtnicnt cf Cco!dng P Alt LOR AND l'LATE rra tuis JssTa.TJs, tud will Eollth6ra Ghaper than TUE C HEAT LST, Pitase CftU and Me ua. All Kinds of Ho ware kept oo land. Irtícslar attcatiou paid to all kinds of Vhïch wïll be done wlth WEATffESS AND DJSPkTCIL PléM we our STOVK KOOJi In Cd stv if Rli Si.. KI.-TON' & HENDERSON. Ana Arbor. Oct. ", 1E59. Ilöömzs &. trïffT Succvmots to Uhapin (fe LofNDÍs,avulCbapÍD, Trip A Loorais !HR&bov lirm of LoaiüIs ft Tripp haring purchi1 tb entir interest f the fottner enutpaui wül ostinui lh basi ; ttamís. ftln rf thfj will .■ rtukdy, (jl tbf sh. rtt üolice, to DU nll orders in tbr .nc oí Castings aad Macliinery, n the ir.;V. workmanlikv roanner, and on asïiborfll armii anv ntlifr jlioj ín the Stute.TD'jn tbe vjri ma artlcle#manufociurw3 bj u-s, we wouid enuuwnrto STEAMENGINte1 f all kïnls; Mili (Jnrinir and rixtiirrf, wvougliT mi:aRt; U the various castings making ana rci.airinp [forse Powers & Threebing Machinev uch au are at nrwctit, or hftre formerly been 1d um v ■ "Ihíp, as well as n li the viiriou kinds ) ,Astíng and machín1 work c-tííi'U for by firrnerp ana nechaDlen tathl Mcf ton of the coqd ry. )f all the rariotifl patt rii", op In sixèsjmd : r!cw. wil! bf Efj -tcwjfliAntly on hand, gol the mest modern Alid imEUDBAIÍDS WROTTOH1 IRON REA PERS & MOWERS. Iiavirg cftmmvriï-cii matuifncturinfr tfala roparlorMi rliiue, singic auit combint'fï, the Iknners ar Invltcd to all and et? & Kpocfnon machine doi in our ware room. .)'-■; nr" pjirchalng elften ben, bherhiJB that this mAcbiuc.ieeJ u.iIt Ui wen to 0OQTÍDM tlu armer of " US SUPERIOHITY ?ver tht Recpers and JïowcrR in this market. Tltaultrul for farmer pairnnape ttottteold firnn.wp tvuuló Bolfcit a conttauancefrnni oíiffriends, and atria) bv all wishinz for Anvthing in our line of butulCM. LÓUM1.S í: TR1PP. Ann Arbor.Mar IStii, 1S50. 6ü7tf gïêat" "gï fTsaTï -ofCOOES&JEWELBY SCHOFF & MILLER rN;ORDF.r.TO MAKE ROOM FOK s 2E n x isT s rc o o 3C , hnve rtetermmed to cli thoir JfJiS CEL LA NEO US B 0 0K& - AT- P ü B L 1 S II E E'S P R I C ES, Ani gWe to Each Purchaser a Present In mine from 5 0 Cents Up to $100 WITLT E AC E B 0 0 K SOZD. - f1' '1I1(1 n"'nin 'lic;r R""1"! Dd l'rvsrata Ann Albor, llaichS, 1860. 736tf D bl N T 1 S T OKFICF corno of M:ao & HuronKtrocïs, opioslte the FrankUn House, Ann Arbor, whcre ho contintes to o:f(ir hiri cuBtomcr any style of work dealfOd ia the art cl' Snrgical Mechanical & Denrstry, Teeth (UW wlth crysUl goM foil aml spongrcgoM, which for beauty and rturabiUty cannot be surpaased. Particular attention pnid to dweasea of the moathand gunis, renïsdying iirciulurity of the teeth, and oprraUoni for chililrt-u Ín cased of diíBoult anl imperfect ■ dentition. Tliere nto inuny uew And beautlful bnprovamcuTs lately iutroducert inlo Mocha rical Den tiütry, which for beauty, natural expffesnon, and strongth of woi-k, nno1 ftUl to picase. Wholc or partía! eet od gold píate, sil ver plato. oontlDBOBa Lui. work platina plato. A.lso ft nfew.and improved methodof inserting teeth on the vulcani7.ed rubber and gutta percha base, called 'Joralitc which ia tnany reBecttí nuperstídea all metalic Otfl MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Puhhakcd in a Sealed Envtlope, A LKCTÜRE ON TUK NATCRfc, TRSATMENT AND KAMCAL (TUK OF -ThiOUTOKKHOKA, or Seminal WeabueK, Soxual Oebihty, Ntrvouaaeni and Iavoiuntarv Km slons producinjr Imimteiicy, Coupuuiiition, aud and Pbyslcal DibUítj1. BY ROB. J. CDLTERWELL, M. D. Tb iwfiortant fnct that the awful conpcquences ol -. f iS-iiï may bc tfTcftuall.v rcjnOTed without internal ; or tïie daugerous application of caustics. Inrtrumenta, roedicated bongios, and othcr empjrio] de vioo,is horO clearly d ;, nil the on:irely new and bigbij stieCManil trcatmcnt, hs adopttd 1t tho Iobratftd authot fully expUined, by ioeaiii of irhich cvery out is eaabltd to cure hiunolf ierfc:tly, and at the LMMpotsitleoraUtherob; avoldlog all the advertined nontiums of the day. This Ijcotur will prove a bOOD te . ís and thotuanda. Sont undcr seul to any addrrnsi, post paM, rrn thr n oalpi "i" iwo pwrtaffe stampa, by adilresing Pr. CJLA8 J.C. KIjIKE, 4&0 Flrsl 4vccue} New Vork, Pnt D.1X. Ui' WIT 1 1 THE TIMES! THE CLDAkF RELIABÍE Clothig Empoxiumll NÖ. 3 1' Ü Gf IX B L O CK, MAÍS i ï RE ET. vrni. vsr-eLcargKr3S33pf, hnnjimi i+turnod fr.-m Uu '. ■ ■ ■ ■ -.:. dnii abic -'oei; of S PK ING AND BUMMER V -C " V ■ - i " -'■ ï b ;ie is uovr offerlas a amtuAllj IlOW PRIC32S! BROABOLOTHS, CA'SSfM-EJIES, VE&ïiïs of ftU tascrlpttofii, fp. ;tA!ly for 'Mcti ho is cuMinpr )ini Tiii'kins; t- or-Vr, in th latee', ad boel nfy1cS togííhor wilfa a superior afifúr'mcuí ol' ESA DY 21 A DE CL 0 1 'Ü]NG! IltCSES CARPEI BAGS, CUBRELLAS, cud Gentlcmen's Furnieliiiig Goods, vritb nuTnrue oilifr art'.cici usuaKy foaui in f:ir";.-.i efvtablisbfficafè. As AXEMP01MUM OFFASÏUOJV. t a SUbfttriber fl&ttm ..wulf, tlmt Uti lor.g cspprienct itulgonerni naccei, will onab.c bita to give the grcatet-1 iatfofaction ti a!l whu ina) trust bun ui tbc way of manu&faccuring gaftaeiita to order. CALL E. A K k V ! aJ lwoyourorder. WM. VTAGSER TO I1OÜSKKEEPLES. COMETmXO NEW.- B. T. BABBITS O lïEtT Medical alkeatus. f Ia manufacturad front omntnon uU( andi:iy [iTcp.-.:p tnilrelv dilTercDt froni otherSaIentui.yJ LtUtbe doleierioui matter extractad in lucbilu 4 f nöPiip] 8? fco ptodue Bread, l'ipcuit, and al 0 i tod of Cikbi, wii Lout contd Valera tue mlin the BrwJ or C ïicr-, by prodcïng wholearae resulte. Ever; -■.; ticte cl Snler;:tiiK fa turiuii t git, aod pa ■ brougti the Bvt u1. and liipriiít. wbile bátii Í r i i.;t li i 'ur re main buteommAn Pal U ö ' 'Valr. and Flour. Vau will nadi1y pereeivt, b,i i ihotastcof tbili Salerfttiis, tbat it is ootirel) 'iJei"e)jt from otiierSaJeraios. i Iti paókedin ";:c pound paper, cach wrap ' 'Crbrani-l, UB. T. Habl ittB Best Medicina1 u f qI ialortttua;' aiao, picture, twfeted leaf of bread, r O0[ rith a glftaa or euervescing water on tbe top. - (J '.Vhfii yna pu-iihast" ou.e paper yon riinüld pr' v rre the wrappev, and be particular (o got ihc f .-i ticy l.fce ihe hrBnd a? sbove. TO' "' 'ciiousfor niaking Bread witL tbie a! [ 1 v -i-ii ii. 0(1 Sour.MUkor Crcaip Tartsr, villac ioiopanr eacb paekacel abio, direclIouA fi nqakinfráli kipdn of PaFtry: aluo, Uut inkinp . Hoda Water and Seidlita Powdera. ï 9 MAKKYOÜUOWX SOAP -wifh ui iï. T. UABBITÏ'S PURE COXCEKTBATEÏ V VTsrrao4 dou'ie th rnir1i of or(iinarÏJ ■'ni!sl: pal nii In eins- 1 Ui, 2 Ihs, 3 Ibs. lij '■-, .'.ii.l 2 Ibf - wirh full iiwctlon fftr makiryj' AN"P lu'l nn"1. Pof; S'ip. CnnmmeM mil Bod this Ib clu'a;H'Ht 'u mArket, 'T Maaufactured ftDd for sair by M H. t. liABPITT, 4,00,68, 70, k 74 VTashinKtcn Rt.,Xrw York. Q V -( s-.i ; Xu S Inrlia st. Hosten 4 743,1 Q M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flesh uud Animáis. IR calllng tho nttentloi. of th rufciic to thh Mcdicln, we wooïd ftay thftt tt Iim been fiiüy trfed, nml lmndrftds who havo used it spoak It: tlie most coinpiinientAry tnns of its wonderful efTt-cW apon Human Tlíah nml the brute crerition. li 1 faat gnttilng pomlarlty. Wherover UBed it i# reccived wlth acclamationfl uf joy, and prooouncod ;o be the ratest for Acues anil Palus reroffered to the Public. lts niiter!y eifocts over dlseaw-. wlien Applied, glves it a oelebrlly unsurpassed by any extornnl preparallon now In use. T'üereforo wa can soy, wlth tlio utmost confideuce, thatthe Euibroctt) f wlll Care Ehcimttium, - Bnrns and 8eal(ïl. Wetikness of Jitinös Swelllnga and Tumors, " Hemorrlioid er Pilea, Cliilblilns, " Tooüiacho and Chappod linli, Smbrocstlon wlll Cnro Old Sores nnd Ciamps, Boils and Corn, " Contracted Muscle, " Gal! of all kind. " Klng Bme nnd Poll Et!!, " Calloïis and Spavin, BmbrocatKra wtll Cuie Sweeny and Sitfust, n " Bprinjibault and Fístula, " Bcratclios or Grcair, a Externa! I'oisons, 8and Crnckt, " Lauiencss and Stxains, Bxsbroefttion will Cur Foundered i'eet, Mange " Crackod Tcata, " Garget in Cowt, ■ Fooi P.ot In Sliecp. Acevk.n, J. i„ March 9, 150. Te, th usdersigned, do certify, tliat we have used V. Vf. Iíawlet's Glkbeated EjibBOCATloN, for Iiitl.iimnritory and Chronic Kheumatiam, and clierfully recouimend H ae the best remeciv we liaTe over uscil. J. M. Morrii, M. 1.. Jatnee L. Hewson, L. W. Clemecta, Orrin Hurd, Peter Fiero, 8. F. Gould. 3 B. Roblnson, of Prophetitown, III., tays: I esteem It tb best Liniuiont I have i-ver known. It gireB universal Mtitfaction, and I can teitify to lts efficacy froui my owa xperlence. Manufaclnred by M. W. HAWI.EY. Aubnrn, N. T. a N. TUTTLE, Aubnrn, K. Y., General Arent, to vbom all ordent ehoold be addressed. Bold by all DrugjleO and Uercliauta thronghont Ui ■mutai anü l.y M4)'MARD, STElüilN'? fc WILSON, Aon Arbor, Miela . PTWK L. MILLEfïS HAIR 1NVIG0EAT0R. AN EFFECTIV5, SAFE_AN'D ECOXOMICAL CO5ÍPOUND, FOP RKSTORIÏÏG GRaY HAIR to [ti original solor without dyeing, anl prertnUt the lïir f rom turning gray. FOR PBJCVENTINfl BAÏJDNE88 and curirig lt,when there in Mie leani partiële of vitaliiy ■ recuperativo euergy remaiDÍDj:. FORREMOTTJiÖ SCURF AND DANDRÜTF, and all cnta noun affVciions of the Scalp. FOR BKAITII-Y1NG THK HAIR, inipartingtoit o OBequalled ftloss a ad biilliancv, making if noftand ailky u it texture nul causiDg it to curl readily . Th ft great celebrity and tlio increaPing dLraan.l for this uncq.ial!d prepaiaiio, oonvince llic proprtotor that one trial is onlv muwmwj ló satiuly a dicciiiing public of its Superior qualftlM ner my othpr preparaüou at presrnt Ín use. It clfanes tbe heafl tod calp from dandrvjf and otlicr attancotin dt$ea.e3. CiiniirK the buir lOfTOW luxununtly, aod gives it a rich, sott, glossy and flexible ap l'.earance, ml alsowhcre he bftu1 is loOMplDg and Uiinninjf, it will givo trcugth an.t rigor to the roota, ftfid rectore tbe gronth to those parís wbJcb liavo bOOOmQ bild, caufiji' it to yii-M nffc'k coceñng ofhair. TUereare bnndnrai of EuKm and gtfntlcmnn ín Kew Yoik who have h.'nl thoir hnir rMtorwl by the uso of thia 1 11 vigora tor, vrheu all othor pnparmtiona bad rtiil d. L. M. haa In liis posscs;on lettcas innumarablo teslifying to the abrive tacts, from pswotu of tbe higlicst respectalülity. It wiïl ei:ctual!y jirevent the kairfrom turnivg gray until tho latest period of life; anti in ensea whcre the hair has changed it color, the uw of tliu Invignrator will withTcertaiuty restore ü to üê ordinal A', giviug it a durk, glossy anpearancc. A%fi jKTfumc1 for the toilet aa-l a Hair Ketorativi" it ís partieularly rooomm ■ baring an ngrpcab! frupvaneo; and the great facÜïtieB it afTords ia dressing the hair, which, when moilt witli the Iongoralor cn DO dnWIOtl tn Bny require-i forra so as to preserve its phteo, ivlujiher piaiu 01 iu bvnc4 tho great demand for it hy tho ladi&s as a standard tolt. articiê which noue ought' to bo without, &s thu pdee placel it ttiijiin the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, Ui be ha-1 at all repcciable drugLisU' and perfil luers. L MILLER would cali ie .ittntion of rarcutu and Ooardkni to the urc of Iiíh (nrlgorator, íu omn ■ i. ■ tho obUdmtt1 Hair inclines to bü weak. The usc of it lays tbe foundation for a good hoad of Kalf as it remoi tM any impuriticK that niav have becmo ooooeoted with the hcalp. tbo ttcpoval f wliit-h is noceuaiy botb for the health of the child $nd the futuro appearance of its Hair. Cactïpx. - Kone genuine vtihAut tbe fko shntta I.Ot'ls .MII.I.HKbeiner on ihoouter wrapper: aUo, L. UJULER'S IIAIK INVICORATOIÍ, Y. blowc in the glS48. OTbolesale Dpot. 5S Doy Bt. aud sold byiiU the prlncipb Merchante and Druggints thrnughout the ir orla i Liberal discount to ]urcb.-tpers by the fjUantity. I aUo dtnirf to present to the Amoticvn l'ublic my Nöw & Improvod Instantanoous Iiiquid Hair Bye trbicb afUr yean of seiëbtiSe experlmeotln; I bave brough1 tii porfoelion. It dyès black or brown insiantly without injury to tlu' Unir or kia warrautod the best arttcle of the kind in wclitei PRICE ONLY FIPTY CBNTS. DEPOT, 56 DE Y 57!, New, Yory, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ScrofUla, or King's Evil, is a constitutional, a corruption of tho blood, by wbich this Huid bccomcs vitiated, weak, and poor. Beine in the cireulntion, it pervades the wholc body, mul mny Imrst out in discase on any part of it. No orean is freo from iU attai-ks, nor is tlicro oi;o which it may r.ot destroy. The seroi'iüous taint is variously caused by mercurial discaso, low living, diaordercd or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habrto, the depressing, and, abovc all, by the venérea! infection. Whatovcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it scem3 to be the rod of lliui who says, " I will visit the iniquitios of the fttlhu'S upon their children." lis effects commence by depo-ition from the blood of corrupt or ulceruus matter, which, in the lungs liver, and infernal oi-gans, is ternied tubercles ; iu the glmid-í, swellings ; and on the surfnee, eruptions or povos. This foul corraption, whieh genders in the blood, depresse the energías of Bfe, po that scrufulons constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but thcy have (ar Ivïs power to witlistand the aitacks of other distases; conseijucntly vast numbers perisl by disorders whiclï, although not scrofulons in their nature, are Btill rendered fatal by this taint in the systcm. Most of the consiimption which decimatcs the human fomily boa its origin dircctly in this Ecrofulous contamination ; and many destructivo diseases of t!ie livcr, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho oigans, ariae from or are nggravatcd by the samo canse. One quartcr of all our peo])le are scrofulouj ; their persons are invadcd by this lurking infection, and their health is nndermined by it. ïo cleanse it from t!ie syatem we must renovato the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exetuja. Such a medicino ivo supply in . AYER'S Compoimd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy whieh the medical skill of our times can deviso for this evcrywhere prevailingíind fatal malady. It is combined from the most activo remediáis that havo been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructivo consequenecs. Ilenco it fihould bc cmployed for the cure of not only Scrofuln, but also those othcr affeetion which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Sicix Piscases, St. Axthony's Fibh, Kose, or EttY8iPKLA, Pimples, Pustuxes, Blotchiïs, Bi.ains and Boils, Tumors, Tetteb and Salt Riii:i-m, Scat.d Head, Hingwohm, Hheumatism, Sytiiilitic and SIebcukial Dtsr.AsEs, DnopgT, Dyspepsia, Debilitt, and, indeed, ALL Comvi.aints akisixo fuom VrriATrD oit Impuee Blood. The popular belief in " impurüy of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofuln is a degeneraron of tlie blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, ■without which sound health is impossiblc in contaniinatcd constitutions. AYEB'S Ague Gnre, FOK THE SPEEDT CUPE Oí


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