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The King At Gaeta

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That the King of Naples has left bis capital and fled to Gaeta, is a fact known now to almost every nowspaper reader in the country. But does every reader kuow what aud whero Gaeta is ? It is a fortified city in the kingdom of Naples, in the provinceof Terra di Lavorc and was formerly known to the aneients as Gaeta It lies on a gulf which opens inte the Mediterranean aud affords to any royal or other fugitivo, ampie facilities for eacaping to other couatrie by sea. It is scuroely twenty miles from the brrdera of the Papal States, and just seveuty-six miles southeast of Rome lts fortress is ons of the strongost in Italy, and lüoks down upon a village which with its suburbs, hoida a popuíation of nearly fifteen thiusand souls Undoubtedly it is the strougest military position in the kingdom of Naples, and apart from thia, its glorioua sceuery and fresh Bea air have alwayi made it thofavorite summer res'irt of the Neapolitau monarohs. Francia II. is not the first soveroign who has sought its shelter. In November 18-i, the present Pope, escaping in the disguise of a footniau from Rome, fled thither from his revolted people. - Here lio remained for some timo, and from t-his place he sent au ordiuanco to lis eapital declaring void all the acts of the provisional goverjmeut instituted after his departura Whilo in this exile, devout Cïitholica of other oouutries, who syinpathized more vrith the Ilead of the Oburoh than did his own temporal subects, sent to Gaeta tlieir coudoleuccs and ussuraiices of sympathy. Subsequenty, however Pius IX. left this plaee for S'aples, and took up hia abode for souie une eighteeu mouths at tha Portioi Palace, where he resided until hia return to lomo. It is probable that tho king of Naples vrill not remain at G-aeta long, but will ál thence eithr for a Spanish or Ausrian port. Family attachments shoald iduce him to look towarda Spain, as the Jueen Dowager is Bister to his late fathr and ha is consequently, cousin to Quccn sabella. But then bis niother, vrho died n 18í6, wbcn he was oniy six montba ld, was a Sardinian princess, and so íVauois II. isa distant relativo of Víctor immanuel II. whom he cannot but reard as the usurpor of bis dominions. - lis stepmotber, the present Queen .üowger of iSaples is froru Austria, aad vaious members of' the Neapolitan Royal amily are so iutcnnarried with tbo Roy1 family of Hapsburg, that tbo fugitiva ving of' Naples may consider himself as ïaving substantial claims upon the reards of the Kaiser. He bas family connections euough among the orowned heads f Europe, but perhaps before leaving iaota will discovor that he isono of those )eculiarly superfluous members of society, " poor relation."


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