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These "aliens" Again

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The Detroit Advertiser still persists ïu its charge that the Democratie members of the House, at the last session, voted to so amond the oonstitution u to require all aliena to be worth a free hold of S250 before thoy can beoomc eloctors. We do not rcfer to tho matter for the sako of prolonging the discussion, for it is useless to bandy words with oue who either cannot or will not underfttand English, and instead of laboring to oovince, it would be more ssnsible in us to prescribe a few simplo lessons in English grammar. Bat in this laat effort of the Adcertiser, it make its point by wilfullj misquoting our language, a misquotation amouuting to moral if not legal forgery. It assumes to quote the following paragraph from the Argut : "This nmendraent does not provide that no 'alien' shall beoome an elector unless worth a fruehold of S250, but siinply that 'all alicns' not alrcady eleotora shall be electora if posseraeel of a freeholi estáte worth 250. And there are inany 'aliene' of that kind, men wlio have not lived in our State tho two years and aix months now requisite, but who ar worth $250." The Argm said no such thiiig, but a yery differeat thing. It eaid : "This aracndineut does not disturb the qualifications of class second, it does not provide that no "alien" nhall have becomo an el retor unless worth a freehold of S250, but simply that "all aliena" not made electora in olass second, shall be electon if possessed of a freehold estáte worth $250 And there are many "aliens" of that kind, men who have not livud in our State the two years and six months now requisite, but who are worth $250." The amenJmcnt adopted, the clausc of tlie constitution uow crcating olass BeoouJ of eloctors, would have still rcmained in full force. Under itforeigu-born inhabitauts, in future as in the past would beooine electora after a residence in the Stats of two years and six moutlis and a deolaration of ntentíone bíx nionths preceding the firgt eleotion at vvhich tlicy might offer to vote; but uuder the lian. croft amoiidnient they Wödld have bccome electors by becoming po.ssSásdof a ' freehold worth 6250, and the three ; montlis rceideuce required of all electois. The 250 freehold catato would siiuply offest two years and three months residonce. And tuis ofl'set the Republicana uuaniuiously votcd to give tonegroes but refused to"aliens." Will the Advcrtiser try ï ts hand at misquoting and forgery again ? It ia a bad cause, indeed, that must bo supported by sueh a resort. E A. E. Gohdon, late of the Grand Rapids Enqiurer, hag beon appoiuted Receiver in o;io of tlic upper oouutry Laud offices iu place of Hou. E. Warner removed. Gordon1 has got his rew&rd for his BteaJcastuess, for lia s one of the few genuino, original adiniüistrfttiou mea : ïa Iho State. Ho has alwaja sworu by I tha Piwidaut, riglit or wrong.


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Michigan Argus