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From Panama

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Thü Northeni Ligia, waicb urrived lieru lasi evoning, ürougbt i Panama Star and Heratd i ' Lrie üJUi uit. Au attack luid been iikiuü by ttd armed oody of robéis agaiost ine gov. prmneuc ot tha cuy 01 Faumnu, uut Üluy wji'ü p,i.suJ iVilu u loss ot tive o; mx killed umi tifteeii taken pnsoners. Fu'e soiuiors ot the guveroinent toroos wore Kiüed. ïtie riiigleitders aro supposud lo ba Correoso and tilaiico, bom of wrhi.n eëcaped. i'iij süiiipih lus led Miree hours, uoimneuisiDS uboui G o oh).; un tiu moraiag of Tlairsd.iy, the 27th uit., wiuu soino sliots Wbro i;v.l at tuu rcbuls by some perdona trom ma uisi-iu. i'nu rubuls oouupied Öanta Anna square, and were uriurtd u'Hii inu.stets. laiiuas, &u. The goveriiuwnt forcesuumbureü abuut HUO ouiiiprisio üuldlerd, pulictí, and vüliuitet'i'i'. i'ii show werd imiuodialöiy roturnad, and U)u uring was Uep!, up by b t i i pai'iiod, tija U'i'up and inilllia grudually inukmg their way towurds tütí landing, upon reaohing whioti they fo-ud it deserted. The reods bad retreatod u l:iu tvoudtt, tiaving bueu nado awure of tuo landing ol toroui trom Uie Jintisti man-of war Clu, and tlits (J. Ö, sloop of war, 8t, Mary's. Tlie ÜCui öuy.i ttiu landing of the torCad lrom Uie vöanüls unUuuoutaiy sotLled a cuntliot wtiich loókod duuijus tor ibfl governineai. Tüe force Ironi tnu ól. üdary's tooli po.-5.Si3s.siou f thü railroud staiion, bul no aUaok was inada upou it by Uio iisurgoaus. Tdure was still a gruat de il oí exuiteiuaiu auiong tliu nativos oí' Pauainu on tno UlIi, as it wassupposod tüo iusurgauts were eauamped wiibm a mile or tvvo of the cit. A strt)g foice was suil kept ander anus by Uio governinunt Tna foreign populatioa took no part in the atl'air. l'ho tiouble it was tnoiignt, orjgiuated by Üie atteinpt of lliu goiieral goveruuieiit to force reci'uita uno tuo anny, aided, perhaps, by policioians m their euJeavors to obtaiu tOdii' eud by inuiiiug revoiutiou. The Jiiiüsti foroe recurned to the Olio on the 2!jth, oonaidenng that tbére was uo i'urclior uecessity ol tueir Berviues. A revolution in favor oí' ex-pres ido in Alora had broken out in Gosta Kioa, '.vith a great obaooe of sucuuss, as the people tíocko 1 to him. The treaty betwuen Great Britain and Nicaragua hud been ratifiud. i; i.s said to u-iitaiii a piovision making San Juan a frou pon, but antiruly subjuct to the lawa of Nicaragua


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