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TO THE ELE CrOBS ! Registeis ! Register! rntifc: tlUAKD yFREGISTRATION of the ISfcj of Ana JL Arbor ■■ . b i ttsioaa in tbe nevdrai SVrdb as foloVAj ou THURiDAY, FIUDAY uní SATUKiiVY, NOVEA18KR lt. 2d aad d. A , D IStjO, coinnifncini? at 9 yülk, A M., ftQtl clojt ig ai ö o'el,ck, f. M., Ot each rtay, tur tiio pmpo of oirreotiog and cdmp.uMng tbo RegiAtration of thequai Qeleleatoraoj said uity: lat Vu-il- ;u. , , Ue ■ , - rfLoro. 2 Wart- at the office of U. Siwittaok, Eaq, 8d War4-t tic Oourt Uñase. 4th Wara- al Flremoo'iH!). All jn-i-.-oiu ho wilt at íhe onsuiiig funeral elcctíoa bo üiiUtiel to vote un loc the follofftaj proWsioa of the coustitutioa, shonlj regtíUír ihoír amu ■ ■ . A1:;1. 7, Sro. 1. - I:i ftll l-Uv'.íju-í overy vThitö tO;uo OÍtí.v trUitO QAftl6 iuU.ibit.iuL tUidiDg i:i I ilO rftftto oa tho twuntj'-fuuith lay f Juno, ons thoasaüd eigat li iii'lrí I ;un1 tiiirty tio, cvery wblte naile iub:ibiUtiit rt'-.iJiij n ihis .Staio oti tle tirt l.n ot' Juuuary one thoutaaO eiglit haa'iro i nl iTity, who tw deL'liiröcl lúa ntíntion to Oycnii1 a cit:tMi of tbfl UoStc 1 titeftti, pur. :lio Livi tiH!ru.i'f s.x months preceding un Icction, irho h ís rudidaj in tliu State iwn yaor4 m 1 is moaths, uní deolared b. iutcution a forauld; and every civ.luad ín ilü itiliabitaut L Inflija di-scent, a na tivoof tho Uintoil State, and aot amembor of auy tribu, ■ nliiill be an elector, or entitled to vo'c; but no citizan or l.i . , , cii ib II bi ai elwtor and eatítloJ to rove at (íny ctection, ualus he sliull be above the igo of twenty1 oue ycais, arnl Itat rttided in tbU Staio tliree months, iiuíl m the toirothtp or w&xú in which lio oJícia to vote, tea dltju ppwwdiog uch olcct-ion. v ovdei' oí' tilo Board, B. B. PONO, Cliairman. K. 3. SMirn, Secy. Da-teJ, Ano Arbor, Oct. 10, 1860. ■ gUYE and EF;-:-; H DR F. A.iÍADTELL, 5SS OI'EIUTOR ÍJN TilE KYE ANO KAR. For Ocai'nci. UllnrineKs, and :itl defecto of SlgUi auil Hvarlng. DR C. BEIWO A REGULAR PhysioiMï,wïth TWENTS" JCE '■ ' ' praotiee in tho tvea!mnt of dithe K5TH -NTi KAK, wiil befound qualifled to tt á Ottw üi ftoy cso withiu Lhe ru.aoa oí' humm skiU jgip Vi cAarge fr an fízainlnurlíHi or a opinión, or fyf fíníMOO! retel 1)r c.'i ríi. . v; on i a EysandSab, of 800 p,, Qoataia!iig roJfroooOBi tol ncmils, Deccriptlo ■ with ■ !al - ■ ■ : jtoíw'i by neodiog T"; CVam to pny : Addx63 Dr. Cadwkx, 93 lUudolph i-'r-t-í EZo for the Mimmoth Cafoinet Ware lloonis. MARTIN & THOMPSON, r_TAYE JUSE OPENKD IX TilKIÜ ucw an.l Blegant War c-R ooms EAST SIDKOF MAIN STREET, -A. xi 33. -A. i' b or i A COM PLETK STOCK OF " ROáEWOOD, MAIIOGAÓNY and SETS OF PARLOR FÜRNÍTÜEE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WAL NUT, j Plain and Marble Topped O1 KOT [IK V A O ÍL g O9 EOSEWOOD, MA II .fíAN-Y, BLACK WALNUT, FANOY" and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &o., &i., &c, ecc. A. ac, - a 9 Elegant M I il il O Ií S , Bureaus, Secretaries, B 8 d-R. oom Sets, INOLUOINQ LATfiST STYLES, ofBIlfttlAl I, -áJÍLE iüítíiCS9S3a&S3 OF T HE BEST QUA LIÏV AND Different Material. In Fact they Havo Evoryihing W-I-T-H WH-IC-H T-0 F-Ü.R-N [S-H PARLOR, BOÜDOIR; ROOM, OR KÍTOHEN, AND OÜR OITrZENS XEEU NO long ;rgo toDstroit or "ïisewaer To Pind ALARGE ASSCXTMENr T-la. --S M ü Ö T BE S O L D - K S D- And Wili be Soid . A- T VER Y LOvV PRfOES! gjT Let ovQi-y m in nu 1 !iá wife or goiag to be wifc, G01L a D dBa! Tbéyolflo hava a SSARSB ÜAliRlAGE, n ;ire ahv'ftys ready t.) atufad to iiic battal of the dü.ij in Llie City .in i aljuiíiin; c. iixátry. W.irc-R'ionii eMt side of Mam Sireot, bjtn-a.'.n W.ts.untou and Liberty. O -■-. . N. C. B. THOMPSON "8,776,994,650" VOLUiNTELRS WAiNTED! ÏO ASSIST IS THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! iVliite folks, or of whntever colnr, cssto or imiivity whether marriód cingle or of duubtlul coiinixion, will beenliste'i in he noi'lo cause of EMANCIPATINO THE COMMUN1TH - FRO.M THE- rHRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will reoeivo iheir outfit at the Extsnsive Furnishing Establisliineat -OF THE- O U HERMAN' S HEAD QÜAfiïERS! having been estabüshed for the LAST TEN Y E 1 R S , our known ruio of warfare is an Uüdisuised Desiruclion OF HIGH PRICES ! E'OH CIiOTHING : For all Ages ! Sex and Condilionsl Ia oonseqnenoo of the very flattring enocmr agtiin-iit wlüoli ivu h;ivii reouived sinoti out' looa'-iin in t.his cit.y, we liavu iucienscd our Stock of FALL AND WINTER C L OTH I NC! To meet the demands of our customorB, and hnving become more fully eonvinoeá thaa ever, that our motie of dealinjj, nanely: at ilie lowest possible ratea for isíheonly trae plan; we will continue t: serve the public as hexetofore dunng cini ii:g fnll an.l winter. Our tock consists in evevy variety oi READY MADE CLOTHING ! Pi: in umi Funcy CI-OIHrf. OASSIMHRS. SILK. AND SILK VBLVET3. A Urge lot of GENTLEMEN 'S FURNISHING GOODS, wliioh Rre all warrauted DON'T FAIJL, TO O UXa.-'JO Gr. Ï3T. 5 For past ík vors we are grateful to all, The eame tor largeones in proportion, And thoso wi.o see út to cali Shall receivo our best Biuiles and devotion. "Stil. öuiterman & Co. N.B. Stiidents and all other who want to sec SONDUKIM' new mode of outtr-g will do well lo cali and k-are their measura For a Nice Fitting Suit ! 3t--CTX"TI3XT.3VEÏi.IW db C?odu Ai'oor, Fept. Lï, IWO. i ANOTHER AKRIVAL AT THS OLD AND RELIiBLE Clothing lümpoiiuml ! NO. 3 P II (E N IX B LO CK, MAIN STREET. irwjust ntorntd from the Euttrn Cities, niüi Urge wiil dMinble ótock of F ALL AND WINTER E O OX SB Z I whicb he is now ofte ring at uiiusuallj LOTO1 PHIOBS! Araong lii.i ÁMortment raay bo fouod BROADCLOTIIS, OASSIMERES, DOESKIXS, & VEST1NGS, of all lescrijitious, eapecially for F ALL AND WINTER WEAR1 vhieh he is outttng fcnd mnking to order j i thMatest aud beat Htyles, tog1her with a superior assortmcnt of READY MADE OLOTHING! TR0NK3 CARPEr BAOS, UUBSELLAS, nd Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooda, with numfiroufl otlior artlcles usuall found in similar eKtabUahments. As ANË.HPOBIÜM OFFASHION, the aubscriber flatfcr.i hïmelf, that bis long axperienc and genera. suooeutwfll euable hhn to giva tlie groatest KatUfACtiOQ toalt wiio muy trust lumia the wajr of maoutueturmir garment3 tü order. 7tiftf Wil WAGNER. N O TICE. VL PERRONS indebted to the Betftta of Dr. ?aroul A Uonton, Ute of city of Ann Arbor, deceanod, wíl! makc paymeut without delay to the underiguedjand theuby save costa. TRACY W, ROOT, Executor, Aan Arïior, Sept. 24f 18Ö0. 7O9wö NEW GOODS SHIPPED ovcry wook from Boston and Now York for tho Peoplo's SJtoxO, in Ann Arbor. A. DcFOKEST, Proprietor. CK 0tk tf %9 BH V% U RDCKc n ï 5 13IÍ GLASS WARE, "ffe China Goods, &o., StiÑsvííiíí a' Pr'CO5 guaranteeing satUitttri-r' faction. SrLTER PLATED GOODS! Tea Salís, Cako Bashóts. Cvstors, Knives, Fcrfa, Spoons, Sfc. quality guarantied at REAS ON A BLE P RICES. FINE IVORY, anti common Tablo Cutlory, Amorican manufacture a BUporior articlo. KEROr ENE aud CO AL OIL LAMPS ncw improvod burner, warrantod to betho beat burn or in use, or the tnonoy rcfundod. Also now pat torns fluid lamps, Kerosene Coal Oil and Flcid guaraatiod to bo the bost artielo in the State. i Our Chinaman still Lives. That unrivnllod quality of Toaa oan always b found at tho Poople's store. mm. m aj aio m. uo ■ of all kin'Is. Fruits, oxtracts, spices, pickles, oili, Porfumes, fcc, rocoived ovory wook nt tho poople's storo. Pure Liquora and Winos for medicinal purpo sos only. (_T l -AU kinds f n o WOODEN WARE, Stono ware, ropo, cordago, Ac, a full stook. Produce, G-ardcn and Field Se-ids. K"Tho objoct of tlis oolumn is net to draw busiaoss froai othora engagod in tlio samo profossion.8 We aak you to oall onco and aftor thit you wili oall without asking. We ure eolüag a few goods and. ohail continuo to soll aa low aa thoy can possibly b afforded A. DoFOREST, Sspt. 11, 1360. 9 Poople's Stor. - . - T Ayer's Sarsaparilie.


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