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SPECIAL NOTICES. O Bread il llkely to be plenty tliii year. But Iti quality much dependa upoo the way t is made. Tboaewho prefeï petfeotlj Ifcht a ad sweet, mu4 recollect that De Lana & Co. 's CheaücalSaUt&ftH is in We in ts mMiuftettfh It can be procurad frum any goo3 procer "r It co.-ts yon no tmre timo an 'Lifirior n.rt:c!e. and mikes iníini'ply bettcr braad c p-1"' r ■ c-' thaa the oom moa Salftrtus.-- SoLil at wh'tl inle hy th principal grocws, nd by tlio iRimifacturcr?, D B. Te Land & Co., Fairport, HoDrüo Co.,K.V. To Consumptives. The Advoriier, baviqg hen re-lmt-1 te hcallli ín A few weeks by a vcry nimple remody, artor having RuffcrcJ sever:il ymrs wïth a severo !ung affection. anfl that dread disease, Co-umption - is anxious to makc tolas Wiow-fuflerera themoana of care. To all who desire ii, lio viW nend a eopy of thfl preBcitption used (free of cnarge), wi'h tlio direettonn tor ■ ng and usin the '■mi r, ïfbich t'v" ffïli Bod a 1 iMpTio.v. aptiim., BanxcHrns, '.o 'IV '■ "iiiv objc1 i f ! 'p]f advertiser in sen3 ng i be PreBcriprtioD a to '■■ cd spread information which he oonceives to be iuvnluable, and !ip hopes erwy n 11 try hi i reme4y, as It will cost them nuth irip1, mul ''. y prove :i blewiinpt ParÜM wishingth preRCriptïon wfll pleam ddresi Rbv, Edwird a Wn-dv, 7C8yl Wilüamsburgh, Kings County. New Vork. IIML HTOTR, LAAD WA KRANT, SPECIE AND KXCHAAGK QUOTTIOS. Carcfally ReTÍscd and Corrccted cvefy wook. KATJES UORRENT AT TUL Banking House of 1). Preston & L o., 72 WooUffbi-1 "-?. Detroit Sept. 24,1860, BANK N'OTES. Detroit City Bank, .... Pur. Cunda, (all Solvent Baokc) - - - N. EnglÁnd and N'. York. (Soiwnt Bank) NwJeraey and Delaware, ( Ohio, Kcntuckv and Virginia, ]'n . all aotw imr at Pitlsburgh or Phihdelphia, - Bank of ths State of Indiana, UXCL'KREN'T FüNDS. Wsconsin. Missouri and Iotra oujing 1 Dis ,i ■' ■' solMng N. Carolina, H. Carolina and I.ouisiana, - 2 " Indiana !-tock Notes, 1 'iVnnesee, ...... 3 " Georgia, Í and S " Bank rif Krclanrl Xotes, L,-- $4 S4 Bankof ïcLumsch. Michigan, ... 85 dis Kxchange Bauli of I). BaUttCo.. - " OUR RATES FOK BILIS OF EXCIIANGE. Bin-mg. Selling. On }fw York and Boston, k X On Washington, On BiilTal. On ClevtUnd, On Cincinnati, On Chicase, X 5B=. dis. fur SWO or upward. GOLD AXD SILVER. Buyins. Salllng. Am. Gok! lots of Í100 or upvarda, % 1 American Silver, 1 L4XD WARRAXTS. It irill beobservei tliat we lo not quoto by the acie, but so raany dollars for the Warrant. Buying. Le'ling40 ACKK WaERA.VTS t 42 $ 40 80 " 71 80 120 " 83 105 160 " 123 140 Kevovolutionary Scrip, (per nero.) 60 et. 90 ets PREMIUM COINS. PILVE8 COINS. GOI.D COINS. Spn I'ülir 1) .ll.irs, 1 05 Pnrereigns, 4 8 and 4 87 ilexlcau Dollars 1 04 20 FranoJ 8 8ü Five Franc Picces ï7 25 Franca 4 5 French Crnnas 1 06 Hl Francs 1 90 üerman " 1 05 5 Francs ö" l'ru'anThalers 69 Ten Thaler Piecos 7 80 Uuiljera 38 X Tha'.er l'itce 7 86 Eagli-ib Silver, (shilling Ten - uiWer Piceos 4 00 23c, L4 60 Spanish Doubloons 15 00 Old Am. HnlfDolts. 103 Patriot 16 50 On Iota of $100 or I California G"ld $10s 5d irards, 1 f)c additional $ó"s and $20s ld. Gold Dust, Slö to $16 f0 por ei. fíS Spanish chance SI. 16 por oz. or22c?ntsfor uarfer, 11 for Khillincc, 5for sixpsnees. On loU of 20 cz, nn'l nnwurU. $1 .1? per oz. DAVID PRESTON & CO., Bnnkers. T2 Woodwiird Ave ., Detroit. 43 Office houra.ftnm 8. A. M., to 5. P. M. THE QREAT ENGLISH BEMEDT SIK JAMES OLARKE'á Ceiebrated Female Pilis. PXOTECTED 2Sl L E T f E R F BY EOYAL fX PATE'T Preparedfrom a preccription of Sir J. Clarke, M D., Phyncian Extraordinary to the Queen. This inv&lcable medicine in un&lUng In tbe cnrs of ali thoie painful and dangeroua fíiíteasoí to hich the fftmate Dnstitution ia Kebject. It tr-oderats al] excew and refBoves atl ohatructioiu, and a ttvt edv cure majr be relied on. TO iVAltRIKD L.AD1K8 [t ifl peculiarly Huiiod. It will, io a shert time, briag on th manthïy periort with regular.ty. Eacb butUe, pric Od Dollar, Mars th OoTernmeat Stamp of Great Britain, to prernt counterfoit. Thste Pilis ikouíd not be tüktn by ftmaleê durinf fat FIRST THRE& MOSTHS of Pregnancy, at tkt art tmrc to bring on Mitcarriagc, bv mt ang otJur tin tkey tri tajt. In all caws of Kervou and Sp:nal Affections, Pais ii the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on tlight ezertlon, Palpii tiun of the liüirt, Hystsrica, und Whit, then Pilis wil] ffnct a cure when aD othw meuis hnre failed, and kltaough a powerful remedy, do bot coctaic ron, cmionijj tctimcoy, or any tbing hurtful te the coostitutien. f uli irectioD accoirpju-y ear.h ptekage. Sole Agoi tor the CoiSiid Statei cd Cuud, JOB MOSES, (Ltn I. C. BaldwiB SOo.l Ruchcitr, N. T -$1,00 and 6 poattg ituapa enclooed tn aoy au Agis tü iiaan a kta of te Pilla bj retan ter FoW l)ï G. GSIKTnXE, Arbor, end by Dru n ewiv toTii. Qr TheGroat Bcnifartiir of hls lln cc -5351 TAe Í7reoí He.nler of Mankind! Herrick's Suqar Lnared l'iils waole World United! Stek Peofile Viink! Ajter whicli act. YouM 6carcf this lato day, With stafliagcureaa buoU to Qilj This is the esse, tbc rnülion Bay, With the cures of Herrick's l'IIl Tbi'y comB fem Eist, uní North, iní Wsst, And with glitfl tldiugi the papers ül], Beciuse thf.v are cheape-t, snfest, best, And sureriorto otliers is tlfrrick s Pili Frcm Rofi'e, und Plañía, and l'loivers thej're; Tut-y alwayh Ihey ncver kill Tbousanfls nttw in Iben graves vc-ieiaid, Were it. nol for Herrick's Pitlft. Eacl) Pili wj:1i 6ugnr u ccaied o'f r - A rare discovery olmatch!esB skiil, Theirlike was never teen Lef'-ie, üiril it apiteitred in Hnrick'p Fill For ycars he's wurkid to hoal the ick, IVitb joy elito bis bororo filis: For tensot thous:mds now rejico At tüe maftie IJ" b s o) Homefc'a Pili. '."y HERatCK'SMATCHLESS VEGETABLE FJ1Í1LY Ka-o isaDiiated the worM witfo their pcpulsrity U-cr Dve miUioc of b')X63 are used innualy. em(jloyment Uj oiity-üve men r.nd womeu to put lh:in up. l'lieir ciifL-aare tiLiinbsred by thousati'ls - heir praises en tbs tonques QÍ ali, Ciüzens of Wshteca Co-, ani eiseuhure, have you miiind tfaemfPut upinKnglish, paaish (ieiman, and Krench ilireotloas. Larc;e familv boxes.25 cents! Kive hoxes for 81. Sold everywlieré. ieöadverliscraeut on íá fnge Important t o JT e m a 1 e s . - i r. C HEES Ë l A' M PILLS. Pbepabed bv Cow.vnjvs L. CUMUA9, . d., New York City. Tha combinaties of mgrodienti in these Pilis aro the result ai a lougaml axteiutive praciice. Thcy are mild in tiiKir operation. andcertain in correcting all irroirularities, l'ainfui Mensaratiuüs, reruoviag all obwtractlon, trhetber frum cold Of otherwUe, headache, pain in the si palpatetlon of the beart, ilutes all oervoui nfFections, bystfrriw. fatigue, pain in the bickttndlimbs, c. , d:ttui-Lüd iieepi whicbaritoi from tuterruiJÜonüf uature. TO MARRIEDtADHES, Dr. (li635;pTnan'R Pilts are inval ua ble, as thpy wflj brlngonthe mnnthly poriüi wltb regularity. Ladies who have boen (li--aiiointGfl iu the use of otliea Pilis can place the utm st cüiiÜ'U-nctí in Dr. Chocsemaa'w PiU doing all they iciiiesent to do. .V O T I C V. Thwe. is ojie condittnn 'ft.l-e fc.mnlr. ayttFtn in whir,' the piU rruvothr taken witk'int ■proriorivè n PECULIAR RBSULT, Thê oyntitian rtfarad totê PïfF.GNANCY- tk ul', M$CARHIAQ& yuh tt tkt irretUtabli tenden% of the medicine tr reiteré 'he eaeual funniov to a nnrmat r.oad'tinn, f kat cv n the reprodnctivc poicar of nature f.avnni re.-inl it. Warrantcrl jiuri !y veireiah'p, and fríe from anylhing injurióos, Explicit direction , which shoul'l be reftífac companv eacli box. "'ent bv mail '-n encluMBjr $1 to 1.;r Cobnbuus L. Cüeeemax, Box 4,531, Fot Office. Kew YorkChy, jQST PoW by oao Drnffgist in evc-iy town In the United States -a R. B. HCTCHIXGS, GstbUI Agent for Tnit ÜMTnn Ptatm, i', 14, Broadtecy, h'cio "ïnrlc, i-" To vrfaozD all Wholmale orders should bo address - Sold in Ann Arbor, by May.vaRD, SxEr.BLs Í; Wilsox, aad O, GbE-nvjlle, "Stiyl MRS. WI3M6LOW. An expcrieaced nurseand fcmale physician, has a Soothlaf Sjrup for duïdren, tcethlng, whichgreatly fa cilitatea tin procesa of tcething by softening the gurai, reducing all in fl ion- will allay all pain, and ie me to regúlate tht bowels. Lcpend upon it, inoihers, i, will gire rest to yourselves, aul reliei and heallhto your iufanta. Perfectly ssfein all ca3. ïseadvortiae ment in another column. Ucsponsiblo and lluïnst Agcnls "W" ANT bD rpHHOU&HOUT the Uvfiteñ States, to aom w will 1 pay a salar.v of iixm Ï2D to ÍBOper monlh and expense. TUTri IS NO HÜMBCG. 1-or ],arlculars, addretiï (incloing Red stamp, for return poslage,) or apply in pertíou t J 7tEi.'3 H T.E Hz CLAHK, Havcrhin. Mam. MISS JENNJE E. LlNÈsT" 'pEACHilRUVPiaüoForto.Guitar.tna Singing, being I deairüUíOl' en!urgD her ci.iis, will recehe pupila t the resiüence of Prof. ffi.VCH.LL, w ,:cU beiug near thö Union Bobool, will be veiy oonvouieat iv.r such veholui ftttondiog thiTB who may wi.,h topu iiu tiiu sLudy of njLisicin oonaectiün with other brancho. Termt $10, half tobe paid at tbouücllg aui tl balanco ut lïesiOM of Vut twin.


Old News
Michigan Argus