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i sets fcr the Pccple I WASHTENAW - ÍND- ADJOIiNIiNG COUiNTíES ! And llicir nurrcroua questions answered. Whi is Evrrybotty trading at the "B ANN ER STORE? -Beeawm A. P. MILLS, the Propriotor of tlmt Establishment bns just relurned frotn the Easiern Citieswuh the Largpst, Ilandsomest, Chrapeyt, and Mout Altractlve ötock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! ever brought to this part of the 2tate. Why is EreryMy pleased wtih Kis Stock? Eecfuise hisstyles are moro beautiful, qnality better,and prices luwer tbaa at any other store ia the countj. Why has he alwaya Somcthmg New and Cheap to Show? Beciiuse ba has a fríen;! connecte-1 with one of the ly gst Ijry oooiis ilouseis in.Nev York, wbo b contiaualst " BOBHIJSü itOCID1' ior cht-ap Iwrgainsand the laie slyiCii, aa thejr appe&r frotn time to time, a mi intbi3 way kco[js hlin Auppliod with s y te3, and consequently cuatumerá caualways fiad souieihiugireso., NEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Vhy dots he sell eo much Cheaper than ths rest? Decauso ho has a buyer in the city all the time to takacU-antuge of ibe cnníinual chango rf tlic m.trket, and that way uiya his goods mach oheaper than otben cün, and thet hu rairks them down to the Vhy does he se'l Ladies' and Ckitdr(n$ Shots so much c'o'ppr ihan was tct.T heard of by the oldest Shotmakens? BecauBft he buys his stook In the land of ahoemnkers, oí tbo manufacturera, fully -6 per cent cbeaer than the New Yurk Jobbers fieüthera, and much belter wurk tban tbey geaerallv keep. 'lhis courae enables hiña to bou a beuer Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherBsell at 50 cents, and a better FGXED GAITEP at 50 cents, than others sell at 76 cents. Has He any fíats and Caps? Yes, I should ihink he has stack.ï of tbem, enough to Bupply the siate, at priced iower than wa3 ovar heaniof round theso paria. Wfiy is his Tea so much brtter for the price you piy than you fjet ot üthtr plnces? Bec.vjEobe takesgreat care in saleen. ng it, and giveshis cusiomers the beaefil of a re.ü gond 75 oent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It ia R viy he has gat. Where should you qn to get ynur CLOTHS and tiuve tfcm Vut or Made? To the BAXNtR &TUR] , wbejo the People's Banner i! unfurlei'. fur the Peopie'sgood. íuuth sido of l'uWio Sqwuo, a fow doors irt orCook'i Hotel A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, I8fO. 76tf ,.ow is the time to commew:e foriking clubs FOR THE IW YORK WEEKLI -4NDOOMIC I'IOTORUL PHÜNNY PilELLOWlH A SPLEflVID PREMIUM TO EVEíiY üfUBCRIBERü! THE NEW Y'RK WEFKLY ANO PICTcRlAL PIIUNNÏ PtIÜLL)VV OiSfE YKAR FUE TWO DOLLAR!!! OÜR TSRM3 TO CLUBS. 1 copy ono year $2, and tho Piotorial Phunny Phcl!owoasyar. 8" ' ...ÍS, and a Premium. 4" " ....85, " ' 6" " .. Ï9, 8" " ...íl, " " lü ' ' S 5, " ' 12" ...W8, " " Pend for a Nimbar, which is furniíhed fbeL, aml coataini full partloolui of PREMIUM-. STREET & SMITH, Fï,ITOHSANIP&0P;UETiP.3OFTHBNTf:W YOÜ WfiiiLr,T Em7e5. a tiakmnn Stittt K.X, DIssoLTJTIOKT. 'J'HK C0PARTNEB8HIP hwetoforo exi-t ny botween I tho underKiguGfl unter ttie name of W. ?. Spidjng Co., it tliis iay dUulvcd by muLuul ennatnt . W.r. SP LDIKO, JOhN HSLLii Ana Arbor, Fept. -i, 180. 767 w3 Ann Arbor Marble Wor s. iíipele & Vanderyook. II AVE oa hand a 8ne assortment of American and I A L 1 A A' MK li L L E which they are prepared to m-inufacture iüto ilONUMENTS. HEAO STORES, TuüdH TABLES, TABLE TOP &c, &c , to., fcc , in all tlieir varietie, and in a WÜKKMAXLJKE manner llaving had consiilerable txparienca in the bufineM tht'y tlatter theinselveb that they will bo abie to please all whü may favor thöni with lüeir order?. Xheir pnce! are :u LOW AS THE LOWEST, Chose wiñhinc any thiDg in 'vt are respoctfallj lo 'ited to cali EÍSELE & VAMüiKCUOK. nn Arhi.r. Sept. 28, 18b0. 767y] KOTIi E. ' HE SUBiCBlBEIi laTSBS for sa'.a a fire year ole 1 Mare forCaih WtrtanKd partuot'.j wuul. Kq' qulreof JL'I.IA elLK. Ann Arbor, Lept. 27, 1840, Also a six year oM liare to be Jiepo.sed of by I-oücr; tickets Tickota to be had at AgnoaiiaraL üaa. hotte ry to be drawn tcvob r 'aOijj, iSlU, at aiti Hall, in tüi eveaing. Ouly 5J ticaet. -, per uoicet. Forfartba nürticul.irs euquiro ul ' 707 M. KOSERS, Scio! Scio! Soio. W B E A T VV A N T E Ü THE underaigned having leacod tho Gardiner Mili a fació, are piepavod to hay V. húat aud pay tho highea market piiee. Scio.&ept. 18, 1SC0. (70010 B. GEEEN & BRO._ The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurana Companyri'HE AN'SÜAL MEETlNli ot sai 1 Company will be holdei í atthu Cc. urt House in tho ty uf Ann Albor on th firet Miturday in October, next (fitb) atll o'clock, A )1. Jlembüís uva remiaded, that tUey muat take cure o their iustilutiona, s.ud fiimora nho are n"t ocmberix invited to attend II. Kr.NY, Sec'y. Sept. 5, ISüO. 764w5 PBUIT TEEES. d - r o r - FALL PLANTING. ALL P2RSON3 wanting firat ciass trtee will (3o wpll t hand tln-ir urdera to Mr. Tiieníiore DuB)'s, Archi baM Me! onell or Audrsw J". 'fruaü-v AU bucU orden will bo fiUeti wjlb the Iwst quality of trees &nd beroadj for delivery in good eason íoc fnit Nrly al ot '.he many lhu-and neeftl ola SpriLig 'uavudoai w(?l so fara.s heaidficm. Iu a bilí of 8 3 uppie trcei sold to Mr. U. N. B. Renwiok, of L&m. oaly two havt füilod to grow. The orders al.'oafly givea ai large aacountiag to sever al lhuucaiiü dolers. t J. D.BUHWIN. ?epifmber, 11, iftfO. UW -■ -, ■,■■„■■ ., -. , ,.. ■ - mini - 100D Pairs ei PANTS For íoi hp st GTTITíVKMAJÍ k Oo'i


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