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SREAT BARGA!' - AT MaynarJ, Stebbins & Wii3u V V uif moil iptuu '1 . W.tS BT#r f f --'. In any on ■ ■ ■■ . ■ ■ r, ali vf vbitn we '.:l Siiê L53 ■.. . : v: i fuunO in the l We want IVToney ! iat irffl i iJreal Sacrifices en ■ ■íí bfl re tft ibivn it, net ("ing OLD ROTES AND ACCOUNT: w eordially tui It ALL CASH CDSTÖME tncuMind examine onr GoOdi sr.d PtfcM. We aluvitu our Prompt Paying Custcmers 0 crae and buj thftir Pupplies (V-r tba TTintor. 1 tulïfu l me (nat are ai'r.'iid 10 oull, wê ij ttt tliei 1 [theat loager waJtivgfof hlfhftt ■ rlotu, coma ia, Ha8C.J"l!5r CBS?4' Kl-T9 ■: duoli prií! i irill ai ha ip sil If-wea. It ia bardl; larj to enumera L out Goorta, for 'Wc have XSverything ! CXKPEING, CltOCKEllY DRV GOODS, MEDICINES, GROOERIES, PAINTS, CIÍ.S, MAT", CAPS, BOOTS, snoES YANKEE NOTIO] &C, &C., C:[L!L KO Sil S 10O (Tisto maï ' rr.BniNa fc wilso M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For llaman Flcsh aud Animáis. IN csl'.lnp tb attontioii Of the fnMIe to thti Medicine, we woHld y tliAt it bas boon fully trltjtl, and hunñieM wbo ba%'e usetl It speak in the most compünientary trms of ita wonderful eiïwcts upon Human Fleb and ibe brute ereation. It is faet pinln popnlarity. "Wijerever wed it is reoelved with acciatnation of joy, and proBounced 'jo bu the greatest Keinedy for Aobee and Fallía rrer oiTered to the Fubllo. IU mtr]y effecti over dlscssf, whn appliod, glve It oelebruy unsurpaased by any eiternal preparation now in us. Theroforo we c&n suy, wtth tbe utmost confldonoe, that tl: Eiubrocati? will Oare RhcnmaUsm, " Burn and SsaMs. 'NVeokneSB of Joint, M Bwe!linL!S and Tumorty " Hemorrboids r riles, ■ Chilblains, Tooiliach and ('hnpped lltnd, Bmbrotton will Oiré Oíd Sores and Grampa, " Jïoils and Corna, " Contrncted MukIm, " Gallsofallklnd, " " Eing Bono and Poll EtII, Callñus and Spavin, KmVroeatkra will du Sweeny and Sitfwit, " Bprinpliault and Fletáis, Bcratcliecs or Groase, " Esternal Foison, Band Cracks, ■ LftineneM and Srnins, Haibrocatiou wiU Care roundored i'eet, Mango (Yacfced Teat, Gariet iu Cows, Foot liot In 8bp, Avbvk.1, jN. t., March 9, WW. W, the TlBderiipied, do certify, tliat we !jae uted M. W. TIawkt's Cf.i.kiiiïated KjArooation, fr Inflatnmfttory and Chrcinic Klieuniatim, and cliewfuily reoouiuumd tt os the beat remedy we havo erer uscd. J. M. Hcirrl, M. 1)., James I,. TTewton, 1. W. Clt'inents, Onln Hurd, Poter Fiero, 8. F. Oonld. J B. ltobinson, of Propbetetown, 111., aaya: I estsin tt ihe beat Llniment I have ever known. It gives nDirerwü Mtiafactiun, and I can teitify to Ita effioacy frozu mr wl aoxrience. Mannfacliired by M. W. HAWLEy, Anbnni, N. T. O. N. TUTTLB, Aubarn, N. Y., General Aest, te wbom all orders shonld be gddreesed. Sold by all Druggfati aod Marchante tirooglioní O wonta?. MAÍNARD, STBSJBI & W LWN, Anu Arbor, Slieu . PBOK L, MILLEFS HA1K INVIGOKATOH. AN KFFECT1VK, SAFr, AND SC'ON'OMICAL COMPOÜN'D, FOR RKSTOKlN'í GRÁT HAIR til ita original oolor withottt dyeiog, ani pnnnta Uilr bom taming grny. FÜR l'RKVl.NI'IMi BAIDNE3S Ud curir; it,when I -:i in the !eat parlicle of vitalily or rc.iptratvt Mwrgv ie:T.;iininir. FOB BEMOVIIffl SCURF AND DAKDR0EF, and all tuto neoun ftflbotioni of the í-ilp. KOR l'.EAUÏIKYlNü TUK I1AIR, rop!rti;(t tn it n un. quitftal'glonrsntl briBWTOy, IKttng i siftandailky iu u tntora and oauíiing it to curl readüy. The pn-at celebrity and the incrain demand í ■ r thti i , id Hed preparai ■ bejaropi ietor that oní trial ia ónly nfcesnarj RupcrioFqualities overaoyother [■■■ pa] ■ n -'! pre on in use. It cleaoaM tij lipiiii and ical) frtjm dantb uQ' atttf other eutantout dtatua. Cnuaea ilic halr togrowlijxaritntly, and givenit a rieh, solt, glossy .ind fle pearaneafaad alsowherf 'bc bair i looeenlng and tliinning, it wiU glve strength and Ti.sit to Ihe ro thegrawlbio tbo.-e parta wtalob have btoome il to .vield ufti-.'.h catering nfltnir. Tderearfl BUDdrada nf tadiu and gentwraan In NVw Tolk ho haTO had thoir hair restored by the na ol tbia iBTlgoralor, when ail other pra] i lad f.iilid. I.. M. haa In Ij poamanon letteai ioaumatkble I to tha abora faoU, ftom peraoufl aftbe b bility. It will eSsctually preTent the karfrom tiiritirx #rny uníil lije latast period of llfa; and n oaaas wiupre ilie hair hu changad ftn color, tbe use ofthe tm irill wlthicertalnt) rutón ft to it$ origrwl hit', giviug ir % d;irk. glosay appaaianoa. A a parfume for tl and a Hair Raatoratlva it ii partiaularlj i having an agreeable (rfiffraMce: nnd t!ie great tucilftles il añords in drtain& i,whan molstwitbtn Invigorator can bc dreasad in jtny roijuirl ionu so as ■te ils place, whtilher plain tjr iu hentv tii" urj'at dfinünd for it by tlie ladies hs a tttKuLi'J t&Ut urnrU wliich nonti ouptht to be witLcmt, as tke piicv places it within tho rficli r all, being ONLY TWKNTY-FIVE CENTS per bottlü, to bo ha 1 at all reapectable drugists' and perfuuiv-is. L M1LI.FR would cali liio itWntita of l'areiits an.l Quardia ■ i of his-lnvigorator, n casea tvhaK tbjaahUdrana' Hair inolipea to be n-eak. Ihsuseofi lavH the fonndation foi a lood baad of hair aa it remoyo any impuritie-i tlmt may liuve become enmected witii the Bcalp, thtmnoral of whlohls naoaaaary udüi !■ tha baalthoftha cUildand tlie future uiipotirance of ils Hair. Caotion.- Kone ganuina withnoi the fac slmili Mll.I.KKlM'inir on the outar wiapimr; n!so, L. MILLEU'S li.MK [NVlOüKATOR, N. Y. l)!"u in tho glara. . , teaalfl ■ i' ■■ i -y Bt. an I Nold by all the principle 3(erchantQ nnd i'ruijists ibrougboot the world. Liberoldiscount to punchasen, by tlio luantity. I also desire to present to the AmerloAn l'ublic my Now & Improvod Instantanoous Liquid Hair Dye aftor y&kn of scientiGc axparimonting I havebroagbt to parfeotlon. u ijm blaok or brown i withont injury to the rLklrorBUn warrantod the best articlt: of the kin. ï in existVQca. PRICB ONLY FIPTT CENTS. DEPOT, 50 DE Y ST., New Yory. 79ïyi


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Michigan Argus