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Arrival Of The Arabia

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The Arabia arnved at ' o doek tuis morniug, with 121 Bostou passengers. JjATBSX iY TüLEGIUHl 10 QOBBÜSIOWN. Ld.ndo.n, Saturday, i P. M. - A letter from Home sajs tuut tho Picdmuiitese lancers gallopud oloao to tbö gates of llouio in the oüase of tho Po;.titioal genclarines. Naples. - Bortani, late Secretary General of the Dictator, writes to coutradict tho statement that he had givea orders to opposo by foroe the eutry of tho Ficduioutese troops iuto tho Neapolitaa territory. ito al.-o Btates that Qöither bimreif nor Uaribaldi ever thought of counseling the immediate oceupatiou of Homo at the risk of a conflict with ! Franoo. Hu.soAuy. - Iu the Synod reeently i held at Uraw, a Cardinal Primate cb clared that ho had no objsctiou to tho olcrgy woaring thu uatioual Hungariaa costumo, Sïuu. - Paris, Saturday, A. M. - The Montour says tho aifairs of öyria havo entered ou a now phase. Militarj actioa will now bo exercisud by our troops. tome othur ohiufs have been arrestad and tried at Buyrout 'l'he Kaimakttn of the üruse is uow ainong the prisoners. These lueasures have produecd a kind of pauio aiuoug tho Dr uses of tho mountaios, aud theis attitude ia moro ! decided. Measures have been taken for i : the protection of tho JiYeuch 1 tursrs. Ancona has capitulatotl, and Lamoriciere surrendcred to Admiral Persauo. A grsat victory is reported at üazerlta, where two thouaaud prisoners wore taken . Uaribaldi is said to have sout the followiug telegram to Geuoa: '11i:adqda!iteks, Oct. lst - Victories along tlie wholo liue, Tho Koyal truops are boing purued." Tlie Sardinian Chainbors havo resolved that King Vietor Emanael bo authorzcd to annex to Sardana thoso provinces of Central and Southern Italy iu which tho population, by universal suffroge, vote to bocomo an integral part of tlie Sardinian conatitutional monarchy. Tho Sardinian army has not yet entercd tho Xcapolitan territory, but Ganbaldi announces that they soon will do so. - Tlio haadquarters will bent Aguitln, and Víctor Emanucl will conimand in persou. Messina still liolds out. Garibaldi has raade soino modifications n his Miaistry to moet the views of tho Neapolitana. Bertinia, nicknanicd Garibaldi's evil genius, has been dismiesed, aud a botter focling now exist3 betweeu Victor Einanuel and Garibaldi. Tho latter h;is written to the King, inviting him to peruiit him to retire to his ishuul home. A new manifestó of Mazzini, declares that no King of Italy should bo ed before tiie Kiugdom ot' Italy is orgnnized at Home.


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