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The Hydropult

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" What is a Hylrjpult f T.'iat tras onr query, reader, on firat s; tho name fty exatuininjr theeat (which. will bn found in our udverüsing column-) efinJ the Hydro puit a muil por a ble forcé pu p snid t. weigh but cijfhl pourids, with foot stirrup at tached Th valvt-sarein arranged tbat ïhe water i drawn from the pil, imd f iioed out of tho pipu witli ilic upwnr i umi downward motiun of th' h nd, thus making it doublé :ioticg. Water can be ihrown with tliis simple apiaratua, by tliu power of one mi.n, fifry t'eet high, with grciit 'oicu, t tl:f rtu of 8 gallons per mii'Utf. It is not only useful ns ■ Qrc ar. nihilator, bul very ronvenient for watering gi.rjens, wrtshing wiujowa, Mrriage, &o , and we can n-commend it to the publie fts an " inftitution ' tlint uught to he in every house. The Ibllowing fiom the Boston Daily Tractkr ►hows iti vaue in case of n firj : Incendiary Fíats - Vulie af ' Vete's Doublé Aeting Fnrcc Pump, or IJytiropuU." ' - AUnit ■ix o'clock laat. evening tirz wna discivered 13 suing iroin a barn uu the es 'atf of Mrs James Brown, in tlia soulherly part of Briglitun, wliich was sooa in a pertect blue. owing to tlie combustible im ure of its con'ents being filled with h y. wagons, ie W.thin ix f e t of this was aiioiher very lare bai'n, whicli was coiinected witli a tiwelling house by n ghed. Tlie fire liad ulrtady eaught n iha rouf and sidc of the larga barn, and it eemed that. ihe whulu - house barn, and slu-d - must iueTital) y have ieen bur.ed to the pround, bat forti;e tiniely arrivül of onu of the n-ighbor with a "ífydiojiult " whioh although worced ly one man, was s-uffieii'iitly powerful to ixtinguish the flames and pro ec the barr for maiiy five hours. It was the Uni versal opinión of tbou present that this smail uiuchine costing bat twelve dollars, was of aviig the other bui dings fr.m toiul d"3truetion S-vi ral enginet :roni the ne ylibonng lownswire present, Kut owing to the pcaroety of wati recula do luit lit tle. We a"drrotaad thcro wns 110 n.suratice " Mr Button, the General Agent of the minean HyéropuU Co . is nuw in our city, and the Hyuropult u on cxliibition aud fur EttU al Couk's Uutol oatil tliu 22J k& Thu Amerioan Agricullwritt h Inrge au beautifuy rinted quaito journsl of 32 pags.puMilitd I y 'V Jici 41 P. rk Ruw, V. Y , rd dtvoud to im Field, Garden and tlie Uueliuld. is one of the bes' puiilicatior.s cf tbe chnraoter Ihftt comes un;ler our obter TStion. It is replete with inlormation nnd valuable iü5truc:ion lor i-very mun who cu!ti TOtci a square rud of ground, cu1 a tlicmsand aore A ne vclume will begin wiih the January number. $1 a yenr. Send to tlie Publiiher and get a specimen. B& The Expresa train going west on ïïiday eveuing last run over a 3-01111,; man named raAXoia Ktxsucfj at the oulvwt ut the fuut of l'itcher street. The back part of hi liead vat lakni off. his ar.ns liruken, imd o'her injuries infl.cted. y bcing hoved aio g ly 1 b ouw catcher On reaohin;; the deput the engmeer reported the occutrai oe. and on soing to the pot body -a fnmid par; ly fall.-n through the track into th eulv.rt An inqueit. wns held by JusHce Kom and a vrrdict renHered ir. uccordur.ce wil h thfc fnci s we have s ate I. He was a Germ -n. and worked in thé blacksmiih ihop of Dalto.v ds üiuss. JfJ At tho recent Fair, O. Colliek was nwarded th fi.s' uremium on Boots. He showed onie vt-ry fino specimens of workmans'iip, that a fact. erediiütle both to himself the craft. and city


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