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ib acts for the People -07- WASHTENAW ADJOJiNIíS'G COÜiNTIES ! And lluir nuccroi: qncstiom onTrerd. Wliy is Evrrybody trading et tht "BANNER ST0KE1 -íitcixvM . A. P. MILLS, the Proprietorof tlmt Establishment hns just returued ('rom the Enstern Cine wiih tht Largft, Ilandsr.meH, Cheapett, and Most Altraotiv Stock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! orer brought to tbia part of llie State.] ITÍjf a Eetrybody pltattd vñtii hit Stoeit Hecause nisitylcs ar more bmntifol, qnatity batter, and pncos lower thau at any other atoro ia the ooi at. tt'hy ktu he altcayí Svnethmg A'eo and Chtap t Sluiiat Bocana? h h a a friend connícte I irlth odo of th !y gfit l.ryuoota tl'máes a -Ne Voik, wiio id contiajala. " HOBIIIAO ROU D' ior cheap Uurgaiusiinrt tke iat t styiea, jid Luey trom t nía to tima, un . intuís vny keepa li.m .s-tpiúod wuu ayit., ni uondeueauy ou. lomera ca.ii a -mi .-i üud 8QuiUi.ugJ;'(-9Íjf NEW CDEAr andDESIRABLE Why does ht tell to much Cheaper Úan tht retí? Beenuso ho has a bujrr In the city all th time to tak adran'age of ihe eontloual o iang pf the m irkt, anJ li that burs hii much ebeaper thüa otljars caD, aad I het he m.irká them down to th XiO'TO'BST aPlG-UHEia. Wliy don he s'l Lndies' end ChUdr'fja' Shot to much c'r.prr ihan wat tvtr heurd of by Ihe oldttí Shaemakeief Braa9 he buj hl toak In tb laad of aomairi, of tlie minufnoturerí, fully i6 per cnt chfapsr than tte Yjr J"bber3 mil Hiera, and much bittr work taan they ganerallr koep. 'lilis courw enable him to ulli bsttar Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othsn sü'J at 60 cent, and a bstter VQXED QAIXZ3 at 50 etati, Uuia utiis sU at 7t Mata. ƒ he any Hato an-i Cap) Yss, I ehould think he ha tacks of thfm, aaougí to suj.ply tho títate. a priew lowor tixa va r kaard of roaBdthMS parta. Wliy tf Ai Tea a much b'IUr for the priet yu piy than you gel ut other plncttt iecausohetakoïgreat care in síleotinj t, anl ítmoJí costooiars tie baoefltof a real good 75 oaat TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It íi a vsy a has fot. Whert thouU you oí to gtt ynur CLOTHS ana Itaue them Cui or Md} To the BAX.VEH bTuKF, where tho i'ooplí'a Binatr le uafurleJ for the Fe-iplo agood. íouth úit of Pubilo So, aare, a fa daora wt of Cook'r Hotal A. P, MILLS. Pspt. 18, 18C0. T8'tf TO THE ELECTOES ! Register! Register! rpHK liuAliii UKBEöISTRATIO.'l ... the City of Aun X Arbor willhold íieisiotn io tbe severai r-tr.h üh fol l.nn, on THURS!JAY, KKIDAY aod SATUBIHY XOVKMBKR lst, 2dan-13d, A. ü 18C0, ctmnmcinit at 9 o'clock, A ii., ;iad oliuinK at 5 o'cli.ok, f. M., of eicb. day, forthe purpoie ufeorraatlng aml eompletiug tu Bcgiotratiin ot tile q.ia! ai-lclootur.. or naid oity; lt VVard- nt laiina tieír'n Stnre. 2d Ward- at tho office of ;. Shattack, Ebi, 8d Ward- at the Court Houío. 4th Wam- at Firemen'n Hall, AU iiemius who will at the ananing confral elfstlon 1 entitlo 1 to vote the folloiuj pruíisioa of ths Conatitution. ahould rö,?istar their nnaie-: Art. 7, Sbo. 1.- In di elaottoiM evory white raale citiïen, OTery white male inhabiUnt resid'mg in tba State on the twen'y.fourth day fif Juno, one thousand eight hundreJ nndthirty üvo, ereiy white raale inhabant reai liru in thiü State on the firss rtai of January, one thouaant' eighthimdril and fff ty , wiio has declarad hu intention tu becomu a cituen of the Cuited Ktatet, pur■aiutto iho Uars thereof, six months precedinff an c-'.eotiou.or who li.srsidsl iu this Sta'. uro yeara aad ms m.'nthi), ni deolarod h,a intention as aforeüiid; and .-very oiriliied m i le inh b. nt o! Indkn de.-ojnt, a ntire of the United ritate. nud DOt a nit-mber of any tnbu. ghnli an lector, or outitled to vote; but no oitixen or uutMl siiivll lw au ol-'otor and eatitla.! to voio at an.y e'eo'ion, unleas h balj be above the age of tntyoui' ytan.and luis re.sidad in ilus tj:als thrce months and in trie towosliip or w.ird in which Ö Oiltírd to voto' tea day preosdin! u h elíction. By oiioí of üio Board, Uatod, Auu Aiba.-, Oct. 10, 1830. ■T"s.ErE and E T WÊgM DR F. A. CAD"TELL, kgZr O! F.R TUR C,N THE EYE AN'O KAK. For Oc.xt.ibit Rüiidnxx ind ,ji defrets of Slght n..d IIia:l,,s. DE. C. BEliARS6ü%AllPhy.ill,wj,TWEJÍTY YLAR ixolusivf praotioein the trea ment of disas o. ibe i.Yt. ANU EhK, m 1 os found qualiliad to givo rfliei or eüect u oaro ij ui cija withia tlio rcwoh of humin nkfll. BV Nt r.hnrrt fir mt laa-TúnuUoit o' opinh orj'ir iiiitactffu1. atrtivt. U. C.'a iiíbuHí u.M TUS KvkandEar, of SODpp oouuining rofereajai, tstuniaiU. Dewr.ption of Dta. ases, (iis , a.ud otiiT imp' illuitriWd w.íh . 'uti, to ba lia I r:, br seodiug Ten Ontt to par postag AdJroi Dr. Uaiiwell, 9ó Kiudolph Siraot coiutplirabcrj, Cincaso IU. Iy768 Ann Arbor Marble Worg. LífcIc & Vanderuools. I j AVE on hand a fine asaoitmoat of Amanon asd ITALIA N MA. BLE which they are prfpared to ia laafaoturo ato MONUMENTS. UBAO STJtfES, TOMIt TABLES. TABLE TOP-S tc , i:.. c , éso , In all thelr varietiee, and in a WORK1IAXLIK1: majjner. ILiving h.ul consllenibi experience in the business thcy üatter -. timt thcy will b abiu to pleaw all wlm may favor tbem with Ueir ordorf. Thoir prioel LOW AS THE LOWEST, L.a; .. .ihinï any tuiog in th ' 'ne .-iré riieotfullj la iMd to cali ZíicLZ & VAN'ilEK&OK. 'a" Arbí.r. Ppt. Í8. IBuU 7R7yj KOTI E. "" '"the: subscribes orrsaa for ii a ñvyraroii I Mare forCaih. Warrsattí porfeotij ound. Kn. quir of JCI.U SILK. Ann Arbor, Sept. 37, 1380, Also a six yêar ol! Mar to b dipoi of br Lotteri tickets Tioiats toba liad atAinoultural Hall'. Lott ry tobe drawii üctob r 2ütb, 18C0, at said Hall in to vening. Ouly 5J ticket, M, ur uckst. For furtaaj pailio 1 ira dnuixe oí' '87 Ji. BOGERS, Soio! Scio! Scio. W ÍI E A T WANTED! fTlHE uaderiigned havinj leaeed tha Gardiner Milla A ckio, aro preparad to buy M heat aud pay tho hlihet uurket piico. ' Sao, aept. 18, 1800. (Vaotí; & CREEN & BKO. FRUIT TREES, FALL PLANTING-. A IX PEHiON-i wantiag flrit olass trees wil! do woll ti IX hand thoir orders to Mr. Theodore DuBo-í, Arobi bald MoDonell or Andreiv J. Truair All suoh orden u-iü be UloA with the best qutlity of trespand be ridj for dolivory in good ïoason for fall pUmtinj. Nuarly oí ot tho tnany thouiand traen I oíd iat pring hare dont well so faras heard from. In a bilí of 8 S appla tresi iold to llr. n. fí. B. Kíawlok, of S.eo. oaly two liaví fuiled to prow. TLo ord.ra al rudy glvan ua lareo amounöne to vm. al taauMcd dolk s. J. D. BALDÉIS", Septembsr, 11,1150. 705tf 1OOO Fiae Overooais I Tot Sak Oheap ti OripRiTAN & CCS. XVW AND CHEAP OOOD8l I have reccived wy FALL STOCK, end offer fur sale at LO"W PEICES. 500 Piecos American and English PrinU. 100 Pieces Lancaster and other Ginghams. 200 Pieces Delaines, Plain and Plaid Merin jos;& otlier Dro88 Gooda. 50 P;ecea Black and Colored Silks. 500 Broche, Bay Btato and other Shawla. 400 Dosen Gluves and Hosiery. 20 Bales Light and Heavy Shceting3. 50 Balea Stripo Shlrtinjrs. Tick.' in2s, Denims, Cottoa Y&va and i Wadding. 8000 Lbs. Batticg and Carpet warp. 500 Lbs. "Woolen Tam, gnd Knitting Cottou. 500 Stark Milla aud other Bags. Ö00 Pioces Bleached Cotton nd othor White Goodi. 100 Piocea Red and White, all Wooi nd Cotton Flannels. 500 Em1iroiler&d Coilars, and Linea fl'dk'fs. 300 Hoop Skirts. 200 Pieces New Stjle Dress Trimmiaga. 500 Plecas Velvot aud oüior Ribbous. 500 Cloak Cords and Tassels. 500 Dozn Coats fe Cl-irk's White and Colored Thiead. 500 Soft FTat-s. 50 per cent, lesa than Hatter's prices. 2000 Pairs Lndies, and ChUdrcn's Shoos and Itubbera. 100 Pieces Broad Cloths, Casaira eres, Satineta, and Eentuoky Jeans, And all cali wares to mako up a PuU, STOOJEC O7 UK."2' QOO-DS, -and choico. FAMILY GROCERIES ! 1 1 These ■ GOODS AKE ENTIRELY NEW ! t t and havo beon purchased of flrst clasa I Boston and New York Houses i i l at prices naniod only to Largo Doal; ers, and w;ll bo sold FOR OASH, OP. PKOÜUCE at its caeh value. J0HX W. MAYNAIiD. Ana Ar boy, Sp-.1 r, 3 8W. 7Í#


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