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RISDOX & " HENDEHSON BIjOC 3K.NE WÍTARDWARE STOEE ! ! ! Wp WOn.ri CAI,!. THE ATTOiTTON' OF THE ITBLIC to OQZ Stitcil of ■SC-JBC 9k. J&tt. JET "W a %%. 3B33 SE3 TB? EB "TBST" JE: &m 9 IRON, STEEL, NA-1L8, TIN, OOITEE, & SHEET IliON WARE, OHAIN AND CISTERN PUMPS, PAIMTS, OI IJS, GLASS, BFJTAÏsJN'iA WARE, céc, &c, Ac, tLc. And everj kind of Hardware and House Furnishing All ork will he old as CHEAI' 8 t dj othf r Establishment in Michigan, fe say wtf U? gotth Best Assortment of Cooldng PA Ie ZO R AND l'LATE IN TÍ3CTQ fitM7SLTaEi, And will sellthem Choaper than Til E C E E AP EST, Ple&se eail and see ua. All kinds of tin ware kept ou baad. Particular atteution paid to all kicda of d7 CID IS v3?' Cü SE OS; Which will bc donij -tb NEATNESS AND DISPk TCH. Pli".ie tallund our STOVE BOOM in 2d ster;of Htm Bloük. RISDO.V & HESDEESON. Áaa Arbor. Oct, 7, 1859. LOOMIS & THIFÏ9, SucctásorH to Chapín ár Loomin.flndCbapin, Tripp A Loom 19 rl"IlE above Grm of Loomis & Tripp haTÏDg purchased I the entire interest of the formor oompa&iefl wil! continue the business ■■'■ the old stands, vrherje Vuqt will bo reatiy, od theshovtest noticr, to Gil aïl order:, iti iliv line ol Castings and Macliinery, in the most workmanUku raanner, and on as libera! terms atiy otlifr siiop iu the State. Among the vuri ous articlesmanufacturetS bv uk, wö would eoumcrate STEAM 'EN3GIN-ES of alljkin'ls; MUI Gearing and FixtuTCS, wron cast; all the various casling&oir makiug and n- , Horse Powers & Tlm-slnno; Maelïine such a? are at present, or hnve formerl j bees io uso this part of the State, a wel as nll the various kindf castingp and machine work cslledfor by farmoi'? n1 mechanics InfhlB sectioo of the coun rj Jt r. tb -fc ms 9 of all the rartons patterns, np in stzesaad prlces. will 1 kptcoDstantly 011 hand, goi the most modem a"Ud im proved bívIps. HUBBARD'S WROTTGHT IR02Í REAPËRS & MOWEKS. Iiaring comravneed manufacturinp thn Bnporlorïfa chiue, single and comineá, the farmere areinvited ; cali and t$ee a specimen machine oow in our ware rooip. before purchasijitfclseíH're, behevtná iliftï thta machiiu need otily to bc neon o convincc the farmer of irs 8UPERI0EITY OT?r UisRsapOTS and Mo.vyrs in this market. Thankful for form pronage fib ihe old Grms. e would solicita contiiiuanre fmm ohi friemlfi.nnd atria! by all wishüig foranrtJiing in our line ol businrss LOOMIS & TRTPP. AnnArbor,May 18th, 1859. 697tf GREATGIFTSALE BOOKS & JEWELRY SCHOFF & MILLER TNJORDERTO MAKE ROOM FOR )S TE n I TJ Or JSTOOKC, have iletormmed io seil thcir MISCELLANEOUS BOOKfi. - AT- PUBLISITEK'S PEICES, ( And give to Each Purchaser a Present In Taluft from dOCents Up to $100 WITE E ACH B00ES0LD. flg Cali enrlv ftnd exnraino fheir Bonkn anil PrCRcnis Ann Arbor, Maich:}, 1860. o. :o, r-oüTiun., DENT1BT OFFICE cornc of Mrain k Hurontreeti, opnosite the Franklin Uouse, Arm Arbor, nhert he pontinis te ofTcr his custoniers aoy style of work (ie.sired in the ;irl cf Surgical Mechanical & Deniatrj, Teeth filled witti crystal gold fnil and RponRegold, which for beauty and durability cannot be Bai Particular attpntion paid to dtHOafiOS of tlie moutb and nims, remedyfng iïregularity of the toeth. and operations for children ïn cases of diiïicult juid Imporfeci dentHkm. Thcre are many new nl beanttful Improrpmenta lately intrducet Intö UeohanicaJ Dontlstïy, wbich for báaatr, natural xproauon, and atnngi of work, aannot (all to nleaae. Wliöla or partía) net on gold plate,silvor plato, continnouB puin, usork platina nipte. Slao ;i newj and unproved method of Ihsertinc teetn on the roleanisod rubber and gutta percha base, called =Joralite which in many respect suijer.sedcs all u-talic 986 MANH00D How Lost and How Restored. Just Published in a SeaUd Envclopey A LKfTl'RK OX THE NATURE, TBEATMENT AN RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRÏïOEA, nr PAmitial WeaknoM) Sexual Debtli, KerrousooM and lnvoiuntary Enlssionfl froduciti linpuiency, Consumption, aud Mental and Pnyalcal Debility. BT ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. The Important fact that the awful eonsequencea ftf RelfabuRc may be eíTectually removed without inlernal remedies or the dangwoua applicntion of cauaifcs, inRtrumentP, medical cd bfngCR, and ollier empyrica] do vicejis clearly demonst rat cd , and the en'irely new and highly BuecesBful treaTmenl , tí a aaoptA by the clebrated nuthor fully explained, by mrans of '.vliich every one in enabled to cure liímsplf prGet!vi and at the least pofisitle eost, thereby avoiding all the advertispd uostruros of tha (lay. This Lee ture will prove a boon te thouPandfi and thousandn. Sent nnder cal to anr addreM, poit paid. on the rpccipt df two poHtage. stamp, by addreising Dr. (HAS. J.C. KLIKF, 490 Finrt reene, New TtV, Pot Dex. 4t(W. T7


Old News
Michigan Argus