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Scroftüa, or King's Evil, is a constitutional diseasc, a corruption of the blood, by wliich tlús fluid bccomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervadcs the whole body, and may burst out in discase on any part of it. No organ is Lre from iu attaoks, nor is there one wblch it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, filth and filthy habita, the depressing vices, and, obove all, by the venereal infection. Whatevcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, dc.cciicüng " frora parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hiin who says, " I ■will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon thcir cliildren." lts cffects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, wliich, in the lungs, livcr, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swelïings ; and on the snrface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor1 ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of Ufe, so tliat scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but thcy have for less power to withstand the attacks of othcr diseases; conscqucntly vast numbers perisr by disorders which, nlthough uot scrofulous in thcir nature, are still rcnclered fatal by this taint in the eystem. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidjieys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arÍ30 from or are aggravated by tlic same causo. One quarter of all our pcople are scrofulous ; their persons are invadod by tliis lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To clcanso it from the f ystcm we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and t.cicite. Such a medicine ve supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most eflectual remedy which the medical Bkill of our times can devise for this everywhcre prcvailing and fatal malady. It is combincd from the most active remedíais that havo been discovercd for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho BTStem from its destructivo conscqucnces. Henee it should be cmploycd for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other aflectiom which arise from it, such as Ehittive and Skix, St. Axthony's Firb, Rosr, or EttTSIP&LAft, Pimples, Pustvles, Blotches, Blaixs and Bon.s, Tumors, Tetteb and Salt Eheux, Scai.d Hr.,vi), ltixowoiot, Rheumaïism, Syimiimtic and Mercuui al Diseases, DnorgY, Dyspepsia, Deiiilitt, and, j indeed, all C'omvi.ainïs akising fiiom VitiaI ted ou Imfcrb Bi.ooi). Tlie popular belief ; in " impurity of (ie blood " ia founded in truth, for scrofula is a degencration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossiblc in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Intermití ent Pcvcr, or Fcrcr and Agic, Remittent Pcvcr, Chili Pcver, Dumi) Aguc, Feriodical HcaclacUe, or Bilious Hendadle, a;ul llilious Fcvcrs, indeed. for tho wholft olass of diseases originating i biliary (Irriiiirmcnt, conscd by the Malaria of Miasma tic Countries. Vïe aro enahïcd hcre to offer Iho commnnity a remedy whlch, vhilo it cure tho abovo complaints wltfa certainty, is still perfi'ctly harmloss in any quantity. Puch r remedy is invahiable iu districts where theso afflicting disorders prevail, This "Cuke" oxpels the miasmatic poison of Fbveb and Aoüe from Ibe systcin, and pro' ypuU the developmont of the disease, if taken on the flrst approach of its promouftory symptoma. It Is not ouly tlio bu3t remedy ever yet discoveied for tbis class of complaiuts, but also the chenpest. The large qiuiniity we supply for a dollar bringa ït within tho rcacli of overy ■ body; anti in bilious districts, where Kkveii and Ague prevails. every body should have it and use it freely both for euro and protection. It ie hoped this prico wUI place it withïn the rcach of all - tho poor as well aa the rich. A preat Buporiority of this remedy over any othcr ever discovered for the speedy and certain euro of Intoiraittcuts is, that it containa no Quinine or mineral, coneequently it produces no quïnism or other injurious effecta wlmtever upon the constitution. Thoso curad by it are left as healthy as if tlicy had nevcr had the disrase. Fever and Ague is not alone tho consequence of tho miapmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its Jriitation, among which are Neuralgia. Hheumatitmt Gout, HeadadiCy Blindnas, looütac?ie, Èaracïie, GjfmTh, Jsthma, fíüpitation, Painful Affection of the Splaeii, Iystcrics, Puin in M 2iowetet Colic, Pa?alisis, and Derawgtment of the SUmach, all of which, vheu originating in this causo, put on tho inlermittent tyxe} or becomo periódica]. This "Cure" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures thcm all alike. It is nn invalr.nble protection to immigrante and persons travelling or temporarily residing iu tho malaiioua districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to tho infection, that will be excretcd from the system, and cannot accnmulate in sufficient quantity to rtpen into disease. Heneo it is even more valuablo for protection thnn cnre, and few will ever strffbr from Intermittents if they avail tlitnisolves of the protection tbis remedy afíords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. .MAYXAHD . ,k.Ljiji&& vviöuN.and by all Druggieta umi everywhere. J.LUKlilLL Traveiug Agent. erient Stomachic preparation of IROX puriehd in Oxygen and Carbon by conibustioo in IIvrogen. ctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Ka , ropennatbe EJnlted States, aiSU prescribed in thftii praci i i cc The of tbousancts t:.i'. prove that no PrcP arutiunof Iron can be comparëd rith i. Impuritíes of the blood, depTQflsioDt of vïuil eóergy. pak ai -iy complexión ladieatü aecee litj In almoat conceivable cas. Ii iuiisin all malacUes in which it lias boen trfe has proved absolutely curativein rach of tbc followfn ei mpljpiii , vie: In pblttty,Ncryoas AAbcUoii, Einnriaílon i-.i i psln, Constlpatlon, DInrrhoen, Dyeentety, nclplent Consomptlon, Scrofuloutt Tu. , berculo8l9, Sak Rheum, hiiammttrtLtaiQn, Wkitce, Chforosia, Comvjaints, Chrtmic Htiadackn, Rkeü, Intttr-miticnt ïcters, Pimples on thr. Face. c. ii eof GKNBRALj)BiUTy,whetherthorosaltofacttte or of tlie coñtinued ctiminutioa ofiierro nergj from chronje complajttts, one trial of thiH restorattve bas provod Bucces&ful lo an axteni wliich no descripttoa nor written atteatation would ren" der'credible. invalide bo long bedridden as to bave forgotten iti fchÏT own aeighborhoods, havi ad nppeared in the bnfty world asif juat retarned frcim protracted travel in:i distani land, Some 1 1 nal instances f this kind :uv attestcd of femftje suffweri, emaciatcd victïnis of appareni mar i tiineorus p1:;l ust ion, critical changos, and tlint coiuplioatíon of norroua and fl'ftpeptic aversión to air and exen wmch the ; hj itciao bas tic name. I j i Xk.hvoik Affkctions of all kinds, and for rcasons familiar to mt'dicnl mon, tho opeiation of this preparatíonof [ron musí oeoesarily be.üaïutary.for, unlike tho oíd oxides, itisTÍgoroaiüjr toñio witbout being excitlbg and ovérheattngj aod gently, regularly aperient, even the most obstínate oases of coBQTeness without evn beinga : irgativcj or infllctingjQ EtLsagreeable wnsation. ]i this latter i ropertj . amo ig oihers, whicb matas il ; ■ ctual . ii. i ermaneni ;t remedy tor Pfft, upon which t alao appears to êxeri adistinct and speeifle ttcuon by dis] ■ rslng the local tendency which fonns thom. In tWspEPStA, innumerable uaxitseausos, a sfngle box of these Chalybeate PiUs have oftan soAped frr he most habitual cases, iucludiug the attendent Coêtivcv ÍS . In unííhoelífd DlARltetSi, rvon wbr-n aclvancod to Dyseri trry coiiiirrae'l, eHotofatmg and apparently maligdant, the eiïects haring been equally decisivo and astonishfng Iu the loca I );i.;: -. . sof Üenh and atoODghr)pbilttÍDg cíxigíi, a. í iviijil tfnl hectic, whicb generalij indicante TncYplent Consumptfèn, in several verj grattfying and intoreiítiug insta ïn Scrofttlous TubercuoltU, thle medicaáed Tron has had fttr more tliriü tfie good effecta of the modi eaatous: ly balanceé preparations oí [odine, without any of aní'ir woll knowii liabihfics. Tlie attf:tition -if femalOH oanaoi betooconBdmtlj invitc.f] to thU remcdifivi rcsíoraihem Lhe cásea pecnliarly aáectíng them , Ín Rhttmat.t#m,, both nhroníc an'l ínflammainry - in the iwever.inorodücidedly- 4t has been Inyarlably weU repOrted, m as alleriatlng pain nnd roducing the swetlinguuid stiffne ■.■ ai tlie .'■mts and musecls. ín ftiiermitteni il must ecessarJIy bvn great remedy and energelic restorative, and itfl proftress ín I scttlements of the West, will probablj bt one of high renówn áñd nsefulness. No remedy has eTèr bmi dtBCOTeted m the whole bistory of melicine, whicb exoria such prompt, happy, and luUj restoratlre efleets. Good appetilc, comph gesnoit, rupid acquisiilon ofstrength, wiih an nnascal disposítion for active and cheerfttl oxrclse, [mmedtatelj folTow its wío. i'nt up (n (luí. hoxos eontaining r50 pilla, prico üO cents, por box: for sale by druggistfi and dealers. ' in-siM.t fre to any addresfl o rceipt of the price. All tetterS order a, etc sbouid be addressed to B. J3. LOOKBjffCo , General Agenta, íTTyl 839-Broídwaypi. Y. DE FOREST,AUMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTSj 8O A 82 Chumbera 3V Y. TirOlTM) NOTIFY THE TIIADK that tney flro openin Vr Wcckly, ín ntw and bcautiful p&tttfnf, th ALEO TUR A New Trint, which exrl : orery Print in the Country fo perfoction ofexecutlon and design in ful] Madder C-l ors.- Oor Printa aro rhfapor thnn any íd market,and ninng wih extrnivc


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