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! GREAT. GREATER GREATEST 1 BAIiG áINS E YEE Cl 1 1 II I 1859. 8_1859. ín thi3City, are uow beingoffered at tha CHEAP.CLOCK, WATCII, & J" O xv = 1 ry JS t o r O- pHK Snbforlber wouldsny to the olttzenêol Ann Ar. i bor.ln p&rttodlar, and tho rfiPt of WnGhtennw I Countv in gonernl; Umi hehfltjuêt IMPOltriSD Ui I K.ECTI,Y trom KUKOPK. Tremendous Stock of Watches! Al. of whirti lifl bindhime(Tlfto teil OHKAPKR than can be boufrht west oí New York City. Open Face Cylindcr Wntche Iroi ÍS to $0 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 H'inting Caso do do do M to 35 do do Cylindcr do do 9 to 28 1;old Wntelic Som S0 to 150 1 have nlöu tho CELE BR AT El) AMEBJCAN WATCHES, wliich I wlll sen ttr $35. Every Watch warranttd to parform well, or the money refundcd. Clocks, Jewelry, Pited Vara. Fnncy Goode, GoM Pens, Musical Iuitrumentt and Htringg, Uutlcry, (fee., and i" faet ii varletj of oTnry'hina: ïidunUy kopt by Jew el ir cao be tmugluforthe next ninety dnye nt T"ur OWN PRIOES! IVrsous buying nuything nt thie weïl knovtn eitabli-íiitne nt can rcty upnn getting goods exact1 y as reprPieotd, er the moncy rctundril. Pallearly and ae cure tho best bargnius ever olt'urcd ín City. One word in regard to Repaiiing : We ore preparad tn man any repniri OD0OQ or common Watchea, eren toradkiagoar the entire iratcb, lt nrcesenry. RepHJring oí' Clocks nnd Jewelry as usupI. Alao the mftnuftocturldg ol RINGS, DROOCUS, or auything dosircri, trom California Gold on short notice. Enïravir'j; in 11 ita branchtöexeented with ncftl m-se and diapatcb. J C. WATTSAnn Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. Hw Something Worth Reading! clioffXjtlHIer, ARIÍAGAIN ON t.'AND, attheir!d ■nnd. (Thrre DoorsNorthof Frfinklin House,) will; tbe most complete find Extensivo Assortmeat -OFIBooks and Stationery, Wall and Winriow Papeis, Ojl Painted, and Gold Boideied Shades, Cuitain Rollers, Tassels, Cords, AMP A TIIOÜSANI) AND ONE THINGS In tiifir line, ENTIRELY TOO KÜMI-ROUSTO MI'NÏION, wlïicli thsyinlvite tlieir Iriends, nnd the public gnnerslly, to O-3LIjXj tSa ID3CV3Vri3Xr33 Before Purchasiug EIsewl;ere, p tbty flater tlicmuelvrstliat their iïtylrs and t'r'-'i: cnnnotfnil to prnve satisfactory. A-in Ar! or Vry 1, 1 P5O. ; iTokTüe w r e r s ; A O E NT 339 H r o a d w ay, Nev Yo'rl Publlsher of.Hurlc oul Mnslc Books AM) DEALER IX pjnnos, Mei odeons, AIëxandre Organs , Organ Accordeons, Martin's cclobrated and öthér Guitars, Violius, Tenor Viols, Yioliocellos, Accordeons, Fhuinas, Flutes, Fifes, TriíinglesClarhnettp, Tuninof Porks.Pipea andHammers, Violiti Bows, best Italian Striïigfit, Basa Instrumenta for Hands, Piano Stool?, and covers, nnd all kinds of Musical Inytninicnts. Si ïa. o o t. 3VE xt. S 1 o iom all th pubhshers in the LT. S., Uertini's Huntin's, nuil Modem School, and all kinds of Instrnction l : j j for tin1 abow instruments; Church Uusic Books; Music ; itly bound; Masic paper, anl all kinds of Music Merokandise, A t t heLowest Pvices. New Planos, At $175, S200, $225, $250, anti uji to $00. Socond 1 Hand Pianos fivim $25 "P to $100; New Helodeons, S4f, Ï60, $75, $100, and up to $200; ?econi Hand Melodeona 1 from SïO to $80; 41esandre Organs, with Bve ñtnpn, $160, ninestom, $1S5 and $226 ; thirteen stops, $250, $276 and $300: fiftei'n stops, $320 and $-'i"ö; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Cburche, Sabbath Schools, Seminaries and Teachers. The Trade dlscouDts Testiiuonlalsof the Horace Watert Planos" Rfolodeonfli John Tlewfctt, of Oarthago, NbW Tórk, wbo has had ■ ii ■■ i,t' the1 ïToraooWaters l'ianos, wrücsas tollows: - j "A friend of mine wislics me io povdhue a plano for her. Shi likos the ono you ayM mt? in December, 1856. My pia:i(i is beooming popular in this place, and I think I can introduce one or two moro; thajp will be m-ire popular tluiii any uther siKike." (We have twó ol Waters' Pianos in ose in ourSemiDftTJT] onc of whicb lias been severely testert for ihree reara, nnd we can testifyto thefr good (Jnaïity nnd durability." - Wood & Gregory, Mount Carrol!, HL 'lÍI, WateM, iq. - Deak Sir: Having usdoneof your Rjano i-'orlfs for twoyears past. I have fonad it n very superior Instrument. Alonzo Geay, Principal Brwklyn Hrigk's Seminnry. "The Piano I received from you continúes to give satisfaction. 1 regard Has one of the best ïnstruraents in the place." lAMffl L, Cl-AitKE. Charleston Va. "iho Uetodeon bas safely arWrefl. l fee) ohlie.i to you for y our liberal discount." Kev. J. M. IfcCoEIOCfe, YarquesvüieS. C ■'J'he pi no was duly received. Itcamp n excellent condition, and is Tery mnefa admirod bymy numerous taraih'i Accept my thnuks for your prompt ness." - 1;ohí:i;t COOPEB, Wárrcnh.nm, líraijoed Co. Pa. "Vour pla&O ptoatts U8 well. !t in the bost one in our eoimtv.1'.- TiioM.'is A. Latham, CamphetUon, Ga. ''i are vcry much oMigdd to yoó for havinp sent SMch a finp inBtramcnt for S-'üO.1' - Iïkan'k.IIkld & Co#, Bvfidto Democrat. cffhe Homce Waters Piano? are known aq amon the verv bct. Wp rp enahled to spak of those instrumoiitu with cunflílencc, from personal knowledgA of thelr excellettt tone and durable quaïfty." - Iï, Y. Evangelist. "Wc can speak of the raorits ETotacq ïfatert pianos from personal k'howledgê, asbeing the very fi nest quali "y-" - Chriatimi Intctlïgcncer. "Tbs Horace Water pianos are ouilt of the best and must [hoi-inisrh'-y sasdnea material. Woh?e no doubt thatbuvers can do ns wclKpérhapa better, at this than at anv otherhpnge in the l'nion."- Advocate and Journal. Waters pianos and melideons challenge cotDpa'rison with the finest made any where in the country."- Home Journal "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even ton?, and powrrful - JV. Y. Musical RerciP. "Our mvndswtll (indatMr. Waters' Ktnre tho vfry ïifft EW8ortmen1 of Music and of Planos to be found in the [Tnited States, and we urfre our soufnern nnd wefftorn friends to giro htm a cali whenevcr they go io New Vori;.'1 - Grtiham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, IOO.OOO iss;:ed in ten Months. Tl;e anpreeedented pal of thisbookhaa induccdthe publisher to add some 30 new tuncsantl hymns to its pru ent Bise, withmit ft x tra chai'ge, oxcept on the cheap editioQ' Among themany beautiful tunes and hvmns ddfid may bfï found: - "I ought to love my mother;" "O ril be a good child, indeed 1 will. '} These and oight others from the Iïell,were sung at the Sunday School A;imver Hary of the SI. E. Church at the Acaderoy of Music, with great applause The BefrWEtainfl nearly 200 tunes and hymna, and is one of the best collections everlsaued. Prico 13c; $10 per hundred, róstale 4c Klcgantly bound, embossesl giU. -öc, $20 pír 1U0 It has been introduced tnto manyof the Public Schools. The published in small numbers entitled Anniversary and Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, iSi -I, n order to accommodato tlie million; prioo ?2 fz $3 per hundred No. 5 will soon bc isKued - commencement of another book. Also, Revival Music Books, No, 1 & i!, prfce $1 fc $2 per 100, postage lc. More than 300t0OÓ copies of the -tibove books hare been issued the past eighteen months, a ad the demand israptdly increasiug. l'ublishcd bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y. 3XToi7cr Muisio, Publisod by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New Vork. VocaL"Kin3 Wordsoan neverdio;" "The Angels told me so;" "Wílds of the Wst;" "Tlïoughtrj of God;" 1 Ímvíí me back my MoutUurn Hoinb;" rtDay 7reams;" "Dandy Cock Robín;' (Im with thee still;"Petnames;" no ltke mine;" "S&iab Jane Ie;""ETM il ï!i-,;" 1 "in leavin tliee In Sorrow;" "Birdof Beauty;" "Home of tuir birth;" "Grave of ïïosabel," and 'Wftíce, ladv, nake, price 25c each. ' LNsna .mk.ta!, - ; M'üiiicc (nrden, or Sinfring Bird Polka 40c; "Swinging Schottipche;' "Mirabel Pchottischj! 'Thgmu Bakarn Schottiaobe;" "Piooolominj Polka, 35 cents each. The abowpieceflhArabMutiful Visfnettee "Welnu'r Polka;1' "Arabian Wai cry March," the very last; "Vassoviarna Donieilfl Ma.urka; "Real: hvj; Polka' "CWnoHne Waltz," and "Lancer' Qua drillff," ïtfo oarh. "The Empire of Heich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. F:i:iy of tbOBO pleces aro played by Haker's celebrated mvIii -1 ra wjih great applruse.49 Mailed freo. A lar ge lot of l'ureign ilubic at half price. Planos, 9felodeons and Orgaus. Tbc Horace Waters Planos and Melorlenns, for depth, purity of tone and durnhih'ty, ure unsurpaMaed. Prices very lovr Recomí IlanJ Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to HSO. T ti i;ic and Musical Inslructions of all kinds, ntthe owest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, Xo. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Testimoniáis; - "The Horace Waters Pianos are known tk amon; the very best.' - Evangelist. '■ .:m Bpeak of their merits from personal knowledge. ' ' - Christ ran Intel ucn eer. "Nothing at the Fair diaplayed greater excellence " - Cfiurckman. Wators' Píanos and Jícloúeons challenge compnrison with tho flnest made anywherein the country." - Hom lournaL 719tf A.yer's Cathartic Pilis, ELECTIÖN COTICE. EaiíBinr'8 Ornen, Ann Arbor; íojit. 20, l$c. ƒ To the Hectors of the Courity of VtV'.hteu&w: Yon are horeby ootified íhat at the General Elcction to be held on tbo Tuosday next ucccediug tbe flrst Mondny of November uoit, in the Píate of Michigan, the following otficers are to be electerf, tíb: Üix Electora of Pionideut and Vico Presiden I of tbe t'niíed state, a Gdrernor, Lieutan&nt 06rorao Auditor iioner.H t, fc'ccreiñry ot Stíkto, State Troasincr, ConnxÜMón er of the Stute Land Office, AMomey General, Superintendent of Public Inftructlon, a Mtmbcr of lbo State Bo&rd of Education in place nf John R. Kellogg, who3o tcrin of ottiCQ will expire Hete iber yist, lL6(,anda Kepresoutative in Congresa for thelst Congieiisional l'istrict, to which your County is attaobed. Also.a Honatnr for theTth Sanatoria! District, connivting of the City of Ana Arbor, the towuships of Superior Salem, Aun Arbor, Scio, Northfleld, Webster, Lima-, , ex tertSjlvañ,&Dd Lyndon In tba CountyofWfshtenaw. Also, aSonator for th 8tb Senatoria) District, constótingofthe Clty of Ynrifenti , thf Townshina of xpgllantl Augusta, Pittsfiold, York, I,li, Calino, Freedom, Bridge water, baron, aud Manchester 'm the Cuuutv of Wftgfatenaw. Also, aRoireent.ilive for cach oftbofoui Beproeentatíve Di.stuc.tsin tbeCountyof W'a'-hteiiaw, aefuUows: lft District - Snlem, Superior, Ypuilanti Citv, PittBfMd an'l Ypsilanti Town, 2d iH$lrtct Ann Arbor City, Ann Arbor Toirn, Northfield and Webster' 3d District - Augusta, York, Salino, Lcdi, lïridgowater and Mmiche-aler. 4th Dittrict - Freedn, Sharon, Pylvan, Lima, Scío, Dexter,and Ljnddn 1 Aluo that the following County offlcers for the Oounty nf Wanhtena'iT are to be ol#utdnt tho samo time, to wit: , One Judge of Probate, onn Sheriff, ono County Clerk, ooe i County 'íreaeurer, one líegislor of Deeds, One Prnaecutiinf Attorney, no Circuit Court CoinmiMionar, two Coronen, ! etd one Coinily fiurveyor. You are alto heroby notified that at said General Election an meadmeut to the Constitution concerning líankingCorpornííons, providei for by Joint Rosolution No, n, ïpproTM FeB. iiihi859, Aleo, an amondment to Hction Two, Article Eighteon, of the Constitutinn, relativo to the aclion of Commissionwr of ilighwaTP, pravidad íor by Joint Resü'.uticn N'o. 14, approved cébru&ry 1-, 1869; ateo, an amendinent to Jhe Constitution in re-ipect to the Senions of Ihc Leglilfttun, providoil frr 1? bv Joíut Fpsolution K. 1S( approfed Februarv 14, 1859; Wi!l be 8uljmittel tu the electora of this State for theír adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the require moutsof iho Constituticn aud of s:iiii jopolutions rcspectivelT. 'i' F. LK0XARI), 8hentT. Mortgage Foreclosure. WHEREAS defaulihas been made ín the payment of a ceríain fum of mimey , necuret] to be patd by a certaiu Indonture of Mortgage, bearingdate tfae fewenty fifth day of April, A 1). 1855, executed by Henry J. Miller and wifr to i&vl II. Haynes, and rccorüe'l in the office of tb lïegistcr of Dreds in the County of Wushieuaw and State of Michigan on th? Iwenty-lourth day of May of said year, in Líber 21 of Mortgages on folio 52, and wherens aaid Mortgage -was duly aasigned to me on the sisth day of September, A. D 1855, by the said Levi H HayneB, which s-iid assignmont wa duly recorded in tho office of the Register ol Desda in the County of Washtenaw afore laid, the 13th day of September, A. D , 18(30, in láber 21 of Hórtgaoea on tollo 630 anrl wtiereaA, there in nmr dat and uiipiild upon said Uortgftfra fie sum of throe hundrccl and niaety three dollars and forty-thre cent (t393t43) ; añil no sult or proceedfng at Iaw or in equity having been iiutituted to roooTCT the same, or anr part'therrof; Now, therefore. nnticeishtreby giren, that by rirtue ofa power of ale i n said Mor f gage contaíned, on Saturday íhe 15lli day of Pecember next, at twt'lveo'clock, M , at ihe front (outei) doorof the County Court Uouse4 in the City of Anu Arbor, County and otate aforesaid, (the 8fd Court House being tht; plítce ifholding the Circuit Court in and for Bid Couqt; of Washteuaw), I shall sellat public auction, to tho highest bidder, the said Mortgtgol premiset, or o much thereof as shall be necessarv !■ pay B&id amount due, together with interest frora tli date, and the cont and expenses of ale, allowed by law. fiftid piemihúfi bíiny desciibed as folio ws, to-wít: Alí ibat rertain tract or parcel of land situaierl in the village of "iiline, County and Mu!1 aforesaid, lying and bcing in sec t ion nunilicr ihroo (3) as laid dowo ti tho Village plat of a.'iid Vil'ajje, beíng in Townahip number four (4) eouth of i;nR numher uve (5) east and bounde 1 as tollows: beginning on ihe westorly line of the Ann Arbor or Adria street one hundred and fifty-five fret soutberly from where it is intersocted with the Chicago road, running thence aoutherlyalong the westerly lino of Aun Arbor or Adrián streei five rods and ten feet, thence weatorïy parallel with Chicago road twc-lve rods, theuce northerly parillel wíth Adnan étréot five roíls and ten foet, theoce eastftF y i ar.-tüel with the Chicago road twelvc roda to tbe placoof beginuing. C. VaN' H03AN, Assigneo. W. A. Moobb, Att'y forAofligoe. Dtd,Spt. 14, 1860. Cbancéry JS'otice. ÓTATE OF JIICHIfïAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit. inChan. Ocery, Hargant lumain w. Charles Dutnain; suit pend ing in theCircuit Courl for the County of Wasbtepaw} in Cbancery, at Ann Abor, 'Soptímber 4, 18fiO. It appaaring by afHdavit to Ihe aatisfaction of the Conrt, ttiM.t the dofendant in tliii case does not reaide in Michigan, but when t&fft haard of was a resident of the inte. of Indiana. On mot ion cf N E. Welch, Solicttor for oomplainant, it is ordered that tlie said defendant caune hs .iijpearanco to be ntereii ín thlfl cause, and notice thdreof to be served on oomphiinant'A sslicitor w thin eight weeks from ihe dte of this order, and that in cnse of hís appear&UCO he cause his answer to complainant's bil! to be íiled, and a copy thereof to be served on complainant's soliciior within days of ths ervice of a copy of said bilí, aad in defaült thereof said bilí nny bo taltpn as confessed by him. And it is further orderpd that wiUiin twpflty days cnmplainant cause a COpj of this order to be publtshed in the Michigan Argus", a publle neWBp&pW publflthed at Ann Arbor, in Raid county, and that such publicatiori be continued in aaid paper :it lenst onoo A week for mx successive weekc, or thal they cause Ibis order to be personallj serred on Bftid defondant, at léasttwentj days be fe re the time above prescribid for his appearauce. Dted, Sept. 4th, 1860. C. U. VAXCLEVE, Circuit Court Comniissioner for Washtenaw County. 6w765. Mortgage Sale. TKFAULT having btn made in thft condition of a y Mortffage exfeuted by BoUer Chrístoer and Catharine Chnstner to Luthcr James, dated Ju!y twenty-sixtb, A. J) 185S, and recorded in the Regjtr'K Office Ín Va-htennw County, in Liber24 of Mortgajres, at page 668, July 2Sth.A.D. 1858, at half past seven o'clocfc, A. M-, by which default the power of sale contained in Raid mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceediiL having been instituted at law to recover the debt securod by .said mnrtgage, or any part thereof, and thasum of Two Hundred and Eight Dolíais beiog now claimed to te due thore n. Notice is therefore hereby given tliat Ihe s.iid morlgage will be foreclosed lya sale of tlie mortgngi'd premises, viz: Cfimmencingaí tbo nouth-west córner of lot N'o. twentyfour in block No. six in the village of Chelsea, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and running thence north twenty degreeü west fighteen rods. thsnce north seventy degrees eatt four rodn. thence south twenty degrees east eígliteeo rodf?, tbencesuth seveaty degrees four rods, oí Korae p;irt Hiereof at y ublic vendue at the Court Houpe in theoity of Ann Arbor on tho 15th day of December next at noon. LUTHER JAMES, Mortgagee. E. W. Morcan, AHt. Datedjeptembiïr'20th, A, D. 1860. 76Ctd Mortgage Foreclosure. DKFAT'LT having been oude in ihe condition of a Mortgage executed by Potrick Sullívan and Joanna Snlliv&n to Luther James dated Apnleighth, A. D. 1858, aiid recorded n the Rpgístcr's Office in Waahtonaw Ubtt M of Jfortgpges, at page 422, April 9th, A. D. lSóat halí' past thrae o'clock, P. M., by irfaioh defAult the power of sale cont;iincd in saïd mortpage became operative, and no auit or proceediog having inr-ri iiivtiluted at law to recover the debt secured by said raortgngp or auy part thorof, and the sum of one hundred nud tweoty on dollars being now claimed to be due thereon and turther Buras to become due; Xotice is thererore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreelosed by asaleuf tbe rartrlgagcd premises, to-wit: Th south-went quarter of the northeast quarter, and thft Boutb-oast quarter nf t!io north-west quarter of section No. seven, andthc south-east ten acres of the south-eafit quarter of the nerth-east quarter of wction No. nine, extonding seventy rods eat and west, and north and south far enough to contain ten acres, all in township No. ono soutli ot" rftnge (iveasi. bní lo Webster, in ilift County nf 1Tft8htDw, and State oí Michigan, or orne part public rendue, at the Court Ilonse in tho city of Ann Arbur on the IStU day of December next al LUTHER JAMES, Mortffagee. E. W. Mobgiv, Atty. Dateo Sept. 20th, A. D. 186U 78Gtd City Cheap Lumber Sasi, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris., Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Mails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, &c, ósc. . D. DeForest, HAVING increnned hi6 far.llitles for doing business nnd enlred his Yard and Htock,ia prepaiod the presont scason, with ttc beai; largest and chefl' est aeasonnd etock cverin this mirket. to satis f y tho rcaionnblp expectations of all. Óui motto is notto bf undnrsold Tor cash on deüvery I wiïl not undertakoto frightenthe public bysaying thr.t thry will getshavcd it they buy clsewhere, for we presume thitt utliero wiliaell itelow asthy can afford to. All kinds of Tïmber, Joists, and Scontling, Pine, VVhitewood, Basswood, Hemoch, Flaned and Matched Pine, Whitewood Aeh Klooring.Planed'ind rough Pine and Whitewood ::linf,Fenct Poets, Ok and Oedar Poats andPicketa í all kinds. Pint fatl), anb llUjitevoooö C. -f) Ptne, AüliHiri Whitowood Shingle, 3arn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekW-jUt,andChi'rry and thin stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and T0NGUES, BoXHnd Body Lumber, Maplc Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of aïkhickneaees, widtha andlcngtha.&'C.. Ac, Piaster Paris, and Piaster f nllkinds. IVTitilS of al] zes, &c, &c, 8 ASH, DOOUS, c& BLINDS, ■nade by hand to order as lowas (actory prices, on he shorteetnotico bythe bestof orknien, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Uil of al! diücription in the abore building Hnc úrnishedonthfflhortnstof noticc, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. full andn perlect asaortment of the abova and ther kinde of ISuilding Materials ConstantW onhandalthi lowestpossiblerates Cali and be Convinoed. A few rods soullifrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. R O O F I N Cr. N.B. - I amnow operating Extensivsly in thePateat Cement Roofing. rHE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE IIïSURANCE C0MPANT, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 n of the HEA VIEST, EAFEST ol BEST Iniurmnw Vi's in the ü. S. 7nnr on rMOWe tor m, nrilajn p7 rTnrrïr TBrt ts no bertw Fit rnurne Trtf7y. SheriíTs Salo. 7 V VIKTT'K OF AN EXKCUTIOX iseoM oh of tmA tmJJ der th feal of the Circuit Court f the Otaaty WashteujUC, and Sta lo of Michigan, twaring dnte the 14tti di y of July 1860, snd to mo dirceted and delirvrM, agaiust the goods and elLftttels, and for waüt theretrf lauda and tencmcntA of (iisiarun T. Man defendun thm-innnme:!, I tlid on the Ï9th dny July. 1860, Iotj upon nii'l neize all the right, titl nud tntemt of thesaid Oustavus T. fcíaun in and to the fúllowing dencribd nwi an premisos, to-wit: BoiDgft part óf seo tfon DumberSO, township nnmtww 2 mith i)f rungo numb'i ti eat; commenciog at the ce u ter oi tbe road ieading fmm Ann Arbor to Jackiion, at a pnint fi chatas aod 78 links eastetty from theinterieotion offtaMroad oud the west lino of said svction, '.henoe Dortfa parallel to said aectlon hne 3 cbaíns and 43 link ío the (iitih Inr i'iP creck, trence ast Mong s&id ditoh 8 chaius aud-13 links t Soíouion Manu's eafct line( theuce to the place ofbeginutog. Aliso lots miniU-r 14, 10 mi -t and all of that part oí lot 11, thftt hes soutb of i Une drawn from and ■ío links sotrtfa ol north-efhft corner of Jotnumber 14, aocordfng to a pía; of part of tbe north cast quarter of hccUoo immbci ■!', townahip aumbex 2 south of rítne 8 eat, rocorded ín libï Pj ph:v:í7. Al lot numberone ín S. Maon'a additioa. Also the followiug, being th westeriy part of the west half of the nortli èast quarter of ppction nuiuber -iO, townhip number 2 ,south cf rang number six east; more particularly described a follow to wit: Gegiuning in the territorial road leading from Ann Arbor Eo .tr-.iKsoaata poiut wiiero theeast and weit bsJfes of asid qaarter seotioD strikos tbfl center of &id r";ii], running thence outh on tlie line bet ween the eait and wcsi Tr the north -easi quarter of nectioa aforeaaidi 72 links, thence west 11 rods and 7 tíútte, thencc north to th centre of said road, theoee OOflierlj U roda and 8 links to the place of beginning; containing 5 acres of land in the townabto of Ann Arbor and in the oounty of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, all ot whicjh premfsea I sball exposé for vale at public auciwic, as the law diroote, atthe front door of the Court House, in,hcCity of Ano Arbor, that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, on Mnnday the 2_d day of Octobcr uxt, at elerea o'ciock in the forenoon of und day. TilOS. F.LEONARDfvSheriíL Bated, Aug. 29, 18G0. SlieriflTa fe. T) Y VIRTCE OF AN EXKCLT1 ONT taued out Of and unI) ](-r the soal of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw. and State of Michigan, hearing date the lOth diiy ni .luly 1860, and to me directed and delirered. agai„nt the goods and ehatteU, and for want thereof IftDda and tenompnts of Ira Beckley. defendant thereia nnmad, I ,rtil on the lOth day of July, 18Ö0, levy upo and ei all the ripht, title and intt-rettt of the said Ir Hccklcy inandlo the following describid land and premises, to wit: North half of the north-west quarter of 1 Rection ïiumber lt in township number 2 aouth of range S ■ -1 coutiiininK 80 aerea in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, all of which premises I shall expose for Biile at public auction, a.i the law directa, at the frontdoor of tht Coiirt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, that being tho place for hoMing ths Circuit Court for th Couiiiy of Washtenaw, on Moüday the'2'idday of Oetoker next, at Oleven u'clocli in the forenoon of said day. TH0S. F". LEONARD.SherMt Dated, August 20,1800Sheriffs ale. T)T VTKTÜE OF AN EXECUTIOS iaaued out of and anIJ Aerthe tcal of the (reuil Couit for the County of Wnshlenaw, and State of Michigan, hearing date the 15th j day of August lSfiC, and to me directed and deliTfred, j againstthe goods and ehattalii, and for want theieoi lands and tencments of William 1. White, defendaat thcreui namcfl, 1 did on the 15th day of August, 1860, levy iipon tud seize all the right, title and interest of th the s;tid WÜliam P. White in and to the folio wing desenbed land and premisos, t'i -.rit: Tbe south west quarter of the snuth-enst quarter of ecton thirty one in Townhip four south of range sereneafit. being in the Towsbip of Augusta, in the county of Uanhtenaw and tate of Iichian, alt of which premies I shall exposé for Mie at public auction, as the laws directa, at the fronL .loor of the Court Hou, in the City of Ann Arbor, that bi'ing thf1 place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, od Monday, the 22d day of October uext, t eloven o'ciock in the forenoon of said day. ÏUO3. V. Lt-ONARD, Öhoritt Datd, August 29. 1850. SherifPs Sale. BY VTHTUKOF AN' ETECtmOW ifisued out of and nader the Ec-iil of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtéó&w, and State oí Michigan, bearing late thf 7th day of July, 1880, and to me directed and dolivered, agrunit the gnnds and chattcls, and for want theroof lands and tenrmonts of Francis Way defendant therein iiamfï.I dido the'ih day of .ïuly, 1860, levy upon and soi.eall rihl, tftle and hiterost ofthesaid Franein W;iv in and Co the followfng ddsoribod land and premises, to wit: House a n1 one acre of land boundedeast, weat and souih by A. Traver's bnd, north by lands owned by Öeth C. Darwïn and being near ïraver's t=aw Mili and formerly owned by Moad Thomas in township two south ef range ix eant in the cótrotj of Washtenaw and State oí MlcbJgas, all of rhicb, punaises 1 sha.ll exposé for sale at (mblic auction, as the law directe, t the front doorof the Comt JI;fi:.-;p, in the City of Ann Aroor, that being th place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of tenaw, on Monday the 22d day of October next, t elcTeno'clocU in the forenoon of na"id day THOS.F. LEOXARD. Shertt. Dated, August 29, 1800. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT HAVfNG BEEN MADE IN the conditiei of rt Mortgage executed by John Weinman to Wil iam . Maynard, ihc 24th day of Julv, A. 1 1858, ant reco.dod in the Kegister'a Ofiice in the County of Wash tenaw in I.ibcr No. 24 of MortgRge&, at p ge 661, on th 25 th day of July, A. D. lS58,at ñ f teen minutes pasi five o'ciock, P. M.j by wMch dofault the power of nalc contnincd in said mortgage became operative, and no sui or procuedtng having ben instituted at law to recorei Lli6 debt secured bj wud mortgage. or any part thereoi and the stim of two humired and forty dollars an sL'venty-one cents, being nowclaïmed to be duethereon N'otice is therefore hrrcby given that the Raid mortgngt wilt br forpclnM-d by a sale of the mortgaged premisev to wit: "Lots munber eleven, twelve,thirteen and four teen, ín Bloch bïx south, range two e st,accordinp lo t Plat ot Williain S. Maynard's becond acidition in Abi Arbor, '' in ald cOQBty , or some part thereof, at pub lic vendue, at tho.Coflrt House in the c ty of Ann Arbor onthethird day of Xovomber next, at nóon. Wu. S. MAYNARD, Mortgagee. E. W. Moroax, Att'y. Dated, August 8, A. D.' 18C0. 74t4 Mortgage ForeclosurO. TiEFAÜLT HAVöïG IiEEX MADE in the condïtion f U mortgage ext-ruted by Samuel W. Foeter to Josepl W Seymour, dated February eighteenth, A. D 1839 and recorded m the Rcgister's" office in the County of Washtenaw, in LiberNo. 7 f Mortgaes, „t page 448, oc the öthday uf March A. D. lSüO, at'flfty minutes pas 4 o'ciock P. M., and by said Seymour assigned to Nel son H. Wing, April thirteenth, A, 1), 1839, bj deed re corued June ei-ïhieenth A. D. 1860, at one o'ciock P Minsaid Liber 7, hat pago 449, by which default the power of sale coatehwd in said Mortuage bccarae opera tive, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted a law to recover the cebt secured by said mortgage or anj part ihoreof, and the sum of thfrty.four hundred ant flfly six dolían being now claimed to be due thereon.- N'atice is therefore hereby given that the said naortgag will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and describedas so much of the North East fraction oí Bection nine, in the Township of Seto, in said Countj. as lies west of the village of' ?cio, and weet from land owned at the date of said -Viortgage by Jïufun Crossmai and Orson Quackenbush, (excepting one half acre of land deeded to Moses Wallace, January fourteenth, A. A. 1839, and one half acre ot land where there are soteiaXjraves, and also the rights of flowing land which bad then been deeded to Ornon Qnackenbush and Rufut Croa man, by Joseph W.ífoymourand Samuel W. Foster.) aud ateo the Ijlst part of the West quarter of the South -West quarter of section thrce, in the Township aforesaid, containing about seventeen acres, lying tast froro and adjacent to tand then oned by Thomas Hoskyns. Also lots one lilock six in tlmt part of the Vülage of SelO, surveycd by S W. Foster, in April A. D18ö5, and recorded in the Register 's office ia said county, orsonid part thereof at public vendue at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, on the third day ef Nevember next, at noon. NELSON U. WINO, AisinM. E. W. Morras, Att. Dated, August 7, a. d. 1860. Marshalls 8alo TJY VIRTCE OF A WRIT of fleri faeias issued ont ot JJ anl under the seal of the Circuit C-urt of the Unitvd1 States for the District of Michigan, dated on the thirteenth day of Februtiry, A D., 1860, to me directed and delivered againt the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Jthn D Kiel', I lidon tbc twenty-third day of February, A. D.,1860, (by my then deput? Albert Williams) duly levy upon all the right, title and inteiett of the said John D.. Kief, in and to the folio wing described landa und tenementsto-wit: The south % of north-east of sectioo No. 2; also ali the land lyiug north of th YiUaga cf Manchester on the south % 'of section 2, (reservínc: a lot sold to Barnabas Case) ; also north-west X, of south-wcst i, section 2; also north-east X of southeast and south east of north-eastXi &lso 2 acres off the east Bide of the norlh-west X of south-oast Ualso 10 acres off the eastside ofsouth-west of north' east of section 3, town 4 pouth range 3 east. Also all that piece or parcel of land in tho township of Mancbeiter betng the east 40 acres of the north part of the north east fractional of &cibn 3, commencing on the north line of said section at a point 31 ehains 37 linki fruin the aorth-east corner of said section, running thence west on said section line 28 ehains and r7 linka tothe north west cot ner of the north east X of the northwest # of said section, thenco outherly on the quatter line to the south-west corner of the north-east w of the north-wcst % of said section, thence eagterly 28 chaini aii'l 87Unka parallel with the said section line to th south -west corner of land assïgned to and bt'longing tö Lorenzo Higgins, thence nonherlv on the west line of said Higginr laud to the place of beginning, includingal-, bo the right of way in an easterly and westerly direction across said Higgías' laud reservmg the right .-f way in. an eastei-ly and westerly direction acrost the said 40. acres in township 4, south of range 3 east Also blocki No. 1,0,7,8,0, 15,18, 19,23, 24,26,20,27,28, 29, 30, 31, 35, and 34; also lot No 1 in block No. 3, lot No. 8 and west % of lot 2 in block 5; also lots Xo. 2, 8, 8. 9, 11, 12,13, 14,15 in block 11 (cxcc-ptfi-om the above W cription all lands deeilc-d to the .fichigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail Koad Co. for Dtpot grounds and also lot No. 5 in block 24, and lot 12 iu block 12 owned by S. R. Spencer); also lots 3. 6, 9, 12, and west L of lot 5 in block 12; lots 4, 5, and 6 iu block No. 22 (except that deeded to William Baxter) ; also block No. 10 (except lots No. 1, 2 and 4.) all iu the villagn ofJlauchesterj also a part of east % of north-east ,'-i of seclion No. 11, In Town 4 soutb. range S east beginning a.t north-west corner of said lot, thenco north 89 degreos east 3 ehains and 97 links to a stake in north-we t boundary of lands owned by Messrs. Carr and Freeman, thence along the name south 51 degrees and 30 minutes west 2 ehains and 69 links to a stake in the middle of tho Territorial Road, thence a long the samo, rrrtn, 62 degrees and 30 minutes west 2 ehains aai 7 Mt&Ma to. the place of beginning contAintng 38100 aciesofland; abo-lotaNo. lOjll. 12, 13. 14 and 16 in block Xo. 18 of the Villageof Manchester; also block Xo. 19 and lot No. 8 in block 18 ín Manchester; also bezinning at a certftia stake on the west bank of the river liaisin and on the eas t siüe of block No 20 in the viltage of Manchestor, thence ftouth 51 degreea 30 minutos west to a stake in a line botween block 19 and 20 in said viUage, thence along aid line north 20 degrees 30 minutes to the Rirer aforesaid, thence along said Uiver to the place of beginning, containing Jofanacre. Which said described landa and tenements by virtue of the said levy and in obedience to the commands of said writof Fieri Facias 1 shall exposé for Kale at public auction to thw highest bkWer on the thirteenth day of November next, at 12 o'ciock at noon of that day. at the front dooi of the Court House in the. city of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, and Diitrict and State of Michigan. JOHN P. BAGG, U S. Marshal. By Wiliiam Peckixs, Jr., Deputy U. S. Marshal. Iatod,Spt.l4,1860. Guardianes Salo. -VTOTICE IS HJEBfiBT GIVF.N that, by Tirtue of an e-rlll der granted to the undersigned, Guardian of the entate of Helen Hoag, minor, by the Judge of Probate of Jackson County, dated O;t. 20th, A. "D. 1859,1 shall eell at public auction at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Frirtsy, October 19th, 1860 at one o'clock, P. M.,thefollowing described Real Estáte to-wit: AU the interest of said minor in tho WeKthalf of South-east quarter and East half óf North-west fraetional quarter of section two Townahip two South Range seven Eaut, in the Township of Superior, Oountv of Wathtenaw and Ríate of Michigan. AUGTTÖÏÜS r ROOT.uardran. Ann ArbcT,rppt. :", 1SP0.


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Michigan Argus