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Mn Editor : - It scciiis that "A Republiian,'.' alias "D P. T.y' alias "Roil Sputter," the Chelaea correspondent oí the Journal is greutly Irbubled n spirit on ncicouat oí those "Chalfenge-' and the r finale. Not sali.-tiod niih liis ftrt roply to my cniiitnunicalion in the A gas of Sept. 2th. lic, in tbo Journal of the lOth ins1., pimüshos a Sfoond answor and hopelessly undortukes io excuse Chelscii Bopubiican?, irorn their proBent unhappy dilemma. Ent, pennit tae to give a synopsis of the actual programma tl e have fo! 1 iv, t;d for the 'ast two montha : First, I arranged to discuss politica! issues witli Mr, Ci.ahk, ftnd ka subaquenüy "backed square out.' Second, "Many Kopubliuans" sent an anonymouö ehalknge to the''Ohelsea Douglhs Club," and when askcd to endorse their challenge, tjity " backed square out." Tkird, "A Rcpublican" published in tlio Journal of 8opt. 19th, that 'with consent" of Judgo Gka.nqui:, thoy (the Rej.u'.ilicuns) dared U9 "to trot out Phceaiz Bank Lotheop" for a discussion, but so soon as I, in tho Argus oi the 2Sth uit., announoed Mr. Lotürop's wHltogness to accept their challenge or ïnvUation, iorthwith Mr. "D. E T.," on the part of Chelsoa Kepubücaiis, re spondod in the Journal, of the 3d inst. that "so far as Llio Republicana in this section challenging Mr. Lothroi1 is concerned, we do ,not do any such thing"(!) Certaiuly not, Mr. "D.F, T." Every ono knows by this time thatyou were only in l'un, and although in the same communication your voice is still for war, and you u?e the l'ollow mg language, viz.: "We (the Tïepubli cans) say to them (the Detnocracy publicly, moet us, or da e vs to meet you" yet we know you are always jst ing, for the Democraoy have oompliec with eaoh of your re juests, an .1 have for weeks been waiting to oblige you but it was u eloss, for you always ''backed square out," The Jjurnal correspondent has evidftntly chosen an uniortunate occupa tion, viz., ''railsplitting," for his wedge has recoiled on biioeelf with fatal effect. The truth is, Republican challenges hereabouts, are like tho shov - rnan's snake, "Ladies and gentlemen" said the exlubiter, " this snake is very dangerous tf he bites, but he neccr bites.'" "Railsplitter," cvidently thinkshahas found a "mare's nest," for in his communication oí the lOtb inst., he saja th Democracy 'O-ti raan i:i iba weat part rtf Sviv.m to nhswer (h;m "Ií..ü-í;!'ter,") iü t'-o A'gxi, with Iho permisión of Mr. Dxpkw to usu lii.-i name."' I dn iml wi-h to go out of my way to evinoe ansie tv fnr literary fame, but "Eaüsplitter's" rtssertion i.-s imply false I ncvcr g:ivü any man permisión to use my na:ii(! or to vvriio the; nrticlotn quostio ; vvhich I wish ';!iiilslittof" to clearly understand.and nlso my responsibiüiy ftip every ttiïhg T have asserted I will only add in conclusión that tho Clielsea Deinorflcy have long hopod to unite wit h thu Rpublioans in th;il "jiiint meeting" of whieh "I). F. T' in the Journal uo phalhetically sings but we vvere doomed Lu dUappointmeat for bis modulated tones ware only V.n dying cadunce of Chclsoa Kepabüoane who notwilhntaadiag theif boastcc challonges "baoked square out," and permitted jressrs. LomitOP ar.J No:u:is to "trot," alone. J. C. D. Cholea, Oct. 22,1, 1830. E1 YVhilu the train ;i whili Senator Dövqlas returped to Cbiengo, was standing at the Dówagiác station, tho Wide-Awakes of lliat place shnwod theii1 bivoding by gtviQg tb ree chöers for Lincoln and three gronna for Douolas, ropeating the períorcnanco two 01 thrce times. Snob dingraoeful condiict ca d nol injiiru Jnclgo Dodslas, luit doea show Ihü low dep tb of meaniiess to wliicli n pnni.san organization wil] doacend, and ulmostjimüfies the usSertion so::)otinio.-i made that it was gotten up to do tlic dirly Work of the campaign. P Sectiuii livu of ivi'tiule sovtü) of the GonttitutioD of this State, providea tb at "No elector shall bo deemed to havo gainod or lost a residonce wliilo a student of any saminary of learniog." Young men who are io oui' city as studonts of the University, or public school?, should arrange to go homo to voto, as thoy oannot gain a residen ce hore during thoir conneotion with the the University, even though tlioy m.iy romain at study or labor diiring vacition. &F Tho several Ward Boards of Registration will bo in sessionon Thursciay, Friday and Saturday of ncxt week, at whioh lime all who have become citizens or of legal age since the last spring session should procuro a registration oí thoir nauïes. All heretofore registered but who havo changed Wards since the lust charter election should procuro rcgi.-trati )n in the Warde in which tlioy now resido. For the sevcral placo3 oí meetiuga seu uotivu in anothor column. t The tickats will be priuted and ready for delivcry on Satnrday next, aud the Democratie Cominittees of eaoh Township should see that sorao trusty meaaeoger is sent for thom ou that day t" The Iuspectors of eleotion iu the sovcral Cities and Townshipa should remember to provide separate boxes in which to depusit the ballots for and agaiaettho proposod constitutioual ameudments. ïW Wo publish ia f uil in to-daj's Aitai'8 tho ablo speech deliverod by Stki-hkx A. Djuolas, at Detroit, on tha 15th inst., and hopo that overy persOD nto whoM hauds it may fall, Domoorat or Republican, will give it a careful


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Michigan Argus