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Caught At It

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-Wliilo ''Bpeakioff liia pioep in l'o.-ituic n few clays smoe, liov. IJiNcii.vM ponjemnod nmongother acts of fopfner Democratie adroin'wtmti;ns, lbo Ipon of $100 000 (o the Pontiao R lilnnid, ;ini soh-mnly declqrod - (he can betft tlio nest inun in putting on n long raco when nboiit to teil a lic) - '.hal lio voted agaiüst it, for vvhioh ;ii:t Ir' !i;icl h 'i'.l s.i:-.ri'ic'.l I)_V tilü Dj:no.Tüis (( í'oijí'lic, hut that now times buil uhHhged find lie had plenty of friomls tliorc. Imagino tlie .surprise of tin' lüx-Governor and hia andience wheti tl i.i. ,. ( '. U m.iiwix rO80 n liis soal, au.l, by parmirtsion, rond frorn the Uoiish J.n,n:::l of 18'8, t!iu evidonce th t BiNOUAM, ihan Spe.ikor of the Housei VOted fur the loan biU, iiul uvitn voted to maku il 1200,000 instoad ol $100,000. BtsoijtAM's friomds wcro astonished and Bin'Oiiam! tlie less m, and all he could find language to s:iy was, ' tliat be had ijot Bxarairwd tho journal in :v loog time, but that he had always been oppo&ed to the loan, and supposid he vo'.cd :iLf.i:nst it." llis meruory i.-; equally treticheroua upon otbor mattor.s of liidtory, air.l his tirades eqnnllj' false To ho;ir h i ra s)ouk, om wonk! thiok hi:n a vdry saiat, butabiggor hyprocite was novor masked his solenan oountenance atternpte to hide. SjP3 The Republican papers throughout. the North and rest, from the N. Y. Tribune down, have expended any amount of wind in rejoicingfe over the olection of Aüdrcw Stewart from tlio '2üt!i Eennsylvani.-i distriot. lío has boen laudud ra ono of tl'.o nblest men of thf nation, aud promoted from long sorvico to the position of f:it!ior of the It unt'urtunate'y tuvnsout, honever, that he isbeaten over 9JJ votes and that Lizbab, f)ij:uK'wit, ie eleoted b_v tliut m.ijority. - The wind is a!l lost. $?' The State Neus pitches ioto tho Free Pret a-w-f-u-l-l-f for daring to publisli tbc affidavit of M. T. Prout, of ManohesUr, that Bradleï F, Gkanüe, he Ropublican cndiJite tor Gongross in lus district w.18 a mcmbor of the Star Spangled Lodge of tho order of KnowNotliings The Nnvs forgcts, liowever, to deny t ha truth of tho affidavit, and what i moro, it dare not doDy it, für it eau be prored by too inany uninipcachable witncsjc. IEP At the recont electión n In dinnn, Sor.ütor liiuv.ut and his I5üeckinbidqe fricndü voted tor Lave and the Ropub'icuo State ticket; and o a the 6th of November tliis s;une Briuiit and tho ivholo BnucKiyRiDUE crew will vtte lor LixboLS. Wluit th'iok those Brckinkidüh men in tbis State who still claim to bc Demuerats of being tho of sucli a party? Th cv aro oertaiüly expected t do likou-iso, and, if they huvo not already, will repeive orders to voto for Lixuoln and GkaxOBR. Ljf Por a lew days our Ropublicati fellpw uitizens have been iiidulging in no little indignation over some very severe strioturei upon Judge Gkangev, whicb appeared a aretent issue of the Young Men' Journul, published at Detruit. It was wel] t-eaeoned, that's a faot, Rd is anothöi' ühistration oí' tlio truth of tho masira that "iamily i,usrrels aro always themost bitter," Tho Journal ia p.ublisbed by two ardent young RepublioaDS, and its editoñals are not attributablo to auy love of Democraoy. - ê ' - &ÏÈ The Iiepublican majority in Ohio at the recent electioD provea to be leS8 tliun tliireen thousand, and the Eopublican ticket was votcd by about fourteen thousand negro voterg, not voten under the eonstitution, but voters made by a recent decisión of the Kopublican Suprerne court, made fbr the emorgeiicy, and ior thu purpose of carrying tha recent electiou and securing the Stato ior Lincoln'. The Republican party is welcome to such victories. D-jL" Ilon. Ebastus Corntxo has been re-nominatod ior Congress in the Albany district Tho Ropublijans having no nag to put on the course agiinst him liave "trotted" out one Tnos. W. OiiCOTT, herotoforo always a TJernocrat, and yet claiming to be one. Tho same gamo was phiyed in 1858, but we don't believc it wil) work this time. Ê5P The Adeerliser still insista that if Giun'ger is electod it will bo a Eepublican gain. Tliis may be so, for Howarp was never legally elccted, and only holds his seat in pursuance of a bargnin between the Republicana and South Amerioans. Thcy played the game of "you ticklo rno, and I'll tickle you," pretty succeHsfully. ESP" We owo an apology to our friend J. Steklin'o Mortov, of Nebrsska, for having reportcd him beaten by Daily. - Later reporta isay that ha 3 elected as dolegate to Congress by a nuijority of 150. Good. I5F The able speech of Hon. S. A Douglas, dotivorod last week, at Detroit, occupies so mueh spaco in our columns that we find t imposible to publisü in thig issue the premiums awarded at the recent County Fair. We regret this very much, but politioal matters have a claim upon our ppace that eannot be overlookcd. fy0 Tho Board of Supervisors adjourned sine die on Saturday evening last, In :i fit ot cconomy thoy only provided for publishing tlieir proceedings in one papor, and our readers will have to rest .aüsfied vvith paying their tuxes without askiog any quostions. LC At the rocent County Fair flOUOLAt Ahkset was nwnrileil tlio first pre niuai, $5, for two lfrse topcirringe; the first iramium, $4, for doublé furra wagou ; nnd the Bccoml premium, $2, for single farm wngn. We are not nt all netonished, for Aekskv ïas n wy of gottinjj op good job. So Jmnplit th'i committee, uní ao tlimight all vis itö i. 6ka& 11 yoa want a choioe, rioh :irt. í c 1 1 ' of Culogne or other toilet perfuiiery, go to ScbOjffJ it Millkb'b, and ynu wülfinda large invoice of Hawley's extraéis, put up in inoat elegant stylu and uf n cxquisite odor timt will tempt you to buy. Go and get n bottli' and t:ikr lióme s a 'present to your wife oi' sweethcart. J&lT Mack luis jnst returned froin New York, ud the elegant new Store of Mack fe StnjiiD is bi'ing erammed fuil of new' seasonable and choie Goods in department. Tlny oir-r greut induosmenti lo ihöir old and new eustomers, and their advertisement wliieh will anpear n next week'e Abgus will be an eye opener to the goods-buying pub lie. In the meantime make a rusli for llieir Store. fëèF Judge Lawrkncbís dow bpliüiig the regular fu 11 terai of the Circuit Court. The CnUndur in not a very large one. III MM lli t An adjounied meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washtonaw Co. Agrieulturnl nna HorticulturalSicicty, will bo held on Saturday, Oct. 37th, at 10 o'clock A. M., ín Rogor's Agriflultural Hall.


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