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STROKG'S, STEONG'S, STRON GS. Cheap Cash Store, Cheap Cash Store, Cheap Gash Store. New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, JUST RECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED. CaU see them, Cali and see lh9m, CaU and see them, EXCIIANGE BLOCK, EXCHANGE BLOCK, EXCHAKGE BLOCK, Dress Goods of all descriptions, Domestic Goocls very lov', YANKEE NOTIONS & HOSIERY, Ladies ard Children's Shoes, CROCKERY & GROOERIES. HATS Sc O-A.IPSHOOP SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, 3nly 4 cents a Hoop. LADIES'CORSETS, LADIES1 CORSETS, A.11 sizes - Latest styles. Woolen and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAKS, . REMEMBER THE PLACE, REMEMBER THE PLACE. EXCHANGE BLOOK, EXCÏÏANGE BLOCK Ann Arbor, Oct. 1860. 768tf BOOTS, SHÖËST -ANDm7R-KJTrJíáL.SS WM. S. SAUNDERS. HAS RECEIVED his Fall stook of G, and ia selling thora at prioes wliich iannot fail to suit cvery oue. !B O O T sss , Mens Boots fi-om $2 to $5 per pair. aiters. Ladies' Kid Calfaud LastingGniters and Bootees from 75 ets to $3.50 Doublé and single soles. Boys, Youtlis and Children's of all prices from 15 ets. to $2 per pair. H. ubbers. Men's and Womon's Rubber Boots and Shoes of all Kinds, T RUNKS. Saratoga, Frencli and Doublé Trunks superior articlo. CaU at WM S SAUNDEBS' 768tf Boot and Shoe Store. Gr O O X S - R1CH GOODS! Cheap Goods! ! BACII & PIER30N TI AVE JUST OPENED TUE CHOICEST STOCK - OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS o be found in this City, consiating oí GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN ! sub3tantiftl and durable, GOODS FOB LADIES! GOODS FOR TUE M ECHA SIC GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLLS, au Garefully Eeli'oted, Waranted to plase, nnd for sale cheap. OOMB A3MD ÍSEJ3S. BAGH PIEHSON _October, 1860, 76Stf STEAY, mAKEX ÜP BT tii.. mbHorlkM-, on tüp 9th of Auguit X a Bay gelding Pony, luniorad hi bu eirht yN old, with Iwo whltB fift. The mrner e reru(wtwl (t, prove property aud takclmo iav Brldgttrati'r, A'if . 1. l0. 7r! jfc acts for the Feople - OF- WASHENAW - JID- ADJOIiMNG COUiNTIES ! And thcir numeróos qnestions auswcred. Why is Everyhmhj trading at the "BANNER STORE? '- ZJecause j A. P. SVSÏLLS, the Proprietorol thnt Establishment haijust returned from the Eastern Cities wnh the Largest, Ilandsomed, Cieapest, and Host Attraetive Stock of S TAPLE AKD FANOY DRY COODS! ever brought to tbispart of tbc State.) Why is Ecenjbodtj pleascd loith kis Stock? Recause hlatcyïea are more beautiful, qu&ttty btterand ptioM lover tiiau at ;my other store in the oounty. Why has he alivays Something New and Chcap to Show Bec&usfl ho hasa frienrt eonnected with one of the y yet Drjr Goods Houses in New Yorkrwho i.s continuulst " BOBIUNO ROUXV" for cheap trgimand the Uu t stylus, as Uicy appear from tune to time, and intLia w.-iy keep hlm flupplied witb syles, and eouaoqueatlj' cus"lumei's caualwuys tind buniL'thingFresh, NEW" CIIEAT andDESIRABLE Why does he sell so much Cheaper thtn the rest? Beciuse he lias s bnyor !n the city all tlie time to tnkc nlvaniaire of the continua] ohaege of the m.irket, &od n that way bujra his goods much eheapr than utbers can, and thex he maraá them do d to tho LOWBST IPI&DFIBS, Why does hc sell Ladies' and Childrens' Shor.s fo much che-iper than was ecer heurd of by the oUest Shoemakets? 3ecausc he lmys hi stock in the land of shopnwkcrs, of be manufacture, fuliy 16 per cent ebeeper than the Vew Yort Jobbers aell tin-m, and much better rk than heygenerallf keep. Ihta course enablea him to sull a benw Gaiter for 35 Cents. otherisel] at 50 cents, and a better FOXED QAITEP t 00 conti] tbaii others teil at 75 ceat. Has He any Hats and Caps? Ves, I ahould tliink lie haa Riacl;s of tbemj onoagh to upplv the State, at prioM lowcr thau was ever hcardoi -ouodthMe purts. Why is his Tea so much hrttcr for the price you pay than you get at other placts't ïecause he takesgreat care in selecting it, and givssliis SoitomSTi the benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOE 50 CENTS, It is a -ay he ha3 got, Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have them Vut or Made? To the BAXN'ER STORE, where tho People's Bauner ii unfurled for the People'sgood, Bouth ide of l'ubüc Square, a few doors weat oTCook'.' Hotel. A. P. MIL.I.S. Bept 1?, isro. VOLUxNTEIRS WANTED! TO ASSIST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Vhite folks, or of wliatever color, ca3te or nativity, whêther married, singlo or of doubtful connexion, will be enlisted in the nolile cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUN1TY -FROM THE- THRALDOm OF HIGH PRIGSS ! and will receive Iheir outfit at the Extensive Fur nishing Establishment ■■OF THE- G U ITERMAN' S HE AD QUARTERS! liaving been establisLod for the L AS T TEN YEAS8, our known rulo of warfare is an Uiidi sgnised Dcslr uction OF IIIOII PItlCES ! for c jlm o rc xxx :n" oFor all gesf Sex and Condltions! In consoquence of the very flittering ensourngernent wbieb -we hare received lince our location in this ciiy, we have increase.l our Stook of FALL AND WINTER C L O T H S U C! To meet the demands of onr customors, anJ having beoome mor,' fully cuiivinct'd than ever, that onr mode of daaling, namoly: at ihe lowest possible rotea for REA.I3Y-PAY; is the only true plan; we will continue t: eerve the public as heretofore during the Ouming full and winter. Our .-tock consists in every varlety of READY M A D E CLOTHING ! PI: in and Fancy CLOTHS, CASSIMKRS. SILK, AND 8ILK VELVETS. A large lot of GKNTLEMEN'S FURNISHINü GOODS, whicli are all warranted 13ON'T FAIL, TO o.i&.XjXJlja..n!1 et. xi. c, For past favors wc aro grateful ío all, Theeame for largo ones in proportion, And those wl;o see rit to cali bhall receive our best smiles and devotiou. M. Guiterman & Co. N. B. Students and all others who want to te SONDHEIM'd aew raode of outting will Ju wcll lo eall and leavt their nityisure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Aam Atbor, S-'.-pt. M, K Tp;;f


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Michigan Argus